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Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:10:49 PM
"A new specimen...heee...eeheeeheeee!" cackled the doctor. "I hope he is as good as my precious evil dog..."

The deranged doctor Armaiil Kryatir stepped into the operating room to find a vampire strapped to his operating table.

"And how did we get so lucky?" he asked in mock surprise.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:20:19 PM
:: my eyes snapped open and I smile crept across my face as the man entered. The straps holding me to the table had been made to look like I was held down, I had done that shortly after I had let myself come here. I had heard this human mortal dealt in pain and I had been bored as of late. My armor was underneath my skin and my sword was sheathed but they both shifted beneath my skin at the sight of the man, making my skin move like water slightly.
The straps came undone and I sat up and stared at the man with cold violet eyes. MY hand drifted to the table holding all of the surgical tools, a syringe floated to my hand and I licked the blade, it was very sharp and the blood rolled down my tongue before I slurped it back up. My tongue healed just as quick as the cut and I smiled as I replaced the syringe. I stood up and stretched before turning to the doctor.::

I am Valirion Thorn, I am not your dog, and as much as I care, you are mine. I'm bored and I've heard you expirement in the most interesting ways. I offer a trade, you may study me in exchange for transcendence.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:31:41 PM
"Transcendence? What use do I have for that?" he asked. "I am content with my work here...as for studying you?"

He smirked.

"I would enjoy the opportunity."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:37:15 PM
What you care about does not matter to me, do you accept?

:: My armor stirred again at the man's disrespectful attitude of the transcendence... Breaching the planes was our steps to godhood. This human would learn respect afterwards.::

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:40:18 PM
"If I must..." Armaiil said with annoyance. "Now get back on the table, so that we might begin..."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:47:10 PM
:: I shook my head, my plans for this mortal's end already being devised. I wouldn't drink from this one, I would bleed him across the wall and let the ground drink his blood after this...
I sat back on the table and lied down. My armor sprang from my skin and splattered upwards through my marble white face. He wouldn't be able to operate with it hidden otherwise. The armor then split open and my still bleeding body was revealed underneath. My muscles tensed as blood seeped out and the sinews tightened like piano cords. I looked at the man with a sneer before speaking in a rasped voice, this was a minor pain, something I had experienced many times before.::

Make the cuts hard and deep or I will heal to quickly for you to get anything of use. Don't bother with the armor, it will not let you touch it and if you bother my sword I will not blame it for trying to fight back. Now get on with it!

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:51:28 PM
"Patience, patience, friend. All in due time..."

The maniacal doctor adjusted the light over the table, then reached for his scalpel. After a few seconds thought, he cut Valirion from the top of his ribcage to his navel, burying the blade as deep as he could. No different from making his alterations. He pried the skin back and looked quizzically at Valirion's innards.

"And that armor came from here?"

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:55:24 PM
:: through a rasped voice the armor itself whispered like a demon.::


:: My eyes rolled back in my head as my heart continued to beat and blood poured through the veins and arteries inside. My lungs stay still and the stomach slowly gurgled. The symbiotic attachment of the armor was apparent, its own intestines and organs were intertwined with my own and they beat fervently with anxiety that an unfamiliar person was studying them. I stared calmly at the man as he continued his study.::

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:59:42 PM
"Hm...perhaps I should pry further...I do not understand where that armor came from..."

Armaiil pulled the flesh father apart, with a sickly ripping, blood squirted up from the open wound and he leaned his head to the side to avoid the stream. Holding the flesh open, he reached again for the scalpel.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:15:28 PM
:: Instantly a small psuedoarm shot from the armor and grabbed the scalpel before the doctor could it whipped up like a snake and the armor hissed. I slowly forced it to place the scalpel back and return to a dormant state, I was enjoying this too much to have my armor ruin it. The blood flowed freely throughout me and I felt myself sitting in a puddle of my own blood now. My sword let out a screech of ecstasy as it tasted my own blood on its tongue.::

The armor was something grown inside me from birth, an implanted symbiotic organism that has grown with me throughout the years and then my people are also given a weapon of their choosing and my sword is grafted to my spine.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:18:45 PM
"Symbiotic weaponry living in another's flesh!" The doctor fairly clapped with sadistic glee. "Why had I never thought of it before?"

He took up the scalpel and cut deeper, prying the flesh apart, shifting the muscle beneath with his bare hands.

"How does it work? How does this armor exist within you?"

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:27:16 PM
:: The previous cuts were beggining to try to pull themselves together and the muscle he was going over was tensing as it tried to heal also. I turned my head to the side slightly as I kept the armor under control. It didn't like this man, much less his attention being turned on the armor.::

A simple cell synthetic organism is implanted in the fetus during pregnancy and the symbiotic growth begins there, at birth the baby is operated upon and the simple cell organism becomes the nervous system of the armor and the organs and other systems are implanted at birth. The armor develops under the skin of the infant until the age of adolescence where it is allowed to "hatch" from its cocoon. It is then changed in shape and form according to the personality of the host. As you can see, my armor is a demon.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:33:50 PM
"Yes, yes..." he said, attention diverting from the weapons and armor of Valirion. At birth? He would find a way around that...Armaiil released the skin, allowing it to heal.

"What an amazing rate of healing..."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:44:21 AM
Yes, immortality can have its downsides at times. Unfortuanately, I will come away from this unharmed.

:: And I thought to myself, unfortuanately for you doctor... It will not be the same. The armor quivered at the thought of tearing this thing apart and hanging him on the wall.::

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:51:36 PM
"Immortality, you say..."

The doctor paused, contemplating.

"Is this immortality what causes your high rate of healing?"

Valirion Thorn
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:11:27 PM
:: I snorted, had I not just told him that?::

Yes, my body is constantly trying to reach perfection, bleeding and wounds are not its idea of that.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 19th, 2002, 02:15:21 PM
"Just being sure..." said the doctor in a sing song voice. he laughed once, a sharp, bark of a laugh, then started singing as he made notes. "Weaponry, living, living in another being, a wonderful surprise for any enemy..."

Armaiil finished his note taking and looked to Valirion.

"Roll over."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:46:35 PM
:: The armor slowly shifted as I pushed my self up and rolled over my head turned to the side. The sword grafted into my spine could now be seen and the great eye on its hilt. It swiveled about and glared at the doctor and the blade like tongue twisted down my spine. The armor twisted about so that the most of it was now on my front but the spikes protruding from my bones and muscles could still be visibly seen.
The armor twisted about and a small slver moved upwards into the air and spotted the piece of paper and transmited what it read to me. I smiled and spoke while my eyes were closed.::

You'd be surprised how much will is required to have a symbiotic relationship. It cannot become parasitic unless one of the beings is immortal, and with what you play with I find that to be a rarity. It must be a mutalistic relationship and the more sentient one must have enough will to stay seperate mentaly from the other at the same time or else he will be lowered to the lesser's mental capacity, leading to failure.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 20th, 2002, 01:38:18 AM
"Eheheeheee...Ah, that is true, very true. But I will make alterations...I will find a way to make your abilities suit my purposes!"

Armaiil looked into the sword's eye.

"Your weapon seems to dislike me," he noted, searching for the place to make his first incision.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:43:35 PM
I don't like you, get used to it and get on with it. My weapon won't like you until your blood is rolling along its tongue, but I'd assume neither of us would prefer that at the moment.

:: The spinal bands about my sword twisted and tightened and my weapon screeched in momentary pain, I smiled and waited for the doctor to continue, I had to hold back for now...::

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 23rd, 2002, 08:41:56 PM
Clearly Valirion meant to eventually kill him. But Armaiil didn't especially care. The vampire couldn't do much to him anyway, especially since he wore a small shielding unit for specimen outbreaks. He cut parallel to the sword, seeing how he couldn't cut perpendicularly without hitting it, and pulled the flesh apart.

"Not much different from normal people, are you?" he asked disappointedly.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 25th, 2002, 06:23:50 PM
You want to see the differences dear doctor? I am not a person, I am a god!

:: My body convulsed and a quick fluid ran throughout the laces of the sinewy mucles. The blood in the bare veins pulsed and the open bones twisted and small thorns protruded. I pushed myself off the table and slightly grunted.::

Excuse me... Laying down is not possible in this form. This would be the effects of long term symbiosis with the armor. My own body adapts to the liquid metal.

:: I stood and blood spurted like a fountain from the cuts, this also was a step into the next plane of pain. The muscles twisted again and the muscles seemed to produce continuos amounts of more sinews that constantly wrapped about the body as more spikes sliced through them and grew to large spikes. Two huge blades came out of the shoulder blades and my eyes went blood red.::

Tell me how different I am now doctor, I am Thorn.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 25th, 2002, 09:29:13 PM
Armaiil sat down on another operating table, studying this new development. He viewed this assimilation of the armor as a drawback, to one that was not a vampire, such as this would be fatal.

"Different..." he agreed.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:06:38 AM
:: This doctor had done enough, I was finished here. The doctor had been nice enough to help me reach a higher plane and my gratitude went far enough, I'd figure I'd end his misery of mortality now while I'm already set to go at it.
The armor quickly wrapped itself about me and I felt my skin growing back, the spikes and blades still protruding from the armor, the demonic face on the helmet sneered and smiled as I drew my sword.::

It has been a wonderful time but I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you now and if you decide to run, I'll be sure to destroy as much as possible before I leave.

Armaiil Kryatir
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:00:14 PM
"Do your worst. I would love to gauge your abilities."

Armaiil bowed.

"It was a pleasant experience to work with you. Good bye."

And in a flash of light, the sadistic doctor was gone.