View Full Version : Prometheus Training I: Guilty hand
Salem Ave
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:29:26 AM
A message had been sent to one of the newest recruits, which had arrived at his quarters early in the morning. It was a hologram, of a man in a dark cloak, who features could not be distinguished, yet who spoke with a most peculiar voice:
“Come to the enclosed co-ordinates by the time the sun sets.”
Where those co-ordinates lead was to a café on Corellia. At one of the tables there, once the sun had gone down, Salem sat. He was tucked away into one corner, yet would be clearly visible to the apprentice when he arrived.
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:05:12 PM
Prometheus had Fallowed the directions to the co-ordinates specified.He stood before a small cafe. It looked dark and uninviting . Just the kind of place he liked. He drew little attention in these places. He felt at home.
He walked into the dark, smoke filled building and felt the dark figure before he saw him. He turned to look in the direction of the man and seen him sitting in the darkest corner of the cafe. He looked cautiously throughout the entire cafe for anything he might feel odd or threatening then walked to the table where the man sat.
" You summoned me? "
Salem Ave
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:31:04 AM
“Yes. Sss-it.”
As the Sith apprentice did so Salem nodded to him in greeting.
“You may think this an unusual place to begin yourrr training, but I have chosen it specifically for one reason – the people herrre have weak minds,” the vampyre said in a hushed tone.
“Your task here tonight will be to manipulate them to the best of your abilities, howeverrr before we begin I need to know what ssskills you currently possess.”
Oct 18th, 2002, 10:44:49 AM
Prometheus Sat in the chair across form the dark figure. He now recognized him as the one he met upon his entrance into the Palace. He looked around the cafe once more. Someone here watched them he could feel it. He sat with his back to most of the creatures in the cafe. This did not concern him he did not fear them. He listened as Salem ask about his Skills. He knew this would lead to questions of his past.His past was something he wished not share. He hide from his past . He had run from who he was . What part of his past he did not run from he did not want anyone to know about. But if this man was to be his master he would have to share His past . but only what parts he wanted.
" My skills? I have many skills. My skills with the force are raw and mostly untamed. I have combat training in many areas. Explosives, small arms, blade weapons, many types of hand to hand combat , and evasive operations. "
He turned his head slightly to look at a man sitting in the adjacent corner of the cafe,then back to Salem.
" I was not trained in the force by a master. I was trained by a man who had knowledge of training technics, but was not a force user himself. He had me doing concentration exercises. He told me to seek a master to train me . I have always been able to sense other force users . Also have some precognitive abilities, though it is more of a sense then an ability. what else would you like to know? "
Salem Ave
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:57:37 AM
“That is sufficient for the time being.”
Salem brought his hands together as he propped his elbows on the table in front of him, forming a steeple with his fingertips. His voice, to all other but Prometheus, grew almost silent, but the apprentice could hear his words clear as day.
“The Force is in all of usss. It is almost parasitic, and lives in the cells of our body. Not just humanoidsss, of courrrse – everything in the universe has its own unique count of midichlorines, the micro-organisms which perrrmit us to use the force, in return for our hosting them. Sssince we are all different, we all have a unique count and pattern, which compromises our Force Signature, as many will call it.”
He paused, to make sure his apprentice was still following.
“… Now, as a Darksider, to use the Force, you must tap into negative emotionsss. Unlike Jedi who rrrely on calm thoughts, yours must be filled with rage, anguisssh and pain. Wherever you drrraw that from, I do not care – your past, a battle, anything … if need be I will give you more pain…”
Salem narrowed his eyes.
“… Beforrre you begin any sort of training, you must be able to feel the darkside, asss it weavesss through you, fuelled by your aggression and hatred.”
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:34:08 AM
Prometheus closes his eyes and remembers a point in time. A point of rage, of hate. He felt the power coursing through him.It empowered him , gave him a feeling of endless energy. He felt the power inside him and he also felt his lack of control over it.
He released his hold on the power the dark side had created inside him and opened his eyes.
" I Lack control of the forces inside me ."
Salem Ave
Oct 21st, 2002, 02:19:59 AM
“Give me yourrr hand.”
The apprentice was unsure at first, but with urging from Salem allowed the vampire to take up his wrist in his own three-pronged talon like hand. He gripped it firmly, and slowly began to concentrate, as waves of dark energy swept from his pores at his command, ebbing into Prometheus’ being – he would now be able to feel the dark side in him.
“You sss-ee, this is how it feels. All you need to do, is to think of angerrr pain and such, and slowly concentrate upon it. I will know when you have completed this.”
Oct 21st, 2002, 08:53:56 PM
Salem took Prometheus' hand . He was infused with power from the hand of the dark creature. Dark power. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the control of this power. The control in which Salem used to yield it. He drew upon his own past. His own anger and hatred. He felt the power inside him build. he concentrated on it, drew from it. He felt it coursing through his body. Infusing him with energy , with strengh. With power.
" I feel the power inside growing. "
He concentrated more on the control of the force growing inside him.
Salem Ave
Oct 24th, 2002, 04:27:32 AM
“Now lissssten…”
As the apprentice opened his mind, he would begin to hear the thoughts of others around him, albeit faintly. All he would have to do now is to focus upon one mind. Salem whispered:
“Pick someone, and try to hear everything they are thinking… then if you can, carefully inject new thoughts into their mind.”
Oct 24th, 2002, 11:19:37 PM
Prometheus Listened to the thoughts of the patrons in the cafe. Many minds garbled together. he tried to find one to concentrate on. One mind caught his attention. A man who had been watching him and Salem. he felt the suspicion in the mans mind . He thought he had recognized one of them. He could not place him but the man was sure he knew the last stranger to enter. Prometheus reached out to the mans mind. Concentrating on the task he was performing.
He felt the mans thoughts. His curiosity. He meant them no harm. The man only thought he knew Prometheus. He was A rememberable figure in his armor. He always wore his armor. Few people Had ever seen him with out it. he reached into the mans memories. trying to find the thoughts he had of him. he would try to wipe the mans memories. Make him forget he had even thought he knew him.
He wiped the memory of him from the mans mind. He also Implanted a thought of his being late for an appointment at the
space port.
The Man got up Laid some credits on his table for a tip and left the cafe. He opened his eyes and looked at Salem .
Salem Ave
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:37:15 AM
“Excellent work, my apprrrentice.”
Salem nodded, “Now choossse another… we are going to practice some more complex skills on them, so I need you to lead them out of the café. Make them think you are an old friend, and that you wish to go for a walk down by the lake.”
Oct 28th, 2002, 06:31:28 PM
Prometheus looked around the room for another subject to manipulate. He noticed a younger man sitting at a table alone.
He reached into the mans mind,into his memories. he reached out with the force and centered on the memories of the man. He searched the memory of a childhood friend. One the subject had grew up with. He concentrated and implanted his image onto the memory. Immediately the man at the table began looking at Prometheus. Prometheus then reached into the his mind and implanted the idea that he wanted to talk about old times and that he would meet him near the lake.The man nodded and walked out of the cafe. Prometheus rose from his seat and nodded to Salem .
" He is meeting me by the lake. "
Salem Ave
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:53:35 AM
Salem rose, and the two followed the man down to the lake’s edge. As it was late in the evening, there was no one else to be seen, and the trio met at the waters edge offering welcoming smiles. Prometheus and his ‘friend’ exchanged a few words, before Salem turned the Sith Apprentice away and said:
“I want you to get him into the lake, however you wisssh to do so.”
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:00:20 PM
Prometheus turned to the man he had led to the lake. He had made small talk with him planting more memories as he did . the man now believed they had been friends as children and hadn't seen each other for years. Prometheus reached into the man mind again . It was becoming easier to do but Prometheus still had to concentrate . He reached into the mind of the stranger and implanted the memory of them swimming as children. How they splashed and swam all day long until they were called home by there parents. He then implanted the idea for them to go swimming again. The man looked at Prometheus
" Hey remember when we used to swim all day long. Those where the days. Nothing to worry about . You didn't have to look over your shoulder every time you walked into a new place. Man I miss those days. I got a crazy idea ,lets go swimming. I haven't done that in so long . How knows when or if we will run into each other again . Lets do it lets go swimming. "
Prometheus stared at the man . Looking deep into him. With a almost silent voice he said.
" Yes lets go swimming. You jump in and i will fallow you in a min after I tell my friend what i am doing. "
" Aright Invite him too if you think he would like to. "
Prometheus turned to Salem as the man took off his shirt and jumped in the water.
" What next master? "
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