View Full Version : Cold Blaine Training I: Rage of the Winter

Salem Ave
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:23:58 AM
A storm like no other was about to strike Corellia. As the Sith Knight Salem Ave began the walk from his quarters in the Sith Palace to the steps, where he was set to meet his newest apprentice, he could feel the chill. The wind cut through the halls like ice, and the windows were coated in glassy sheets that distorted the view onto the land outside. Protectively, he pulled his cloak about his frame as he pushed through the great double doors into the hail of snow. Beneath his feet, a thick blanket of deadly white lay, shrouding potential dangers under foot from sight. It had been an unfortunate day to begin training, but fitting for an apprentice with a name like Cold.

Oct 17th, 2002, 06:20:09 PM
The echoes of steps were heard in the halls of The Sith Order as a new Sith Apprentice made his way to his new Master that would train him to become something more than what he already is. The environment was familiar to what Cold was used to.

It was similar to the freezing nights he had felt in the lonely alleys of an overcrowded city. At nights, silence was heard because of the fear of roaming the dangerous streets. All of his life, Cold had lived as a homeless person. Fate had led him to where he is now; The Sith Order.

Feeling the cool breeze embrace his face as he exited to the Training Grounds, Cold looked around, spotting Sith Knight Salem Ave.

"It's time," Cold said to himself.

He walked towards Salem as the wind kept blowing, moving the snow beneath him. His clothes billowing, he made his way in front of the Sith Knight and nodded.

Salem Ave
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:28:30 AM
Slowly he turned and looked from beneath the now damp hood he wore to Cold, examining the apprentice for a moment.

“We mussst shelter beneath one of the trrr-ees, for a while...”

At his Master’s command, the two made their way slowly from their current position to lurk beneath a tall thick trunked tree, which shaded them from most of the oncoming snow.

“… I want to know about you, Cold. Everrrything you are willing to tell.”

Oct 19th, 2002, 11:55:56 AM
Obeying his Master, Cold made his way behind the large tree. They were protected from the snow by the large tree that served as shelter.

Once there, he replied to his Master's question, as if he didn't have an interesting story to tell.

"What's to tell? I raised myself practically. I grew up in a dangerous city where the occasional thieves, murderers were common to see running around the streets. I don't know who my parents are... I was a bit solitary, but the so called friends that I had weren't really those I could trust. Most of them were drug dealers that just wanted me to work for them."

Cold turned to Salem, looking at him straight in the eye as he told his story.

"One day, it was a cold winter morning, cloudy, as usual, I roamed the streets that were lit up by dim lights. It was my usual day; looking around where I would find my food to survive. Hunger was an issue I had to live with all my life. As I made my way around, I saw a child, with bags of food. What did I do? I immediately rushed my way towards him.... and killed him."

A brief pause was heard, yet Cold had no emotions for this child.

"Many people had seen me kill the child, but I escaped from any authorities that tried to stop me. All I remember hearing the people say was: That man had no emotions...no heart. It was so cruel, and disgusting. His act was so... cold."

Cold looked at the floor, then back at Salem and smiled.

"Guess they were right, but I was hungry. I needed to eat. That was how I earned my glorious name..."

Salem Ave
Oct 20th, 2002, 03:23:47 AM
“Currrious … but killing children is no difficult act, requiring no sss-kill.”

Salem canted his head, “Do you have any abilities perrrtaining to the darksssider, or even advanced combat techniques?”

Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:21:38 PM
"Maybe it's not a difficult task," Cold said, a bit insulted from Salem's comment, "...but it was the event that changed my whole life."

Cold cracked his fingers.

"It changed my view towards the world, and darkness filled my soul. Now, I don't care about anything. You tell me to kill some innocent bistander? I'll do it. You tell me to steal some valuable thing? I'll do it. I don't care anymore... I don't care..."

Listening to his Master, Cold answered Salem's question.

"I have no official techniques. But as a boy, I observed some Dark Siders... moving objects with the Force, I suppose... I was surprised that they hadn't detected my lurking, or maybe they wanted me to hear. I learned a few things like Force Push and Pull, but in my own ways. Very customized and complicated. Therefore, I would say that I do not have much skills in anything."

Salem Ave
Oct 24th, 2002, 04:25:25 AM
“Then your first task is to create a wall from the snow at our feet, using the force. You mussst stablize it forrr at least 10 seconds, or more if you can.”

Oct 25th, 2002, 09:52:00 PM
"10 seconds?," Cold repeated.

"How big?," Cold asked.

Salem Ave
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:35:47 AM
“It must surround usss completely, and shield us from the eyes of those who may be watching.”

Oct 30th, 2002, 06:57:32 PM
Cold focused on the negative energy around him. As he had said before, he wasn't an 'expert' at Force moves at all. The snow surrounding them was perfect to use for construction, but would the young Blaine be fast enough?

With motions of his hands, he gathered small portions of snow in front of him. He couldn't move big objects, therefore he moved them in small portions. It took him a bit of time to get the snow to surround them up to their waist, but Cold was not used to reaching towards the Dark Side to help him.

A minute later, Cold had completed his task. It was faster than what he had expected.

"It was a minute...," Cold said, ashamed of his time.