View Full Version : Oh no! It's the Heat! (Kindo and Lion)

Angelica Shin
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:33:27 PM
OOC- This is like, totally unplanned, so whatever happens happens, okay?


*tap tap*

She tapped her fingers to the rythm of the music blaring into her ears from the headphones she's wearing, one hand holding the steering device for the Cab that she's driving. Her friend, Rubes, who owns and drives the cab, got sick, so she was filling in for him.

"Can you work...Let me......" she half-spoke half-sang quietly, still drumming her fingers and being caught in Corusant's daily traffic was fine for her, Rubes had warned her that's she'd be doing nothing for long periods of time. But she didn't mind, it also kept the two who were, at least she thought, assigned to watch over her by the Council of the Jedi busy. She then caught sight of what could only be.....Well gosh darn it! It's Saphir.

"Must be done work...." she muttered to herself, clicking the walkman off and pulling the cab out of main traffic so she could pick up her friend.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:37:59 AM
Lion was up on a rooptop, pretty much concealed from view, except for the pair of binoculars peeking out from a big crack in the roof....his "target" was a few stories below, drumming her fingers on the car's steering wheel...

(ooc: Damn, I'm late!! Sorry!!!!)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 7th, 2002, 09:16:55 PM
Kindo silently walked upon the ledge of a lofty tower, his jet-black attire flowing with the breeze. Though he was wearing his concealing sunglasses, it was apparent he was observing a certain yellow cab. According to his comrade Lion, Ange was the driver.

Has he continued to stroll across the towering edge, he continued to keep his eyes locked tightly upon the former Jedi.