View Full Version : Monster request

Oct 16th, 2002, 07:46:23 PM
Is there another monster that I can fight against?

Zatania Duvall
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:49:27 PM
I thought I saw another monster post somewhere here.. I forgot his or her name, but the sig definately sticks out in my head. It reminded me of a sadistic version of the Loony Tunes logo. lol Let me find it for you. If I do I'll edit this post with the name so you know who to PM. *is bored and desperately wants to help* ;)

EDIT The name of the other monster I saw lurking about is Tucta.

Oct 16th, 2002, 07:49:31 PM
Does a 7 foot tall droid built solely for combat count?

Jared Mriad
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:51:31 PM
8ft tall half draco Old Tounge Morph combined with the mind of a sociopath?

(points at self.)

imported_Altered Beast
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:52:10 PM
We come in 2 versions: monstrosities and hordes of underlings. Take your pick.

Oct 16th, 2002, 07:56:32 PM
Oooo. Idea - how about a monster's open brawl?

Levi Argon
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:58:57 PM
Ogre has a character on Meras, go there. :)

Oct 16th, 2002, 08:05:48 PM
Open brawl? I'll have to decline that one. Reason's purpose is to protect Lillian Snow, and she wouldn't go near that.

imported_Altered Beast
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:07:02 PM
It works either way for us.

Jared Mriad
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:07:35 PM
Unnnlessss she happen to accedentally end up in the specific area at the specific time in which this specific event happens.

Or be in the imeadate area.

(thumbs up on the brawl)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:09:13 PM
Godzilla! Destroy All Monsters! A crazy new Gamecube game which just came out. I played this game for an hour at my friends work yesterday. (He works at Gamestop) Now, the gameplay is simple, and it has NO story line. But this is one HELL of a party game. Able to dish it out with 4 other players at once in a Confined City. You have the ability to pick up smaller buildings and chuck them at your opponent. Or even chuck your opponent into the larger buildings. A few hits in a larger building can send it crashing down on to your enemy. Or a charged up energy blast will send the other monster flying backwards until you run out of energy or some object stops him. Plenty of fun for the whole family. This is a must rent game, or, if you have friends over often. I must buy. If you never hang out with your friends playing games, Don't buy it. It will get boring fast.

imported_Altered Beast
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:10:36 PM
And that has what to do with planning a monster RP?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:11:44 PM
What is an RP? It is role playing!!! You play the Role of your Favorite Godzilla Monster!

Morgan Evanar
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:27:01 PM
...which has nothing to do with the thread. Please don't add irrellevant content, like what you posted. Thats spam. Read the tags.

Back on topic:
I'm fairly certain one of the Hutts has a rancor.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:30:49 PM
I can always see if Gorgja wants to have a rancor duke it out with you. :)

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:44:41 PM
(Buckles chinstrap)

Put me in! I'll do it! I'll do it! ;)

The only monsters I can think of would be Shenraun, Tucta, and thats pretty much it.

Oct 16th, 2002, 08:49:45 PM
The Altered Beings seem to be up for it. Figure a way to get a shy, gentle, highly sheltered teenage girl in the middle of a huge monster free for all and I will join you.

Oct 16th, 2002, 09:31:09 PM
*Sneezes on Lochabre, effectively showering him with snot.*


Oct 16th, 2002, 09:37:53 PM
Oh! Oh! And after the Monster Brawl, we can all go out to the Monster Bar and celebrate with gallon size mugs of beer while singing bar songs.

I'm game, though I think Shenraun might be a bit big. Out of fairness, I dunno if he should be involved. Tucta can definitely fit in though.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:23:28 AM


Shenraun can kiss my hiney. ;) :crack

I wanna see Tucta eat Lochabre and then die from the acid. :)

Oct 17th, 2002, 09:04:34 AM
Is Tucta an adult Rancor?

Oct 17th, 2002, 12:52:41 PM
Couldn't tell you. Shenraun, you could act as a sort of referee if you feel you couldn't participate in the brawl...

Salem Ave
Oct 17th, 2002, 02:10:27 PM
I have a big demon thing named the Daumagoth, which I plan on using for an RP in the future.

Looks like: http://sithwolf.clanpages.com/salem/guardian_sig.JPG

Just if you're interested.

Lady Vader
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:21:26 PM
Yes, Tucta is indeed an adult Rancor straight from Dathomir.

As to the idea for Shenraun, not bad Zeke. It can be taken into consideration. :)

Oct 17th, 2002, 05:34:44 PM
Tucta would be a bit large also if full grown

Lady Vader
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:40:55 PM
Oh. I guess I was under the impression Lochabre was just about as big, if not the same size, as Tucta. :\

Oct 17th, 2002, 06:11:23 PM
Buchi's up for something brawlin'......Even tho everyone is sooo much bigger than her.

Oct 17th, 2002, 08:52:21 PM
ok when I first posted about the rancors size I was thinking about a referance in "The Courtship of Princess Leia" about them being larger full grown. Well I checked it out . they are normally 5 to 10 meters tall but the ones on Dathomir are larger. If I am correct i think they were between 20 and 30 meters. I would check my book but someone has it. Mabey someone else can clear the rancor size up. I do know the ones on Byss were 5 to 10 meters

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2002, 01:06:54 AM
Just checked my SW animals guide - Rancors seem to be 5 - 10 meters in height. The one pictured with a Dathomir witch confirms the size.

Anything bigger than that and you would have a beast just too big to move effectively or able to eat enough to keep going, not a meat eater anyway. Not unless there was one hell of a lot of prey about.

That would make Tukca about the same height as Lochabre - I set it at about 5-6 meters tall. The Balrog would be closer to 20

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2002, 05:15:42 PM
Then exactly how the hell do you fit Lochabre into the B&G? That is freaking mind-boggling.

Lady Vader
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:16:38 PM
Uh, it has a high ceiling? :lol

I remember one time I stuck Tucta into the kitchen of the B&G. Afterwards, I kept wondering to myself how the hell I did that. :lol

Ok, checked checked out specs for the Rancor:

The Essential Guide To Alien Species

...Height of average adult: 10 metters...

...Rancors are fearsome fighters. Their fists can smash prey flat, while their massive jaws enable them to swallow human-sized morsels whole. Thier thick, powerful hides make them highly resistant to blasters and other handheld energy weapons. Even melee weapons cannot punture their tough layers of skin...

There's more, but it's mostly what the rancor looks like, and how it behaves. Bascially "Discovery Channel" info.

Mutant Cockroach
Oct 18th, 2002, 11:19:58 PM

Oct 19th, 2002, 09:43:07 AM
Let's see, Buchi is 6ft tall, that would make her about 2 meters....

So she's one-fith Tucta's size and (depending on how tall Lochy is) about one-third Loch's size.....

*looks at Roach and wonders what the frek he is doing here*

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:22:11 PM
"Ma'am, ain't nobody ever told you that it ain't the size of the dog in the fight that counts, its the size of the fight in the dog." :)

Mutant Cockroach
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:33:14 PM
"That's right! No matter how many times they try and make you fall, you just gotta get back on your feet and keep trying until you succeed. Don't let them see you're scared or nervous - you gotta prove yourself."

Oct 19th, 2002, 12:34:55 PM
*ignores the speeches, grabs the roach and eats him*

I missed lunch.

PS- Roach, I'm kidding Buchi wouldn't eat you without good reason, like she is starving or something.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:37:11 PM
(Stays low, drives his feet, runs, growls, and plows through Buchi)

imported_Altered Beast
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:41:56 PM
We come in any size and shape. Smallest is probably a meter, at the biggest maybe 3.

Oct 19th, 2002, 12:45:55 PM
I am 7 ft, so I'd be slightly taller than Buchi. But size makes no difference. After all, David defeated Goliath.

Mutant Cockroach
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:49:26 PM
:: Pops out of Buchi's mouth ::

"That's right, Jackson, we gotta stick together and show the world what we're made out of!"