View Full Version : Musical Bloodbath. (Dual Challenge: 2 Jedis)

Jared Mriad
Oct 16th, 2002, 06:58:40 PM
Roughly nearing 7pm on a nice cool evening. In a wide open auditorium, thousands of people crowded around a dark stage. Nothing could be seen on the platform, nor could be heard. Cheers and rants flowered from the ever growing crowd of fans for the begining of the show.

And it started.

In a flash of loud explosions, and brilliant light. A Concert began in the upper levels of Coruscant. A red headed male in black rocked teh stage with a equally black electric guitar while other members of the band played in synqronized manner behind him.

He grabbed the nearby mike and began the first set of lyrics for the opener song

"End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction"

The other members of the band kicked in for the Chorus,
Taste me you will see
more is all you needyou're dedicated to
how I'm killing you
Come crawling faster
obey your Master
your life burns faster
obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream

The red head took over again,

Needlework the way, never you betray
life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
chop your breakfast on a mirror


Master, Master, Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, You promised only lies
Laughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, Laughter, laughing at my cries

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered days
now your life is out of season
The Chorus faded out as the Red head picked up with a manical laughter, which faded as the lights dimmed. Within the crowd, a certain other person watched the concert as well as the Red head on the stage. They had plans. Very Nice Plans Indeed.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:27:02 PM
Cherice grinned as she watched Jared perform; The crowd was going wild and she enjoyed it. Dressed in a black top with leather pants, she even had on a spiked bracelet to "fit in". A girl screamed Jared's name in her ear and suddenly the girl found she couldn't breathe.

Cherice kicked the dead body away from her feet.

Her grin grew even wider as the lights dimmed and the music stopped. It wouldn't be long now .. especially with that laugh he had.

Jared Mriad
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:36:17 PM
The Lights faded back on, this time with huge duel monitors above the stage projecting the image of the lead singer with amasing quality.

It showed the Red looking over his shoulder, wearing a black duster and cowboy hat. Tipping down the brim, as the crowd began to cheer, The music started and Jared began section two.

"I'm getting ready
I'm in the mood to fool around.
It's time for action
Now the boys are back in town."

Half turning, he have the maniac grin before continuing, the music maxing.

"So turn up the music,
Make it loud and proud.
Let's see reaction
Let the spotlight hit the crowd.

Don't hide what you feel inside,
Don't let anybody stand in your way,
Just let the music take you higher.

Now are you ready to rock,
Children of the night.
Are you ready to roll,
Children of the night.

You got the power,
I feel your fire in my soul.
You got the fever,
'Cos you were born to rock an' roll.
Don't run for cover,
I'm gonna show you what I've learned.
Just come a little closer,
Come on an' get your fingers burned.

Don't hide what you feel inside,
Don't let anybody stand in your way,
Just let the music take you higher.

Now are you ready to rock,
Are you ready to roll,
Are you ready to rock?!"

The crowd let out a tremendous roar, and Jared knew Cherice had to be in a bad mood by now. Why, he was having all the fun while she got bumped and jostled by raving fans! The music slowed down, as Jared took solo..

"Now are you ready to rock,
Children of the night.
Are you ready to roll,
Children of the night.

I'm getting ready,
I'm in the mood to fool around.
It's time for action,
'Cos now the boys are back in town"

The brim of the hat tipped up, showing his wild face in the screens,

"Don't hide what you feel inside,
Don't let anybody stand in your way,
Just let the music take you higher.

Now are you ready to rock,
Children of the night?
Are you ready to roll,
Children of the night?

Are you ready to rock,
Children of the night?
Are you ready to roll,
Children of the night?

Are you ready to rock,
Are you ready to roll,
Children of the night?

Just let the music take you higher!

The moon peeped out from behind a dark cloud, bathing the concert in it's glow. Out of the lowest section of one of the moons, a dark object rolled over it's white glow. The Begining of a eclipse.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 17th, 2002, 06:55:45 PM
Finally, the eclipse started ! Being shoved back and forth by an adrenaline-pumped crowd wasn't very enjoyable, especially since there was nothing she could do.

"Damnit, Jared, you better make this good." The mental voice sounded irritated as Cherice crossed her arms .. watching .... waiting.

Jared Mriad
Oct 17th, 2002, 07:35:45 PM
The beat faded out to a quit, then blasted back to life with a roar. the Fans bursted into another mosh as Jared brought out his electric guitar again,

The sun rises to another day
My constitution keeps changing
Till it slips away
So I lie awake and stare
My mind thinking, just wondering
Is anybody there?

Should I stay or go
Should I sleep or stay awake
Am I really happy or is it all
Just an illusion

Sitting in my room now
Hiding thoughts
Just hoping one day I'll get out
I hear a voice call my name
Breaking trance , so silent
So I can stay the same

Wait now, many things left unsaid
This life remains the same
But I change
I try to force myself in believing
Things are going to get better
But life goes on


Jared murmured into the mike, grinning up into the sky as the moon dissapeared. The cheers from the crowd slowed to a stop as the lights began to fade, they chattered amungs themselves, wondering what had happen...

"Humans are nothing more than livestock! I prey on them as they prey on beasts. That is the law of nature."

Eccoed through the stadium. Two spotlights centered on Jared's form, the guitar broken at his side, his head down. He began to shiver, shake actually. Cherice could feel his pain through the force, because it tital waved out in massive blasts.

His duster ripped as new muscles formed and two bones began to spike out from his back. The bones were covered in bloody muscle tissue and then grew feathers, still useless for flight.

His feet grew and gained another joint, becoming more felinsih as his face elongated and formed a muzzle. His body grey twice it's size, equaling his height out at 8ft. A layer of grey fur covered his form and his neck grew to become a horribly mutated form of a Old Tounge, Old dragons of the lost days.

Letting out a bellowing roar, 'It' scanned the crowd with glowing emerald eyes, a sliver of liquid napalm falling from it's razor filled jaws to splash on the stage floor and erupt into flames.

The Crowd erupted into a blast of cheers, amaized at the effects! How stupid they were, not seeing the death before them!

The creature crouched lower to the stage, resting one paw on the burning stage as it scanned the croud. The mal-formed wings spread out slightly before it lepted into the air and down into the center of the crowd.

All Hell Broke Loose. Literally.

Fans pushed and shoved as the massive creature landed on twenty or so of the packed individuals, bathing them in the firey drool and ripping corpses apart. It's tail snaked out and broke another fan's back with a swift downard stroke..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 17th, 2002, 07:50:10 PM
She was nearly knocked back by the immense pain that Jared emitted through the Force, gritting her teeth as she absorbed it into her body. After he had finished his morphing, the crowd cheered, stunned by what they believed were 'effects'. Little did they know it was a trap, and that they were ensnared like flies in a web.

Jared's mutated form created a horrific sight, but when he leapt down and began to rip people apart it created a splendor of red - a bath of blood. Some erupted into fire as his saliva dripped on them, while others met death by his claws and teeth. Immediately, Cherice was drenched by splattered blood and laughter errupted from her petite figure as she stepped over carcasses, reveling in the glory of it all.

"Yes, my Apprentice!" she called out hysterically.

"Wreck havoc and chaos onto the lesser beings - show them the true power of the Darkside!"

Jared Mriad
Oct 17th, 2002, 08:11:58 PM
It let out another tremendous roar before pouncing on the next set of victims, it's fur already matted in a thick layer of crimson making the beast look black with tinge of red instead of the gray.

It cleared a good thirty foot area before pouncing onto more retreating fans, ripping them apart with increasing fury. Then her laugh reached him, temporarily forgetting the cattle it turned to watch Cherice over the corpses with a glittering eye.

The continuous screams of panic flooded out as it growled, stepping forward torward the Sith Knight before it.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 17th, 2002, 08:53:05 PM
Because he changed physically, his mind began to process things another way. Basically, it was a case of schizophrenia - with the Old Tongue's primal instincts taking over. Now, he viewed Cherice as an interesting food source - well, he was in for a wicked surprise.

"Here, kitty, kitty," she cooed softly, a sadistic grin creeping across her face.

Pulling the shadows around herself, it suddenly appeared as if she "disappeared", only to reappear by Jared. Using the Force, she pushed him back a bit, laughing as his enormous form stumbled back, crushing more people.

Jared Mriad
Oct 17th, 2002, 09:06:21 PM
Wiggling back onto his paws, Jared gave a feral roar in protest. Then growled lightly as he inched forward, investigative, until some brave would be hero guard popped off a few rounds with his blaster.

Jared whipped around, furiated, and lauched into another attack. Shredding the body apart like so many others Jared finished off the hero before turning back to Cherice.

"Mruugg... mrrr..gg..h..." It 'spoke', inching closer again on all fours, It was curious about this thing.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 17th, 2002, 09:56:29 PM
Taking a couple steps back, her grin grew wider as Jared tried to speak. His curiousity only triggered her insanity, and she lifted a hand to her face, licking the blood off of her fingers.

Moving closer to Jared, she ran her tongue over her upper lip before starting to walk off. Let him follow - it would only cause more death and pain, drawing out the Jedi from where ever they were hiding - if they were brave enough to come out.