View Full Version : Old things, new things (open challenge to two jedi)

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:11:04 PM
News was such trash. What was printed in the papers and shown on the HoloNet held about as much truth as the vomit that the Jedi spewed out full force each day. As Vega turned the pages data pad based info pack, reading about the latest changes in the stock market or some new discovery on a far off planet, he found the obituaries. There were only three deaths listed, though he knew of at least five that he had killed himself on this very planet a bare week ago, and somehow their disappearances had gone unnoticed. Again, he shook his head.

Slowly setting the tablet down on the table infront of him – for he was sitting in a small café – he picked up his glass and took a smile sip as he glanced about the area. A woman was sitting with her son at the table across from him, and on occasion he had noticed the boy staring at him. He would whisper to his mother words about the strange mark the fair haired man bore, and that he had teeth like a monster, but his mother simply told him he was being silly. Beginning to whimper and whine, the boy buried his head into his mother’s stomach, and as a response, she suddenly fell forward, her head hitting the glass top of the table she was at with a sickening wet thud, like a shovel hitting cement.

Eyes turned onto her and a man ran to her aid, though it was realised instantly that she was dead. Lowering his eyes back to what he had been reading, he shook his head.

“What a shame.”

The Lady Athena
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:23:21 PM
She smiled as she silently walked up behind him. She knew he knew she was there, but it still made it fun. Her hand brushed along his head..

" Vega dear you know its not nice to kill mommies. "

Athena smiled as she took the seat across from Vega. "The Black hand huh? Nice? "

A waitor came over and took her order, then scurred back to the hole he came from. Athena reached over taking the datapad of information.

" three deaths thats it? I think something has not been reported yet. "

She smiled and took the glass of Red wine the waitor had just placed on the table.

" Miss me while I took my trip? "

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:28:36 PM
Contrary to her belief, he’d not noticed her till the last moment. Her present had eluded him somehow, and perhaps it was due to her prolonged absence that he had become out of touch with sensing her aura.

“Hmmm… indeed.”

He raised his eyes to meet Athena’s, watching as she sipped on the rouge wine.

“It has been far too long since I last saw you. Please, sit,”

Motioning to the chair across from his, he mirrored her smile.

“And tell me what has kept you away for so long.”

The Lady Athena
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:34:16 PM
She must have been gone far to long if Her friends didnt even notice her. She smiled and placed the glass back down upon the table.

" What kept me gone for so long. Nothing to do, or so it seemed. Then I got this. "

She reached into her cloak and removed a notice of over 20 deaths in little less then a month.

" I read it and looked at the pictures I knew it was your work. And I was bored of being alone on Coruscant doing nothing. I dont think I have done anything for at least a week. I killed and fought a few rounds on my trip but nothing to talk about. But you...my Lupin have been busy. "

She had not seen Vega in so long, hell she had even missed him
before she left. Not that she told anyone she left.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:39:41 PM
A childish prideful smile played on his lips as he felt his superiority and self-importance – he was now a great powerful, and things that he did or said were noticed, which fed his ego to no end.

“Very busy, my lady. Very busy without a doubt.”

Vega placed down his glass and leant back forward in his chair as he ran one hand back through quills of blonde hair.

“I take it that your appearance signifies your return as far as being a well known force goes?”

The Lady Athena
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:48:46 PM
Picking up her glass once more she took a sip of it then placed it down on the table top.

" Back yes, powerful force... We shall see. I never state anything that could be changed at any moment. But it would be true if you and I could work together. How much damage we could cause. As a Loner Sith I dont cause to much alone. "

Her eyes danced normal Violet but then flashed Crimson on the thought of damage and chaos. It had been Almost 2 years she was gone now. Sure her normal foes had advanced and new ones where there to show they were worthy. But she would show she was still worthy of the name sith.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:53:52 PM
His head tilted forward, he raised a cocky eyebrow as he watched with bright cyan eyes the woman he’d once loved so dearly.

“I wouldn’t mind stirring up a little trouble, for old times sake.”

The Lady Athena
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:16:14 PM
Her smile danced across her lips.

" Wonderful, where and when should we start? Its been to long since I was last here, and I dont know where to find a Jedi. Although we could kill someone and bring them out. "

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:20:05 AM
“They’re all here … somewhere.”

He smiled and glanced about.

“Coruscant is their new home. I’m sure one of them is probably watching us right now.”

Vega stood up and motioned for Athena to follow suit as they departed from the café out into the streets, teeming with life. The smile remained on his lips as a small boy walked past, and found that the tall blonde figure had grasped his collar. He held the boy up to eye level, before casting him, at force enhanced speed off down into the crowds and roads – resulting in a sickening crunch.

Teka Kenobi
Oct 20th, 2002, 01:05:40 PM
Sometimes, some people need to get away from all the bother of life to find rest. But for some, they need to be back in their same old lifestyle to find peace.

Clad in an unorthodox cream coloured cloak, Teka stepped out onto the busy streets after getting back from his…vacation. His last destination had been Tatooine where he had carried out some personal business.

Walking further on, through one of the main streets he found a crowd of people gathered around something. Straight away he could sense the boy in pain and so made his way through the people to get to him. The boy, who appeared to be no older than eight, was crying out with pain. Teka crouched down next to him,

“I will help you.”

A sudden look of fear entered the boy’s eyes but it then changed to understanding after hearing the soft words from the man. He placed his hand on the boy’s arm and concentrated. The boy stopped crying and several people moved away realising that this man was a Jedi. Teka got up and helped the boy to his feet.

Moving away Teka could sense who had done this and looking up – he could see them.

Nayala Palain
Oct 20th, 2002, 02:43:16 PM
Athena looked at Vega then towards Teka. The Jedi as he called himself tended to the child. Athena watched and wondered why he would bother waisting his time. If he knew Vega and herself where right there. Teka and the child would both be hurt soon anyways. She looked once more at Vega and then stood from her seat walking towards Teka.

" My my Teka it has been sometime since I last saw you. Time has been kind to you I see. "

Syren Lysandor
Oct 20th, 2002, 04:06:57 PM
"No, no ! Stop it, I beg of you, I -" The woman's words were cut off as Syren continued to dig her hand through her chest, her fingers wrapping around the heart. Digging her fingernails into the organ, she ripped it out of the broken ribcage, examining the bloodied mess.

"I've ... come to deliver you. With pain," she whispered, dropping the heart to the ground. Turning around, the red head walked out of the alley slowly, taking in her surroundings like a newborn babe. Oblivious to the blood that reached up to her elbow on her right arm, most of the villagers parted to let her pass through. It was then when her empty blue eyes turned on Athena and Vega. Her expressionless face showed nothing, but she began to make her way towards them.

When Vega picked up the boy and threw him, Syren watched silently as a man began to take his pain away. She watched as the man finally moved away and went towards the boy, reaching out a bloodied hand to him. His eyes widened and he made a move as if to turn away, but she grabbed his shirt and spun him around.

"Pain, you must feel pain."

There was desperation in her voice and she reached up with her other hand, grabbing him by the hair and yanking his head back. Tracing her bloody fingers over his exposed neck, she suddenly drove it through his soft flesh, ripping through his vocal cords. The boy's mouth opened as he tried to scream and only blood poured out, drenching the front of her shirt. She watched as his eyes began to glaze over until his body went limp, then withdrew her hand. A couple of passerbyers had fainted at the grotesque sight while others completely avoided her.

Syren looked at Athena who was speaking to the man and then at Vega, who seemed very amused.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 21st, 2002, 02:06:01 AM
“Well isn’t this just a regular family reunion!” Vega roared as he looked from Athena towards Teka.

“Long time no see Kenobi. I must admit, you don’t seem to have changed. Perhaps then you can be the one we disembowel today, hmm?”

All the while as he spoke, he fixed his eyes upon the Jedi Knight, though for a split second they flickered towards Syren – the shell of humanity with a craving for pain, and for a fleeting second he wondered what she was doing here.

Teka Kenobi
Oct 21st, 2002, 09:00:05 AM
"I wish I could say the same for you Athena"

Teka turned fast at the woman, driving her nails into the boy. Thrusting his hand at her she was launched backwards into the alley she had come from, hiting a wall and falling to the ground.

By this time several people were whisking the boy to safety although Teka knew it was too late. Turning back round to the stationary Vega he spoke,


Nayala Palain
Nov 6th, 2002, 02:51:58 PM
She thought about his comment then laughed as he lunged to save the child from Syren.

" Time why would I care what Time has done? There is not enough time to stop anything we do. "

Athena smiled at Vega and the thought of disembowling the Jedi here on the street. Something of interest.