View Full Version : Revelation: The Harsh Light of Day

Aevenon Cloak
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:53:53 AM
[OOC: Open to one Sith/Dark Jedi/Misc Darksider.]

Such was the day that it now annoyed him. The sun’s of the planet’s he visited burnt his sensitive skin, and dampened his brow, and bit by bit infuriated him further and further. His wings had become more of a hindrance than a use in this aspect, as their white hue simply attracted and amplified the light. For this reason, he had decided to keep his movements to the evening. The galaxies were so inclined that just as much business was conducted after the sun set as did whilst it shone down upon mankind, and thus it was a most easy task.

Most of the time.

For a whole day he had been awake, only it wasn’t really a whole day – it was three. His perception of time was such that in instances it would slow, but in others, during periods when he did little but sit and contemplate, things moved too quickly for him. In his valiant attempts to understand the Jedi and Sith, he had passed much time, and though it was not as though he was doomed to die soon, he was beginning to dislike wasting minutes which could be used to advance his knowledge.

So far his discussion had been fruitful, but he had to find a darksider willing to indulge him. Hopefully soon, this would change.

Ishan Shade
Oct 16th, 2002, 12:25:53 PM
Interrupted in thought, Aevenon heard it instantly.

Click. Click. Click.

Aevenon Cloak
Oct 16th, 2002, 12:31:28 PM
Where he sat, perched on a small boulder on the outskirts of some city on Corellia, was quiet. All the night he had not heard a single utterance, and now this. The slow steady repeating noise caused him to look up. The thin veil of white that surrounded him retreated, as solid cobalt tinted eyes looked out into the darkness that surrounded the winged Force adept.

Hello, said the innocent voice, into the mind, or minds, of any who were in the close vicinity.

Ishan Shade
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:23:42 PM
Click. Click. Click. Cli... The footsteps stopped.

Isolation. A howling, desolate loneliness. Fear, the fear of a hunted animal that can no longer hear the twig snap under the predator's paw, or see the chasm yawning in its path. A dusty, echoing emptiness that was once alive with the fire of lust, of desire, home to a thousand exquisite sensations that would never again be possible. Helpless rage, shame, resentment, weakness, dependency, self-loathing. For two thousand years he had it all beared upon him. But now, things would change. And it would start now.

Ishan's eyebrow shot up and his expression softened into that of curosity, even though he still stood behind the man, engulfed in the darkness.


Aevenon Cloak
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:43:50 AM
Time seemed to slow for him, as the final syllable of the greeting from the unseen figure became elongated and sluggish. Perhaps this was due to his apprehension towards him, or perhaps it was a mere random occurrence. Never the less, he turned, and regarded in the shadows what seemed like a figure.

Why do you lurk in the darkness?

Ishan Shade
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:53:51 PM
Shade scanned the darkend horizon, the lights of a nearby Corellian space port radiated from a distance. A smile curled up his lip.

"I could ask you the same question..." Shade stepped forward, exposing himself better to the winged man, as the long scar down his eye caught a brief hint of light.

"I have been following you Cloak."

The mention of his name brought about some tension, Shade continued, "I have to say, you are quite impressive. So much potential..."

Aevenon Cloak
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:15:17 AM
He was neither shock, surprised or assuming as to what the man had said, instead simply offering him the usual vague and partially empty smile that he most often wore. Aevenon casually admired the scar that Shade bore.

Potential for what?