View Full Version : Before the Day Begins...

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:29:56 AM
Jackson bolted from bed at the crack of dawn, getting ready without waking either Zeke or Kindo, and donning his custodian blues. Snatching up his bag, he was out the door in a heartbeat, running throught he halls of the LQ, and out the building, into the chill of early morning on Coruscant. Cold air and morning dew bit into him as he raced along the sidewalks and walkways, his breath rhythmic puffs of steam as he hustled to work, drawing his "Jedi" jacket around him as he went. It was the first full day of work, and he was excited...ready to get to the task. He approached the building, and carefully unlocked the employee entrance at the back, entering the workroom. He prepared the mop bucket, and other cleaning implements, and opened the door to the main training area, flipping the lights on as he rolled the custodian cart in behind him. Row by row, the overhead fluorescent lamps flickered on, bathing the Jedi Academy in light. Jackson had to take a moment. Reaching to his bag, he pulled out a <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23745>token of inspiration</a> which he'd found the day before, and set it up over one of the doorways:

<font size=3>The more you sweat in here, boys...
...the less you bleed out there.
Victory is earned in the offseason.</font>
<pre><font size=10> <font color=FF0000>GO!
WIN! </font></font></pre></center>

Stepping back from it, he smiled...and began his daily routine of cleaning the Academy training grounds.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:37:36 AM
An early riser, he'd gotten up at around 6am to have a jog around the Academy. Apparently, someone else had gotten up so soon in the morning too, as the lights in one of the large halls appeared to be on. He pushed his palm against the double-doored entrance and slowly stepped inside, looking around. Spotting a man off in the distance, he tried to recognsie the face, but failed, and simply smiled politely.

"Good morning?"

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:44:56 AM
Jackson paused in the middle of mopping, wide-eyed at the man who had just entered...like he was meeting a celebrity.

"You're....Dasquian Belargic!"

He looked at the Jedi Knight with a momentary expression of awe he could not control.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:46:46 AM
The Knight looked around, a little puzzled, for a moment. Then folding his arms behind his back, he began to pace forward slowly towards the one who apparently knew him, admiring for a moment the addition that he, Dasquian presumed, had made to the room.

"Yes... I am. Forgive me, but I do not recognise you, have we met?"

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:50:54 AM
"N-Nosir, we haven't."

Jackson wiped a soapy hand against the side of his custodian blues, extending it to the Jedi Knight.

"I'm Jackson DeWitt. I just started working with groundskeeping here. It really is a pleasure to meet you, sir!"

He couldn't hide the smile at meeting yet another one of his heroes and idols.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:53:43 AM
Accepting the hand shake and returning it firmly, he nodded.

"Good to meet you Jackson. You seem to be doing an excellent job of keeping this room in shape. I like the new touch," he added with a nod up towards the sign.

The Knight lowered his eyes, still smiling, and noticed the jacket that Jackson wore.

"You're a member here also, and still you voluntarily are up at such an hour cleaning the grounds? What a model Padawan!"

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:57:24 AM
"Well sir...the sign's a bit of inspiration. I know I need it alot, and I figure that even Jedi can use some at times."

He blushed a bit.

"I'm actually not a padawan."

He paused, adding quickly

"...well not yet, at least! I will be soon, I just gotta get accepted. They turned me down once, just means I gotta work double hard at it the next time around. I've known all my life I was gonna be a Jedi, even if some folks didn't think I was much good for anything."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:01:53 AM
"Determination is always an endearing quality in prospective members. I can’t imagine why you would have been rejected, but none the less, sticking in as you are will most certainly impress those who are set to administrate your admission."

Dasquian folded his arms over his chest and looked down at the floor beneath his feet - it was highly polished and he couldn't almost completely see himself in perfect focus in the reflection.

"If you ever want any help with your studies or work prior to your next application, please don't hesitate to ask," he then added as an afterthought.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:08:52 AM
"Really? You mean it???"

Jackson's eyes widened, and then he paused, thinking.

"But Master Belargic, wouldn't that be counted as training? Don't get me wrong, and I'm grateful for every iota of help I can get, but I can't be trained if I'm not a Padawan, and I'd rather not get you in trouble with the council, sir."

He shuffled on his feet a little.

"Is there maybe anything I could do outside of that, and it wouldn't be considered training? I sent a letter to Master Dawnstrider, and asked her if she knew anything I could do. I was gonna send more letters, but I gotta find time to write em."

He smiled again.

"I do awfully appreciate it, sir...and nothin would thrill me more than to learn from Dasquian Belargic, but, I figure from what all the others have been saying that if I can get in by my own laurels, then I need to try my darnedest to do that. I don't wanna leave the issue in doubt as to whether or not I have what it takes, sir."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:06:50 AM
“I don’t mean training necessarily, just if you wanted some books to research from or perhaps someone to test you on your knowledge, little things like that,” Dasquian said with a smile, then adding:

“But if not, then power to you for sticking at it alone. If you would, I’d like you to keep me informed on your progress, even if it’s just if you happen to see me in the bar and grill. I’ll be looking forward to hearing when you’re accepted.”