View Full Version : Foundations of Friendship (Oriadin)

Estelle Russard
Oct 15th, 2002, 04:02:21 PM
Life in the Academy was always busy. There was always something that pressed for attention or lessons that needed to be taught - or learned. Aquaintances, friendships could easily be sidelined. But it was these friendships - the commaraderie, the shared trials and tribluations that bound the Jedi together and held them strong.

The last she had spoken to, or even seen Oriadin was the night of the Formal Jedi dance and somehow through the bussle of that night they had lost contact.

Estelle had come to the Bar and Grill tonight in hopes of seeing Oriadin, of catching up with him, of hearing what was new with him. Hearing news of his training and exploits - in general, just to strenghten the contact they had had from his first arrival at the Order. Everyone needed friends, and she hoped Oriadin wouldnt mind having one more friend to add to his list.

Oct 17th, 2002, 03:26:05 AM
Oriadin had recently been downloading information from the archives to his datapad so he could study in the Bar and Grill. He was sat alone in the corner of the room with an ice water reading. It wasnt too busy and so was fairly quiet.

He felt a familiar presence that he hadnt felt in a while. He looked up and instantly recognised Estelle. She looked as if she were looking for someone in particular and so Oriadin just made a simple, hello smile to show hed seen her, before continuing with his reading. He didnt want to interupt her from whomever she was looking for.

Estelle Russard
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:17:05 PM
Her eyes ceased their search when she caught the "hello" smile Oriadin sent her way. A pleased grin creased her face and she changed her uncertain amble to a direct pace over to where he sat.

Standing beside him at his table, Estelle greeted him warmly.

"Oriadin, just the person I was looking for."

Oct 17th, 2002, 05:38:57 PM
He looked up as she approached and greeted her when she stood by him.

--Ah, Jedi Knight Estelle. Please take a seat. I havent seen you since.... probably the Jedi Formal. How goes it with you? So, you were looking for me? Anything I can help you with?--

Oriadin switched his datapad off and lay it down on the table. He then signalled over to a nearby serving droid to come over to get Estelles order. He then gave the Jedi before him his full attention.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:42:13 PM
"Hi there Master Russard, and Oriadin....can I get you two something to eat or drink?"

Jackson set a few dishes on a tray at a nearby empty table, and approached the other table after a quick wipe-down with a dishtowel.

Estelle Russard
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:53:43 PM
"Its been too long, Oriadin. And yes, I think it was the dance where we last spoke."

Jackson approached the table and his usual good manners and warm smile, brought an ever-growing apprehensive chord within Estelle's heart. It was not that she didnt like him. She did very much so. That was the difficult part about it all.

She hid her concern from the young man and smiled, wondering if Oriadin was picking up on her thoughts at all. This made her feel even worse.

"Please feel free to call me Estelle, Jackson. I see you have found another job to go along with your work in the Training rooms."

Oct 18th, 2002, 04:05:07 AM
Oriadin smiled to Jackson as he wiped the table. He sensed a strange feeling from Estelle but his ability wasnt attuned enough to figure out what it was. It seemed a little negative and since Jackson was there, he presumed it had something to do with him.

His smile hid the feelings Oriadin was senseing perfectly. Jackson it seemed was popping up all over the place nowadays! First the Acadamy and now here. He was very keen and very hard working. That much was for sure.

--Ah, Jackson. Erm, im ok food wise but I'll take an ice water please. Estelle, you want anything?--

Estelle Russard
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:04:07 AM
She hadnt really come to eat, but now that Oriadin mentioned it, she did feel a bit hungry.

"I think I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich, and a tea, please Jackson. And if you are off duty soon, you are welcome to get something too and join us."

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:19:06 PM
"Ice water, tea, and a grilled cheese. No problem. I'd love to stay, but I got a few hours still."

Jackson hustled off to tend to their order.

Oct 21st, 2002, 03:15:02 AM
Oriadin waited until Jackson was a far enough distance away that he wouldnt hear the conversation.

--Are you ok Estelle, I can sense a bad air comming from you? Is it Jackson?--

He looked a little puzzled but deep down, he thought he knew what the problem was.

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 09:39:53 PM
Estelle dropped her eyes to the table, almost as if she had been caught doing something she was ashamed of.

After a moment, she looked up and decided to be candid.

"I'm sorry, Oriadin. I just feel such worry for Jackson. It is hard for me to pretend I am glad he is here...when Im really not sure that I am."

It was hard to explain why she felt like she did, but for some reason she wanted Oriadin to understand.

"I.. guess I feel we have a responsibility to those who are here at the Order and that to be a Jedi means to carry a burden. It is a privellege, of course, but it is not an easy privellege. I know Jackson longs to become a Jedi, I just dont believe he should."

She smiled wanely, and picked at nothing on the table top. He probly thought her judgemental.

Oct 27th, 2002, 10:11:51 AM
Oriadin looked over to see Jackson still working hard at the bar. He was too far away to hear what they were saying.

--Estelle. I think I can understand where you are comming from. Ive come into contact with him a few times now and I really dont think hes cut out to be a Jedi. I dont mean anything nasty by that but from what I can tell, he doesnt seem to be force sensitive for a start. I spoke to him a few days ago and asked him why he wanted to become a Jedi. It seems he only wants to do it because its been his dream. It seems he wants to prove to someone hes worth something. Now thats all very well and good but doesnt that count as personal gain? He didnt mention anything about wanting to help others or to protect the galaxy or anything.--

Oriadin had a concerned look on his face.

--He has a good heart and hes very hard working. Id like to help him all I can but I justget the feeling he doesnt have what it takes, which starts with the force.--

Estelle Russard
Oct 27th, 2002, 07:28:32 PM
Estelle, too, looked over and was watching Jackson. He was in fact working very hard. If being a Jedi was only about the greatness of ones heart, Jackson would easily be a Master.

Turning again to Oriadin she nodded. He had managed to sum up the same feelings as she had and express them in a clear and forthright manner.

"I have mentioned such misgivings as these to the Council. It is in their hands as to his future here, and depending on which way they go, Jackson would be very fortunate to have one such as yourself in his corner, helping him.

I also will help all I can once the decision is made one way or the other, but it will be time in the long run that will tell us if we do the right thing or not."

She leaned back in the seat and tried to release the troubling thoughts from her mind.

"Enough though of such difficult things. Tell me all that has been happening with you. How is your training under Master Helenias going?"

Oct 28th, 2002, 04:06:45 AM
Oriadin smiled and took a more relaxed position in his chair. The confersation was much less serious now. He sat back, kinda slouched in his seat.

--Trainging is going well at the moment. Very well infact. It was going a little slow for a while as Helenias was pretty busy but she has been spending a lot of time with me recently and for that im greatfull. Ive just recived instructions to begin work on my light saber. Im looking forward to starting work on it but to be honest, I dont know where to start. Im not even sure where to get the parts!--

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 28th, 2002, 11:30:49 AM
Jackson returned to the table, sliding a plate in front of Estelle, and a glass of water by Oriadin.

"Can I get anything else for you?"

Estelle Russard
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:30:05 AM
She laughed a little. "Lightsaber construction can be tricky business. I have some books - actually, they are ReaperFett's books - that may interest you on the subject. I'd be happy to let you see them, Oriadin."

Jackson placed the food down, and Estelle thanked him.

"Im good for now, thankyou Jackson.How are you finding it here at the Order? Do you miss your home?"

Oct 31st, 2002, 04:13:13 AM
--Thanks Estelle, that would be great. I think I could use all the help I can get! Er, no thankyou Jackson. That'll be fine.--

Oriadin looked at Jackson as he awaited his reply to Estelles question.

OOC: I assume it was Jackson you were talking too?

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:10:28 AM
"Well, there's alot of hard work to be had, but I'm enjoying it. I'm still not accepted in the Order yet...but I will, I promise. I've been working out in my spare time, and spending hours at a time in meditation. I miss home, but...this is where I was meant to be."

He got a faraway look in his eyes for a moment, then blinked it away.

"Sorry bout that. At any rate, I can't talk much...I got other tables to work. Y'all enjoy your meal."

Jackson smiled, and clapped a hand on Oriadin's shoulder, before walking away.

Estelle Russard
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:59:18 PM
ooc: yes, O.

Estelle nodded - she could understand how Jackson felt. As he walked away once more, she remebered that she, too, had missed her family a great deal on first coming to the Order. Even now, she sometimes felt it keenly now that her Master ReaperFett was gone. Lucky for her, she had young Loki - her unofficial adopted brother. His ready smile and optimistic nature always warmed her heart and made her feel that family was not so very far away.

"I miss my family sometimes too Oriadin. But not like I used to." She thought of Kazaar and also of Keerrourri - two people who had done much to ease the lonliness of being so far from home.

She wondered if Oriadin had such feelings like this. Probably not. Oriadin struck her as one who was always strong and no such foibles as she.

"Are you close to anyone here at the Order?"

Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:17:21 AM
Oriadin nodded.

--Sejah is a very close friend of mine here. In a way, we have kind of grown up together. We joined the order at about the same time, we were in a force class led by Xazor and Navaria together and we have helped each other out a number of times. Its funny, my master is Helenias and his is Marcus.--

He laughed lightly

--He is a very good friend. I think everyone needs someone they can turn to. Someone they can talk to. Being a Jedi can be a very lonely life at times. So how is life treating you at the order? How are you padawans doing?--

Kai Amamiya
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:05:20 PM
Kai walked into the the bar and grill, and immediately took a seat in the corner, alone, in the shadows.

Kai was rather attractive. Her straight ((Christina Aguilera's hair-while and black 'stripped')) hair and crystal blue eyes made her hard to refuse. She was one beautiful 17 year old. She wore tight clothes that were sort of slutty, and she had a rare dagger at her side.

She was tough as hell, really.

Looking around her, she sighed softly.

'Look at me,' she thought, directing no one. 'I'm a drunken slutty kick--Censored--Censored--Censored- chic. I'm thinking about becoming a stripper, and my new home is a bar,' she thought sarcastically.

'Why'd it HAVE to ruin MY life!?'

Estelle Russard
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:47:37 AM
She laughed with him about the Marcus/Helenias Sejah/Oriadin thing.

Oriadin was easy to talk to and seemed to understand her. Estelle was enjoying his company. She was glad to have the chance to sit and talk.

"Maximas and Plo Koon are doing very well. The hardest part is getting to know them and having to instruct them both at the same time. I fear to offend them in any way, but then Im not much use if I dont correct them once and a while am I?

I feel for them (she laughed a little) - their training is my training to in a manner of speaking. They are my first students. Lucky for me, they are both quick learners and have much talent."

A young woman passed their table and a distinct air of angst clung to her. She was very pretty, but looked very unhappy. Estelle had not seen her here before.

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:41:06 AM
Oriadin smiled. It seemed that Estelle was enjoying her time with her two padawans. Plo Koon wasnt someone he had come into contact with much but Oriadin had bumped into Maximas a couple of times. It was fair to say they didnt exactly see eye to eye all the time.

He took a sip of his ice water then noticed Estelle looking at a woman, who looked particularaly unhappy.

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:16:22 AM
edit: doh.please delete.

Estelle Russard
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:18:36 AM
Seeing Oriadin had noticed the young woman just as she had, she observed to him.

"The GJO is such a melting pot of people and their circumstances isnt it. Everyone has a story to tell - some sad, some even tragic. Imagine if there was no hope. Imagine life without the balance of light that come from the Jedi.

The galaxy would be a terrible place indeed."

Estelle was careful not to stare at the young woman, but she was curious about her and wondered what had brought her to the Bar & Grill.

Nov 7th, 2002, 05:14:11 AM
Oriadin nodded. In the time he'd been at the order he had heard many many stories from all sorts of people. Indeed, everyone did have a story to tell. Perhaps that made the padawan stand out slightly. He had no stories from his past. His memory still hadnt come back. Still, that was a story in itself.

--Something I have learnt while being here Estelle, there will always be hope. Always be dreams. There are two types of people in this galaxy. Those willing to lead, and those who will follow. Sometimes the leaders dont know they are leaders but other people look to them for hope.

Life's a trip, no doubt there. Everyone has stories.--

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:17:17 AM
Estelle agreed and wondered if Oriadin had such a story to tell.

Come to think of it, she didnt know all that much about him, only what she knew of seeing him here at the Order.

"And, do you have a story, Oriadin?"

Nov 11th, 2002, 04:02:55 AM
--Me? Well Im afraid my story is rather dull and there isnt much to tell. When I came to the Jedi Order I had no memory of who I was, or where I was from. Something led me here where it was discovered I was force sensitve and ive been training to become a Jedi ever since.

How about you, do you have a story Estelle?--

Estelle Russard
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:32:03 PM
"No memory?"

Her voice conveyed what an awful experience that must be and she looked at Oriadin with concern.

He hadnt said too much, and Estelle thought it possible he wouldnt want to get any further into the "whys" and "wherefores" of how this could have come about. He had asked about her, and so she answered, even though it was as uneventful as if there was nothing to remember.

"I am from Tr' Nuva - a small farming community. My parents and two brothers live there still. I am the first to leave and try my adventures in the big wide world.

I have dreamed of joining the Order all my life. Dreamed of making a difference somehow, as opposed to what my future would be back home - little farmer wife with little farmer children in a little farmer nightmare." She laughed. It wasnt as bad as she made it to sound, but it was not what she had planned for her life.

"Anyway, about a year ago I finally took the plunge and journeyed to Arcan IV where I joined the GJO. The rest is history, as they say."

She ate some of the sandwich and sipped some tea and then turned the subject again to Oriadin and what he had shared about himself.

"Have you made any inquiries into your past, Oriadin?"

Nov 14th, 2002, 06:25:58 AM
Oriadin smiled as Estelle talked about where she had come from, and about what her life could have been.

Then she turned the subject back on him.

--No, not really. To be honest, I really dont have anything to go on. I came here with nothing but the ruined clothes I wore and that was it. I used to have flash backs every now and then and the occasional dream but it all seemed very vague and hard to remember. I havent had anything like that for months now.--

He spoke softly and somewhat downheartedly. Sometimes he would wonder what kind of life he had led in the past and it made him sad, but he was happy here at the Jedi Order and he wanted to help people.

Estelle Russard
Nov 16th, 2002, 09:59:13 PM
"Dreams...funny you say that. I believe sometimes we are spoken to in our dreams." Estelle had on occassion had some puzzling dreams that she knew were more than just her subconscious working overtime, but as yet did not have the maturity to understand the messages she was receiving.

'What if you were....married, or had a family? Doesnt the curiousity drive you crazy? The 'not knowing'?"

Nov 18th, 2002, 03:44:06 AM
Oriadin nodded and looked down at the table, trying to find the right words.

--Sometimes it can. It can be extreamly fustraiting not having any memories of your past or not remembering past experiences. I have thought about the possibility of me having a family and if I do, then it becomes a very sad story. They probably wonder what happend to me. On the other hand, I may not have a family at all. I could be upsetting myself for no reason.

The conclusion I came to is that people worry to much about things they cant change and they neglect the things that they can change. My job is to be a Jedi and to protect the galaxy, and thats what I need to really think about. If my memory comes back then so beit, I'll have cross that bridge when I come to it, but why worry about something that may never happen?--

Oriadins eyes darted from the table to Estelles eyes and back again several times as he spoke. These were matters Oriadin had thought long and hard over and it was good to be able to talk to someone about it.

Estelle Russard
Nov 21st, 2002, 12:29:49 AM
As Oriadin spoke, Estelle tried to imagine what it would be like to have no recollection of ones past. As he mentioned the possibility of family, she felt a sadness at the thought of them not knowing where he was.

The past was, in many ways, who we are. The many and varied experiences that begin at birth, all combine to influence - for good or bad - the person that we become. Like a continuous barrage of charged ions riccocheting off one another, battering our emotions, our minds, our bodies all play a part in the sum of all things. What we like, what be dont like. What we believe, what we dont believe. They help define what we do, choices we make - and to a large degree - what we become.

She could not imagine not having any fixed points of references, or cornerstones, in her life from which to base and measure decisions of the present. The love and affection of family, friends - even aquaintances however breif - all have an impact.

And while Oriadin lived with all the results of influences in his past, he had no memory of how or when or why they were there in the first place. This was an amazing and overwhelming concept to Estelle.

She watched him as he looked from the table to her and all about again. She could feel that this was something that he held with a certain resignation and kept an optimistic approach to it all But at the same time, was still something he felt deeply.

Oriadin was strong, Estelle had known it from the first time she met him. But just now, she had a revelation of just how strong he was. He had character and courage, and she admired him for it.

"I believe, Oriadin, that some how somewhere - when the time is right - all things will be revealed to you. And that whatever your past holds, it will only reflect the goodness of what is in your heart."

Nov 21st, 2002, 05:29:32 AM
Oriadin nodded and smiled as Estelle complimented him. She struck him as being very friendly, good natured, kind as well as very attractive. He couldnt think of anything to say in reply to her kind words.

--Will you tell me of your home plannet, and some of your memories? I always like to hear other peoples stories. Sometimes I picture what it would be like if that had been my life, probably sounds silly but I think it helps.--

There was a sweet inocent look upon Oriadins face as he glared into Estelles eyes.

Estelle Russard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 01:55:35 AM
She thought about it a moment. She had never thought of her life in Tr'Nuva as something anyone would want to know about.

It was routine, mundane - boring really.

But there was much she was thankful for and compared to many in the galaxy, Oriadin for example, she had so much more than others and should not take it all for granted.

Oriadin's goofy smile made it impossible to deny his requested and so she launched the trip down memory lane.

"The best memories are always of my family sitting around the dinner table. My parents, my two brothers and me. I have one older, one younger (she confided). Young Loki remindes me very much of the little one."

Oriadin nodded and continued to listen politely.

"Anyway - dinner time was the best. After a long day working - a day that started before the sun rose for my dad, a short time later for the rest of us - it was so good to come back into the house and smell whatever mom had cooked. My favorite was a roast, with lots of potatoes and gravy."

She took a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich again, and suddenly was quite dissatisfied with it.

"Just before we ate, my dad would say a word of thanks for all the good things in our lives. Usually my older brother and I would be peeking through our fingers, eyeing the dinner rolls. This would result in a cuff over the head for him and a stern frown for me.

Then we'd eat. But it wasnt so much the food, but the "being together'. We all would talk about our day or anything really. The warm cosy feeling of being inside as it gradually got dark outside. The safety of being with people who loved you and cared for you. The closeness, that I really didnt realise was there until I left and didnt have those times anymore."

Estelle smiled and sighed a little.

"It would never be the same. Even if I went back, I have changed and grown up now. I know that the "safe" feeling can be shattered so easily. But sometimes - every now and then, I wish I was back there, sheltered and being taken care of."

She pushed her plate away now, done with her sandwich.

"Guess that sounds kind of weak of me, doesnt it."

Nov 23rd, 2002, 05:01:02 PM
Oriadin shook his head as a tear formed in his eye but never came out. He spoke quietly and ever so softly.

--No, not at all. It sounds very Beautiful. If I could remember my past, id want it to be something as simple, as happy and as loving as that.--

He smiled gently, The tear now dissapearing.

--I can see why so many people have trouble leaving their past behind them when they come to the Jedi order. Memories can be a hard thing to deal with if you have to let them go, if you have to remaing, unatached as a Jedi has to do. In many ways, I think of myself as very fortunate. I sometimes think people find that hard to understand. Many people think it must be very difficult to lose your memory but in many ways, its not so bad. You cant remember what it was like with your memories, so in effect, you have no sense of what its like to lose them. As far as my mind will tell me, I simply have no memories.--

He gave a little ironic smile and took a sip of his ice water.

Estelle Russard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 07:21:08 PM
She hadnt meant to make him sad, but Estelle could see she had triggered and effect on Oriadin.

She listened to what he said, and it made sense. Though she herself thought she would prefer to have the memories, no matter how difficult it was to do ones duty, rather than not having them

But Oriadin didnt have the choice, and instead, he was making the best of the hand he was dealt. And that is what we all can only do.

"Well, I guess its just a matter now of making some new memories. You picked a good place at the Order to start."

Nov 24th, 2002, 07:16:35 AM
He smiled.

--In all honesty, I think the ways of the Jedi picked me, rather than the other way around.--

The smile broke out into a small laugh.

--So, how long have you been here at the order now?--

Estelle Russard
Nov 24th, 2002, 09:13:16 PM
"I think it is just over a year now."

She smiled at Oriadin and sat back in her seat, relaxing.

"Sometimes it seems much shorter, other times, much longer.

How about you? I guess you have noticed some changes, just as I have in the Order. Especially with the move to Coruscant."

Nov 25th, 2002, 03:49:59 AM
The padawan looked a little confused.

--Just a year? I must say, im suprised. You seem to have a very good grasp of the force for only being here a year. You must work very hard. Im very impressed with your knowledge of the force and the way you tackle situations.--

He smiled

--Ive read a bit about you in the Jedi Archives. Ive been here for several months. About seven, I think. The move to Coruscant is probably the biggest change. I think I prefer it here. There are so many things to do here right at our feet. People suffering and in pain that we need to help. I felt that before, we were always out of the way of many peoples problems. Here we are much closer.--

Estelle Russard
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:15:49 PM
Estelle felt flattered by Oriadins comment, but knew that she had a very long way to go as a Jedi. Still, he was kind to say such things.

"It is a long road we are all on, and each day gives us the opportunity to learn. I am just grateful to be here and travelling such an honoured path."

She grinned across at him.

"And in such honoured company."

She looked about her, at the occupants of the Bar & Grill.

"Coruscant definitely is a huge melting pot. I think the move was a good decision.

So what is next for you. You mentioned building your own Lightsaber.."

Nov 27th, 2002, 04:13:47 AM
He nodded.

--I actually think I am nearing the end of my training so after I have built my lightsaber, if I ever finish it, who knows? I guess I'll just take each day as it comes and do the best I can do. How about yourself?--

OOC: Ive just been knighted. Since this meeting began while I was a padawan, I'll just continue here as if I was still one.

Estelle Russard
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:51:35 PM
ooc: congrats :)

"I am much of the mind as you, Oriadin. One day at a time really. Sometimes it's not good to plan too far ahead, as tomorrow is always fond of changing things at the last minute. It can be most annoying." She smiled into her teacup as she finished it off.

Nov 28th, 2002, 04:33:29 AM
The padawan finished his glass of water and sighed, checking the time.

--Well, I really should get back to working on my light saber I guess. So much to do, so little time!--

He grinned.

--Its been good talking to you. We should definitely do this again some time.--

Estelle Russard
Nov 29th, 2002, 08:26:00 PM
She nodded in agreement.

"Yes - no rest for the wicked, or so the saying goes"

She grinned at him as he got up to leave.

"I think I'll stay here for a bit and then head off myself.
Its been good to catch up with you, Oriadin. Perhaps you can show me the finished product when youre done building your lightsaber, and we can test it out against my own."

Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:36:10 PM
Oriadin nodded with a simple smile

--Definitely. I'll look forward to it! Sparring is one of my weaker areas so any practise I can get would be great. Well, have a good time and I'll speak to you soon.--

With that, the Padawan bowed and left the room.