View Full Version : Whipstiched Gathering (Everyone)

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 15th, 2002, 02:51:16 PM
Several months had passed since the innital gathering of what was only a rumor. A group that was only a whisper, one of the best kept secrets in the universe.... The Broken Circle....

...and nothing had changed. Jedi went on being jedi. Sith went on being sith. Outcasts went on being outcasts.... no one had listened. No one had aknowlaged the summons of the future's heralds. The sith and jedi may constantly fight, and in the end they will destory eachother entirely. But one group will live on, the one group that had been rejected in their day. Another wave of announcments had been issued throughout the universe, a quick ripple to any and all who were eligable to survive. Those who pledge their allegence to no one, those who shun soceity... those who break away from the accepted standard of normal.

This time, a better place had been selected to gather, a private garden. It's former owner had recently passed away, and the matron had no idea what to do with the house or it's surroundings. They had sold it to a man who exchanged the deed for many rare items, things that seemed worth more than he knew... he knew well what their value was, and he knew that this property was exactly what he needed as well.

Now, this mansion had a different name on the deed, not the old owner, or the man who had taken control of it... it was now owned by the Broken Circle. The message that had been sent out was for anyone interested in this organization to stop by, and rap at the door thirteen times. Only then would the keeper aknowlage them, and they could gain admittance into the building.

ooc: This is one last attempt to announce Broken Circle IC. If anyone is interested in joining a unit made up of any type of character, force or other wise, light or dark (basicly just a group of people who don't fit into anything else anymore), then please post here. We need atleast one or two more people before we can get it started.

Tianje Xhu
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:41:24 AM
being quiet and unassuming had its rewards at times and she was hoping that this was one of them.

day after day she would sit in the same spot just inside yog's bar and grill, waiting for the right moment to stealthily pick someones pocket or simply listening on the chance that some juicy bit of information would drop into her lap and she could sell it to the right person for a goodly sum of credits.

an eavesdropped whispering had told her about this secret meeting and she had hurried to this place to see it for herself.

if the sith or dark jedi were planning an attack on the jedi or the jedi desired some info on the darksiders, this might be the oppportunity for making some quick cash.

tianje had no loyalties to either side and was in business strictly for herself. a homeless street rat that not even the jedi had taken pity on, she was on her own and all alone. to hell with the rest of the galaxy.

in the shadows cast by a group of trees near the mansion, tianje had kept a silent vigil watching for any goings on and to find out who-if any- showed up.

hours had passed and noone had come down the path or left the large estate house. tianje knew she had the time and place right.
rising from her squatted posistion she squares her shoulders and moves out from the trees, making a beeline for the mansions' door.

there was only one way to find out. lifting her hand she raps thirteen times on the door then steps back to see what happens.

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:57:24 AM
After the thirteenth bound on the door, there seemed to be a breif pause, no noise, no motion. Almost out of nowhere, there was a long, loud creak, as the massive door slowly opened. A tall, shadowy man looked out at this newcomer. He spoke, his voice deep and strong, but his tone questioning.

"Who are you, and what do you seek?"

Graham Holfast
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:44:09 AM
Things did not, to Holfast, go unnoticed. Having become acquainted with the ruffian Tianje and accepting a short-term offer of board in her humble home, he had gotten to know the gal fairly well. Her local haunt, the Jedi bar, was one he frequented and therein conversed with the Jedi about their force tricks and the like. As cunning and skilled as they might have been, most didn’t have the wits about them to lead a normal life, and he rationalized this was why the quirky lot tended to their magic’s and potions – or so he understood.

Xhu was a crafty one too, and she’d almost eluded him, but to no avail. The scoundrel had followed her lead and shadowed her with the covert only a thief could possess. Of course, he kept a good distance behind, and watched her movements carefully, to check if there was a chance she might turn back on her steps and spot him from his deft hiding place.

It was only when the door up ahead opened that he poked his head further out into the open. An impish smile crept over his lips as he watched the unearthly parody of the Sith, that he had heard of from the Jedi, standing to greet Tianje. Making no attempt to hide himself, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his breeches and took a few steps forward. There he stood, leaning back against a tree, with one ankle crossed over the other with a canted gaze set upon the conversing two.

Tianje Xhu
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:12:04 PM
as the door creaked open she stood her ground though a small part of her wanted to turn tail and run. a man stood in the shadows just inside the doorway, his voice rumbling down to her.

her gaze falls level with his chest and she tilts her head back to take in his full height. he was a tall one and his voice was deep but any fear she had vanished instantly and she drew herself up taller. when she spoke her voice was confident.

"im here for the meeting. didnt miss it did i?"

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 18th, 2002, 08:55:31 AM
"No, not yet..."

He skimmed the top of her mind, looking for a name... and shortly after found one.

"...Miss Xhu. Come inside."

He opened the door a little wider, so she could enter, and he could keep others from following. He noticed a small man by a tree outside. He was tempted to send a message into this one's head, but decided against it. No point to aggrivating complete strangers at the moment.

Graham Holfast
Oct 18th, 2002, 11:34:30 AM
“Ha’d on!”

The rogue’s voice rang out loudly as the door began to close. He whisked forward, quickly across the dirty track towards the half-open threshold. Graham huffed and puffed and wheezed as he came to a skidding halt.
“Am here for th’meeting too, like.”

Syren Lysandor
Oct 18th, 2002, 04:37:46 PM
Behind Graham came a redhead, whose movements were jerky like a puppet on strings. She brought nothing with her, and her blue eyes stared out dully ahead. ".. Tempist," she breathed out, as if it took effort to speak.

In the condominium shared by Eve, she had received his message about the meeting for the Broken Circle and came. Eve wasn't far off behind, either - where ever Syren went, Eve came, too.

"Let .. me in ..."

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 20th, 2002, 12:40:46 PM
A dark grin spread accross his face, as he opened the door a little wider.

"Welcome then, to the manor of The Broken Circle. I am Tempist, and this is Syren."

He motioned twards the redhead, informing the newcomers of his knowing her, and at the same time announcing that she was already in.

"Make yourselves at home, we will begin in a few minites."

Graham Holfast
Oct 20th, 2002, 12:45:02 PM
“Top one, like. Come on, lass, in we gan!”

Giving a mock bow to the crimson haired girl, he span on the ball of his foot and strutted his way through the door. As he crossed the threshold, he gave a nod and wink in greeting to Tempist, whistling a jaunty tune as he passed by.

Tianje Xhu
Oct 20th, 2002, 11:43:10 PM
sliding past the tall man and into the interior of the room, tianje looked at her surroundings. it was nicely appointed, better than anything she had seen before 'cept for the one time she had crept through an open window at the mayor's house in some little town she was passing through and had made off with a freshly baked pie. that house had been real nice, too.

hearing gram's rolling slang tianje turns with a half scowl on her young features. he was following her. she'd spotted him a few other times trailing along behind her and in some way it kinda made her feel good.

moving to stand out of the way, she watches as the jerky woman enters. last time she'd seen someone move like that, they had been strung out on death sticks. the big guy seemed pleased to see her, though.

switching her gaze back to him, tianje can feel the little prickles that she did when he first opened the door. little prickles in her mind and along her body. they didnt hurt but just felt...strange.

Tempist the Uncaring
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:32:03 PM
This midget... or whatever it was... seemed very strange and eccentric. He'd have to keep an eye on this one... also, Tiange seemed slightly concerned at this small one being here. He didn't bother to ask, eventually he'd find out. As they came in, he looked around outside one last time before closing the door.

Graham Holfast
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:37:14 PM
Of course he followed in tow behind Tianje, and admired the decorum as she had done. On occasion he would offer Tempist a nervous glance – he felt faintly wary around him, though he could not for the life of him put his finger on why.

“So then,” he chimed, his tone cheery in comparison to the taciturn atmosphere.

“When’s this meetin’ startin’?”

Syren Lysandor
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:32:23 AM
Her face still remained blank, even though the young man's actions were quite ... unusual. The other woman had stepped infront of him, leaving Syren and Eve to enter last.

"Are they the only ones?"

Her blue eyes glanced towards the two before looking back towards Tempist, her pale hands hanging limply at her side.

Eve Siren
Nov 13th, 2002, 04:10:43 PM
True, Eve followed Syren from behind to make sure she wasn't going to do anything to harm herself again. On her quest for 'feelings', Syren has been a bit too much to handle, but the former Sith Knight managed. Syren was like a little child, in an odd way ... But an pale emotionless child, which was much more difficult than the normal child. She tilted her head to the side, her empty brown eyes looking towards Tempist, but not letting Syren go from the corner of her eyes.

"Tempist ..." Her monotone voice whispered.

Tempist the Uncaring
Nov 14th, 2002, 09:29:16 PM
"I guess so..." Tempist replied to Syren. The group would be small, he knew that much. When things get too big they need too much control, too much authority gets put into one or two people. His eyes moved to his old friend, and he smiled. Not a large smile, just a small one, like a greeting.

"Good evening Eve. How have things been?"

He knew little of what had been happening to Eve and Syren, he hadn't had as much time to spend with them as he wished. The one time he had been able to visit, Syren wound up walking off with a madman, in an attempt to find the sensation of touch again, and he hadn't stopped it. The only ways to truly learn are from experiance and advice. When advice dosn't work, then they may need the first hand feeling of humility.

Eve Siren
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:10:11 AM
"Things have been wonderful."

Eve turned her head towards Syren, forcing a discreet little smile on her lips. Her eyes half-way closed, it showed that she was tremendously tired. Her skin was much more pale then when she came back - It was painfully obvious that she didn't sleep in a long time.

Syren Lysandor
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:44:16 AM
Tempist and Eve had begun to enter a discussion, and so Syren felt that she wasn't needed anymore. She began to drift away from the others, humming an unknown melody.

She glanced over her shoulder at Eve before going over to a vase on the table. Picking it up, she ran her fingers over the designs before murmuring to herself:

"Wonder how pretty it looks when shattered."

Tempist the Uncaring
Nov 28th, 2002, 09:25:08 PM
Tempist smiled at Eve, and lightly put his hand against her cheek.

"This is your home too now. This place is for us all."

He saw how tired she was, and realized he could relate. He hadn't gotten much sleep lately either, but most likley more than Eve had. He kept his mind open, sensing Syren, and making sure she didn't get into too much trouble. He prepaired himself for the sound of broken porcelin, but didn't espically care if the vase was destoried or not. It was in the dwelling when they obtained it, it had no value to him. Maybe Syren would find what she was looking for in it's broken fragments.

Eve Siren
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:12:58 AM
Eve closed her eyes, resting her cheek against the palm of his hand gently.

"I know." She only muttered. Then she felt Syren planning up something. She knew Tempist was very well aware of it, but he didn't seem to move so she didn't either.

Tianje Xhu
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:49:43 PM
curiously, she watched the two of them, tempist and the female. were they lovers? it didnt matter to her if they were or not but watching and observing is what kept tianje alive so far and in her mind if something wasnt broke, then you sure dont go about messin with it.

the other female, the one who walked like someone was controlling her movements, had stopped in front of a mirror and was running her fingers along its' edges and tianje had the feeling that this one was going to do more than just admire it.

clearing her throat, she tries drawing the big man's attention.

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:58:28 PM
"We should probably start now then I guess."

He started walking twards the main chamber, and motioned for Eve and Syren to follow. He sat down at the long table, and opened the first gathering of TBC.

"Welcome, thanks for coming, everyone. I don't know a few of the people here, so maybe if we start of by telling our names, and a little about ourselves. I am Tempist Opps. I am an ex-Sith Knight, who has lost his rage and lust for the kill."

Now for the next speaker.