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View Full Version : Like a walk in the park (open, Not nessisarily a fight)

Kaytor Surna
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:05:48 PM
Kaytor steped into the park right after sunset. A few others were walking along the path between the trees and grass areas. She slowly started to walk down the path way, silently.

She got several odd looks from people as she walked. Black clothing, a cloak and a hood was an odd look for the people around here. But that was what she was wearing. She didn't care. By now she was used to the odd looks.

As she walked down the path, she came to one of the many benchs that were scattered around. This one sat under a willow tree. It brought more shadows around it then just the night. She sat down on the bench and leaned back.

A few moments passed and a young man walked up. He looked about the same age as Kaytor looked. He smiled slightly to her.

"Mind if I have a seat? Or are you waiting for someone?"

Kaytor glanced up at the man. She motioned for him to have a seat. He nodded in thanks and sat down on the other end of the small bench.

"So do you live around here? Or are you new to this place?"

He tried to start small talk with her. She kept silent and only sighed. His smiled faded a bit and wondered if there was something wrong with her.

"Are you alright, miss?"

She raised her head up to look at the stars. Her dark brown eyes reflected many of them back into the night.

"Have you ever felt like you don't belong anywhere? That you have no true place in this universe?"

She turned to face him. His sandy blonde hair and her black hair blew a bit as a soft breaze picked up. He thought a moment before answering her question.

"I'm afraid I can not say I have. But if you would like to talk about it, I am told that I am a good listener."

Kaytor smiled slightly at the kindness of the man. She knew he ment well but it didn't always turn out that way. She knew he wouldn't understand if she told him her story. Few ever did.

"I am sure you are, milord. But my story is to confusing for most."

He mearly nodded, accepting the answer. He glanced up at the sky then down at a watch on his wrist.

"I'm sorry, miss, but I must go. I wish you luck with your life. And may the force be with you."

He stood up and walked away. Kaytor watched him walk away then lowered her head again. Her mind wandered back to when she last saw Tomak. A tear fell from her cheak as she sat there, thinking.

Ebon Dir
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:45:24 PM

He couldn't help but recognize how much the area resembled his childhood home. The architecture couldn't have been more different, but somehow, the atmosphere was the same. Granted, his memory was hazy, as the last time he had seen his home was as it was going up in flames along with the rest of the community, destroyed by Sith.

He shook his head, trying to force the memories from his mind. It was bad enough he had seen the visions and heard the screams every moment since then, he didn't have to conciously dredge up any more. Hopefully, with the information gathered from this contact he was meeting, he'd be able to track down the ones behind the destruction.

Now where was he supposed to meet him? Ah, yes, the park.

After asking around, he located the park he was looking for, settling on small outdoor cafe near a well travelled path. Unfortunatelly it was rather crowded, and the only spot available was a small table with no chairs. Looking around, he found an empty chair at a table occupied by a lone woman, dressed in black. As he approached, he could feel the essense of the dark side exude from her like a living fog. She wasn't one of his sisters in the Black Hand, that he knew, which left one possibility:

A dirty Sith.

Barely holding his rage in check, he approached her, doing his best to keep his own force signature suppressed. The last thing he wanted was a fight.

"No one is using this, are they?" he said, gesturing at the chair.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:54:10 PM
Kaytor glanced up at the man. Her eyes narrowed slightly. She could sense the dark force about this man. Be sith or dark jedi, she didn't much care for him. She shook her head slightly and motioned to him that the chair was unoccupied. She leaned back again in her chair. She watched the other people come and go.

She finaly stood up and walked away. There were to many people around there. Not what she needed right now. She headed off the path towards a grassy area with a small stream running through the center. No one was in sight here. But she still felt the force signature of the man. She looked back the way she had just come.

Oct 15th, 2002, 10:13:37 PM
Nexziro slowly walked in the twilight. He had found himself walking around aimlessly alot since he arrived in this new world. He tried to learn as much of this new world as possible. He had quickly picked up on the common language but still spoke with an accent.

As he walk he noticed a figure clad in a black cloak. This did not trouble him at all, he wore the same. What was different was the fealing he was getting from figure. He knew nothing of force patterns, but he knew undead.

As he crossed paths he whispered soflty "Early to be out Vampire, or has breakfast come already?" and continued walking.

Ebon Dir
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:19:19 PM
Without a word she was gone, which was fine with him. Rather than moving the chair, he occupied the recently vacated table, keeping an eye out for this mystery person who was to meet him.

All around him he heard the idle chatter and annoying chit chat of the citizendry.

How he loathed people.

Oct 16th, 2002, 06:57:59 PM
She walked as though she was looking for someone, a small wickerbasket full of flowers on one arm, she walked by the table at which Ebon Dir was sitting. She stopped, and walked around to the other empty chair.
