View Full Version : First Endevour (Plague, Reborn, closed)

Oct 14th, 2002, 06:22:43 PM
The clamerous commotion of the alarm clock was heard aloud, waking Morpheus from his much needed rest. He arose from the amenities of his bed, rubbing his emerald eyes to remove his obscure vision. He gradually made his way over towards his wardrobe, dressing himself in his usual black attire. He then proceeded out of his personal quarters, heading for the weapons chamber. He stepped up towards the sealed entrance, pressed a diminutive emblem on his com-link, and walked into the room has the doors became accessible.

Understanding that the opposition they were to scuffle against would attack in great numbers with lightsabers, he would prepare himself with the essential artillery necessary. He gathered toghether his duel katanas, obsidian vibro-blade, and steel throwing axe, placing them in separate sheathes located on his uniform. If anything, he would no go into battle disorganized.

Once thoroughly armed, he peacefully walked up towards the hangar, the location where everyone would meet for a brief discussion before embarking on there endevour. While afoot, he silently contemplated the day’s imminent events within his mind. He was apprehensive, not for himself, but for the squad. He could only hope that they would use brilliant tactics and make intelligent decisions, and most of all, understand the utter importance of the team itself. This was their first group mission, and he knew that if they all worked toghether there would be nothing to hinder their objectives.

He entered into the unlit hangar, awaiting the soon arrival of the others.

Faust Schwartzstrom
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:45:39 PM
The boy walked in from one of the side doors, with his cloak wrapped around him with his goggles atop his head. It seemed as if he had no firearms to speak of. He then pulled his arm out from underneath. It was clad with a strange metallic glove, that had a gatling-type barrel on it. It went around his wrist, with the barrels covering it. His arm looked very unproportional. He had a belt of bullets wrapped around his body that connected to the strange gun. He laughed and said, "Always come prepared, eh Morpheus. How do you think I did for preparation.

Mahi Mahi
Oct 15th, 2002, 06:24:39 PM
She yawned, her large sword upon her back, she had blatantly choose not to take any guns with her.

"Ready ta go Mr. Morphy." she said, spreading her legs in a spilt as she yawned once more.

Oct 15th, 2002, 06:24:59 PM
Sedate entered the hangar and waited on everone else to get there. Sedate was unarmed. He always was. Weapons slowed him down. He would use what was available on the battlefield as a weapon if the situation called for a weapon.

Young Ki-Adi
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:12:34 PM
Raziel relaxed silently on his new bed, enclosed by the amenities of his new quarters. It was quite strange residing in an unfamiliar facility, however the abode was quite cozy and easy to get use to. He was buried in deep though, thinking about what was to come that day. For one thing it was pleasing to be on the good side, something he was not at all used to. His new colleagues appeared virtuous and trustful, and he would keep a close watch out for them on the battlefield that day. It was a positive change of pace, fighting darkness rather than supporting it. Indeed things were looking up.

He arose from his bunk, proceeded to his closet, and properly outfitted himself for work with his usual jet-black uniform. He placed an ebony steel hilt, which had remained unseen until then, to a small hook on his belt. Once fully equipped, he progressed out of his personal chambers and up to the base’s hangar, where he then encountered Morpheus and Faust.

" I am ready. "

Oct 15th, 2002, 09:13:23 PM
A ruby morning sun shattered the veil of night, as it crept above the tree tops. Pale beams of light cascaded down lush, green branches; illuminating a small clearing below. In the center of this tiny open area, just outside of the Halls of Mortimeer, Nemesis sat atop a blanket; now soaked with dew.

His eyes were closed, giving the inky mask he wore a seemingly endless body of black. Beads of sweat glistened against his bare torso, remnants of a vigorous pre-dawn training session only minutes before.

The hunter's mind drifted on, as he prepared himself mentally for the battle to come. Images of those he would soon command filled his every thought. No longer was he responsible for only his own life, but the life of all them that went with him. The burden of leadership weighed heavy on his soul.

In an instant, the ivory pupils shot open and his head snapped to the rear with the sound of approaching footsteps.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:37:25 PM
Jeran had slept outside the temple beside an old grove of trees that night. He liked the new 'base'--but he wasn't prepared to bed down just yet. Not to mention the fact that before a hunt he had to get in touch with his wild side--the side that ran with the wolves and lived in the trees.

It had been a cool but still night. He had slept well in his sleeping bag. Waking up about two hours before most, he had taken to a light run. He had a strict regiment he followed--a run, a swim (if possible), and stretching. The whole time, his mind would be cleansed by the crisp air of nature. The Force would cleanse him.

He had noticed Nemesis in the clearing. It was no suprise that the other true hunter in his group had prepared as well. Jeran made his way near the clearing--silent, so as not to interrupt his friend. As he entered the clearing from Nemesis' front, the white slits opened to view him.

"You ready for this?" Jeran asked him calmly and with genuine care to his voice. He believed in his friend--he knew that Nemesis deserved the leadership position. Even though he wanted to be at his side, if Nemesis trusted the man that took the attack position with him, Jeran did too. He would never take his eyes of his back, though.

Isaac Paine
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:48:44 PM
:: I hadn't slept at all, and probably wouldn't until after the mission. That had been Imperial training, sleep was no longer a requirement, or it hadn't been to Imperial Gaurd. But then the only release from that faction had been the eternal sleep, death, and I had been rewards with that almost 100 times. I fixed my sunglasses in the dawn sunlight and turned from the balcony window.
I had been warming up all night for the mission. I had complete confidence in our abilities to efficiently complete this mission without failure at any kind, but I had to stop myself, we were not the elite group that I had lived half my life with. Teamwork was something these people would have to discover, they had only met together for the first time not too long ago. Failure was something not desired, but a possibility, there was no point in being naive.
I refitted the customizations of the battle armor underneath my jacket, replaced my sword in the sheath and my staff in the side holster. I ran a hand through my hair, it was going gray, things did that went people got old, and how old was I now? No clue, it didn't effect me now or the mission so it had no relevance. I turned from the mirror in the wall and entered the corridor.
I walked outdoors and breathed in deeply. The morning air was refreshing nonetheleast and I was glad to get a small break before going on another mission. I turned my head as my glasses beeped recognizing movement and the little HUD in the glass began to follow it with a small red circle. I smiled and slowly walked towards whoever it may be.
I came upon Jeran and Nemesis, both looking like they had just finished warming up or were still doing so. I heard Jeran's last statement and smiled. Nemesis had taken on a burden by forming a group of sith hunters, people who would prevent injustice, because injustice bit back, I knew, and its bite meant death. I had nothing to say so I just stood there and watched, words don't come too easily in the morning, well, they don't come to me really that much anymore anyways.::

Oct 17th, 2002, 02:22:00 PM
A shaft of light shown upon Raiden’s face. Waking to a new day in a new bed felt better than the one on his ship which he lived in for so long. Reluctantly he raised himself off the bed stretching his full length. Raiden's eyes came to rest upon his battle gear. His excitement rose as he moves toward to foot of the bed he pulls out a case which held his weapons. Raiden's anticipation sharpened his senses as he prepared for his first battle along side his new family. With a smile on his face he opens it and takes out his two saber claws, a sword, and his handheld grappling device. Strapping the saber claws to his sides he puts the device in his pocket and ties the sword to his back. On the counter next to the door lays his mask. With mask in hand he heads out the door. Going through the corridors to the hangar Raiden sees some of his friends already awaiting. Raiden steps in line and looks forward awaiting his orders.

Oct 18th, 2002, 10:30:15 AM
"As ready as any man can be." was his somber reply to the Hunter's question.

Nemesis nodded to the pair of men, pleased to see that both had taken great measures in preparing for their duties. The assassin hoped that all had been so astute.

Rising from the dank cloth, he retrieved the articles of clothing and assorted weapons stretched across nearby branches. In a matter of moments, the ebony soldier had fully equipped his light, battle ready armor along with twin meter long blades, which he strapped to the back and dual blaster pistols, one at each side. An array of small explosives and other devices clung to a glistening metallic utility belt.

A bone white gaze fell upon Jeran and Isaac once more as he spoke, "I trust you are both armed." Without waiting for a reply he continued, "Then let us move toward the hanger. Morpheus and the others must be waiting for us by now."

The three warriors slipped back into the dense wilderness on their journey toward the designated meeting place.

Reborn Dark Jedi
Oct 19th, 2002, 11:32:51 AM
They were all ready, all 45 of them. They had their steel hilts placed at their sides. All were silent, completely concentrated on their assignment. It was the only thing that mattered. They had spent many weeks preparing for the upcoming assault, toning their swordsman proficiency and stealth tactics. No one would be able to keep them from achieving their mission, no one.

They boarded the barren ship and quickly took their seats. The spacecraft lifted off of it's dormant state upon the ground, heading for the Queen's palace on Naboo.

Isaac Paine
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:04:07 PM
:: I followed behind Nemesis until we reached the docking bay. I silently stood there observing the others. My glasses gave me detailed descriptions of their dimensions and weapons on them, and as a habit, the computer in the glasses gave a percentage of the probability they could kill me. I grimaced and noted to turn that off some time later.::

I believe that most opponents do not wait for the defenders to get prepared. Why are we still standing here?

Faust Schwartzstrom
Oct 20th, 2002, 09:02:46 AM
Faust followed suit and walked with his fellow members. He turned to the man with the glasses, putting out his hand in greeting."Hi, I'm Faust. What's your name?", He said trying to make a friend before entering battle.

Oct 21st, 2002, 08:53:22 PM
OOC: Everyone, check the OOC Forum.

Enormous, metallic doors slid open; the many gears groaning under their heavy weight. Nemesis' familiar inky form emerged from behind, flanked by Jeran and Isaac.

The three men stalked into the vast hangar, moving toward the small gathering that stood just outside a large vessel. Once within the congregation themselves, the assassin's gaze passed over all present as his mind had done amid the wilderness sanctuary.

After a speedy roll call, the commander spoke, "I know not the words to prepare you for what is coming. Battle can only be described by them that have survived it, and even they have not the means to tell its story."

A severe militaristic tone, masked his pain. "Some of you may die to day, and the only comfort I have to offer is this: know that you will not have sacrificed your life without just cause. I commend you all for your bravery."

Again he halted. His thick ebony garments rustled on a gentle breeze entering from the open, south gate.

"Do not fear failure, for in trying you have already accomplished more than any man has ever dared."

With that, he turned from them. His boots clanked against the shimmering, nickel ramp as he boarded the readied craft.

Oct 22nd, 2002, 03:21:47 PM
Morpheus trailed his solemn comrade, remaining in a serene state of deep contemplation and concern. He too, completely fathomed the permanent aftermaths of war. He could only hope his colleagues' past experiences granted them the mutual understanding he had.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 23rd, 2002, 01:46:39 PM
Perched about 60 feet from the gates, Jeran held his position in the trees. He was at ease in the nature and, on top of that, concealed by it's leafy shadows. He watched the gate intently. Letting his own senses flare, he felt out into the wilderness around him, searching for clues. When his enemy arrived, he would know.

More importantly, he would be ready.

Isaac Paine
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:51:29 PM
::I turned to Faust and stuck out the hand not resting in my sleeve.::

I am Isaac. Good luck Faust, do not die. Nemesis is right, you might die today, because I'm telling you now. Death is not what you would expect, it is never something you would want to experience, no matter how bad you might risk it. And don't deal death out like a weapon either. You have no right, and neither does any other, that was why we formed together. Everyone has their right to live, not deal death. And with those words, I bid you on.

:: A speech that I'd been thinking about for awhile but with a shake of my head, I turned and folowed Nemesis. What the heck was I talking about?::

Oct 31st, 2002, 09:14:33 PM
Nemesis paced along a slender ledge encircling the royal palace. The sun shown brightly and merry sounds of people in the market place drifted on the still morning air.

Turning about, the ebony warrior watched as a single hand rose above the ledge opposite from where he stood. He patiently waited on the rest of his comrade to appear before continuing.

Soon Isaac's second hand latched onto the thin ridge and steadily pulled the rest of him atop the building.

"It starts."

A tiny spec of light flickered on the hunter's comlink, as he spoke his final instructions to the squad, "Listen up everyone. We've made it this far and no sign of the enemy, but don't be fooled. The Reborn are coming, so stay alert. Remember, your instructions and work as a team. Good luck."

The device beeped a few times then fell to the man's side. With all the preparations made and everything in order, Nemesis aided Paine in coiling the long ropes used in the pair's accent up the poorly defended rear wall.

Sentinel Salisha
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:19:40 AM
An acute intuition beckoned the lady warrior to the brimming marketplace, peddling anything from sheer silk garments, to exotic food, and dazzling trinkets. Garbed in form-fitting stygian leather pants cut low at the hips and combat boots, with a jade green cropped tank top, battle-hardened cerulean eyes took in an array of the populace going about their daily routine of bargaining. Salisha turned heads as her twin Mandalorion iron sword's hand carved hilts, secured by two sheaths bound by a silver laced belt, distended out into plain view.

A bearded man abruptly approached her, visibly intoxicated by his swaggering gait and stale stench of alcohol soaking his clothes. He snared Salisha's attention as an ample belch resounded before his introduction.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you looking to start trouble? You wouldn't wan't that pretty face of yours cut up now, would you?" He chuckled slurring his words, a chorus of laughter behind him she figured to be his friends.

"Depends if it seeks me out," she bluntly countered, not amused at his overture.

His attention then riveted onto the electric shimmer of the hilts, registering treasure, in the man's soused mind.

"How much for the swords?" He asked nonchalantly, reaching down to touch one.

"They are not for sale!" She snapped back, moving away from his outstretched hand.

"Everything has a price my dear. I could only imagine how much you would bring on the slave market," he callously commented, daring to drag a filthy hand down her blonde tresses.

Unsheathing her right sword, Salisha whipped the barbed tip under the man's chin in accelerated speed, drawing a drip of blood from his flesh in the practiced maneuver.

"You wouldn't wan't to try me, sir, lest you find yourself without a head to speak from."

Stunned by her honed reflexes he stood down, as the exhibition was too much for the drunken man to handle. He waved his friends back, stepping out of her way, wiping the blood off with the back of his hand. With a crooked smile, he then whispered in a threatening tone.

"Watch your back, dearie, for when it gets dark around here corpses line the alleys come morning."

"Then I would suggest you stay home at night," she retaliated with a sneer, resheathing her sword.

With a wink and a mocking pucker of his lips, he departed with his comrades.

"I got a bad feeling about this place," she spoke to herself, as she strutted about the stands, admiring the priceless gems, apparently stolen by black marketeers.