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Yuri Moroketh
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:50:37 AM
The captain of Gabriel Hyde's flagship, the Kiavedd, was not human. He wasn't even Givin.

He was Yevethan.

But, unlike most of his race, Yuri Moroketh was not bent on the destruction of other species. In fact, Moroketh actively denounced the ways of his people, instead choosing to be calculating and patient, happy to live among those of the galaxy.

He'd grown up with Hyde, and the two were close friends, so when Hyde had asked him to command the first Capital ship Terrisz'Voss built, he accepted the offer gratefully. And it was a glorious ship.

The Kiavedd wasn't as large as a Star Destroyer; half the length at best, but what it lacked in size it made up for in sheer vicious beauty. A gracefull hull design, as went with the two Terrisz'Voss' Vico-class capital ships, gave the craft a smooth, streamlined look, with weapons ports wonderfully hidden within the hull. It was a work of art, and Moroketh loved every line in its metal body.

Sitting in his command chair, almost directly behind the two pilot's stations and seemingly dominated the bridge, the Yevethan watched the tunnel of hyperspace before him. One good eye half open in a lazy stare, his fingers curled expectantly around the armrests as he was careful to not allow his dewclaws to unsheath.

"How long until we reach Yag'Dhul?" he spoke up, in a deep rumbling bass of a voice.

"About 15 minutes, Sir," One of the pilots answered, not turning from his post.

"Good. Inform our guest that we'll be arriving shortly."

"Yes Sir."

It would be nice to set foot on Yag'Dhul once again, and Moroketh sat, continuing to watch the starlines as they stretched by.

Merr Kunnon
Oct 14th, 2002, 05:21:02 PM
It was a routine trip for Merr Kunnon. Some big wig would fly him off to a distant planet on the most glorious ship they could muster, then offer him outragious amounts of money to work for them. It was beginning to be more of a game.

Thus far, no company had been able to even come close to what Kun was making at KTI. Never the less, Kun would walk into the CEO's office, listen to a boring 20 minute speech about how this company would surge ahead of the competitors and welcome in the technologies of tommorrow. Then negotiations would consist of Kun demanding ridculous amounts of money and the big wig CEO would trip over his own jaw and try to explain the sentence "We dont have that kinda money" in a way that wouldnt make their operation sound like a kid running a lemonade stand...

Though something about the ship he was on did spark a bit of curiousity. No matter though, he would handle this Hyde character the same way as the others....

Kun laid back on the bed provided to him on board the Kiavedd and took a sip of his drink. Just then a man walked in...


"Who in the hell are you?"

"Lt. Torens, Sir...we'll be reaching Yag'Dhul in about 15 minutes.."

"I know this! What do I look like to you, a mechanic!?"

"No Sir...I..wa........"

"I wasnt asking a question, get outta here so I can get ready!"

"Yes Sir...."

A sly grin cracked across Kun's face as the poor Lieutenant hurried out of the room utterly confused about the conversation that had just taken place...
Kun stepped off the bed and gave himself the once over in front of a mirror, still grinning widely....

"Damn I love this game"

Yuri Moroketh
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:02:54 PM
The Kiavedd dropped from hyperspace without so much as a shudder through her deckplates, and in those seconds of first reversion Moroketh was on his feet, stepping from the raised platform his chair rested on and making his way to stand next to one of the pilots.

The layout of the bridge itself was sleek, designed with efficiency in mind. There was a forward viewscreen, and facing it was a lifted section running down the center of the entire bridge from front to back. Housed within this raised section were the pilots; a team of two. The Kiavedd relied on a compined throttle steering system, and each pilot had complete control over the ship through a throttle column. And behind the pilots was the command chair.

No pits littered the bridge of any kind, and the only other stations were the forward gunnery posts, of which they themselves were situated along the outlying sides; four in all with two on each side.

It was effective and utilitarian. Ideal for combat. Moroketh wasn't above using his ship's strategic capabilities to gain the upper hand, and if it happened without bloodshed, all the better.

Standing, he placed a hand on the dash of the pilot's console. Yag'Dhul could be seen in the distance, steadily getting larger.

"Commander Rugahn. Contact Mr. Hyde and tell him we'll be arriving planetside shortly."

"Yes Sir."

The Kiavedd angled gracefully, arcing in a slow loop on its approach to Yag'Dhul.

Merr Kunnon
Oct 16th, 2002, 09:43:48 PM
Everything was going as usual now. A lower officer of the ship lets you know that you're going to arrive shortly. Then your allowed a few minutes to get ready, freshen up, etc. Then you start off on your way to the main bridge, but you never make it all the way there, cause a higher ranking officer, sometimes even the captain, meets you half way and escorts you off of the ship, with a fair amount of brown-nosing in between....

Kun made his way out of his room, passing busy crew members who took the time to give a friendly nod as they passed. Following posted signs, he began making his way to the main bridge.....