View Full Version : Reflections : Angels (finished)

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 13th, 2002, 10:01:59 PM
Angels _ The Tea Party

another holiday from all the vampires
and all the sycophants caught on the highwire
so sexy, sexy babe you know i need some
to pass the time away to get relief from
all this life that's filled with wanton tragedy.

just like a runaway with no escape zone
you'd think i'd find a way you'd think i'd fake one
but all my life's been filled with wanton tragedy

where's my angels i'm a naked soul
where's my angels i'm a naked soul

so just for heaven's sake i'll try to face this
it's just a chance you take to get a last kiss
so sexy, sexy babe you know i need some
to pass the time away to get relief from
all this life that's filled with wanton tragedy

where's my angels i'm a naked soul
where's my angels i'm a naked soul
now don't you hide from me
don't you hide from me
don't you hide from me

all my life's been filled with wanton tragedies

where's my angels i'm a naked soul
where's my angels i'm a naked so ul
now don't you hide from me
don't you hide from me
don't you hide from me
don't you hide from me
please don't


Outside Dexter's Diner, the day was getting on and there were things to do. Marcus looked skyward, seeing the insane amount of traffic flying by, seeing all around the millions of beings that even this tiny part of the planet had. Huge building's soared into the sky, even as Dexter's was on the side of a broadway 100 stories above ground level. Hard to imagine, but it was true.

Soem days ago, Helenias had been the target of a unsuccessful assasination attept. He was going to go out a pay the one who paid for the hit, a visit.

"Come along Xazor. We have someone to go meet"

Xazor Elessar
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:22:02 PM
Xazor smiled as she stood next to Marcus outside of Dexter's Diner. Her eyes went skyward as well, watching the controlled chaos of flight vehicles zoom through the air, so close at times that she was sure an impact would occur. Suddenly she heard shouting and turned her attention to two low-flying speeders that had stopped in mid air not to far from the Jedi's location. Ugly alien type men popped out of the hatches on both and immediatly began to bicker.

"Watch where you're going, or you'll be BANTHA FODDER!"

"Is that a threat? Because if that is a threat, I'll talk to my lawer and you'll see me in COURT!"

"No buddy......it's not a threat....IT'S A PROMISE!"

"How rude! I think that you should watch your temper or.....or...."

"Or what, you're gonna slap me on the wrist like my MOMMY! You DON'T want to do that!"

The oversized alien got a bit closer to the prim and proper man's face, then pointed a finger right at his nose as he spoke. The other man backed away and snarled in disgust.

"I have no time to deal with scum.....I'm LATE!"

He called and hopped back down into the speeder, then took off, leaving the other 'in the dust'. Xazor shook her head and turned back to Marcus. Why do people fight so much....and over the smallest things? She couldn't help but think to herself. Sighing, the Garou Knight's attention was brought back to Marcus when he said something about paying someone a visit. Perhaps it was a tone in his voice....or the way he said it, that made her tense up and casually place a hand upon her saber.

"And who might that someone be? Does this have anything to do with that attempt to kill my Mother?"

Indeed, a bit of defense could be heard in her voice at the thought of anyone who tried to touch her beloved family....blood or not, they still were her own. Sighing, she looked back up at the sky. How life was like that chaos sometimes.....she would have rather shot the ones who caused such needless headaches, but Xazor had compassion for their pitiful lives as well. Hopefully the one whom they would pay a visit to, would not get in her way.....

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2002, 12:19:57 AM
"Of course it is. Lets just say that trying to kill Helenias was a bad idea and we are goign t make it clear to the mob that hired the killers, that we will not tolerate such a thing happening again. Hoods up - were going as The Lost. And remember, the aim is to scare, not hurt and definantly not kill."

Hoods up, Marcus switched to speaking to Xazor mentally, to stop anyone overhearign them.

Even if I would gladly skin those a@@es of the Trade Federation alive for trying something like this on. Not even a day as a Senator and they try to kill her! It's almost like they fear a Jedi in the Senate.... well if I was them, I'd be fearful as well. Helenias' presence along with Oriadin will be enough to make anyone be mindful of their thoughts. Bit difficult to plot if a Jedi picks it out of your mind, right?

Also tell me.... that young man, terran, correct? I had a word with him in the Council rooms. I like him... I like him a lot. What more can you tell me of him?

Xazor Elessar
Oct 18th, 2002, 04:17:22 PM
Xazor nodded slightly as Marcus spoke. Her expression went slightly grave as she pulled the hood of her black robes over her head and the shadows immediatly gathered upon her face. They were The Lost today.....doing their work in the shadows of the Galaxy...doing the work that others from the Order would not have done.

I would think that the Trade Federation had better things to do than pluck off a Senator...but the past always repeats itself, does it not?

She said softly in his mind, sharing her thoughts as if they were his own. It was a sad thing that such a powerful group had nothing more to do than hunt out her Mother. They had a right to be afraid of the Jedi in the Senate....Helenias was a powerful woman and was quick with the mind. Xazor's thoughts were distracted suddenly as Marcus asked her about Terran...and her heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name.

Yes....Terran. When I was a Sith back at my Order on Cysaria, I met a young man named Chase Konrad. He was my training partner.....we shared the same Master. We despised one another when we were younger....we practically grew up together and then one day, we fell in love. Have I told you this story before?

Then she remembered that she had not....she had told Helenias, but the young Knight did not think that Marcus would be too interested in her love tale....but this was important, so she would tell him now.

He desired to be a Jedi more than anything else, but was pursuing the life of a Sith to please his Father. He kept books of Jedi history and other such things about them...and I too began to realize there was more for me than killing and the such. So as Sith Knights we became engaged to marry and then made plans to make our escape for the Jedi Order. Three days before our wedding....he was supposedly murdered.

Pausing again, Xazor walked in silence for a moment...silence in their minds for they had been physically silent the whole while. Smiling to herself, she shook her head as memories came flooding back once again.

Nearly a half year ago, he arrived at the Jedi Order as Terran Starek. He was unable to remember anything that had happened to him....until he saw me. I would catch his stares...the way he looked at me. He looked all too familiar....just, older than I remembered....more mature...but I was too afraid to admit what I knew in my heart. After speaking with him more, he began to remember me and all that we had once had. He still loved me, but I had been married to Shade at the time. Then when that went down and I had pledged myself to Dasquian....he stayed loyal to me, standing by my side even though it was killing him slowly. Through it all, from the time I had left on that terrible night....until now....I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. He was in my dreams...I could feel him, Marcus.....I could.....

It was heartbreaking to remember how she had felt when he was not with her. How she had felt when she thought he had been killed. She had sought revenge....and she had won that too. But she was changed now.....and so was he.

He loves nature and has a thirst for the Living Force. I've never met one so intune to nature as my Father....even I am leagues behind him. His heart is so pure....how I desire to be like him. He makes me complete.....I have felt a peace lately that I have missed....a peace that I have sought for and searched after since I arrived...and I haven't had it until now.....

She nearly ran into someone as she daydreamed about this man who had touched her life so. Perhaps, she thought, that she had rambled on a bit too much....but Terran was.....he just was...there were no words to describe him and how the young Knight felt about him.

So you like him?!

The Garou was excited now, though she tried desperatly to hide that upon her facial features. Her heart skipped a few more beats as she thought of that.....as she thought of him.....truly she was in love, even more deeply than she had ever been...more deeply than she had been with him the first time.....

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 26th, 2002, 06:09:09 PM
"He came to see me not long ago. He told me that he can speak to nature and wanted to learn more, to know more. I tested him to make sure he was not just speaking to impress me - he indeed can understand what the wind has to say and I sense he can communicate with animals. This is not something I have seen within the Jedi for some time! A useful ability and more to the point..."

The memory came back of the conversation and the sebsequent walk he had witht the much younger man.

"... I was struck by the honesty he has. He's much like I am indeed and yes, I like him. If you do not mind, I will watch him and even give him some training in my own way, for he is a man of much promise, that much is clear to me. And Xazor.... the fact he is not in Helenias vision makes me wonder. Every person close to you and to me was affected in the vision and yet, he is not seen. I do not sense that he has the omen on him as we do, but I am not as nearly skilled in pierceing the future as Helenias is. You must ask her what she would say, for you know no one who is close to you will remain unaffected. When a vision is seen and someone is not seen, then it is often the case The Force has denied view of that person for a specific reason. Usually, it is because they play some role that is vital."

He sighed, looking out at the multitudes walking by.

"I will not disguise that this omen worries me.... but Terran not being seen somehow brings comfort. It means that the vision may not be all it seemed. As it may, you must be careful Xazor. Terran is not to know of The Lost for now, although I believe he would understand. He may even join us. But not for now.... I wish to wait and see"

Xazor Elessar
Oct 26th, 2002, 09:13:43 PM
Xazor listened as he spoke and his words brought a smile to her face. Inside she could feel what he was feeling....the comfort he had spoke of indeed he felt and was not just speaking the words for her sake. He truthfully liked Terran and that made Xazor filled with joy. She grinned to herself...but then thought of something. Marcus had just spoken everything verbally and not through the Force. Why was he not hiding this? Truthfully it made her wonder but she did not question and instead, followed his original lead as they walked.

I shall ask Mother of Terran and see what she has to say. I have to tell you something as well.....

She paused in her thoughts a moment and recalled what she wished to speak of now. The dreams she had been having lately...they were terrible and surly Marcus was having difficulty sleeping due to them. If not, he was better at blocking out the Life Bond than she was. Sighing, she looked down at the ground a moment and then ahead of her.

Have you had trouble sleeping recently? I have.....I have been having some terrible dreams, Marcus, and surly you have seen some of them play out in my mind. I dream of my Mother.....on Eden.....I dream of her being tortured. The dreams somehow jump several years and play out scenes of Dasquian, you, Oriadin, Helenias....and others whom I do not readily recognize...being tortured as they fight off something unseen.

Again the Knight paused and reflected on the vision that Helenias had told her of. This sounded similar to what the wise woman had seen and Xazor wondered why she was having these dreams.

They are not just dreams, but true nightmares....they are affecting me physically and I fear sleeping now....I know that is not healthy for the Unborn.....surly you must know of what I speak.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2002, 12:02:35 AM
"I dont normally dream. It's not of my race to do anything other than to sleep, if and when we do"

He raised a tired hand up to his eyes, rubbing them.

"Thats why I sleep for a few days on end when I do. Numeniorians just dont need the sleep that other beings do. In some ways, experienceing this thing called dreams or nightmares while I am awake and your asleep has been interesting. I can anaylsis them too, but they obviously dont carry the meaning for me that they might you. So, actually, sorry I dont know what you mean how they could affect you physically. But I can understand how other beings need sleep. If they have been disturbing your sleep cycles, then certainly, that may not be good" He yawned, then closed his eyes for a second, reopening them and looking around, gettign his bearings. "Sould be around here the place we are looking for"

"Marcus" asked Xazor, "When was the last time you did slep?"

"Three weeks ago" he replied matter of factly. "Not an unusually long time"

The female Jedi Knight gave the Master an odd look, for she suspected it had been much longer. In her recollection, she had not seen him sleep since they had flown to Coruscant, something like 40 days ago. She stayed quiet while Marcus got his bearings, but still, in the back of her mind, she had the mearest bit of doubt creep in. Tired people made mistakes. How tired was he? Ever since the assasination attempt on Helenias, he had been driving himself hard, going out at all odd times, disappearing for a few days on end, never really saying to even Dexter where he was going. Xazor knew, she could read his every thought. And she knew that the attempt on his wife's life had somehow shaken Marcus up. She knew as well he accepted that sometimes danger came his way and he could be killed. But when it came to the only link from his past he wanted, the only good thing, the woman he loved, it rattled him. "Marcus, you sure you want to do this now?"

"Yes, we do this now. This is the place the assasins were hired from"

She looked at the tall building, frowning when she translated the inscription. "It's a Trade Federation office. I see.... 5... 6... no 7 guards. All alert. You really think we are going to get in without being seen?"

"Course not" he said. "Which is why this charming young man next to us is going to create a diversion. Aint you?"

"I am?" said a young mousy looking youth, who was only walking by.

"Yes you are. Your going to go in there and cause enough trouble to get kicked out" He winked at Xazor who tried to contain her laughter, for she suddenly got a glimpse of the idea Marcus had in mind.

"You bastard!" she coughed, trying not to laugh too much, least it draw attention.

"Yes, that's me. Now in a moment, our young ally will run screaming nto the fyer with no clothes on, we run in and take cover while the guards are distracted. Okay... ready... go!"

The two Jedi streaked into the building, following the guards as they tried to grab hold of the man whom was at this point, unning aroun the foyer, sceaming about chickens and nude cheerleaders, whilst himself naked. They skidded to a stop behind a few potted plants and an empty desk, while the guards bodily threw the man out unharmed, while some ladies tittered, shocked - although Marcus could tell at least one was secretly rather ... ummm.... pleased. Pausing only to make sure no one was looking, they sprinted quickly and quietly for the stair well, making a dash for the 5th floor. A few minutes later, they were in a silent coridor, waking towards a certain door. They each took a side, while Xazor touched the handle.

"Locked" she said quietly. "I sense two beings inside"

He nodded, touching the lock and then then with a tendtril of the Force, ordered the lock to release and the door to open. It did so and the two Lost jedi leapt inide, taking the trade federation rep and his aide by total surprise. In a blink, Marcus had a Rail Gun in hand, covering the suddenly frozen beings, while Xazor closed and relocked the door.

"Okay, we are about to have a bit of a talk" he said in a deep and growling voice, unrecognisable from his usual quiet and soft one. "Like to tell me why you went over our heads?"

The Feds, looked at the two hooded beings, confused. "Errr... what's this about?" asked one, whom was sitting down.

"Assasination of a Senator. I guess you guys must be new, else you would know whom we are. My associate and I represent Assasins' Incorporated and you just stepped on our turf. Now, like to tell us why?"

The being standing up looked confused, The one sitting down almost crapped his pants in fear. But he hadn't lost control of his mouth, luckily for him. "You... your Assasins Inc?"

"Yes. Now I repeat myself - you stepped on our turf when you hired those morons. My boss dont like that, know what I mean? You ever heard what he does to people who annoy him?"

By the smell in the room, the being sitting down certainly had. "But.. but we was following orders! Dont torture us!"

"Reapply? Then you better be forthcoming with whom ordered that assasination, or else I'll think of a nice slow way to boil your balls with a great deal of pain. And then after that" He pointed the gun lower at the sitting beings genitals "You will pay the standard ransom we demand off everyone who tries to break into our business without our blessing. 50,000."

"I dont have that knid of... WWWAAAAA!!!!" he shrieked as the silenced gun blew a hole in his chair, about two centimeters from his inner thigh.

"I didnt hear that" said Marcus, bluntly and with venom dripping off his voice. "Now tell me what I want to hear"


Five minutes later, the two Jedi were back in the corridor, having tied the two Trade Feds up, locking them in a closest.

"You think they were tellign the truth?" asked Xazor

"Probably. That story was a bit too fantastic to believe otherwise. I didnt feel any deception on their voices"

"So... what now?"

"We get out. Nothing fancy, just shoot our way out and run if anyone tries to stop us. Elevator this time"

A minute later, they were walking out of the foyer, nearly out before anyone noticed them. A few yells and a handful of shots, before both Jedi had accelerated out the doors. Marcus fired over his shoulder to make guards duck, for they were only intending to escape. A few more steps and they would have a clean getaway...

It was all in slow motion, His foot tripped on a crack his tired mind had not seen, he began to fall. Xazor began to turn, but then yelled something, which in slo-mo was too drawn out to work out. A silver ball seemed to attract his attention, bouncing on the pavemet and coming t a halt about a meter in front of his face. He sensed Xazor turning away...


The whole of his existance became on eblinding and burning light.





He didnt really know how long it had been. He felt groggy. His senses told him he was somewhere cool, lying on something comfortable. He sensed someone familar near him. And a clicking noise that drew his attention. He turned his head and blinked his watering eyes, trying to clear his vision. In a moment it came sort of good, giving him a resnably clear view of what was about. Medical ward. There was the shadow of a droid, and the clinking of coins to his right. He turned that way, seeing the misty figure of Xazor.

"Hey there."

"Hi there yourself. How do you feel?" she asked

"Not bad. What happened?"

"Grenade of some sort. Got you clear and took you to see Gronk."

"Oh really? Hmm, I feel pretty good, must of gotten a Force Shield up in time or something. Do you mind turning the lights down tho? It's a bit bright in here"

"A bit... bright?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Sort of hurting my eyes. Ahh, never changes do ya Gronk... place is still a mess as ever"

"You... can... see?!?!" exclaimed Xazor.

"Yeah? You sound like I shouldn't be able to"

"Marcus... I dont know how to tell you this.. but... it's pure dark. Even in Garou form, I cant see beyond my nose. And your tellign me you can see everything in here?"

"Well... yes... bit blurry, but yes.." he looked with the beginnings of uncertaintly at Gronk, whose form he could recognise. "Is she right? This is pure dark?"

"Yes Master Q'Dunn, pure dark. My optical sensorrs can hardly even pick up enough photons to illuminate."

The Jedi began to feel a chill going up his spine. "Ummm... so... what does this mean?"

"Means your optical nerves were so badly damaged when the flash bomb went off, you have become ridiculously oversensitive to light. You will be unable to cope with any forms of light above much like this for sometime while the damage heals naturally. You are for all intensive purposes, blind" stated Gronk, coldy.

Marcus gaped, before setting back on the bed, stunned. "Oh frell"


A week later.

He had gotten a lot of sleep, holed up at Gronk's. Xazor had visited him , cheering him up. And in the space of the room, he had gotten used to walking and sensing without eyes, for Gronk was right - any form of illumination was painful beyond belief for him to open his eyes to. Even the mirrored blast shield grade eye shades could not keep all light out, but at least he could tolerate daylight by screwing his eyes shut and them on.

Xazor poppped her had in the door of his room and he could sense she at least was resonably cheerful."Ready to go back to Dexter's?"

He stood up, picking up a walking cane, feeling the Force the total interconnectedness of all things... and using that, he plotted his steps, carefully walking to the doorway. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. "If you will guide me, I am."

"Still going to get those who wanted to kill Helenias?"

"Yes. I'm not going to let a minor mishap stop me... Xazor, no Jedi needs eyes to see their steps, if they have the Force." His hand whipped out and caught an insect buzzing by. "And one big advantage... all my other senses have improved"

She nodded. "That is good to hear. Shall we go?"

"Yes, let's go"

To be continued....