View Full Version : Wide eyed wonder (quite open)
Ashley Illeus
Oct 12th, 2002, 11:17:05 PM
Her parents had decide to take a family vaction, much to her protests, and had dragged her, her brother, and two older sisters onto this large whale of a ship called Saiatah.
She stood, arms crossed, in the middle of the viewing bay, as her mother tried *but not to well* to get her to walk around.
Javus Parr
Oct 16th, 2002, 02:14:05 AM
(Javus was making his usual rounds of the ship, having left his second in command at the bridge. He aways liked to inspect the ship personally, just to make sure all worked like clock-work.)
(Today he was on the observation deck that showed the vast stars outside in the cold of space. Looking about he noticed a mother somewhat dragging her unwilling daughter about. It reminded him of his youth when his parents insisted on dragging him to places he didn't want to go.)
(Walking up to the pair, he cleared his throat, catching the mother's eye.)
Good day to you, Madam. Welcome aboard the Saiatah High Roller. Commander Javus Parr at your service.
(He bowed slightly, then looked up mid-bow at the young girl.)
We are honored that you could join us aboard such a grand ship. And to show how greatful we are...
(He reached into his pocket and produced a set of tickets.)
...we are going to give you free tickets to the amusement park located near the center of the ship.
(He then proceeded to reach into the other pocket and produced another slip of a plastic-paper.)
And a coupon for a free pound of candy at our sweets shop.
(He handed the amusement park tickets to the mother, and handed the coupon to the little girl. Then he straightened his body, and proceeded to straighten his uniform jacket, smiling broadly.)
We want to be sure our customers are happy througout their stay.
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