View Full Version : New Forum Feature (IMPORTANT)

Oct 12th, 2002, 08:40:57 PM
Topic tags in the OOC forum

Topic tags have been added as an option when creating a new thread in the OOC forum, in the form of a drop down list. These tags are to help people find topics of interest to them. Topics that fit into any of the categories mentioned but not tagged, are subject to have their first post modified by a staff member so that the topic can be easily identified.

The Tags and their definitions

[NSP] = No Spam Request. (no hijacking)
[RP] = Role-Play discussions. (no hijacking)
<nobr>[LIMG] = Large Image(s) included. (1 or more comprising more than 30KB)</nobr>[IMG] = Image inculded. (30 KB or less)
[MUS] = Music file included.
[XLINK] = External link included.
[QUIZ] = Quiz or questionnaire included.
[HIJK] = Thread Hijacks welcome.
[SPAM] = No point of discussion. An advertisement or pointless topic.

Using the tags

As shown in the included inline image, you can select the tag when starting a new thread, or when editing the first post in a thread. The selection list is located just above where you input the subject line of a new topic.
<img src=http://thesithempire.clanpages.com/topictags.gif>

Tag Rules/OOC Forum Rules

-People who hijack/flood threads tagged with [NSP] or [RP] get one warning and then are banned from OOC if the warnings are not heeded. This also applies to those who post in one of the threads tagged as stated previously with NO relevance to the topic IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. Not someone talking about something vaguely relevant. Just those with NO relevance.

-Use of topic tags is not required but is recommended for ease of navigation of this forum for all members. They are highly recommended for topics of the [NSP] or [RP] types.

-The [SPAM] and [HIJK] tags are not there to endorse Poscount++ behavior. Posting for no other reason than to increase your post count will result in a loss of your post count by having it set to zero.

-SWFans.Net staff members may assign your topic a tag if one applies.


Please feel free to add your input in regards to this new feature. Adding new tags or modifying of existing tags is possible. Comments are welcome, but as this topic's tag states, spamming or hijacking is not.