View Full Version : Lost Links (OPEN)

Lady Vader
Oct 11th, 2002, 08:34:29 PM
*LV dozed while the Cat's Claw made it's way to Coruscant. She'd dimmed the cockpit windshield to keep the bright blue of hyperspace from disturbing her.*

*The last thing she saw was Mu looking over the data pad she'd been reading in the Cat's Meow back on Corellia. (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3799)*

*About an hour went by, Corellia being rather close to Coruscant, when LV began to stir from her light sleep. When she cracked one green eye open, she looked to her right to find Mu still staring at the pad. She opened both eyes, frowning.*

Maybe if you asked it who wrote the note, it might make our search easier?

*Mu merely looked over at her and glared good-naturedly. LV shook her head, smiling, and tended to the Cat's Claw's controls as the ship signaled the reversal to real space. The blue of hyperspace quickly turned into blackness with pin points of light everywhere. They were now back in real space and on a vector towards one of the space lanes to take them to the planet looming before them.*

*Normally she would have hidden the ship's signature and changed it's name and registeration, but this time around, she didn't feel it was neccessary.*

*She opened her comm, speaking with the Coruscant space port.*

This is the Cat's Claw requesting clearance to land at Berth 14 in the Corporate Sector.

*She waited a few minutes while static played over the comm. Berth 14 was a small yet well kept berth she'd bought years ago while doing some business in the Corporate Sector of Coruscant.*

Coruscant space port: Clearance to land at Berth 14 will be given once we receive your ownership and registeration of said berth and code.

*LV didn't respond, rather punching a button next to the comm that would send the data they requested. Another minute went by before she got her reply.*

Coruscant space port: Cat's Claw, you have permission to land at Berth 14.

*LV nodded her head to no one in particular.*


*Signing off, she veered her ship towards the coordinates given to her so that she would not fly into another's flight path. Soon the ship was landed and resting comfortably in Berth 14, small wisps of exhaust releasing from the vents outside on the ship.*

*Turning to Mu, she stood.*

Well, time to grab the gear and see what we can find.

(OOC: Mu... would you like this to be a closed or open RP?)

Mu Satach
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:33:58 AM
:: Mu stood up and stretched a bit, her spine cracked as she flexed her shoulders. ::

"If you say so Ms. Sleepyhead," and lightly tapped LV on the forehead with the data pad.

"Before we left Corellia I sent an encryped message to a mutual friend. Hopefully she has contacts that can shed some light on who this woman is," Mu squinted at the datapad. "and what she's all about."

:: Slinging her pack over her shoulder Mu made her way towards the hatch past Iesis. As she walked by she casually reached out and stroked the big cat behind the ear. ::

"Care to place bets that the message is from a funeral home con artist?" the joke was forced and did little to hide the undercurrent of worry growing in the back of Mu's mind.

Mu had never questioned her life, had seen no reason to. You lived, you died. That's all there was. When the message had arrived weeks ago her first impulse was to delete it, ignore it, that life was dead. But then one little nagging question sprung forward... Exactly what life was that?

Sometimes late at night surrounded by the muffled sounds of the patrons in the Cat's Meow and the chirping of the night insects an awful dread would overcome her. The weight of it would press down upon her chest until she couldn't breathe. Gasping for air she would claw her way up from her bed and turn on the lights. Only to be greeted by the hollow eyes of a stranger in the mirror... pleading with her for help. Help she couldn't give.

It had become like a rat knawing at the base of her brain. Who was she really? Her belongings she had stowed in a small room at the Cat's Meow consisted of just the essentials. Her friends often spoke of families, pasts, relatives, siblings, lovers, children... yet she had nothing. There were no family mementos, no fond childhood memories, nothing.


The more she listened to the holograms message of a father she couldn't remember, to be called a name "Sari" she didn't recognize, the more disturbed Mu had become about her very existence.

The gang plank hit the landing pad, Mu casually used her foot to scratch the back of her leg. She didn't know or care what the future held, she only wanted to illuminate her past.

(OOC: - temporarily it's closed. )

Oct 14th, 2002, 02:16:23 PM
"Its just about through, Hera. The encryption was difficult to decipher. Whoever sent this knows his stuff."

Hera glanced over to the SFF Base captain lazily as she rocked back in her chair.

"You know, it really irritates me Remkah that you ASSUME its a man that sent that message. It could be a woman. Its a known fact women are smarter than men. Just take me and you for example..."

The swarthy-faced captain never took his eyes from the screen. His index finger systematically tapping keys, retrieving data with expertise.

"Is that so...."



"....then maybe you can explain to me....."


"..why I'm the one with the skills to decode your message?"

A low chuckle escaped the Sith. Remkah rarely ever took her bait, but instead just batted her taunts aside as if they were some small pest hovering about his head.

"My darling Rem, who says I dont know how. Seems to me, your'e the one doing all the work no? What does that tell you."

She prodded him with her booted foot, trying to provoke him.
He just shook his head and his crooked grin mouthed a nasty cuss word to his blonde employer.

"I'll give you this though. You were right about it being sent by a woman. Aint this dame a friend of yours?"

He brought Mu's picture up to get a visual.
"If not, then she outta be" He let out an appreciative whistle.

Rolling in her chair over the sleek shiney flooring of the communications room, Hera leaned bodily over Remkah, pushing his head outta the way so she could see the screen fully. The message was fully decoded and Mu Satach's request read out before her.

"Yeah. Thats Mu." she said, curious. As she read the request she lost her joking tone and suddenly was all efficient and business like.

"Lets see what we can turn up for her."

Lady Vader
Oct 14th, 2002, 02:45:11 PM
*LV let Mu go down the plank first. Iesis needed no nudging to get off the ship, as the Corellian panther was all too happy to be back on solid ground... if Coruscant could be considered solid ground. LV followed the pair out, programing the ship via a small wrist computer to lock down for their return.*

*Then she set out after Mu, coming into step beside her, Iesis following at her heels. As they walked out into the milling crowd about the corporate sector spaceport, people gave them plenty of space, or rather gave Iesis plenty of space, as they walked down the sidewalk.*

So, any particular place we're heading to?

Mu Satach
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:36:27 PM
Over the sound of the crowd and passing airbuses Mu spoke. "There's a little out of the way spot I know of that's..." she tilted her head to the side, "interesting." She looked at LV and gave her a quirky grin. It was the first genuine smirk she had had in a long time. It felt good to walk and stretch her legs. Shadows of ships streamed across the walkway and the bright sunshine felt invigorating. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed the energy of the place.

Mu walked up to an air taxi and stood aside to allow Iesis in first. The driver, a huge creature with 6 bulging arms turned around only to be greeted with the site of the big cat staring right back at him.

"No! No! NO PETS!" he pulled back from the cat who had started to snarl.

"The cat will be fine." Mu waved her hand.

"eh... I guess it be fine..." he said hesitatingly while settling back into his seat.

"After you," Mu curtsied to the cat.

Once they were all comfortably situated Mu leaned forward and told the driver their destination. His eye's widened a bit, with the center eye growing the largest of the three.

"That'll cost extra... " he grumbled.

"You will be well compensated for your troubles." Mu sat back and relaxed as the taxi sped them along their way.

Lady Vader
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:17:56 PM
*LV sat beside Mu, watching Iesis on the other side contenting herself to stare at the driver through the rear view mirror.*

*She watched as they passed several tall buidlings, the traffic being thick, and the pedestrian walkways crowded. Yet as they drove on, and even though the buildings were still as grand and the traffic just as heavy, the crowded walkways seemed to thin, almost to the point of no peple being about. This caused her to lean over to her friend.*

Where exactly are we going again?

Mu Satach
Oct 17th, 2002, 07:12:27 PM
Mu turned to her friend, "You're not worried are you?" she asked teasingly with a cocked eyebrow.

LV shot Mu a disgusted look which caused Mu to chuckle, "It's a seedy little bar called Ferdy's. A real slime hole. Trust me, you'll love it."

The taxi sped along between the desereted buildings and run down towers decending lower and lower into the city. They were so far down between the gigantic skyscrapers that the light of day failed to reach them. Their surroundings took on an erie shade of twilight.

Finally they came to a stop on a deserted platform. The only sound was the howl of the wind between the buildings and a buzzing of a flickering green sign with an arrow pointing down, "Ferdy's Pub."

The trio had barely stepped out of the cab when it roared off, with it's passenger door hanging slightly open. A slight shiver ran up Mu's backside and she wrapped her long coat around her a bit tighter. The air had a gritty quality to it from all the industrial exhaust pipes in the area. Mu squinted her eyes against the flecks of dirt blowing about.

She began walking swiftly towards the door of Ferdy's motioning with her head for Lady Vader to follow. "This way, quickly."

Opening up the door the two stepped into total darkness. The door boomed shut behind them and an echo drifted upward audibly telling them they were in a shaft. After a second a low blue green light clicked on and the elevator began to descend.

Loud popping and metal scrapping metal assaulted their ears as the platform came to a halt. The hatchway opened up and warm air that smelled of smoke, alcohol and last nights dinner washed over them.

The two stepped out in unison and surveyed the room. Low amber lights lit the walls above secluded booths. The bar stretched out to their right and a man who looked like a walking corpse was behind the bar.

At the far end of the bar was some thing sipping on a glass of whiskey. In the far corner was a table of four who looked like they were engaged in a game of Sabacc. A few other patrons were scattered about the place. Most gave the newcomers a cursory glance then went back to their business. A few nudged their friends with leering glances at the two women, until they noticed the large black panther.

Mu made a few hand signals to the bartender and then lead the way to a corner booth where they could keep an eye on the entire room. As they seated themselves he arrived with a bartowel and wiped off something that looked like blood from the table. "Long time, thought maybe you forgot about us down here." he casually chided as he set down two glasses of vodka.

"I'm a busy gal. LV, I'd like to introduce you to Sam, the owner of this fine establishment. Sam, this is my friend Lady Vader." the two exchanged nods.

"I'd ask if you were here on business or pleasure, but even I know no one comes here for pleasure. You need anything else just signal." He exchanged the ashtry for an empty one that had a coating of soot so thick a laser couldn't cut through it.

"Don't worry Sam, I'm meeting a friend this time." Mu gave him a quirky grin.

Sam sighed as he walked away, "That's what you said the last time."

Oct 17th, 2002, 10:53:30 PM
Loud popping and metal scrapping metal assaulted their ears as the elevator made its descent.

Remkah cricked his neck and nudged his side blaster with a rough hand, more out of habit than anything else. One could never be too ready when entering a strange bar, especially at the long end of an elevator shaft. And doubly especially (he mused) when the joint had a name like "Ferdys."

Hera on the other hand remained stone still, her focus on shifts in the force, more than the alternating buttons as they lilluminated on the panel indicating their downward journey, although her eyes seemed transfixed by them.

The doors slid open at they bumped to a halt, revealing a busy and smoke-drenched bar. The noise was typical - the omnirumble of dozens of voices and some form of music drifting about in the background.

Remkah spotted them first.

"Thats gotta be her - your friend. Niiiice. And that Lady Vader next to her sure sweetens the view."

Hera growled at him. "Order me a rum and scope the place. Join us when your'e done."

Remkah laughed lowly in his throat - god he loved his job.

Hera walked directly over to her two sisters in the darkside and sat herself beside Mu in the booth, careful not to cross too close to Iesis who was taking up a place on the floor next to LV.

"Hello girls. Hope I haven't kept you waiting."

Lady Vader
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:08:53 PM
*Just before the bartender had left the table, LV reached out and grabbed him solidly by the arm.*

A bowl of fresh Bantha milk for the cat, if you would.

*The bartender looked down at the large feline and nodded his head, being sure not to step on the tail, lazily swishing back and forth. In moments, he was back with the order and placed the bowl down beside LV, being sure to stay clear of the panthers teeth and claws. Iesis immediately went for the bowl, lapping up the thick, rich milk, while emitting a low rumbling purr.*

*LV smiled and reached for her own glass of vodka, a drink she hadn't had in a long time, at about the same time a woman reached their table and sat down.*

*She instantly forgot about the drink and smiled broadly.*

Hera! So wonderful to see you again.

*She laughed lightly.*

Had I known Mu was bringing us to meet with you, I would have brought you a gift.

*It had indeed been far too long since she'd last seen Hera. It was at this time she took the moment to sip some of her drink, letting the other two women exchange what information they had on what Mu was looking for.*

Mu Satach
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:44:18 PM
"Sorry about that LV. My minds been a bit out of it lately." Mu shook her head a bit then grinned at Hera, "We just got here ourselves but a moment ago."

Mu's eyes drifted to Hera's partner at the bar, "Not bad. Is he housebroken?" she then squinted her eyes and shook her head some more... "Nevermind." Mu absently reached up and rubbed her forehead a bit then shot back her drink. After the liquid burned it's way down her throat she turned to Hera, "Were your inquires fruitfull?"

Oct 19th, 2002, 12:06:07 AM
Lady Vader's green eyes were smiling in welcome, and Hera was happy to see the Sith Mistress after so long a time. Iesis was purring audibly at her owners feet, similar matching green eyes placidly looking up as the women talked together.

"Its good to see you, LV. No gift necessary, but thanks for the thought."

Remkah was over at the bar making small talk with Sam the barkeep. Hera gestured with a nod in his direction, "Mu - the man is completely untameable. You would like him." The crooked grin eventually faded, as the conversation was steered to the business at hand.

"Well, as you know, the message was sent to you by Recea Letikk. (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2396) (Hera passed a small 2x4 photgraph of the subject across the table). She is a senior partner in the very powerful, very prestigeous law firm " Hakker, Wenger & Hubbard." (Hera arched an eyebrow for emphasis) "Good old boys, with lots of good old money."

The two women sat still, blinking blankly as the names meant little to either of them. Just as they had meant nothing to Hera when the connection was first established. She would elaborate more on the details of the firm. But first things first.

"What you may not know, is Ms. Letikk runs with some pretty heavy hitters in the world of ship-building sub-contractors."

Mu Satach and Lady Vader continued to give Hera their full attention.

"Does the family name of "Arapean" sound familiar to either of you?"

Lady Vader
Oct 19th, 2002, 09:55:47 PM
*LV's eyebrows burrowed together as she flip-flopped the name in her brain while absentmindedly tapping one elongated claw againts the table top.*

*She herself had many dealings with ship contracters, both sub and non-sub, and used them quite often to gain access to certain materials for TSO's ship building. As it were, the Saiatah High Roller had some of her components bought from sub-contractors. One of which the name finally rang a bell.*

All I know about the "Arapean" is that the Sith Order bought a few components from a sub-contractor for the Saiatah High Roller, that name being tagged onto the bill.

*She sipped her drink again.*

But aside from that, it's a little-known name to me when it comes to ship building.

Mu Satach
Oct 21st, 2002, 04:29:10 PM
Mu sat back in the booth and crossed her arms.
Arapean, should I know it? Hera's looking at me as if I should know it. She sighed and reached for her drink, That name's about as familiar as a Tusken raider lullabye.

"Means absolutely nothing to me."

Oct 26th, 2002, 09:24:15 PM
Looking from one to the other, their reactions were pretty much as she had expected. The name didnt mean a whole lot to either of them, though Lady Vader was close.

The Arapean family, like many major monopolistic organizations, did not advertise their extraordinary influlence and far-reaching domination of the affluent market of ship-building sub-contracting. They were the "quiet giants" who's fingers touched much more than just commerce. Hera had only heard of them second or third hand - she had never wittingly dealt with them...but who really knows who is actually on their payroll.

"Let me give you a breif run down then." At that time, Remkah walked past the table, placing a bottle of rum on it infront of Hera and then stood to the side of the booth - out of the way, but close at hand if needed.

Hera took the bottle, prying the cork out with her teeth, then opened her jaw to and let it drop down onto the floor. She took a quick swig, and then resumed.

"The Arapean family established their ship-building sub-contracting company in the glory days of the Old Republic. However, with the rise of the Empire, Count Arapaen - eldest son of the clan - foresaw and exploited the opportunity that the failing of the Republic brought. He was a staunch and loyal supporter of the Emporer and was duly rewarded with lucrative contracts which fast made him and his company very very wealthy.

With the death of the Emporer, the family fell out of favour, but as all clever business men survive such disasters, it was only a matter of time before he made himself of value to the New Republic. Negotiating in good faith, the Arapean name was once again synonymous with influence and power.

The Count died 2 years ago, and the company falls to the hands of his younger brother "Adazean " who is every bit, if not more so, the astute business guru the Count was."

Another swig of the rum and another look at the two women.

"The connection that brings us to you, Mu - is this Recea Letikk is the executor of Count Arapean's estate."

Hera twirled the bottle on its bottom rim on the table.

"I would assume that her getting into contact with you would have something to do with the old mans last wishes."

Mu Satach
Oct 30th, 2002, 08:10:42 PM
Mu absently massaged her left temple, trying to ward off the beginings of a splitting headache.

"Well isn't that predictable. Some old rich geezer who I've never heard of just happens to leave me in his will. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight."

Mu started to look for Sam. She was going to need a stronger drink.

"Soooo... I guess the options are either walk away now or go pay her a visit." she thought about it a moment, then turned to Hera. "You didn't come across anything particularly suspicious did you?"

Oct 31st, 2002, 12:07:55 AM
Glancing nonchalantly around the room taking in the crowd and mentally noting the occupants - more out of habit of lifestyle than for any other good reason - Hera shrugged when she made her reply.

"Not if you count "not finding anything suspicious" suspicious in itself. If you know what I mean."

She took a long draw from the rum, and continued on.

"Letikk is pretty much what she seems. No outstanding loyalties except for the shallow ones necessary to conduct her work. She is her own woman, so to speak. Didnt find much on her. Grew up in a wealthy family, long line of lawyers-her father was a lawyer, his father before him. You know the scenario. Instead of following Grand-pappy's yellow brick road and joining the family-owned practice though, she struck out on her own, establishing a firm here in Coruscant. That was of course, before she was head-hunted to Hakker, Wenger & Hubbard.

The Arapean family I found nothing of real note. Nothing." She looked from Mu to LV significantly.

"Which, you will agree is....for people who have been in bed with the Old and New Republic AND the Imperials in between times....well...its a tad unusual. Certainly there should be some dirty linen...some unfortunate deal-making...some illegitimate gungan love-child... something...But there's Nothing. All enquiries were met with firmly closed doors and neatly tied ends. Squeaky clean."

Another swig of rum.

"Which tells us - they're as dirty as they come. The old Count has something he's hiding" (her eyes narrowed in thought) "...or someone. In summary, Mu, if you look further into this (and I dont see how you cannot do so) you must be very, very suspicious."

Lady Vader
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:09:10 PM
*LV's own eyes narrowed as Hera described the families history.*

Squeaky clean? Funny... then why does is wreak like last months barial ground?

*She finished off whatever was left in her glass.*

I'll say there's something suspicious about this...

*She pointed a finger at Mu.*

...and I know you're a big girl and can take care of yourself, but I'll be damned if I let you go into this on your own.

Recea Letikk
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:26:35 PM
On the far side of Coruscant the sun was going down. Recea stood on the balcony outside her spacious office suite and watched as the sky turn amber gold. Aircraft streamed with the evening traffic rush of people heading to their homes.

Recea would not be one of them tonight. Slowly she to strolled along the walkway as it curved around the highrise. She reached into the folds of her robes and pulled out an old fashioned chronometer.

"Any time now..." she thought to herself as she grimly snapped the time piece shut.

Force Master Hunter
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:37:53 PM
He watched her.

All this week he had been carefully setting this up. He knew she was coming, he studied all he knew on her and what to expect. He knew was her powers were and how dangerous it owuld be for a head on confrontation - so he decided soemthing else a bit more.... unexpected. Following her had been no trouble, witht he Yalsalir in his backpack to stop her noticing him via The Force, and to stop any hint of danger from him. He was prepared for contingencies.... and hence when he saw her, from the speeder he used to follow her, Hunter knew he had an opportunity. Stopping the speeder, he climbed out, before going to the boot and withdrawing the perfect weapon....

Waiting for what looked like a sort of an elevator to arrive, he placed the MSE droid onto the floor and by a remote controller, sent the droid onto the platform. He set the controls of the platform to decend, before going back to his speeder and flicking on the remote holo. An image of what the droid would be seeing through it's senses came up, he waited until the plaform stopped in the bar itself before setting the droid to move.

Now, where is she......

The droid moved around the bar, looking for all the world liek a basic cleaner, picking up scraps and other litter, nosing its way underchairs and tables, dodging around legs, moving quicklu but quietly in a no nonsense fashion, not really noticable for all it's commonness. The droid in a few minutes showed on it's sensors a group of three women and a large feline at a booth.... and Hunter took amoment to positively id. His normally impassive face creased into a grin as he realised the added shot he was about to get...... and with no hesitation, sent the droid to stealth mode, rolling silently past a few more diners and around the back of the booth the three were sitting in, getting as close to his target as he could.

This MSE unit was bigger than normal. A kilo of explosive, with a remote trigger was inside. A trigger Hunter's gloved hand moved to and armed.


He pressed the button.

The echoes of the explosion was all he heard come up the elevator shaft, a puff of smoke. Down in the bar, it would have been turned into a hell hole of fire and blast pressure, debris becoming a deadly rain that would have spread more chaos and death.

Force Master Hunter reseated the sunglasses on his face, put the remote on the seat behind him and took off in the speeder, thinking that Mu Satach would be more than likely spread across the ceiling and walls. It was a bonus to think that likely Vader and Hera Krast could have been consumed in the explosion too. But he wasnt counting on that and anyway, he had been paid to hit the Sith Lord Mu Satach. Paid bloody well too.

Lady Vader
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:39:16 AM
*LV had just finished putting her finger back on the table when her danger sense flared to life like a wild fire in a Corellian forest. There was no need to voice it to the other two women. Both had the same face she wore; faces that read to get the hell away from their current position.*

*At this point it was every man, or in this case, woman for themselves. LV dove out of the booth and lunged for Iesis, who was already standing to clear the area with her Mistress.*

*LV couldn't move to far from the booth in time, so she errected a Force shield, encasing herself and the panther. It was then the explosion hit, rocking the entire underground bar. Though the shield kept her and the panther safe, they were still thrown clear across the bar, encased in the bubble-like shield, and smacked hard into the opposite wall near a steel beam.*

*Dazed and possibly slightly deaf from the explosion, LV came to her knees, shaking her head. Iesis was alive, but her eyes told LV she was frightened. LV placed a hand on the panther's head and through her mind, sent calming thoughts to her. The large cat relaxed and lay down, a small trickle of blood coming from one ear.*

*LV tried to stand, but found it difficult on her own, so she used the aid of the beam beside her. Standing wasn't any better as dizziness washed over her like a wave crashing on the shore. She blinked the sensation away, determined to find her friends.*

Mu! Hera!

*She coughed. Ok, the dust in the bar wasn't going to help. She tried again, this time thrugh the Force.*

Mu! Hera! Are you alright?

Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:10:10 PM
Hera had registered the danger a split second after LV had, and her reaction was as it turned out, also a split second behind her catlike counterpart.

She grabbed the Morphal Crest - her own uniquely crafted weapon that always sat about her waist as if it were a type of belt. It was, infact, a living creature that Hera had subdued and dominated, forging it by dragon-fire into her own personal weapon. It had morphing capabilities that responded only to the mental link established by Hera's mastery over it.

At her touch, the crest changed from its solid metallic-like state into a deep rich blue liquid form. Even as Hera slid from her seat, dragging Mu behind her, the creature unravelled about her and re- formed into a wide concave shaped sheild. It became exactly what Hera pictured in minds eye. As they fled from the table, Hera yelled for Mu to get to a crouch and as the Morphal Crest hardened again to its impenetrable form, she held it to cover them both from the direction of the blast.

As their world shook, and debri clattered and fell haphazardly around them, She could see LadyVader, her great cat beside her, searching for herself and Mu, and thankfully, they all seemed ok. After ascertaining they were all still in one peice, Hera frantically looked around for Remkah.

A series of cursing and colourful swearing coming from underneath a table top that Mu Satach was halfsitting-half laying back on, revealed Remkah pinned beneath it. His leg was a bloodied twisted mess and his angry and pained face was streaming a crimson line from his eyebrow.

Mu Satach
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:47:23 PM
Mu reached up and clamped her hands around her ears. The blast had been directly behind her and while LV & Hera's quick thinking had saved her life, the ringing in her ears and pounding in her head was making it hard to think and move.

Smoke and burning flesh filled her nostrils. Others in the establishment weren't so lucky to have quick thinking friends. She curled up in a ball and rolled off the broken table top into a pile of ash. She felt a tingling numbing sensation all over.

Around them patrons of the bar were screaming and yelling for help. Service droids worked to put the fires out while Sam started encouraging people to evacuate. There was no telling how bad the damage was, but the blast had taken out one of the support beams, the quiet little bar had been effectively gutted.

Mu, on her hands and knees tried to push herself up. A stream of blood fell into the debris and ash in front of her. With her hand she tried to find it's source. But she couldn't feel her face. Pulling her hand back she looked at it covered in her blood. It darkened every line and crease in her palm and then she absently noticed her hand was shaking. That's... odd... she thought to herself.

The bar and it's surroundings quickly faded from her view as the screams of the child in her arms grew deafning. She was running across an open field as concussion bombs went off around her. Everywhere women and children were running for cover while the ships flying over head continued to bombard the settlement.
Suddenly the earth exploded in front of her sending her and the child flying. She desperately tried to crawl over to where the baby landed but it felt like her leg was broken and something else was wrong too, it was hard to breath, she focused her energy and dug with her bloddy hands into the earth. Desperately trying to reach the child... as her eyes fell upon it's remains she screamed...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!" Mu yelled at the top of her lungs as she reached out and grabbed at a broken chair.

Lady Vader
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:28:35 PM
*Though LV's ears were still ringing, it wasn't difficult to differentiate the rings from the scream let out by her friend.*

*The dizzyness having faded by now, she made it to where Mu was, helping her to a sitting position. She was shaking violently, not from shock, but from deep emotions... despare?*

*LV didn't concentrate on that now as she saw the gash to Mu's forhead. She reached over towards the floor where a counter towel lay. Picking it up, she applied it to Mu's forehead, making the other woman wince sharply and come back to the present.*

Come on, we have to get out of here.

*She looked over in Hera's general direction, not being able to see over the mound of debris and dust.*

Hera! We've gotta evacuate NOW! I don't think this place is going to hold up much more!

*As if to give her statement meaning, the ceiling above gave a horrific creek, dropping plaster and more dust upon them. LV wasted no time and hauled Mu to her feet, half dragging her towards the exit. Iesis had already stood and was waiting beside the large metal doorway that would lead them to relative safety.*

Nov 5th, 2002, 11:04:44 PM
Hera had swung around and drawn her lightsaber at the sound of Mu's scream. She looked left to right and up and down, but could see no new threat. Looking into Mu's face, Hera found her expression unreadable and it unnerved the sith a little.

Lady Vaders voice cut through the tension of the moment and through the moans and cries of those wounded or dying and brought Hera back to action once again.

Deactivating her saber as LV aided Mu Satach, Hera helped Remkah to his feet. She was trying to collect her thoughts and put together as to the who and why of this attack.

"Go, go! We will be right behind you LV."

Remkah growled and grinded his teeth in the pain of his injury as Hera half held him up, half dragged him along through the chaos with her.

Lady Vader
Nov 7th, 2002, 08:02:37 PM
*LV nodded her head in Hera's direction, and helped Mu into the stairwell beside the elevator. She didn't trust the elevator after such a blast and would rather go up against the crumbling stairwell, than be trapped in a dead lift.*

*It was a challenging climb to say the least, but they finally made it to the surface, wheer ambulances and people were already being treated for minor and major injuries. Iesis took a seat beside Mu, as LV lowered her friend to the ground to examine the gash in her forehead.*

Well, Mu... looks like you'll live. Though you're gonna have a nasty headache for a few hours.

*She looked up in the direction of the stairwell, while applying pressure to the cut on Mu's forehead with the table towel she'd retrieved, looking for Hera and her aid.*

Nov 8th, 2002, 07:01:50 PM
Hera was making much slower progress up the stairwell than did LV and MU. Remkah was near to losing consciousness at the loss of blood and the sheer pain assaulting his body from his injury.

The Morphal Crest had been returned to its place about Hera's waist after liquifying and reshaping into its present "belt" like form. Finally reaching the surface, Hera joined the two women.

"My man needs medical help. He wont be much use to me if he is dead." She spoke coldly, but it was only to hide the worry she was feeling. This "explosion" was not just an unfortuante coincidence. They...or one of them atleast, was specifically targeted, and though all 3 of these women had made no doubt many powerful enemies, Hera's gut instinct led her to believe it was somehow related to Mu and her strange message.

Hera looked Mu in the eye. "I think you have received a message of another nature Mu, and one not so delicately worded."

Turning to Vader she asked how far their transport was from here. Hera felt too much like a plump bird at a turkey shoot as they dallied about out their in the open streets.

"If our attacker is still anywhere about, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrell with us loitering about here. Time to move out."

Recea Letikk
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:35:54 PM
Recea made her way back around the building and into her office. The glass silently slid shut behind her. She barely sat down in her chair when a small light softly chimed and blinked at her.

She paused and adjusted her robes a bit, then sitting a bit more erect in her seat she pressed the button and swivled her chair to face the center of the room.

A hologram flickered to life of a man.

"I've been expecting your call. I assume your trip was worthwhile?"

The image crackled a bit and flickered, "You know damn well I cancelled my trip and came as soon as I recieve your message. Is it true? Have you found her?"

Recea controlled the smirk that pulled at the side of her mouth. "The preliminary reports my investigators have sent me are very promising. I have contacted her, but she has yet to reply."

"This is a delicate situation, Letikk... I needn't remind you how much is riding on this."

"I am fully confident that the woman will be contacting me soon. My sources tell me she has arrived on the planet and has been making inquires. Curiosity *will* get the better of her."

"You better pray that it does, I'm sick and tired of you toying with my families money. If this woman turns out to be another impostor, I'll have you brought up on charges of fraud."

"I would have thought the possibility of reuniting with your long lost niece would bring you joy, Adazean." Recea let an icey edge creep into her voice.

"Sari has been dead for 6 years, if it wasn't for the constant pandering of *certain* individuals to the fears of an old lonely man, my brother would have accepted that fact long ago. Remember that if my doctors find even a hint of gene tampering I'll have you disbarred and this woman whoever she is will be thrown in prison with you." the holo image crackled and faded away as Adazean ended the conversation.

"Always a pleasure doing business with you too... " Recea murmurred to herself.

She swivled her chair around, pressing her finger tips together she breathed deeply while staring out into the night time skyline.

Mu Satach
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:01:42 PM
The climb up the staircase cleared her head a bit and as Hera spoke, Mu slightly staggered over to look at Remkah's leg while answering, "Message," she sighed in disgust, "somebody's pissed off."

Looking at the leg, she thought she saw bone but wasn't sure. She reached down and ripped the lower half of her shirt tail off and pulled her leather belt off.

ughh... I'm going to be sick...

She briefly glanced at the man and made eye contact, he nodded back at her. She placed the cloth over the wound then looped the belt around his leg, pausing to take a deep breath she looked at Hera, "Hold him," then Mu forcefully pressed down on the wound as she tightened the belt with all her strength.

She didn't think about the scream of pain that echoed up through the street, but watched as the blood drained from his face. damn... he's going into shock...

"That should slow the bleeding a bit... " Mu fought against the pounding in her brain as she looked around trying to think. authorities will be coming soon to investigate....

"LV and I arrived here in a cab, we have no transport handy.... "

damn, damn, damn... this is what you get for lowering your defenses and sulking about for the past week... you idiot...

"Come on, there's a parking garage not far... I'm sure we can find something that will get us out of here." quickly standing up she almost passed out, then grabbing her head, she paused regained control, then motioned with her hand the direction to go.

LV got on the other side of Remkah and helped Hera support him as the group followed Mu into a nearby building. Once inside they found a transport that allowed them to lay the injured man down comfortably.

LV jumped behind the drivers seat and hotwired the vehicle while Mu located and disabled the anti-theft system. As the engines roared to life under LV's touch Mu jumped in the passenger seat and turned to Hera sitting in the back with Remkah.

"Where do you want to take him? The places I know in this part of town aren't all that reputable...." she looked at Remkah, "they'd most likely kill him than fix him with their medical talents."

Nov 13th, 2002, 11:38:04 PM
Hera knew exactly where to take him. She had many unsavoury friends that had multiple talents and it was time to call in a favor on one of them.

"Head east to the Nuran Causeway into "Shanty Town." We got a friend there that can fix us up with some medical help.

Mu, still looking back over her shoulder, inspected the man's leg and asked how it was.

Remkah was grinning at Mu
"Ms. Satach...you bring whole new meaning to the term - "hurt me baby" and Hera marvelled at the man's determination to flirt inspite of his mangled leg.

His head lolled back against her shoulder and the tenseness left his body. Remkah had finally passed out. Hera noticed Mu wasnt looking so good either, and that the gash on her head would need attention also.

"LV, when you come outta the Causeway, go to the lower levels, there are some shortcuts I can show you."

Lady Vader
Nov 15th, 2002, 07:08:22 PM
*LV was already steering the speeder out of the parking garage, swirving around a garbage scow that had decided to park itself in her way. She merely avoided it by jumping the speeder onto the sidewalk, making people there scatter and curse. It was true what some said: Never get in the way of a Sith with a purpose when they're behind the wheel of a vehicle.*

*LV winced as they jumped back into the fly-lane, not so much from pain, but because of the jostlig it brought to her passengers.*


*She turned a corner headed towards "Shanty Town", taking the Causeway. From here, it wouldn't take long to start descending, and sure enough, the fly-lane began to tilt downward. She nodded at Hera's instructions.*

You got it. Just let me know when and where... with good timing.

Mu Satach
Nov 19th, 2002, 09:38:40 PM
Mu looked at Hera after Remkah passed out, "Where do you find them?" She tried to arch her eyebrow but only succeeded in opening up the gash on her head again. Turning around she pressed the bar towel back against her head and became silent within her own thoughts.

She had lost control back there.... the images from the flashback were still in her mind... part of her wanted to freeze them, examine them one by one... try and answer the questions in her head. What planet was she on? Who was the child? Why were they being attacked? What happened to those people? And what role did she play in that memory.

Another part however was... terrified... terrified about what she didn't know about herself... and apparently had gone to great pains to forget.

Every jostle of the vehicle caused a fresh wave of pain through her head. Right now at this moment, she wished she had stayed curled up in her bottle back on Corellia quietly numbing herself with the alcohol, hidden away from everyone and everything.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 20th, 2002, 09:36:21 AM
Look at them. Still going about thier daily business without a care in the world. How can they not care that one of the people who only wanted the best for all of them is now nothing more than ashes scattered by my own hand over this planet?

Brielle's thoughts were once again centered on her late father's death. No--she corrected herself--his murder. It had taken a full two weeks but with the aide from several different law enforcement agencies, Acaana finally had the full name of the woman responsible for cutting her father down in cold blood.

Hera DrenKast. Brielle repeated the name in her mind over and over again, like some twisted mantra as she piloted her squad car along the Nuran Causeway. A call had just come through her comm to go and investigate an explosion that had all but demolished a rather seedy bar in the area and due to its known patronage, foul play was suspected.

Even though her mind was still bitterly musing over the loss of her father Senator Acaana, her gaze was sweeping back and forth from speeder to speeder, making sure that traffic laws were being observed and that the flow was running smoothly.

Her squad comm crackled then barked out orders for other officers to be on the alert for a stolen speeder which had just jumped its lane and had been seen plowing through pedestrians on one of the walkways.

Being a forensics specialest had its perks and this was one of them. Freed from having to participate in the routine chases through the city was something Brielle was glad to forego but she kept her eyes peeled and sat up straighter as the comm informed her that the alleged speeder was now headed toward the Nuran Causeway.

Right at me. Well, show yourself, I'll call it in and then get to that bar.

As the last word faded from her thought trail, a garish maroon speeder came fishtailing around a drone garbage scow, cutting across the wrong flow lanes, then righting itself just a lane away from her own posistion.

Brielle's training comes into play as she automatically memorizes the plate numbers of the speeder and notes the number of people inside. A sudden swerve again and the stolen speeder is in the lane next to hers and bearing down fast. A determined looking female was at the controls with another female sitting in the front passenger seat. In the backseat and with a drying trail of blood running down his face was a male and next to him was....
..no!! It was her!!

Brielle's hands grip the controls tightly as she prepares to swing her squad car into the path of the oncoming speeder but at that moment some young executive hotshot swings out from behind her and decides that now would be a good time to pass the slowing Coruscant Watch vehicle.

Howling curses, Acaana watches as the stolen maroon speeder jerks hard over to avoid the passing motorist and through her rearview mirror, Brielle watches as her fathers' murderer escapes again. Snatching the microphone from its resting place on her dash, she calls in the location of the stolen vehicle with the added warning that at least one of the passengers is a known felon, wanted for murder.

You heard me! Thats right! No, in the backseat. Hera DrenKast. The woman who killed my father. DON'T let her get away!!

Lady Vader
Nov 21st, 2002, 12:26:39 AM
*The speeder LV was driving dove down onto a ramp that lead towards the lower levels. She'd seen at least one Coruscant Watch squad car, and while she couldn't care less about any authoritative figures, she couldn't ignore the fact she had just driven on a sidewalk and jumped the lanes. And if that officer had any sense behind his or her badge, she'd call in the plate for the speeder. And by now, the speeder had more than likely been reported stolen.*

*That left her and her companions with the only choice of dumping the speeder somewhere... anywhere at this point. And the further from their destination, the better.*

*Finding a nice dark and smelly alley, she stopped the speeder and began to remove herself from the vehicle.*

Alright, everybody out. My gut tells me we find another form of transit as I think this one has outserved it's purpose.

*While she spoke, she made her way to the street, hailing down a taxi. Unfortunately for the driver, where they were going meant no witnesses.*

*With a flick of her wrist, she snapped the drivers neck with the Force, killing him instantly. Then through the passenger side, she grabbed him and dragged him through the alley. As Mu and Hera were aiding Remkah towards the taxi, LV was stuffing the dead driver into the drivers seat of the stolen speeder.*

*Signaling for Iesis to head on towards the taxi, LV did the same. But when she reached the taxi, she turned and faced the speeder, wedged between two large trash dumpsters.*

A shame really. That speeder handled beautifully.

*She cupped one hand, palm outwards towards the speeder, and let a firey blast of Force Destruction sail towards the speeder. It ripped through the vehicle and the dumpsters, turning everything into a molten mesh of metal. It burned hot and out of control for a moment, and then just as suddenly, cooled, leaving behind a mass of unrecognisable steel... no plates, no numbers. Sure the authorities would figure out what it once was, but by then, they'd be long gone.*

*Making her way to the drivers seat, she started the air-taxi. With her passengers now safely aboard, she made for the street, this time driving at a normal pace, following Hera's directions to there next location.*

Nov 21st, 2002, 01:19:31 AM
The seating arrangements had changed.

Mu was in the back with Remkah (who was still unconscious) while Hera rode shotgun beside LV.

She grinned wryly at Vader as she pulled back into the traffic and sped them off toward Shanty Town.

"Well, now Im having second thoughts about being a Coruscant Cabby when I retire, LV." She chuckled lowly at the manner of dispatch her friend dealt out. "Pretty flames, though"she added.

The next moments passed in relative silence. The occassional groan from the SFF captain came from the back in between breif directions of "turn left, go right" from Hera to LV. All three women had their thoughts broiling in their dark and dangerous heads. All at some point going over Mu's reaction in the bar in their minds and what could all mean.

The Coruscant City watch squad car had passed them without incident, but Hera instinctively felt something when she glanced after it. It was nothing she could put a finger on, and so could only guess. A thin smile curled about her lips as she wondered...Nah....couldnt be..


The traffic had thinned out considerably now. Not only were there less vehicles about, but the ones that were around, were beaters and flying deathbuckets - or garishly colored cruisers that one could only assume were the "employers" of the streets.

LV glanced over at Mu and then to Hera, questioning the latters sanity to bring them to such a dumpy area.

Ignoring the look, Hera spoke with confidence.

"You can take the cab right through that wall. It will open as you pass a certain trigger point. Drop your speed to 23.1637k exactly. Exactly.

LV did as instructed, easing on the accellerator to cruise at the speed, the exact speed, specified. When the vehicle reached the place were all sane persons would stop rather than push their transport through duracrete, the solid wall sprang open with blinding speed (the slower speed indicating a person "knew" the access portal and was thus allowed entry) and the craft cruised straight in. Then the wall closed up outside behind them as if they had never been.

"This is Tangi's place. He's a quack that used to work at the secret Imperial Maw Installation years ago . A Nohgri called the "Seer" I had dealings with a long time ago first introduced me to him. He's in hiding right now for crimes in experimentation or some such triffle."

Hera smiled brightly at a holovid ID screen and a blip located in the roof above their transport went from red to green.

"Set her down and get ready for the welcoming committee."

Mu Satach
Nov 21st, 2002, 11:44:30 PM
Mu took a critical look at the two ladies in the front of the taxi. Hera's & LV's normally well groomed appearence was anything but. Their hair was coated in ash and looked like they had gone through a wind tunnel. Their clothing slightly ripped and in some areas a bit singed and darkening blood stains from Remkah covered Hera. Mu looked down at her own blood soaked clothing from her head wound and could feel the blood caking to her face and clumping her long hair together.

"Well I do hope they don't have a strict dress code."

Nov 22nd, 2002, 10:22:36 PM
In his research lab where the ID screen was set up because he was always, always there, Dr. Paul Tangikowski glanced over his shoulder onto the screen and it took him a moment to register who it was that was grinning at him in black and white pixelate.

"Geez, you look horrible."


Hera noted the small ponytail "Tangi" was now sporting and thought the same. But she was careful not to say so. Paul Tangikowski was a small man of stature, but made up for lost height by copious amounts of vanity. One played the ego when one played Tangi. Especially when one wanted something from him.

"I'd have dressed up for you Tang, only I didnt know Id be in the neighbourhood."

As they spoke through the holoscreen, 3 heavily armed men, each strapped with dual ammunition belts across their chest loaded with small rocket projectiles for the mini-launchers each man carried, surrounded the cab.

Tangikowski was almost as cautious as he was vain.

"And Id have worn my tux, Hera."

The screen went black as the connection ended. A moment later Paul Tangikowski stepped through a side sliding door into the entrance bay of his hideout just as the occupants of the taxi unfolded themselves out of the vehicle. All except for Remkah who was still in painless oblivion in the back seat.

"Tangi - these are some friends of mine who got banged up a little. Coruscant is rougher than it used to be, you know. You think you can help?"

The Doctor was lucky if he reached either of the three women's shoulder height and so did not stand too close so the shortcoming was not as glaring. He looked over the two women, taking in Mu's injury and peered over into the cab at the unconscious Remkah.

He waved his men over.

"Bring them through. This wont take long."

The small party followed the lab-coated doctor into a sterile room which served as medbay and research lab in one.

Lady Vader
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:42:34 PM
*LV stepped out of the cab, followed by Iesis, and proceeded with the group into a clean examination room filled with all sorts of machines and instruments, with one wall lines with 5 tanks of bacta.*

*Whoever this guy was, he was either extremely wealthy, or had knocked off a few wealthy people in order to get the kind of equipment he had here. She looked at the heavily armed guards. Ok, so it was HIM personally that had done any knocking off of people... but most likely his gooneys.*

*She allowed for Remkah and Mu to be treated first, followed by hera. She and Iesis only had minor injuries, basically consisting of regenerating of some hearing loss from the explosion. But other than that, neither her nr the Corellian panther had suffered any cuts or bruises, thanks to the Force protection bubble she had errected.*

Brielle Acaana
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:42:09 PM
Filling the canopy of her speeder with heartfelt curses, Brielle stays on course, relunctantly leaving the chase to other officers of the Watch.

She didnt have to follow her vehicle's screen directions to know she was getting close to the epicenter of the explosion. The thick plume of smoke and the flakes of ash drifting down out of the air could have lead her to the destination alone.

Parking her speeder, Officer Acaana climbs from the drivers seat and pulls her badge out from its resting place beneath her shirt, letting it dangle from the thick chain that it hung from.

Stepping up to one of the crowd control cops, Brielle lifts her badge, flashing its face at him.

"Acaana, forensics specialist. Has the perimeter been secured and is anyone out locating eye-witnesses?"

Glancing around with a frown, she notes that the bomb squad hasnt arrived as of yet. Though the damage has already been done, procedure demanded that she wait until they went in first.

Mu Satach
Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:35:27 PM
Looking around at all the medical instruments Mu fought down a queasy feeling in her gut. "I hate doctors... " she thought to herself.

Tangikowski motioned her to a examination table while he went to work on Remkah. Mu sat down and twiddled her thumbs and absent mindedly kicked her feet back and forth. Her eye's drifted around and focused in on the decorative sharp poking instuments. "I really hate doctors..."

The more she looked around the harder it was to ignore the fact she wanted to throw up. She focused her attention on a spot on the far wall and pushed everything else out of her mind.

Dec 7th, 2002, 09:04:51 PM
Tangikowski glanced quizzically at Mu Satach. He had seen similar looks before - people seemed to have an instinctive aversion to doctors and their instruments for some reason - but the woman seemed very distressed.

Keeping his thoughts to himself, he lifted one of Remkah's arms to inject an antibiotic solution he had created himself that would aid in rapid healing and fight infection.

At the touch, Remkah cracked open one eye and growled menacingly.

"Stick me with that thing and I will kill you, Tangikowski."

Plunging the needle straight to the risen vein on the pirates forearm, Tangikowski tsk tsk'd as he sent the solution swirling into Remkah's bloodstream.

"Oh, you always say that Jonas."

Lunging at him, Remkah almost flipped off the medical bed, and his swing went harmlessly wide.

"You will have to improve your aim, if you intend to ever pose any real threat to me. You need to be faster, too."

The two men had a long assossiation, and while it was a stretch to call them friends, they knew enough to trust each other without any qualms.

As the doctor moved to clean and bandage his damaged leg, Remkah took a look around, wincing once and a while as Tangi wasnt as gentle as he could have been. There was Hera, and LadyVader and her panther, and Mu. All accounted for. He sighed relieved - though it was not like he'd been much help. It was kind of embarrassing being hauled outta the destroyed bar by the women. His eyes rested on Mu and he, like Tangi, noticed that Mu looked quite pale. She turned and saw him staring right at her and she could see he was reading more than just a fear of needles in her eyes.

Lady Vader
Dec 9th, 2002, 07:01:08 PM
*While the doctor tended to Renkah, LV helped herself to some clean cloths, disinfectant, and a small bottle of liquid bacta.*

*Using a cloth and the disinfectant, she cleaned out Iesis' ears, ridding them of the blood, now dried, that had come out of her ears after the explosion. With the liquid bacta, she poured a few drops in each ear, and held the large cat's head to keep her from insticntively shaking to be rid of the tickling sensation caused by the liquid traveling down to heal her ear drums. After a few moments, LV let Iesis' head go. The cat merely grunted and lay down.*

*LV then proceeded to do the same proceedur with herself, cleaning and then adding the liquid bacta to her own ears, as she had suffered the same fate as Iesis, though not to such a degree.*

*Once she was finished, she looked to Hera.*

That explosion was more than obviously intended for us. Any ideas on who would have set a bomb like that in a crowded bar with no regard for other lives?

Recea Letikk
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:01:30 AM
After the hologram had gone silent, Recea sat and calmly thought to herself for a few moments then quickly gathered up her cloak and left her office.

Let him rant and rail all he wants. He can't do a damn thing about this and he knows it. she thought to herself as she signaled her private transport to pick her up.

Mu Satach
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:33:35 AM
"We also need to think about how they could have known where we were going to be." Mu quietly spoke. The problem of who tried to kill them took her mind off of the sterile smell that surrounded them.

"Who had access to our movements? I only told Hera where to meet in the message I sent from Corellia and no one back there knew where we were going, not even you." Mu looked at LV.

Lady Vader
Dec 12th, 2002, 07:03:23 PM
*LV shrugged, cracking her shoulder joints in the process.*

This is true.

Obviously, whoever it was that set up the bomb, knew of at least one of our whereabouts.

Dec 14th, 2002, 03:01:20 AM
Hera allowed Tangikowski to run a breif hand-held diagnostic pack over her while the others talked - the rythmic blips and twinks of the instrument advised no serious damage had been suffered.

She pushed his hand away roughly as Mu mentioned that Hera was the only person to know the meeting place. She did not like the implication, whether intended or not.

"No one found you through me.." she said brusquely.

Then turning to LadyVader to answer,

"And there are any thousands of scum that would blow a joint like that with absolutely no thought for other innocent lives. Myself included. Especially if the payoff was big enough. We may only need to look as far as our wealthy Count friend for this."

She paced slowly around Remkah, inspecting his dressings, but her mind was completely on the topic at hand.
Tapping her Base captains knee idly with her fingers, ignoring his winces of pain, Hera lifted her eyes to Mu.

"Find the lawyer - Letikk. I think you'll find your answers there."

Brielle Acaana
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:08:31 AM
What was left of the entrance had been stabilized and the bigger pieces of debris shifted to the sides, making a hole big enough for someone of medium stature to crawl through.

Rising from her knees, Brielle gives them a cursory brushing off while her sharp green eyes begin scanning the remains of the tavern. The ends of the wooden bar were standing and that gave Brielle a reference point to start from.

Setting her ever present leather pouch down on the floor, Coruscant Watch forensics specialist Brielle Acaana begins her search for the source of the blast that decimated the bar and killed several patrons. In slow, ever widening circles she moves, creeping along on crouched haunches, her hands and fingers nimbly shifting through pieces of wood, metal and the occasional chunks of meat that the coroners office left behind.

From beneath an upturned table, a flash of silver catches her eye and reaching carefully through a tiny space, Brielle withdraws a small, round, flat piece of metal. Rubbing it clean against her shirt, a pattern appears, a logo of sorts, one that is familiar to the female holding it.

"Now, how did this get in here?"

Lady Vader
Jan 13th, 2003, 05:43:58 PM
*LV nodded her head, looking to Mu.*

Right then.

*She stood from leaning against the wall and began walking towards the door.*

I dunno about you, but I'm very much interested now in finding out where this is all leading... if nothing else, to give our attacker a splitting headache.

*She unsheathed a claw.*

And I do mean splitting.

Jan 25th, 2003, 04:40:12 PM
Tangikowski put away the rest of his medical instruments, busying himself and no one really took much notice of him.

He listened keenly to the conversation, and at the mention of Letikk, only those who would have been watching would have noticed the slight hesitation in his step.

With the slyness and inherent self-serving instincts of a weasel, Tangikowski recognised a lucritive opportunity had just walked cut, battered and bleeding into his hands.

"I'll get some extra dressings for you to take for Remkah"

No one really noticed the Doctor leaving the room - or rather gave any thought as to its significance.

Back in his office, surrounded by deep wood panels and heavy furniture, the sterile obsessive man wiped the transmission panel with an alcohol swab to clean it, and then tapped in a series of numbers.

Within seconds a crisp efficient male voice answered:

"Hakker, Wenger and Hubbard..how may I assist you?"

"Recea Letikk please"

"Is it regarding an appointment sir..?"

"No..." Tangikowskis voice had a confident tone that made the secretary pause,

".....But Im certain she will take my call.."

Tangikowski smiled smugly as his call was put through.

Recea Letikk
Feb 4th, 2003, 08:08:41 PM
Recea, was walking past her secretary talking to someone on the com. She silently waved good night and proceeded to walk out of the office suite.

The secretaries voice sing songed a reply while she nodded back to her employer. "I'm sorry sir, Ms. Letikk has already left the office for the day. May I take a message?"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 4th, 2003, 09:54:31 PM
Tregona Enterprises.

This particular company was known in small yet intimate circles as one of the main suppliers to terrorists, left-wing radicals and other unsavory criminal organizations.

Too many times over the past couple of years Brielle has had to literally piece together the bodies of innocent men, women and children who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when some sick-minded freak's bomb went off.

This was looking no different. With a sigh, she clicks on her comm and calls up, asking for an extra set of hands to help bag and tag what remains can be found. Fingerprinting, blood typing...there was a lot of work ahead for Officer Acaana in the coming hours.

"Send more film and chalk down with the extra, alright? And add something to eat and drink to that list. Im starving!"

Mu Satach
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:08:44 AM
Mu rubbed the side of her head briefly. She was slipping. She didn't like slipping. "You're right," she said to both her friends. "It's obvious someone has been trailing me for longer than I'd like to admit." That thought unnerved her even more. Pressing a hand to the gash in her forehead she stopped and looked around the room.

Someone was missing...

"Hera... where's your friend?"

Mar 2nd, 2003, 02:47:53 AM
The door opened and Tangikowski returned, and all heads turned to look at him.

Hera's eyes narrowed as she noticed his hands empty of bandages.

"Where you been, Tangi?" she asked, her voice void of any emotion, though a nudge of suspicion tugged at her mind.

"Getting more bandages"

He slid his hand into his deep labcoat pocket and produced several sterile-sealed packets and handed them to Remkah.

"So...You guys want rooms for the night, or will you be moving on?"

Hera's gaze lingered on the smooth little scientist a few moments and then, as if she settled something in her mind, she then looked over at Mu and LV.

Perspiration prickled at the nape of Tangikowski's neck, but he retained a blank, and neutral expression on his face.

"Its up to you. But I think we need more of a plan before we just dash off into the night again."

Lady Vader
Mar 3rd, 2003, 03:17:32 AM
*LV looked at the man, narrowing her eyes, before looking at Hera. Something about him I don't trust. Call it gut instinct. The message was sent via the Force to both ladies there. It wasn't that she wasn't grateful for the aid he'd given them, but there was something about his sudden demeanor that made her feel alert.*

*She nodded her head.*

Agreed. But we'd need to stay somewhere where we could keep a low profile.

Mu Satach
Mar 3rd, 2003, 07:42:43 PM
I don't trust him either, let's play nice and get out of here before we find ourselves unwilling organ donors..

Mu stared at Tangikowski as he approached to clean her wounds. "Ferdy's was about as low profile as I can get, so everyplace I know of can't be trusted." She winced as the good doctor scrubbed away the dirt and debris from the cut. The antiseptic wash dribbled down the side of her face, leaving a clean path of skin.

"We need to regroup, and then get Lettik. It bothers me that she found me in the first place. I don't usually advertise my personal habits."

Mar 4th, 2003, 12:09:06 AM
"Well, lets pay a visit to Letikk's office."

Hera's eyes hardened to a smouldering fire locked in luminescent blue ice.

"I for one dont like to be messed with and not have any control. I say we take the fight to her."

Brielle Acaana
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:22:11 PM
Her 'team' had sifted through the rubble for hours and only after she was satisfied that every significant item had been bagged, tagged and hauled out, did Officer Acaana call it quits.

Following the extras out of the ruined bar, Brielle blinks against the light, her green eyes having grown quickly accustomed to the dim lighting below.

Ambling over to her squad car, she deposits her pouch on the passenger seat and gives her body a thorough dusting off before climbing behind the controls and leaving the bomb scene far behind.

Bri listens for any information concerning the earlier speeder chase but none is forthcoming as she slips through traffic lanes on her way back to the station. Her father's murder was still quite painful to her and the fact that she had seen DrenKast in the backseat of the maroon speeder only lent more suspicion, at least in her mind, that the female Sith somehow was involved in the destruction of the bar.

Reaching over into her leather pouch, Brielle withdraws the small plastic bag containing the Tregona logo, turning it over and around between her fingers, her mind racing.

.....I wonder........

Recea Letikk
Mar 26th, 2003, 11:12:00 PM
Recea relaxed as she sat in the rear of her limo. After the vehicle was moving she clicked on the intercom to the driver, "Head to the club in old town." She needed to consult with her mentor. Adazean was proving to be more difficult to control and things were only going to get worse if things proceeded as planned.

The limo pulled to a stop and Recea climbed out. She pulled her cloak around her and slid deep within the covered hood. Silently she nodded at the doorman and entered.

The Shadow Sect
Mar 27th, 2003, 01:36:57 AM
Within a smoke filled room deep in the underbelly of Coruscant, occupants in twelve leather wingback chairs faced each other in the shadows.

A younger man enters and proceeds to the center of the circle. An overhead shaft of light illuminates his face alone.

"What are the reports from earlier this evening?" one man spoke from the shadows.

"The assasin was precise, however... " the young man's voice trailed off.

"Speak up you fool!" the elder snapped.

Finding his voice the young man continued, "the target was more resourcefull than expected. The body was not found and there is a report of 3 women, a man and a large... cat(?) fleeing the scene in a stolen vehicle."

"Do we proceed with the Illiea Project then?" a slightly mechanical voice asked from the corner.

"I have customerssss awaiting sssshipmentssss." a creature hissed from the darkness. "There can beeeee no waiiiting."

"There will be no waiting. No one remembers her, her family or the incident on Rylax VII." the elder growled. "I will see to it personally that she returns to the land of the dead."

Mu Satach
Mar 28th, 2003, 10:26:56 PM
"Right," Mu jumped off the table after the good Dr. finished stitching up her head. She wobbled a bit and held on to the doctor's should to regain her balance. "thank you very much Dr. Tangikowski. You've been a gracious host. I'm sorry that we'll be leaving your presence." Mu linked her arm through his, "Would you be so kind as to point the way towards the exit?"

Lady Vader
Mar 29th, 2003, 05:30:39 PM
*LV stepped into line next to the doorway, waiting for the Doctor to lead them out.*

Mar 29th, 2003, 10:34:08 PM
Tangikowski peeled off his latex gloves and dropped them into a metal recepticle where they would be destroyed and then later discarded with the rest of the medical waste products his lab produced.

He went to a locker and took from it a thick wood cane with an ivory handle and handed it to Remkah.

"Your leg wont take long to completely mend, but in the meantime, this will help you get about."

The pirate nodded and rumbled out his thanks.

Tangi explained that they could leave the same way they came in. There was no need for the "exact speed approach" to trigger the gateway as only trusted friends and workers ever got in in the first place.

"Thanks Tangi - you've been great. I"ll be sending you a little something into your account when I contact ShadowFaene."

"Not necessary, Hera. Anything for a friend right?"

The words were all right..but they rang strangely in Hera's ears. She knew her companions felt the same.

"Good then" she smiled, and slipped a look to Remkah.

Tangikowski turned to follow her look and was greeted with a sharp belt to his head of one heavy-wood cane. The doctor dropped like a dead wookie to the floor and Remkah grinned.

"I been wanting to do that for years."

"Tie him up, Rem while we take a peek in his office. LV maybe you could help him, and Mu you can come with me to hack through his stuff. I think our little physician may be playing for both sides. Lets be sure shall we?"

Entering Tangikowski's office, Hera took a seat at his desk and began to try to hack into his data base.

Mu, after a breif look over the office, tapped a digit on the transmission pad on the desk (in effect much like a redial button) and put the system on "speaker."

Within seconds a crisp efficient male voice answered:

"Hakker, Wenger and Hubbard..how may I assist you?"

The two women froze immediately and looked at each other dumbstruck.

Mu Satach
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:14:45 PM
An eyebrow slowly arched as Mu spoke with a false calm into the speaker, "Yes, I'm calling to confirm a meeting on Ms. Letikk's schedule."

"One moment and I'll connect you to her assistant." a soothing almost narcoleptic piece of music flowed from the speaker.

Hera gave Mu a quizzical look to which Mu looked back and jerked her shoulders in a silent, I don't know what the hell I'm doing shrug.

Recea Letikk
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:16:45 PM
A sickly sweet voice interupted the music, "Ms. Letikk's office, how may I assist you?"

Mu Satach
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:18:42 PM
"Hello, I'm calling to confirm an appointment for Dr. Tangikowski with Ms. Letikk."

Recea Letikk
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:20:22 PM
There was a long pause, then the voice returned, "I'm sorry I don't seem to have the Dr. on her schedule. When was the appointment made?"

Mu Satach
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:24:26 PM
"Earlier today, I believe the Dr. tried to make the appointment himself but he's not to adept at administrative work." Mu mimic'd the tone of the assistant on the other end and injected a false tone of cheeryness to her voice, "that's what he hired me for." Mu almost let out a giggle to add to the effect.

Recea Letikk
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:37:54 PM
"Oh yes, I remember now," the voice relaxed as she assumed she was talking to another assistant, "we were disconnected abruptly before the details could be arranged which seemed a bit odd because he seemed quite insistant that he speak with her immediately."

The voice became a bit cautious and hushed, "I do have to warn you it may be a while before there is an open time. Ms. Letikk's schedule has recently been booked up completely. And unless the Dr. has been referred to her specifically by a collegue she may refuse to represent him as she is no longer taking new clients."

Mu Satach
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:57:23 PM
"Oh that's a shame." Mu's voice reflected a slight professional disapointment as inwardly she sighed a breath of relief to learn the Dr. hadn't been able to contact Letikk.

"She came so highly recommended to the Dr. as someone who might offer some advice regarding a small mal-practice issue. The Dr. just wants a few minutes of her time to get a second opinion. Is there anyway he could meet with her for just 15 min. in the next day or so? It's a bit urgent," Mu's eyebrows furrowed together in a bit of a wicked grin, she was going to make sure the assistant would never take another call from the Dr. "His current lawyer is recomending that he settle out of court and then leave the planet on the next transport to the Outer Rim territories as soon as possible. Honestly, you would think he killed those people on purpose with the way they're acting. He has it clearly outlined in the waiver forms that this is an experimental treatment not approved by the Coruscant Health Organization and that side effects are to be expected." a slight sense of indignation leaked through Mu's voice.

Recea Letikk
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:21:45 PM
"No, I'm afraid her schedule is completely booked for the next 3 days. In fact she's going to be out of the office all day tomorrow I mi..." the assistant froze in her chair as the second part of the comment sunk in. She sat for a moment staring at her data pad and tapped one finger on the desk.

"You know," her tone changed to one of extreme caution, "medical issues really aren't Ms. Letikk's area of specialty. She deals more with family estate planning, in fact ahhh... most of what Hakker, Wenger and Hubbard deal with is in the area of family and corporate finances." she took a deep breath and proceeded with caution. "I... I can recommend aaahhh... several law firms that we routinely refer special clients to that deal with these mmm.. matters." a worried smile flashed across her face for a moment.

Mu let out an audible sigh of defeat, "That would be appreciated."

The secretary quickly transmitted a listing of less than reputable law firms in the city and flagged Tangikowski's com number as one for all Hakker, Wenger and Hubbard associates to politely give the run around. There was an ettiquette to be observed and while she knew for a fact that many of the clients they served did much worse than the Dr. there were appearences to be kept. And someone unable to cover their tracks was someone Hakker, Wenger and Hubbard did not want to be associated with.

Mu Satach
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:29:10 PM
The com went silent. "Well, that was interesting." Mu thought for a moment.

"You up for a little breaking and entering with a dash of armed robbery of a highly secure high rise office in the heart of the city? Who knows... " Mu arched her eyebrow again. "We might get lucky and add a bit of kidnapping in the mix before the day is done."

Lady Vader
Mar 31st, 2003, 11:54:57 PM
*LV finished helping Rem tie up the good doctor and had made it into his office, catching the last bit of the comm call Mu had made. She remained silent until Mu finished, adding her own enthusiasm to Mu's dastardly idea.*

*She gave a sly smile.*

I'm always up for a bit of sneaking and entering.

Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:54:48 PM
Mu, LV and Hera returned to where Remkah and, the now trussed Doctor, were waiting.

Tangikowski had regained consciousness and the desperate circumstances he now found himself in became evident. He searched haltingly for words to somehow staunch the rage of betrayal that was inevitably going to be unleashed on him with the arrival of the 3 Sith.

Remkah shook his head at the doctor in finality,

"Dont even bother, Tangi."

Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:04:02 PM
Hera's glare was hard as she crouched down infront of the doctor. With a slow deliberate hand, she took the dagger from its sheath at her thigh.

"Quite the snake, aren't you Tangi."

She grabbed his jaw and forced open his mouth.

"I dont see a forked tongue though..."

"....nnmo, nno, Hetha..."

Tangikowski tried to speak, but Hera had gripped his tongue. His eyes widened in fright as she lifted the blade.

Slicing the length of his tonue, she split it into two - blood spurting all over the doctors pristine white coat.

"Thats more like it." she smiled, pleased.

Lady Vader had dropped three detonators into a ventilation shoot - their signal it was time to leave.

As the blood pooled about the good doctor, they left him to his fate, turning towards their ship and not looking back at him even once. Within 3 minutes, the lab would be a smoking ruin - a burning husk and yet another blight to the low-life Coruscant district.

Brielle Acaana
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:43:35 PM
Back at her lap in the Coco district staionhouse, Brielle finshed running what tests she could on the small metallic logo she had found in the ruins of the bar.

No fingerprints, no unusual chemical residues, nothing out of the ordinary - no nothing! It was clean as a whistle.

She sat up from her hunched over posistion at the microscope and placed her hands at the small of her back, stretching upwards to relieve the strain.

Rising from her stool, Acaana walks around the island work table and resettles down in front of the datapad, tapping in her password.

Well, Tregona Enterprises, let's see what we can find ...... and who your better paying customers really are.

Lady Vader
May 23rd, 2003, 02:46:18 PM
*The group made their way up towards the "street" level and into the garage meant for the building they had just exited. There was no sense in taking the stolen cab they had just come in. Instead, they would just borrow the good Doctor's speeder... not like he'd be needing it anymore.*

*Once again, LV took the drivers side, with iesis jumping into the back seat. The others took their respective spots in the sporty speeder as LV hotwired the vehicle. Finishing, she looked to Hera and Mu.*

I think this is a new record for me... that's, what? Three vehicles "borrowed" in one evening?

*She laughed and put the speeder to full throttle, heading into yet another space lane. One minute after they had been in the lane, a tiny beeping emitted from LV's commlink. She reached down and shut off the timer, glancing at her passengers through the rear view mirror.*

No more Doctor.

*She then looked to Hera briefly before giving her attention back to the space lane, heading towards the heart of the city.*

So, where exactly is this high rise we're going to 'visit"?