View Full Version : Foxhound Project - Playing God on a Scale.

Red Fox x11
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:22:21 PM
Foxhound Genetic Corporation
Level B3 – ‘Womb’

Within the confines of one of Coruscants’ thriving Genetic Corporations, Foxhound, a play on god was being performed. White coat lab officials hustled around computers as some recorded information on datapads as they examined a cylinder-like construction walled with a fleshly like material. Inside, a silhouette of a small child could be seen floating within the liquid and wiring the makeshift womb provided.

A timer above the womb counted down in it’s own digital readouts, the set number at the current place and time sat at 500:23:22 while other readouts monitored the project’s vital signs and brain activities. This little project was the upsurge in Foxhound’s capabilities, sure. They could regrow an arm, leg, ear, or whatever for a price. That was what they were for in the first place, but the corporation’s head decided that they needed to go a bit further.

And so Project Foxhound was created, a simple little child cloned from the Big Boss’s deceased daughter and mixed with the blood of a fox. The subject had done fine so far, developed naturally within the artificial womb and such. Although, a drawback was evident. Even though the child had a humanlike body composure, that is being able to stand on two legs, it started to look more and more canine in nature.

From the camera planted inside the womb, the researchers had discovered that the changes where more complex than they had thought. The Child had grown a thin coat of air, fox-like ears, four bushy tails, and a mane-like head of hair. The scientists dubbed the creation ‘Red Foxy’ although her scientific designation was ‘Red Fox x11’. The x11 at the end being the trial number, 10 fails up to this one and they where determined to keep her.

A particular scientist, who’s name happened to be ‘Alexis’ was chosen from selection as the child’s first human contact and stimulus. Alexis would teach, nurture, and care for Foxhound’s Miracle. She was quite overwhelmed at the subject, this being her second year in their corp.

Suddenly, a shrill alarm broke out in the third floor basement’s lab. The child had rejected the latest growth hormone and had begun to awaken. Scientist and others ran madly about, shouting orders and checking computers. Big Boss, a muscular man with white cropped hair, surged through the entrance doors and made his own path to the nearest terminal.

“Report! Tell me what the hell is going on?!” Boss shouted, throwing his arms around pointing at the circular ball which held the womb in a red lit environment. Getting no response immediately, Boss grabbed a nearby personnel and hauled them over to the computer. “Now, Tell me what’s going on!”

“Sir.. uh.. Red Fox X11 had rejected the growth hormones and is waking up, we’re trying to put sedatives on her but those are being rejected as well!”

“Screw putting my baby to sleep, get her out of there!”


The womb’s walls began to slide up with a groan and loud hiss. Fluid drained out and the child sank to the metal bottom as the liquid exited. As the womb raised up, Boss gazed on his newest creation that coughed and sputtered out the oxygen filled substance, which made up the interior. She lay on her side, curled up in the fetal position, only looking like a child of five.

“My baby… Get her out, get her dry, and get Alexis!” Boss ordered, storming out of the lab with a grin on his face. His daughter was back, and she looked beautiful.

Alexis Crisse
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:38:23 PM
"Give me a copy of that data sheet," she said to another scientist, who was scribbling in his notebook.

"I want to know exactly what happened, when it happened, and-"

"Alexis, you're needed in level B3!"

Turning around to see who interrupted her, she saw a fellow assistant who was looking quite frantic. Immediately, her mind began to sort through what could've happened; Accidents, a medical breakthrough, an experiment gone awry.. Wait a minute, wasn't level B3 where ‘Red Fox x11’ was?

Brushing past the frantic man, Alexis broke out into a run, her white labcoat trailing behind her. Her footsteps echoed in the empty, white corridors until she halted infront of an elevator. It had motion detectors, and no button needed to be pushed as the smooth, metal door slid open. Stepping inside, she said, "Level B3" and it was only a matter of seconds before she arrived. Stepping out of the elevator, she jogged past the Boss and gave him a slight nod of her head before continuing towards the laboratory. Pushing the doors open, she was automatically blasted with a sort of disinfectant - something all employee's had to go through before entering anything that involved experiments, to make sure nothing was infected. After this, the second pair of doors slid open and she went inside, to see Red Fox x11 being surrounded by a group of lab assistants. They seemed to be smothering her with towels, and this only irritated her.

"Step back - this is my responsibility from now on!" She barked, her voice holding authority no matter how young she looked.

Realizing it was Alexis, they stepped back and allowed her to get a good look at the 'child'. Taking a towel, she wrapped it around the girl's body before picking her up gently.

"My, little one," she whispered. "You've come so far.."

Red Fox x11
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:59:31 PM
The smothering of the blankets had frighted Red somewhat, being like a new sheet of paper. Blank, unknowing. Then someone else showed up, picked her semi-dry and shivering body up. Although, Red was unable to physically 'see' her cuddler, she could smell her scent above all the others, tagging Alexis as the 'Mother'.

"Mrra.. mrr.."

The area in which the Womb was contained also held a octigonal room for the child. White floor which became lit when pressure was applied, a soft bed with blue sheets, a table on one of the sides, Monitors hung from the roof and a refresher. As Alexis moved from the steel colored lab into the white room, the following scientists crowded into the veiwports excitedly.

A set of clothes, a little big for Red's small size, lay folded apon the bed: Light blue bed shirt and pants..


Alexis Crisse
Oct 11th, 2002, 08:06:42 PM
Smiling gently, Alexis moved into the room which was designed for the project. Sometimes, she would be in awe at just how impressive this whole building was - with technology not even released to the public.

Setting x11 down on the bed, she unwrapped the towel that snuggled against her comfortably and picked up the shirt. Shaking it so it would become unfolded, she lifted the child's head and slipped the shirt underneath, then pulled out the arms into the sleeves. With that done, she put the pants on and then looked down at the experiment.

".. Marr?"

Red Fox x11
Oct 11th, 2002, 08:22:39 PM
The experiement rubbed it's eyes awkwardly, fell to the right and steadied herself up again. Opening it's eyes, it looked onto Alexis's own brown with X11's emerald green.

"Maar!" She squeaked and pointed at Alexis's face, "Marr Mar mar!"

Perhaps 'Mar' was Red's way of identifiying something, or someone. Who could tell? Above, the monitors blinked to life and displayed a still image of Foxhound's logo before moving onto a elderly woman dressed in the same coat as Alexis.

"Miss Alexis, Mr. Solidus wishes to speak with you on the matter of the Red Fox x11 project. He has secduled an appointment for later today, will that be convientent for you?"

Startled by the new stimulus, Red stared at it with her muzzle slightly agape. Having to craine her head up to watch it eventually lead to hear falling onto the bed once again with squeak.

Alexis Crisse
Oct 12th, 2002, 08:02:25 AM
"That will be fine," Alexis replied, looking up at the monitor. The image of the woman disappeared and was replaced once more by the still Foxhound logo, then the monitor shut off.

Glancing back down at x11, she quirked an eyebrow as the experiment struggled to sit back up again to look at the monitor. I wonder if she's hungry, she thought to herself. Knowing that the girl couldn't understand speech, she pointed towards her mouth and made a chewing motion, then gestured towards Fox to see if she wanted something to eat. Alexis could only hope x11 knew what she meant.

Red Fox x11
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:24:24 AM
X11 just have a confused look at Alexis's actions, imitated it slightly by also pointing at her mouth then at Alexis. The child's four tails lazily swished back and forth as the two chattered, Red sometimes sqeaking 'mar' or imitaing 'that' in her own form of 'tahat'.


Inside the penthouse office, Solidus sat with his fingers steepling and watching a camera within the Experiement's room. He was pondering it's-- her -- future.. would he allow her to stay in the corperation cut off from the world?


X11's stomach rummbled softly, making the child squeak and over her stomach and giggle..

"Mar.. Tahat!"

Alexis Crisse
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:54:09 PM
Frowning, Alexis looked over her shoulder to the scientists in the viewports.

"I need a bottle with warm milk," she said, loud enough so they could hear. One scuttled off to return moments later with the desired item. Walking cautiously into the white room, he handed her the bottle then quickly retreated.

"Milk," she said, pointing towards the bottle. "Milk."

Then, very carefully, she held it to x11's mouth.

Red Fox x11
Oct 12th, 2002, 02:24:59 PM
"Mi.. Mil," x11 repeated, latching onto the offered end of the bottle and sucking merrily. Her emerald eyes kept on lock with Alexis.

After awhile, the bottle had been drained dry and x11 entergetically played with it under the watch of her 'Matron'. x11 would bat the plastic container over somewhere, then crawl after it.

Again, the Foxhound logo display came on the monitors. Afterwards, a program using the same elderly woman began to run.

"Hello, I am Miss Cason. I will instruct you in the way to stand, walk, and sit. Please sit down."

x11, already sitting, complied while looking up at the monitor. The elderly lady stood with her hands crossed on her lap, "I am standing--" She walks over now to another chair, "-- I am walking. And now, I am sitting."

x11 sat mystified, then used the bed post where she had ended up after chasing hte bottle to steady herself to stand. The program repeated itself, and x11 scooted across the end of the bed post to the other side. "Ih.. a-aammh-- waa.. waal.. king."

Alexis Crisse
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:15:11 PM
Delighted, Alexis watched, fascinated with x11's intelligence. She caught on quicker than any normal human child could, and no doubt the scientists were scribbling all this down on their evaluation sheets.

Red Fox x11
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:41:54 PM
X11 swivled around, examining her surroundings until her gaze landed on Alexis. Squeaking, she let loose of the post and made her way across the room while woobling heavily.

The scientists crammed into the veiwport watched with glee at their new creation, even though other companies had long done this process, Foxhound was a mere babe in the subject.

X11 soon made it to Alexis and tugged on the front of her labcoat with a childish smile.
