View Full Version : Sleepless nights (open challenge or char building - force user or non)

Oct 11th, 2002, 02:01:52 PM
He tossed and turned in the bed of his hotel room. The sheets and blankets he’d pushed aside, and finally he lay staring at the ceiling. This was quite unlike him. He was usually able to sleep rather easily. And all of this had come from the simple fact that someone had asked him his name. His response, rather than giving it, had been to punch the unsuspecting bellhop in the face.

He’d almost just gone to a different hotel. But the minds of others were sometimes easy enough to manipulate, and so this was what had been done. Moments later this had all been forgotten, by everyone except the young sith.

Normally such a simple question would not have elicited such a response. Except that he had recently leaned that his true name was not at all what he had grown up believing it to be. This was a source of anger for him, and it threatened to consume him if he didn’t find a way to release it.

The boy who had been born Alexander Donovan, who was truly Alexander Millard, still went by Sasha Kovalev. For now. There was too much he had yet to learn about himself and his family before he took that step. In time he would learn, but until then, the confusion of it all was causing turmoil.

Eventually he sat up in bed, the moonlight coming through the blinds he’d never bothered to close, and threw on clothing. His blaster he fastened to his hip, and his lightsaber he held in his hand. And then he opened the door to his hotel room, stepped into the hall, and closed it quietly behind him.

He walked down through the back stairwell, and out into the street below. And then he began walking.

He knew what he was looking for, and it was confrontation of some kind. Violet eyes stared ahead of him, daring anyone or anything to step from the shadows.

imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:19:04 PM
"Late night stroll?"

Drasen called out from behind the man. It wasn't often he would direct attention to himself with a total stranger, for the simple fact he wished not to be bothered. This man appeared familiar to him for some exceptional reason. A past acquaintance, or maybe a former adversary. Although he never kept adversaries, atleast kept them alive. Also the fact his subject was armed, and with a lightsaber, no less.

Perhaps a Jedi?

No, he couldn't be that lucky. And a Jedi could not be that stupid, to leave his weapon out of concealment in the open - unless he was dealing with an ignorant Padawan.

He was too conspicuous for a Jedi. Either way, it could prove as entertainment.

Oct 15th, 2002, 09:08:32 AM
He had feltt he presence of another, but where it had been he hadnt been able to detect. There were to many out there now, too many others hidden in the shadows. But only one stepped forward.

Late night stroll? The voice had asked.

Sasha turned to face the man, his violet eyes staring for a moment. Something felt perhaps a bit familiar, but nothing that he could place. Not now. Not in the rage that he was in.

"I guess you could call it that." He replied, for this was hardly a stroll to him. He wanted a challenge. He wanted to do something destructive. This was something normal for most sith perhaps, but for this one, it was somewhat uncharacteristic. His rage he kept controlled most of the time, releasing it only upon provocation.

Tonight, he had no patience for it. The orange blade of his lightsaber ignited. His signature in the force was dark, and he willed it to go out to any who would hear the call as he looked to the man before him.