View Full Version : Shadow Whispers [open]

Asea Salvadore
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:21:01 PM
"Time to pay up, stud," Asea winked at the boy slouched over the counter, shot glasses surrounding his head. She reached across and lifted his head to meet his gaze. "Listen.. You're drunk, we're closing, fork over the money." Her fingers gripped the boy's chin hard, her black nails digging into his skin. The drunk squint at her and groaned, a familiar gurgling coming from his throat. Asea jerked her hand away and backed up to avoid the bile that spilled from his mouth.

"Alright, that's it!" She grabbed an empty bottle and let the end shatter on the edge of the counter. "Give me my frelling money, you piece of scum!" The bottle hovered in front of his face before slashing across his cheek; The sudden injury seemed to rally his senses and drag him back to reality. A trembling hand lifted and let a mass of credits clatter onto the surface before he stumbled to his feet and quickly sped for the door.

"Damn drunks," Asea muttered and gathered the money. He'd left nearly three times more than what he owed; Not that she was about to complain. Leaving the mess for one of her employees to clean up, the woman made her way to the door. She sighed and ran a hand through her crimson hair, staring out the window at the neon-lit sky.

"Why do the young ones always have to be so difficult?" She pulled a large collection of keys from her pocket and reached to shut the door, preparing to close down the "Steel Rose Tavern" for the night.


Abel Kannan
Oct 10th, 2002, 04:00:17 PM
Abel walked into the bar, and noticed a woman counting a very large stack of creds.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a teenaged boy in here recently? We were supposed to have a talk about his drinking problem, but he did not show up where he said he would. I was told I could find him here."

Asea Salvadore
Oct 11th, 2002, 03:19:17 AM
Asea glared at the man, leaning against the door frame. She crossed her arms and tilt her head to the side. "Perhaps.. But we're closed, so he's not here, and if that's not the same for you in five seconds, I'll make it so that you can never walk again."

She paced forward, letting her gaze meet the man's directly, never flinching. "A customer is nothing else. I don't care who any of them are, or what happens to them."

She lifted a pale arm, her hand pointing to the open door.



Sway DiRisio
Oct 13th, 2002, 11:43:57 AM
Sway's lips grinned as she came out from behind Asea. The white-haired woman wore a sleeveless shirt under her furry coat. She lifted a hand towards the man.

"I'm sorry for my boss here. What she meant was ..." Sway lifted a hand towards the exit. "Get out."