View Full Version : Ah, the youthful innocence of obsession (Sanis)

Cassidy Williams
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:49:29 PM
She was tiny. Standing at only four feet eleven inches and weighing in at eighty-nine pounds, Cassidy Williams earned her nickname "Nymph". She was a textbook bookworm and looked every bit the part. Her straight brown hair was parted strictly down the middle and braided on either side of her head. Clark Kent glasses slid down her nose and were pushed up every few minutes. A t-shirt, jeans and oversized windbreaker completed the outfit, along with a soft cloth book bag that was always filled.

Weaving her way through the crowds was easy for Cassidy. Almost no one noticed her and being so small made it possible to slip by, even under, others.

"A22... A22..."

Ah, here it was! She stopped at one of the lockers in the spaceport, a dingy blue one with a metal plate swinging from a single loose screw. Taking a key from her pocket, the adolescant inserted it in the lock and swung the squeaking door open. The first thing one would notice were the news clippings. The door and inside of the locker were covered in them, all pertaining to one man: Sanis Prent.

Cassidy took a moment to stare at each in turn, scanning over the words that she had known ever since she had taken an interest in him. Sighing, she finally turned her attention to the leather pouch at the back of the locker. She stood on her tiptoes and grunted, trying to reach it. No luck. Biting her lip thoughtfully, Cassidy tried again, straining harder to reach and jumping when that didn't work. When she failed to reach it again, Cassidy let out a groan.

"Arrgh... I hate being short!"

She really shouldn't ask for help... You never knew who to trust and in the wrong hands those papers could get her father into even more trouble than he was already in.

Ah well, it was his fault in the first place. Grabbing the sleeve of the first person who walked by, Cassidy flashed what her old man affectionatly called "Bambi eyes".

"Excuse me... Could I borrow you for a moment? I need help reaching my... Book report..."

Sanis Prent
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:27:28 AM
Is that him?

(Across the distance from the spaceport, I sat low in the rental, watching passengers mill around the terminal.)

I think that's him.

(On the dash, a pink cyllinder whirred, balancing precariously near the side window.)

Red jacket, second level.

(More whirring. I fished around for a stim.)

The resemblance is quite conclusive. 90.4% positive, Sanis.

(Making a face and nodding my head, I lit a smoke)

That's good enough for me. Good enough for you?

It is decidedly supported by the statistics. Although physiological references are not always completely accurate, it is a high probability.

Yeah, yeah...

(I patted down my jacket, reaching for my shell gun)

Keep in mind, Sanis...there is a tight control on weapons within the terminal. I would not advise the usual treatment.

(I sighed)

Alright. So, what do we have then?

Cassidy Williams
Jan 9th, 2003, 01:31:19 PM
"Red jacket.... Red jacket... Great ghosts of Ghandi I'm gonna be late!"

Cassidy hefted her bookbag to her side, trying to stop in from banging against her knees as she ran through the terminal. The packet of papers was in her hand, heavy and awkward. Glancing grimly around, Cassidy groaned.

"I'll bet he's not even on this floor, the idiot!"

She cluncked over to a lift and jumped in, just ahead of the closing doors. She'd check every floor if she had to. Smiling at a woman who looked about ready to mother her, Cassidy jumped out on the second floor.

"Red jacket.... Red jacket.... Reeeeeeed jacket... Ah-HA!"

Suddenly trying to look nonchalent she sauntered over to her intended contact. Whistling. As she drew closer he looked at her curiously.

"What are you doing?"

"I... Was happy. Here."

Cassidy shoved the pouch into his hands. He started to open it.

"It's all there! I'm not incompetant."

Red Jacket smiled.

"Your old man was right. You're a good kid. Now get lost."

He started to walk away. Cassidy followed.

"So... How's my dad? Have you seen him yet? Does he have a plan? Are you gonna help him? Well are ya?..."

Sanis Prent
Mar 26th, 2003, 10:17:40 PM
(Hopping out of the rental, I made my way to the terminal. Predictably, I was stopped at the security checkpoint, and thoroughly searched. Aside from pocket change, and a pen, the only thing I had on me was a pink cyllinder. The security guard looked at me with a strange facial expression)

...its a droid PDA.

(I tapped the cyllinder, which came to life, created a small holographic screen, and ejected a stylus out the side of it.)


(The security guard nodded, and let me go about my business. I casually strolled along the terminal walkways, and took a seat on a bench, noticably ahead of the man in the red jacket. Leisurely, I pulled out the droid module, and activated it, busying myself with "work".)

Cassidy Williams
Mar 27th, 2003, 04:00:59 PM
He was ignoring her! Every once in a while the man would swish his hand at her angrily, as if swatting at a bug. Cassidy, annoyed now, persisted with her talking, never leaving Red's heels.

"You know, you need to get some people skills. All I want to know about is my own father and you won't even drop a hint! Do you know how rude it is to ignore someone like this? You can't do it forever! I'll just keep following you and talking, following you and talking, following you and talking until you tell me something!"

He picked up his pace and Cassidy had to jog after him to keep up. Though she was unaware, they were getting ever closer to Prent.

"Hey! Hey, slow down! Hey!"