View Full Version : A request..(Sejah, Krieger and Kindo.)

Maia Tharrinn
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:16:43 PM
Maia entered the training center. She was very excited about what lay ahead. She had heard from many that Sejah was a wonderful teacher when it came to saber fighting. So she had asked him to give Kindo and Krieger some lessons. Maia to would watch closely, she herself needed to learn things about how to wield a saber.

As a knight she would be supervising the lessons but would only watch unless asked to participate. Though her Padawans were skilled fighters, she felt there were areas that she had not touched on with them. She wanted to give them this wonderful opportunity to learn....

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:36:01 PM
Glancing at the clock, Sejah stopped what he was doing and gathered up his canvas bag of training equipment and his lightsaber as well. He had been invited by Maia to help teach swordfighting technique, and he wasn't going to be late. Popping the last bit of a toasted bagel into his mouth, the mongoose left his room and headed down to the Training Center.

Unlike most days where he would wear customary Jedi attire, or street clothes, Sejah dressed to teach. Instead of pants, he sported a kit, and a loose vest hung from his shoulders, the front held closed by threaded loops and wooden toggles. His simple leather sandals thwapped on the polished floor as he walked, and he turned a few heads along the way.

"Hello, Lady Tharrinn, how are you this morning?" He asked as he strode into the approproiate training room. "I brought along some of my usual training equipment, in case there are not enough training sabers."

(OOC- This is a kit, for those of you who don't know what it is) <center><img src=http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/nehantish/sejah-in-kit.jpg></center>

Fale Kane
Oct 9th, 2002, 07:39:15 PM
OOC:sorry. wrong character. please ignore this post. thanx

Oct 9th, 2002, 07:48:34 PM
OOC:I got the right character now.

Krieger was standing in the room next to his master, towering high above her. "Hey master? Should I go easy on the lil' guy? He might get hurt."He said, not realizing that he was the instructor.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 08:08:33 PM
As Krieger entered the room, Sejah focused one of his ears on him, and called back, "If you go easy, I'll kick you out." With a smile, the mongoose turned his head to look at him. Krieger was a big fellow, but, Ramadon the Great was still able to out-fence Rehnjai the Immense, so the legends went.

But for the moment, Sejah would wait for Ki-adi to show up. After all, it would be unfair to give one more attention than another.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 10th, 2002, 04:05:27 PM
Kindo entered into the occupied training arena, the presence of his friends bringing a smile to his face. Although he usually maintained a casual attitude around them, he took his training rather seriously.

He walked over and stood before Sejah, already a good comrade of his. He appeared to be dressed in different attire, as Ki Adi himself was wearing some black pants with a white button-up shirt.

" Shall we begin? "

He spoke enthusiastically, for he was pumped up about the saber session. Even now Kindo was one of the more adept swordsman in the Order, and to develop even more proficiency with his blades would be great.

He removed his ivory shirt, revealing his relaxed muscles.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 04:54:49 PM
Sejah stood before them with his paws clasped behind his back, and his lightsaber inserted into the waistband of his kit. Kindo might be a friend, but at the moment, he was a student, both he and Krieger were.

The mongoose let an awkward silence pass after Ki-Adi spoke, and then cleared his throat lightly before speaking. "Good morning. Lady Tharrinn has invited me here to be a guest teacher this morning for she feels I am decent with the saber. Though I am a padawan myself, this morning I would ask that you give me the respect of a teacher, nothing less. Friendships and current relations will be removed form your minds, and you will remember that. I will have to work on it myself as well."

With practice grace, he slowly brought his paws from behind his back and unfastened the toggles on his vest, then removed it, folded it neatly in half twice and set it aside. "Unless you have preference otherwise, we will be using lightsabers today, though set to a training setting. Neither of you, or myself is a Knight, let alone a Master, so you will understand that none of us can be trusted with a live edge in training. I have a few more rules, some of which will come out later on in the lesson, but the most important of them is this: Respect your weapon above all, and above that, respect your teacher and opponents. Second, no face or groin shots. They are cheap, and will not be tolerated. Third, no telepathy. I want you to focus on learning, not talkign to each other. Maia will monitor you on that. Otherwise, we are ready."

Sejah concluded his opening speech, having spared them many rules and formalities of the school he used to teach at. Quietly, he adopted a closed stance, bowing his head and saying a silent prayer before lifting his head once more and openign his pink eyes. "Krieger, Ki-Adi, draw your weapons and set them to their lowest power. When you feel comfortable, attack me, though one at a time for now." He said, though his lightsaber was still in the waistband of his kit.

Oct 10th, 2002, 05:04:58 PM
"Oooo... This oughta be fun. I can already tell this will be an excellent experience, eh Kindo?" He said while turning his saber's settings. His lightsaber was almost as massive as he was. He held his saber in the upside down position. "Let's go!" He said, shifting his crimson saber to his backside, getting ready to snap it out at his opponent. He ran quickly to Sejah and swung his mighty saber.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 05:37:21 PM
Good, Krieger was not afraid to attack. He had the build for it, as well as the drive.

As the behemoth closed in, Sejah didn't flinch. Krieger's saber swung out in a path designed to take him through the middle, and Sejah reacted quickly. Ducking down and to his right, Sejah yanked his lightsaber from his waistband with his left paw and rurned it on as he did so, also holding it puside down. As Krieger's saber buzzed above his head, Sejah shoved off from his footpawas and dove forward, raking his blade along the large man's side, then whipping it back around to thwack him in the back of the leg as he straightened his posture.

"Kill shot with a maim," Sejah announced, "Try again after Ki-Adi."

(OOC- Okay, yes, that is technically an auto. But, as teacher this time around, I am allowed that liberty, as long as I don't take it too far.)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:17:46 PM
Kindo unclipped the dormant handgrip on his side, elevating to his midsection. It seemed he had grown used to his beloved father's former lightsaber, for already he was able to handle it with a steady flow of movements. He more than anyone there, treasured his blade just for the fact it was given to him from his deceased father, yet even more he had grown to respect it's power. He briefly shut his eyes, concentraing on the peace he was to maintain. Upon opening his eyes, he ran his finger past the ignition switch.


A saffron beam emmited ouwards from the steel hilt. Ki Adi gradually began encompassing Sejah, calculating his upcoming advance at his teacher. With a rapid yet graceful motion, the Jedi started out with a horizontal slash in a whip-like action.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:48:29 PM
Kindo showed the precision of training, that was for sure. But there was a difference between training and skill, and Sejah was going to see where one stopped and the other began.

Before the padawan approached, Sejah had passed his saber back into his right paw, and righted it as well. Holding it at his side, the blade shooting out parallel to the floor and away form himself, the mongoose adopted the She'oorin stance, and turned his head to watch Kindo as he rounded him. To counter rythm, Sejah's tail flicked randomly, a distraction, he found, against humans.

Finally, as Ki-Adi stepped in, Sejah met his blade with a momentary corps-a-corps, a locking of blades near the handle. But, throuhg better angulation, he was able to sweep Ki's saber up and away, and while his front was open he slammed his left pam into his chest before bringing his saber down across it, then hooking his leg out from underneath him. With Ki-Adi on the floor, the mongoose pointed his saber down at his throat from a wide-legged stance and said, "Good job. Next time, don't lose."

It was difficult to tell whether or not Sejah was joking. But what was painfully obvious was that the mongoose was in an element he knew, and could control.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 12th, 2002, 05:17:40 PM
Kindo, who began to ascend from the floor, was in awe of Sejah's capability. Instead of having an ill attitude due to his loss, he was rather eager, ardent to learn from the skilled mongoose. After all, any new fencing expertise would prove valuble in any future encounter with an infuriated darksider.

" How did you know to do all that? "

Sejah Haversh
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:48:36 PM
Letting his saber shut off, Sejah rolled out his wrist and replied, "I was First Apprentice for ten years, Ki Adi, that's how."

Takingn a step back, the mongoose looked at both his 'students' and began to lecture, "Krieger, you have great size, but, the larger the armor, the larger the chinks. Learn to be small, learn to be graceful; I didn't even need to block your attack, all I needed to do was avoid it. Kindo, you have style, but lack foresight. If you are going to attack an enemy, think of at least two ways in which your attack could be blocked. When blocking, think of two ways to attack. Now, let's try again, either one of you may start."

Oct 15th, 2002, 06:23:48 PM
"How the heck am I gonna be small... I'M A FRIKKIN OX!!!!!" He said, with a small hint of frustration in his voice. "Why do you speak in riddles?!"

Sejah Haversh
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:38:35 PM
Sejah turned a firm face to Krieger and replied, "In my culture there is a legend of a great mongoose named Rehnjai the Immense. He was a giant of a beast, nearly ten feet tall, and weighing over 500 standard pounds. But, for as large and strong as he was, he was graceful, and that made him able to act small. Learn grace, depend less on strength, and more on with and speed. Yours is an unusual problem, yes, but, not one that cannot be overcome."

His face still not softening, he continued on, "And do not raise your voice with me. I may only be a Padawan such as yourself, but, at the moment your Master has seen fit to make me your teacher. You will give me the respect I deserve, or you may leave. My rules are that simple. But, I will tell you this, you will learn more by staying."

Oct 16th, 2002, 09:28:26 PM
"I'm sorry for raising my voice to you... I'm just extremely frustrated. Being told to be graceful when you are a large creature of over 1000 pounds. I've always relied on my armored body and strength to help me out in a fight." He said in a more calm voice.

Maia Tharrinn
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:23:32 AM
Maia sat and watched the lessons Sejah was giving. A small smile tugged her lips. He had a lotto teach and her padawans were avid thinkers. She was proud of them. Maia nodded in appreciation with his teaching techniques. He would teach them more than sword skills this day it seemed.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:17:06 PM
Looking at Krieger, Sejah replied, "Tell me, Krieger, when you want to impress a girl, would you rather have her attracted to your strength, or your charm? Odds are, it's probably the charm, for she can obviously see your strength. So, here's what I want you to try; attack me as if the girl you wanted to go out with was watching. Show her you not only have size, but suave control as well. Does that help?"

Oct 20th, 2002, 09:24:41 AM
"Ummm...OK! I'm no lady's man, but I guess I'd do it like this." He said, crouching down in a low position with his saber behind him and his arm out in front in a blocking position. He lept forward, spinning like a top, whipping his saber around like a twig in the breeze, his saber coming closer and closer to Sejah. His saber was never at the same height each time he swung it around his massive body. High, low, high, middle. The pattern alternating each time.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 22nd, 2002, 12:20:06 PM
Krieger learned quickly; his new attack was quite firece, and hard to guage. But it wasn't impossible.

Sejah backed up a few paces to make the giant chase him further, and also lose some of the speed he had started out with in his spin. By his ninth revolution, the mongoose found a way in.

Crouching low, he drew Krieger's saber into a lower pattern as well, and Sejah waited until the blade was almost at his side to leap up and forward. He barely cleared the saber--feelign the heat of it near his toes as he jumped--and his opponent's blocking arm was barely out of the way to let him in. Snatching his left arm out, he snagged it around Krieger's neck and drove his saber into the behemoth's gut. Well, he would ahve driven it in had it not been on practice setting. Instead he just shut it off and held it against Krieger's abdomen, then said, "That was very, very good, sir. I hope you will practice that maneuver so next time I won't be able to get through it."

Letting go, Sejah dropped to the floor and rolled out his shoulders, then spoke quietly, "And if you had a ladyfriend who was watching, I think she'd still be proud of you. That truly was a good attack."

Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:45:39 PM
Krieger stood with a hand on his head, somewhat off balance from the spins.

"Thanks...I think..."

Sejah Haversh
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:22:41 AM
Switching his blade back on, he whipped it straight out at Ki Adi and stared down the glowing length into Kindo's eyes. "Ki Adi, your turn again. Imagine your honor rests upon this match, and fight accoringly."