View Full Version : Room with a view. (Dasquain)

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:03:28 PM
If there was one good thing about moving to Coruscant, it was his new room. More than twice the size of his old one, with bookshelves, bigger closets, individual dressers and a bigger screen holovid, Sejah was more than happy.

Of course, it had to be bigger, as that it now had three beds instead of two, but, the third roomate would be figured out later. Now was the time to unpack and explore. Unpackign was a simple process; he only had four or five cardboard boxes, mostly filled with clothes, keepsakes, or framed photographs, and it was all quickly put away. The kitchen was another delightful upgrade from a kitchenette to a full kitchen, this time, and the bathroom was cosiderably larger as well, sporting a bathtub instead of just a shower stall.

All in all, it was better than most apartments he could ever dream of affording, and Sejah lazily flopped down on his soft bed, still having a hard time believing that this was his new room.

But he didn't have long to relax, as the door chime sounded, and he got up and straightned his shirt before going to open the door, slightly surprised at who he saw before him.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:52:56 AM
There he stood, with what looked like all of his earthly possessions behind him. At his feet were bags full to the brim with books and a few sets of clothing, whilst under his arms he carried some larger volumes and training aids. The Knight let out a slight sigh and looked toward Sejah.

“I heard that you had one of the larger rooms…” Dasquian said with a coy smile as he hefted some of the items he carried.

No longer could he stay with Xazor after his actions, and a room alone would only encourage and cultivate his dejection. What he needed was a fresh start; a fresh group with whom he could converse and trade tales, to keep his spirits up in such unfortunate times. In truth, he could think of few who might have taken him, though the Padawan Haversh stuck out in his mind as someone who might.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 02:32:34 PM
Sejah hadn't known Dasquain that well, but, if he were a Knight, then he couldn't be that bad. Sejah also had the fortune of not sticking his nose in where it didn't belong, and tuning out when rumors were spead, so he honestly had little clue to Dasquain's past at the Order, especially with Xazor.

So, he welcomed him in as any should, with no qualms against him. "Yeah, wanted a bit bigger kitchen, so, they said take one of the three-bunk'ers," he replied with a smile. "Here, I'll lend you a paw with that," the mongoose added, forgetting to change words for humanoid benefit. Taking two of Dasquain's bags--surprised at how heavy they were--Sejah lugged them inside and set them at the foot of the bed that wasn't spoken for.

In all honesty, it really wasn't the most desireable spot in the room, right in view once the door opened, and next to a wall with overhanging bookshelves, but, it still caught the mornign sunlight as did the rest of them, and the rest of the room was a free-for all. Having been the first in, Sejah had chosen the best located bed for himself, and, for all the years in his last 'home' he didn't feel bad about it at all. "Bathroom's through that door, and you don't want to use the shampoo in the yellow bottle unless you want some really wild hair. Stuff's mine, and is formulated for fur," the Nehantite explained as he heled Dasquain carry in his stuff. "Corin usually has the middle bed, but, he's off somehwere else now, didn't tell me where. Dishes and cooking stuff mostly belongs to him, but, as long as we take care of it, we can use it too. I'm sure there's more, but, that'll come out later. So, welcome to your new room, roomie."

Sejah extended his paw in a handshake manner, a good-natured smile on his face.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 10th, 2002, 02:41:03 PM
Thanks,” Dasq said as he strained a reply whilst hefting what he was carrying.

As he entered, he had to agree – the room certainly was a good one. Sejah must have gotten here early to pick out this one, as it looked to be one of the best designed and equipped rooms he’d ever seen in the LQ. He dropped all his baggage down with a thud and glanced about before looking back to Sejah.

“I’m very grateful that you’ll let me stay here Sejah. This place looks excellent,”

He propped up what he had been carrying against the wall and nodded thoughtfully as he took another look about.

“I mean if you ever want me to go I can, I’m sure there are some free singles, just thought I’d be interesting to try sharing.”

Whilst speaking he seemed to stumble over his words – he was still regaining his confidence in himself and was unsure about almost everything that he did, though he was rectifying this as quickly as possible.

“I hope I don’t have too much stuff here. I can dump some of these books in storage if they won’t all fit or something,” he added, trying to fill in the silence as he felt a lapse in self-belief.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 03:18:20 PM
Sejah walked back to the kitchen, shaking his head, "Ease up, Dasquian. You sound liek me when I first got here, for crying out loud. Nobody's going to kick you out. And I've only got one book, and I don't think Corin has many, so," he paused to pour himself a glass of orange juice that had been chilling in the refridgerator. "So I think all those books should fit." Looking back, he remembered his manners and poured a second glass.

"Here," he offered the second glass to Das, "To roomates; and all the pains that come with them." With a chuckle, he tinked his glass off the other and took a swig. Looking around the room again, Sejah began to remember some other things. "Oh, we've only got one laundry hamper at the moment, I'm going to see about getting two more. No offense, but, I just think that you probably wouldn't want a hole in the back of your underwear, and I certainly need one in mine." He grinned.

"Other than that, just normal roomate ettiquite. No using all the hot water, replace the milk if we run out, and try to keep the music down if one of us wants to sleep. Unlike Arcan, we actually have a view this time," the mongoose indicated toward the long bay windows, and then to the one in the center. "Even have a balcony this time, too. Going to see about getting a bar-be-que in the future. But, for now, I can give you a hand putting your stuff away if you want; got nothing else to do."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:02:56 AM
Gratefully accepting the juice, he took a sip and nodded as he admired the view. Whilst back on Yavin his window had looked out onto some forest land, cut by a modest stream, thought it was nothing spectacular. Admittedly, there was one thing he would miss, and that was his hideaway – a place in the forest where he could retreat to when he felt the need for solitude, which only he and Xazor knew about. Perhaps in this aspect it was good that he would have to formulate a new refuge.

Pondering over what else Sejah had said, he made a thoughtful noise to himself. He didn’t often listen to music, so that wouldn’t be a problem, and he preferred a cold shower in the morning, so that would be fine – plus, his habits and neatness were very strict, which would fit in with what the Padawan had said, unless of course he started to enforce what Spartan beliefs he had onto the others – which was highly unlikely, of course.

“Unpacking sounds good. After that, I think I better go see the Council,” he replied with a bit of a groan as he hefted up one of the bags of books and began lifting them in handfuls out onto the shelves.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:56:44 PM
Knowing next to nothing about Dasquain's personal life, Sejah simply shrugged and helped him to unload his books, though he wasn't sure if he was putting them away in the right order.

"What do you need to see the Council about?" The mongoose asked while looking over a volume in his paw. "The F-, Fell-oh-ship of the Rrr-ing-s," he stumbled over the title, "You sure have a lot of books, Dasquain. Think you might be able to, well, help me with my reading some time? I-, well, I don't read so good."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:08:19 AM
Placing another few up onto the shelves, and therefore emptying the first bag completely, he nodded to Sejah.

“I’ve collected them over a long time. Always good to have a bit of knowledge and some facts behind you,”

The second bag only had a few in, so it would take a very short while to empty that out.

“Help you with your reading? Sure,”

That sounded like an excellent way for the two to interact, he thought, plus it would be pleasing to be able to share the tales insides the books with someone other than Xazor. With the volumes on the shelves, he pushed the two holdalls the bed that he would be using, before pacing back to pick up the one with his clothes in.

“So how often do you train?” he said, beginning what would be a long line of questions, “And what time in the morning do you and Corin usually get up? I mean, I don’t want to disturb you if I’m getting up earlier on.”

Sejah Haversh
Oct 13th, 2002, 11:27:28 AM
"Well, I usually get up before Corin does, and beat him to the shower. Probably about eight or so, I'd guess. And, Master Q'Dunn has been giving me more training lately, so, it's sort of whenever he says, really. Well, that's for one-on-one training that is. I've been doing a fiar amount of self-discipline along with my normal workouts, too." Sejah replied, then picked up his juice glass again and finished off the remaining orange liquid in it.

"But, a fair amount of the time you can find me here, or occasionally down at the B&G. Though if I can get my speeder liscensed, I might be working on that in the near future, too," he added. "What about you? I mean, Knights obviously don't need the same time spent in training that Padawans do, so, what do you think your schedule might be like?"

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:39:48 PM
Downing a little more juice, Dasquian shrugged faintly.

“I used to get up at around six o’clock, to go for a jog around the grounds, though I’m not sure Coruscant has the right terrain suited to that,” he said with a sigh.

“I suppose I can just get up after you guys now. I only have perhaps one or two active and present Padawan’s to train with, and aside from this, little obligation, what with having no Council or Ambassadorial duties. It seems as though the training apprentices and other Knights handle the dark side threats with great ease now,”

He tipped his glass forward and swirled the remaining liquid about.

“It half seems as though there’s nothing for me to do anymore.”

Sejah Haversh
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:24:45 PM
"Aw, don't say that," Sejah shook his head, "There's probably a lot to do we haven't found yet. Fir instance, I've hard rumors that the new training facilites have a much more advanced set of workout rooms. Though we might not have an outdoor track, I'm sure we have an indoor one somewhere. Or you could go out and run in traffic," the mongoose joked with a wide smile.

"Just kidding, sorry. But, seriously, I'm sure there's more to do than you think. I hear we even have a pool this time."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:47:53 AM
“A pool huh? It’s been a good while since I’ve been swimming, I’ll have to stop by sometime soon, check it out. I do hope they’ve made a few additions. What with the loss of the terrain we’re going to need a lot more diverse rooms and arena’s to practice in, otherwise we’re going to have to train off-planet, for certain things.”

He paused, and mulled over his thoughts. As he did so, he crossed his arms over his chest and leant back against the wall he stood by, crossing one ankle over the other.

“Perhaps we could go for a swim now. I need to toughen up my training, and this would be an excellent way to do it. Plus, can’t beat a good swim to release a little tension.”

Sejah Haversh
Oct 15th, 2002, 01:34:58 PM
"Sounds good to me, let's go then," Sejah shrugged, thinking a swim sounded good as well. "Hang on, I'd like to get changed while we're here; I don't know what the facilites are like actually down at the pool."

With that, the brown mongoose went back to rummage through some of his drawers and pulled out a pair of swim trunks and a tee shirt as well. "Be right back," he told Dasquain as he dissappeared into the bathroom and shut the door. Just because they were roomies didn't mean he didn't want privacy when he changed.

Emerging a minute later, Sejah sported a pair of red board shorts with white hawaiian flowers on them and with a white waistband. Nearly forgetting, he reached back into the bathroom and pulled out his tee-shirt and pulled it on over his head before grabbing a couple towels. "Okay, I'm ready whenever you are."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:42:02 AM
Pulling out something from one of the bags he dumped, Dasquian nodded and jogged over into the bathroom. A few moments later he appeared with a black t-shirt on and a pair of forest-green swimming shorts. He pushed what clothes he had been wearing into one of the bags and ferreted about for a while to find a towel, before nodding to Sejah.


Sejah Haversh
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:12:36 PM
"I'm ready," Sejah replied, then led Dasquain out the door and to the turbolifts. And Lookign like a pair of galactic tourists, they followed signs and directions, and eventually made it to the pool.

It was larger than Sejah had thought, a full Olympic sized pool, complete with diving platforms and sectioned lanes. Sejah wasn't much of a swimmer, and didn't often do lap swimming, but rathered to swim for enjoyment instead. Hanging his towels on a rack, then pulling off his tee-shirt and hanging it up as well, the mongoose stole a mischevious grin at Das, then shot off like a rocket to leap from the side and cannonball into the deep end with a large spash.

Moments later, he emerges, his fur plastered to his face and called out, "Who-HOO! That was fun! C'mon in, Das, the water's great."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:04:31 AM
A huge curtain of water splashed out of the pool, and Dasquian only just managed to avoid dodging becoming drenched as he ducked backwards. Grinning and laughing, he tossed his towel onto one of the recliners by the pools edge and tugged the black t-shirt he wore off over his head. A quick glance up and down of the length of the pool and he spotted the diving boards.

“Ah, a challenge!”

Making his way carefully over the slippery tiles, he climbed the ladder up to the first board and jogged out quickly over to the edge. With one bounce than another, followed by a loud twang, he was propelled up into the air before landing with a loud smack on the watches surface – submerging instantly. After a few seconds, he resurfaced and groaned.

“Ouch – belly flop.”

Sejah Haversh
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:01:48 PM
Sejah's face pulled painfully as the resounding clap of Dasquian's belly flop echoed around the pool. As the blonde man refurfaced, the mongoose called out, "Ouch! I thought you were supposed to be the graceful sort, Das."

Swimming over to the ladder, Sejah hauled himself out and shook some of the water from his fur before walking back to the diving platform. Climbing up onto it, he recalled some of the swimming and diving lessons he had taken as part of his training; though he knew even then that they were more to take his mind off things than anythign else. With a few brisk steps, Sejah bounced high off the end and did a forward flip before just barely pulling off a dive into the water. Nehantites weren't naturally good swimmers, but, it had been fun to learn.

Swimming underwater, he surfaced by his new roomate's side and shook his head to clear some of the water from his face. "Heh, beat that one," he challenged with a friendly smile.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 18th, 2002, 01:55:55 AM
“You’re on.”

Swimming quickly to the edge of the pull, he pulled himself up and out then scaled the ladder once more. He paced slowly along the board, and then bounced on the balls of his feet for a moment before doing two quick jumps to lift himself into the air. Soaring up high, he descended more gracefully this time and straightened out his whole posture from a tuck roll into a streamline nose dive into the surface, causing barely a ripple to be created.

Popping back up, he smiled expectantly.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:38:54 AM
Sejah made sure to spash him pretty good as he surfaced, his own face rather dour. "No fair, you played me for a fool on that first one. Pool-hustler."

Breaking into a chuckle, the mongoose then sighed and swam over to the side hauling himself back out and slopping over to the diving boards again. Though this time he passed up the low level one in favor of a mid-level platform.

Calling out from his perch, Sejah said, "Okay, now, no laughing if I mess this up, okay?" Stepping back, Sejah took a breath and dashed forward, but insted of leaping off the edge, he leapt forward and performed a forward handspring into a tucked ball and hit the water with a huge spash. It was a dive he liked to call the 'Aqua-bomb', and had learned it from a young boy while at swim practice one day on his home planet.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:42:17 AM
The waves from the impact with the water almost dragged Dasquian beneath the surface as he was rocked back and forth. Letting out a laugh, he grinned as Sejah appeared.

“You’ll have to be careful; you might empty the pool with moves like that!”

Lugging himself out, he again set himself up to dive, though this time stood backwards and bounced one, flicking himself over into a back-flip. The jump didn’t take him very high, but in the process he became upside down and crossed his arms over his chest – causing him to corkscrew downwards and plunge again into the water.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 25th, 2002, 12:30:14 AM
When Dasquain broke the surface of the water, Sejah was nowhere to be seen.

Until a dark furry mass sprung up out of the pool and tackled Dasquain, dunking him mercilessly. There was no escaping the Dunk-Master.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:18:38 AM
Submerged instantly, he flailed and squirmed beneath the water to escape. Eventually working his way out by diving further downwards, he then looked up through hazy vision at Sejah. With a grin, he pushed upwards quickly and wrapped an arm around one of the Padawan’s legs, lifting him clean up into the air and driving up still, toppling the mongoose with a loud clap of his side against the water.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:21:07 AM
Sejah was caught by surprise, and yelled out, "Woooah!" as Dasquain lifted him, then slammed him back down into the water gracelessly. He scrambled to free himself, then spu around to right his position in the water to claw back to the surface.

When he finally did, he sprayed the mouthful of water he had accidentally taken into Das's face and then coughed for breath.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:49:26 AM
For a moment he kept his eyes squeezed shut, and ran a hand across his brow and bridge of his nose to wipe away the spray. His face cracked into a grin, and he ducked his head beneath the surface before bobbing back up quickly, palming away the moisture on his face.

“You’d think place would be teeming with people! I can’t believe no one else is here!”

Sejah Haversh
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:46:38 PM
Sejah had been prepared for a counter-spray, but the thought evidently hadn't occurred to Dasquain, and the human just re-surfaced normally.

Using his arms, Sejah pushed himself backward in the water, then looked around at the comment Das made. "Yeah," the mongoose nodded, "Guess nobody really knows it's here yet. All the better for us; nobody getting in the way and all."