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Azhure Darkstone
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:28:42 AM
::Azhure set the bag on the bed, it was full of three blades, one of the two blasters she owned and two short swords, and lastly of all one change of clothes. Two throwing knives. One she placed in her right boot and the other on her belt along with her katana. The blaster she took was small, she disliked guns, and it was a laser. Big damage, small package. She had a trip to go to, and wished no one to know where she was. The angel of death could be anywhere at one time, and though that personality was dead...azhure still felt comfortable not having anyone keeping tabs on her. Trying to keep quiet she picked up her last saber, the other already intact on her balt, Xazors one. She moved the saber around, the one she had made. No it was not as powerful as most, nor as sophisticated . Actually it was pretty poor for a saber but it did its job. She looked at the clock and nodded. 3 am, some knew it was normal for her to be up, so there was no problem there but the ship noise would cause a disturbance..::

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:57:05 PM
::Her past. Her mother. She had found out a few things. Clues of some sort. It would have to do. walking to the door she used her skill in silence techniques and opened the door to where her ship was kept. With luck she would not be away long::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:10:43 AM
" Where are you going? "

Kindo peacefully uttered, gradually approaching Azhure from across the distance. His thoughts had prevented him from resting the night, his mind dwelling upon many recent events. Often when unable to sleep, he would wander the barren halls of the vast GJO complex, just thinking.

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 15th, 2002, 02:42:11 AM
::Azhure turned towards the voice, she had not heard him behind her, which was a very disturbing thing. Normally she could sense someone before they opened the door in the next room. Had she been that far into her thoughts? Concentrate! No time to go off into lala land. She nodded to Ki Adi Kindo as a greeting and looked outside. She kept her voice pleasant, though a bit of annoyance at herself shone through the words.::

I was hoping to leave unnoticed, but it seems impossible here. I suppose thats the price for living in a close enviroment. I am leaving for a while, I have answers to find. Why are you up so late?

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 15th, 2002, 02:47:47 PM
Ki casually proceeded alongside Azhure, his sapphire eyes reflecting back at hers. It had been quite some time since he last spoke with her, it delighted him to see her once again.

" I find myself many nights unable to sleep, so I just sort of walk around the place, thinking. "

An inquisitive expression appeared across his features, for he was confound to why she was preparing to depart, what answers she was searching for.

" If you don't mind me asking, answers to what? "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:26:25 PM
::Azhure looked at him, quiet for a few seconds before answering. As if summing up whether she should say so or not.::

Questions that have long been unanswered. Who I am, who my family is. Questions I had never deemed very important till a while ago.

::She said no more about it, looked at her bags and put them down to ensure the balster was there. She had a very close connection with her baldes, but a blaster was a blaster and would never become a part of her in fighting due to the fact she almost disliked them terribly. Azhure looked at KI studying her weapons and she smiled thinly, those weapons had touched a lot of lives. She laughed the humourles laugh that came with memories of what would be out there::

Danger is always out there, and out there I am known as many different names with a very different reputation. If anyone recognises me danger lurks. The life of a warrior is never wasteful my friend.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:58:08 PM
" Indeed it isn't. "

Kindo chuckled slightly.

Then he grew stagnant and quiet, has if contemplating something. Nervousness swelled up within him, for the question he was about to ask seemed to create that unusual tension.

" Perhaps, maybe, you might want to go out sometime or something? "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:04:53 AM
::Azhure looked at him surprisingly, that was a question she had not expected. He seemed nice and had always seemed genuine. Besides he was attractive. She had to open her mind and heart up to others in order to be a jedi. Besides she would have liked to get to know him better. Why not? Her mind asked her curiously, the cautious mind counteracted it but she took a risk. Remembering her twins words she shook her head. One day Assasin you'll find your heart and everything will change. Sometimes his words had not been out of drunkness.::

Why not? That would be good.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:29:33 PM
" Great! "

Kindo was thrilled to hear her accept his invitation, for they would have a really great time. He then briefly glanced down at her gathered belongings, realizing that she was preparing to embark on her journey, and he didn't want to stand in her way.

" Hey, if you need any help, I can come along. "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:54:46 AM
::Azhure thought about it, she had never thought to ask for help. Azhure believed she didnt need anyone, weaknesses started when you couldnt rely on yourself, but recently with Tomak tryign to kill her. She had felt helpless for the first time in her life. It made her shiver. She didnt even know what she was looking for exactly, wandering for information. Azhure had always been alone, used to the feeling of travelling alone. It seemed strange to bring another along. Looking at Ki she wondered what having another along would be like, what she would have to reveal about her past. Risk. Take a risk.::

If you are ready in half an hour I will be waiting in the ship. I have a few things to settle onboard before leaving anywhow. Company will be interesting.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 18th, 2002, 06:00:00 PM
" Indeed. "

Kindo sprinted back to his quarter's. He entered into the unlit and serene apartment, trying to remain quiet so he wouden't awake the others asleep. He gathered toghether his baggage; bringing along clothing, various accessories, many credits, and his lightsaber. He wrote a brief note to his roommates explaining his short departure, and that he would return soon. He had no worries about doing this, for he knew that she would be in need of assistance, and he would be their to support her and insure her protection. No matter what, he was always upholding his duties has a Jedi.

After taking care of all his business, he briskly strolled back towards the main hangar. Upon returning, he located Azhure's ship and gradually made his way aboard.

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:14:10 AM
::Azhure finished the update of details on her holopad. the maps of the planets she had been collecting in her mind and put on paper was now on the system memory with a back-up. The necklace on her neck with the deep blue coloured stone upon it was the only link to the past as well as a picture she could keep creating. Hardly anyone knew Azhure was a talented artist, not a skill she deemed important, only useful. The picture had one eye, the colour of the stone, long dark brown hair, curly and a sharp jawline, but the rest was blank. many women could look like that, but those eyes.. that was her key. She wondered what race the woman was.
Looking out into the distance Azhure touched the stone at her neck before turning her attention to the opening entrace. Half an hour, he was promt. CLosing the open file on the holopad and restoring the image of the GJO holosymbol she went back to the open cupboard with the various daggers she kept onboard the ship, by habit. The top oft he cupboard had medical supplies, most suitable for self appliance. Her droid clicked at the sound as Ki entered the door, it did not like strangers much. She had always found it interesting on how a droid personality could become so strong. It was the same she had had for 14 years. trained in many languages and customs, and very ruthless at times. It always knew the right answer in logic though, and had often reminded her the right solution. She had modified it somewhat since joining the GJO but a lot of its personality remained unchanged, she had grown to used to it. One thing she had always done was use her normal voice from her throat to it,a rare thing not given to many. She knew her voice would seem strange to KI's ears, it was the voice of an innocent soft and quiet woman that needed protection. It was a total lie and contrast to who she was.::

Leave it, hes a friend.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 19th, 2002, 09:08:43 PM
Ki Adi tossed his packed belongings towards his side and strolled over towards the seat adjacent to the pilot's. Taking a deep breath and glancing around, he casually sat back in the chair.

His hand brushed past his right hip, checking to see if his lightsaber in place. He unclipped it and held it within his palms, staring at it's silver engravings that read LANCE. It had belonged to his beloved father at one time, and now it was used by him. It pleased him to look upon it, for it gave him fond memories and a strong reassurance. Replacing the steel hilt back at his side, he turned his attention towards Azhure.

" Where we off to? "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 21st, 2002, 01:20:01 AM
::Azhure smiled softly at that, he thought she knew? Right now she would exit the planets atmosphere then start research in an area of the galaxy she knew was good for hacking into personal files of people, of planets, of governments. Going to the ship controls she started the ships engine and guided the ship into the air and out of the atmosphere. Going to the left side of her she pulled the trigger to the hyperdrive system. Then letting it go she waited until the ship was in the black atmosphere, far off planets and balls of gas or otherwise known as stars surrounded the ship.::

We're about to find out...

OOC: continued in sotrytelling. The Dark Stone. dorky name I know lol, but fits the topic.