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Miranda Dunleavy
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:58:23 PM
Night. The life away from the cursed sun. Something Miranda hadn't seen in over two hundred years. It was the same with freedom. Another elusive item that fell through her grasp but had been reobtain only a couple of years prior to now.

Everything in those two years were a failure. Lovers forsaken, feelings she thought she needed were nothing more then a failed attempt at being 'normal'.

She blended into the shadows outside the Bar and Grill. Letting each shadow that danced along the ground be an intimate cloak and cowl then the loosely dangling cape behind her. This was a hunting ground of sorts but more for the sport of anything now then the actual need to feed. Because of her sire, she didn't need to feed. At first it was her Sire demanded it to watch her kill, taking pleasure in the pain in the emerald eyes of Miranda as innocence was ripped away. Gradually she became so familiar with the lifeblood that she craved it out of need forced onto her like a dog being trained by Pavlov.

Then her need for death became perverse as she was taught to kill silently as an Assassin. Countless brutal deaths were by her hand through skill and through the power of the Force that came with being a sickening creature of the night.

Now? All her skills and abilities have taken to stalking. Finding a victim and following them to the perfect spot to where she would take their life and flush the blood out of them and into her being, filling her with renew vigor.

Miranda hadn't feed in over three months. Not since leaving Thayin and it was distressing to no end as to why she wouldn't go through with the kill.

The victim wouldn't know she was there, standing so close with her teeth bared that in a nanosecond the tiny fangs would plunge into the victims neck and without warning, her arms would embrace them in a death grip so tight that there would be no air to breath.

But all she did was watch them walk away. Safely home.

What did it all mean?

Miranda stopped and found comfort behind one of the large tree trunks that provided ample cover and darkness so she could eye the citizens of Arcan go about their nightly life with no conception of the death that could await them but they needn't worry for again, like every night, Miranda was brooding centuries of thoughts in trying to understand her reluctance in embracing her nature.

[OOC- Not looking for a fight please. Want character development and a way for Miranda to go. Thanks :)]

Eve Siren
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:30:49 AM
Up in a tree, a female figure could be heard. Eve Siren was resting on a branch, resting her head in her gloved hands, singing a song under her breath. The ex-Sith Knight felt someone underneath, but didn't bother to look down. Her empty brown eyes simply looked up to the sky, murmuring a song.

"There's a song that's inside of my soul, it's the one that I've tried to write over and over again ..."

Miranda Dunleavy
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:04:44 PM
A delightful melody had fallen upon the Vampire ears of Miranda. There was a simplistic beauty etched in the musicless words and strangely touched something within the red-head.

Calling upon her innate powers, she rose deftly into the air without a sound and perched herself softly on the branch underneath the woman that was singing; the tree never stirring. Almost in a mesmerized childlike manner, Miranda cocked her head to the side and closed her eyes, absorbed in the song.

Eve Siren
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:38:00 AM
The woman's empty brown eyes slowly turned to the side, to see another woman listen in to her melodies. She continued singing, but stopped after the first chorus. Without turning her whole body, she adressed the woman with a monotone deep voice.

"It's not smart to stay outside this late ..."

Miranda Dunleavy
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:01:30 PM
She noticed her but Miranda's presence did not interrupt her singing, something that the Vampire actually felt relief for. Yet, it only delayed the woman who eventually stopped.

Miranda folded herself together as she let her legs dangle off the side of the branch, holding steady to the prickly bark with both hands. "That is something that doesn't concern me. I can take care of myself."

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the stranger. "I didn't mean to interrupt your night. I was hoping you wouldn't notice me."

Eve Siren
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:34:31 AM
"It's hard not to notice a Vampire ..." Eve's voice trailed off.

But Mirando's presence didn't bother her. She closed her eyes and exhaled for a long moment before opening them again, this time, sitting up slightly from her branch to look at the woman.

"My name is Eve ... Eve Siren."

Miranda Dunleavy
Oct 14th, 2002, 07:57:37 PM
"Miranda," she answered quickly, curiosity sharp in her voice. There were many Force sensitives upon this planet but not all have the knack for sensing the undead. "How did you know I was a Vampyre?"

Eve Siren
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:55:00 PM
"It isn't hard."

Eve sighed, looking up to the dark sky.

"I'm not a Vampyre, but when you've been dead before ... It's easy to notice one."

She looked back down to the woman and tilted her head to the side. She studied Miranda silently, it was nightime, but with her feline abilities, she could see through the darkness of the night easily. She then ran her fingers through her hair, taking that chance to detach her gaze from the Vampyre.

"Something's bothering you."

Miranda Dunleavy
Oct 23rd, 2002, 03:11:27 PM
"Hmm." She hummed, thoughtful. It wasn't the first time someone had said they had died to her. Seemed to be a general theme in the galaxy. Miranda was a bit bitter. She rather have died and come back to life then becoming this monster.

Then a thin smile plagued her lips. "Something bothers us all the time, Eve. Vampyre's harbor their emotions for eternity, all alone within the darkness. So yes. Of course something is bothering me."

Her eyes found their way back down; looking at the various beings wandering around. How wonderful it felt to have such power. To sit here, almost alone, in the tree with these individuals walking about and never knowing they were being watched.

Eve Siren
Oct 25th, 2002, 04:26:30 PM
"It won't hurt to talk to a stranger, Miranda, because they can't judge or hold anything against you."

Eve wasn't really sure if she wanted to hear Miranda's life story, but she needed something to pass the night and to put something else on her mind.

Miranda Dunleavy
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:38:21 PM
"Idle curiosity of the night, I am?" Her lips curled into a sardonic smile.

Eve Siren
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:05:29 AM
"No. I'm simply very bored and the night is going by too slowly, but hey - Life sucks and so does this whole world." She replied, shrugging.

Miranda Dunleavy
Nov 12th, 2002, 10:02:15 PM
"And so do I in a most tiresome way." Her tone was more acidic then what was necessary. Miranda wanted her response to be sarcastic but Eve was right. Something was bothering her and it was having its unwelcomed affect on the Vampire.

"So. You're bored. I rather be bored then have no direction. At least I could find a way to amuse myself, which I have tried but killing to just kill had lost its luster many a moon ago. Now I just, I just observe what occurs around me with apathy."