View Full Version : The Reunion and the Funeral(Ohara's)

Tomak Ohara
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:38:29 PM
Tomak could feel the flames from the village. He could smell the blood of the innocents that had been killed. "How could they?" Tomak bagan walking down to the center of the village. He could see the houses burning and some already burned down. He finally found the center of the village. He could see the well there, and beside it lie a person crawling on the ground.

"Please sir help me. They came and destroyed the village!"

Tomak leaned down and picked up the man, "Who attacked the village?! Where are they now?!" Tomak shook the man a few times. This was not right.

The man gasped, "They are attacking the King! Help him." The man then fell in Tomaks hands dead.

Tomak screamed, "Who are you? Show yourself. You are cowards! Come and fight me!" Tomak then looked at the mans neck. Bite marks, they were from a vampire. Was it Kaytor? No the blood smelled familiar, but who was it. Tomak would soon find out.

Juli Ohara
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:51:24 PM
Juli was about to head to the King's palace when she smelled a familer sent. A growl escaped her lips and she fell away from the rest of them. She quickly flew back to the town center.

She soon landed on one of the buildings that overlooked the square. A figure stood there holding the man that she had sucked almost dry. He shouted out.

"Who are you? Show yourself. You are cowards! Come and fight me!"

Juli grinned. She droped silently from the rooftop and flared her wings. She slowly started to walk towards the figure.

"Greetings. You belive that you can call an Ohara a coward, challenge them and expect to live? Rather confident, aren't we? Now, might I find out your name before I kill you?"

She placed her hand on her hips, gazing at him. Her dark purple eyes memorized every detail of his face, clothing and features. There was something familer about him. She kept studing him, as if she was trying to crack a code on a computer. Nothing came to her mind on who this man was.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:39:43 PM
Tomak stumbled back, "Wings! Impossible!" Tomak gazed at her. An Ohara, but he was the only living one. This could not be. Tomak gazed at her. He let his cape fly behind him. He looked at her, "My name is Tomak Ohara. Prince of the Ohara clan, and the leader of the castle Juniteks. There is no way you are an Ohara. I am the last." Tomak looked at her once more. "By the way, I am no normal Ohara. I have aged beyond your imagination. I am 300 years old, and I have become an elder. You though there is no way you survived the war. If so you would be over 3,000 years old. No matter, I am still stronger." Tomak looked at the girl and let his cape transform to what it really was. His giant silver wings flared up behind him, and his silver eyes reflected in the moonlight. It was time to see the truth, "What is your story girl?"

Juli Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:05:24 PM
Juli growled as soon as she heard his name. Now she knew who he was.

"My past is of no concern to you. Your only concern now is your future. Because it wont last long."

She slowly pulled her scythe from off her back. She held it with both hands and charged at Tomak. She slashed at up from his left him to his right shoulder.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:13:43 PM
Tomak quickly unsheathed his sword and blocked, "You are a fool." Tomak threw his leg out and kicked at Juli. She flew back and hit the ground. He looked at her again, "If your the only one, then you will be the one to die." Tomak looked at her again, "Before this fight continues, as your prince, I demand you tell me what happens. What is it that makes you hate me?" Tomak looked at her again.

Juli Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:21:58 PM
"I wouldn't care if you were Kain himself. My past is of no concern to you. As for hateing you it is because you have lost your will as an Ohara."

She flips to her feet, kicking Tomak in the head in the process. She lands and brings her sword in an up-slash towards his head.

Oct 9th, 2002, 05:23:52 PM
In the castle a few yards away was a knight, his sword drawn, and his armor glinting. Before him was a creature of pure evil. "Who are you knave!" This creature was like nothing he had ever seen. Also this creature had killed his king and with several others destriyed his town. He was scared beyond everything.
"Answer me fool. I can not kill someone without knowing there name."

Tomak Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:28:47 PM
Tomak flew back and then gained his composure. He looked back at Juli, "Kain? There are others here. Why don't you call them. You should all be vanquished together." Tomak smiled and looked at the girl. It was time to meet the team, and possibly more from his family.

Juli Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:33:35 PM
Juli glared at him a moment. She turned and held her right hand out pointed towards the castle.

"Kain, Nuli. We have compainy. The punk says he is the prince of the Oharas, Tomak."

She only says the words but they are lifted into the air and magnified. She see's two figures fly from the castle towards her.

Oct 9th, 2002, 05:36:55 PM
"Surely you jest," Kain said as he landed. "Tomak was fierce. I see before me a mere weakling."

Tomak Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:43:19 PM
Tomak smiled at Kain, "You are Kain Ohara. My father's advisor. It has been a long time. You call me weak? I am stronger then any of you." Tomak glared at Kain and Juli, "You two think you have a chance against the prince of the Ohara clan. It is time to show you true strength." Tomak unsheathed his sword and glared at them. His wings flowed behind him, and his eyes shown in the moonlight. He stood there wondering what would happen next.

Oct 9th, 2002, 05:49:25 PM
"And what would a traitorous dog such as yourself know of strength?" He waved a hand, a gesture chilling casual, and the ground surrounding Tomak burst into flame.

Nuli Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 06:54:33 PM
Landing silently on the roof Nuli had arrived. The day flared brightly as flames where ignited to his left. Looking he saw Kain, maybe he was playing with another villager. "The poor wretch I bet that hurts" Nuli chuckled to himself.

Leaping down he walked over to the carnage that Kain was unleashing. "Hey Kain, I like my food medium rare." Sheathing his swords Nuli joined the party.

Zutay Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 08:23:35 PM
" My name... "

A slight grin appeared in his features, displaying his darkness within, a darkness deeper than all the other vampires there.

" Zutay Ohara. "

The Brethren Lord rapidly withdrew his long gleaming blade, the scarse light reflecting off it's smooth surface. With an apt jab, the proficient swordsman jabbed outwards at the frightened warrior.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:44:41 PM
Tomak looked at the new edition. He took to the nair using his zmassive silver wings, and then flew with a kick into the face of Nuli. After watching Nuli fly to the ground Tomak stood and straightened his back out. "There will be no meals today fool. I am Tomak Ohara prince of the Ohara clan. I cannot beleive my own people have turned against me. Why have you done this? A more important question would be how did any of you get here? The Ohara clan died in the Hunter War." Tomak looked at the others. His pale face glinted in the moonlight, and his silver eyes glared at the evil ones. He was beggining to wonder how this happened. It was time to finish this. "Well, can I hear your story?" Tomak smiled and drew his sword just in case.

Oct 10th, 2002, 07:53:10 PM
The knight used his best abilities and blocked the sword jab. "Preapare to die Ohara!" The knight then came back with a slash. However, the vampire jumped and blocked it. The knight came back and tried to hit him again with a jab to the leg.

Juli Ohara
Oct 10th, 2002, 08:19:07 PM
Juli watched as Nuli went flying backwards. She shook her head, saddly and prepared to attack again.

"I still don't care who you are. You are really starting to piss me off."

She ran at him and stabed at his chest with her Scythe.

Judas Ohara
Oct 12th, 2002, 12:11:19 AM
Judas caught Nuli out of the air and set him down. "Now Tomak is that anyway to act? Juli stand down we will have proof, and if not THEN you can kill him." Now can you prove your claims that you are Tomak or do we kill you now? Judas smiled razorblades.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 12th, 2002, 08:17:23 AM
Tomak looked at Judas, "I have proof." Tomak removed the broach from his chest and flipped it around. On the back was the symbol of his clan. "However, if you still do not beleive me then let me say this. My father's name was Tomal Ohara, and when the castle was attacked by the hunters I did not fight and left so that I could continue our race here." Tomak smiled for a moment, "But knowing you people being an Ohara you still do not beleive me. So then here is one more piece of evidence." Tomak looked at the others and showed his fangs. He got angry, angrier, and finally his eyes went blood red. His teeth got larger, his arms muscles bulged through his shirt, and his wings flared up and he took to the air. Once in the air Tomak looked down onto the vampires. "Only one of noble blood can do this." Tomak came back to the ground and returned to his normal form, "However, that just wastes far to much energy. So then do you beleive me now?" Tomak smiled again. It was time to see what would happen. "Well now that I have proven myself, let us here your history. For if you are truly Ohara's then you have some kind of respect for your prince. Well?" Tomak smiled again and let his sword and wings rest.

Zutay Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 01:00:23 PM
The vampire delighted in the knight's futile attempt to seize him. He blocked the rapid jab to his leg and retaliated with a slash to the man's cheek, has if mocking his useless struggling.

" You fool! You cannot defeat me! "

Oct 13th, 2002, 01:06:37 PM
Kain raised a brow.


He walked closer, and took Tomak's face in his right hand.

"Look clever, boy, or be a half-wit."

He proceeded to study Tomak's face, tilting his head back and to the sides, getting a good look at his features.

Juli Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 01:50:58 PM
Juli watched Kain and Tomak. She leaned back against an unburned but broken wall.

"Kain what is going on?"

Tomak Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:00:17 PM
Tomak smacked the hand away from his cheek, "Do not touch me!" Tomak shown his teeth and looked at Kain. "You have no right!" Tomak threw his fist into Kain's stomach, knocking him back a few feet. "Now then your story!"

Nuli Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:04:15 PM
Sister do you not see he is Tomak he is one of us. Calm, your blood lust and look with your eye's. "Though he is one of us I fear his heart is weak. He cannot be related to us truly for why would he not fight in the great war?" Nuli spit red in his disgust for Tomak, "I heard that the prince fled but it was just rumors. Many discounted them because it was thought that the enemy made that up to disgrace us!" Who would have thought that you would in truth sully the name of Ohara!" Better that you where truly dead than to be found without honor!"

Tomak Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:36:28 PM
Tomak stared at Nuli, "Yes I did flee. Only because I though it was wrong to fight. There is no point in senseless fighting. It was wrong what we were doing. So now I have come here. I have come trying to start a gentler, peacful Ohara race. However, to do that you all must give up and promise not to hurt anyone else." Tomak looked at them with sulken eyes, "So will you stop doing this, or will I have to stop you using force." Tomak gave a stern look to the others. It was time to settle this.

Juli Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:40:09 PM
Juli growled at him for insulting the Ohara name like that. She prepared her Scythe again and ran at him, knocking Kain slightly out of the way. She slashed up from his right hip to left shoulder and across to his right shoulder.

"Never insult me or my kind like that!" she yelled out in anger.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:45:17 PM
Tomak felt his body get slashed. He quickly raised his fist to her stomach and she bent over. He then raised his leg into her side, and then put his fists together and knocked her in the back.She fell to the ground in a heap. He looked at her face. She was unconciousos. He took her scythe and sword and then threw it out into the burning houses. He picked her up and laid her on the sidelines. He smiled at her, "I have a feeling you can change. By the way, I did not insult your kind...I am only trying to make it better." Tomak turned to the others, "I will not kill you unless you make me. So you can either turn around now, or you can stay here and die. It is your decision." Tomak looked at the others, and smiled.

Nuli Ohara
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:40:59 PM
Trying to make it better! I lost my wings in that battle. You think your to good to fight for your own people you sicken me with your false niceties. I see you do not hesitate to battle your own kind in protection of humans. Now you hurt my sister Juli and expect me to lay down my arms your the either the biggest fool or a dead man. I prefer the latter. Pulling out his sword he wrote the Tomak name in blood in front of him. In the name of Tomaks everywhere you will be taught a lesson.

Oct 14th, 2002, 06:41:43 PM

Kain stepped forward again as the action stopped. Of all the Oharas, only Kain and Zutay had the power of voice to stop the family in its tracks.

"You are Tomak. I can see it in your face."

He bowed.

"Prince Tomak, calm yourself. We were not killed in the war. After battle had ended, we entered hiding, to regain our strength until the day we could re emerge. When you did not regroup with us, rumor spread that you had fled. We believed you had died in battle. While we are happy to see you alive..."

The elder vampire paused, considering.

"..we are displeased to hear the rumors true. The Ohara clan has always been a warlike one. Your talk of peace is unsettling."

Tomak Ohara
Oct 14th, 2002, 07:01:35 PM
Tomak glared down at the others, "Funny you betray your little brethren, and say I betrayed the Ohara's. I only want to be peaceful, because it is wrong to kill senslessly. You understand do you not. After all you seem to be the intelligent one. So will you fight me or lay your weapons down?" Tomak looked at the vampire. "As for you," he pointed at Nuli, "I will deal with you later." Tomak looked back at Kain, "Well Kain what is your decision, settle with the gentle Ohara and walk away....or fight me and possibly die. However, the other option is, if you kill me you become the prince of the Ohara clan." Tomak was testing Kain. He wanted to see if he had remained loyal to Tomak being prince. What would happen next?

Oct 14th, 2002, 07:06:49 PM
"You know better than that, Tomak. My place on the battlefield was always behind the scenes, supporting the fighters and plotting against the enemy. I am content supporting your father as his advisor."

Tomak Ohara
Oct 16th, 2002, 02:42:01 PM
Tomak handed a stick to Kain. He pressed a button on it and
it extended into a pole, "Nothing can cut this. If someone tries to get me from behind I want you to hit them. If you have to use magic. Just remember that while I am fighting Nuli, there will be no magic." Tomak raised his sword at Nuli, "Ready to go?" Tomak glared with intesive eyes.

Oct 17th, 2002, 07:46:07 PM
Kain accepted the pole wordlessly, and stood back to watch the two vampire's duel.

Nuli Ohara
Oct 17th, 2002, 10:16:59 PM
Pulling out his two swords Nuli spit on the ground. Come on you sheep dog show me your cowardly ways. Nuli brought his sword forward cutting tomak across his chest blood splashed on Nuli's arm. Tomak flinched "Oh do you want to run from this fight also you make me sick."

Nuli licked the blood from his sword "You even taste weak." he said with an evil smile.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:09:05 AM
Tomak drew his sword, "I beleive you will be the one running. Ready.....?" Tomak drew his sword and charged at Nuli. He raised his sword and then faked out Nuli with a knee to the stomach and then a punch to the face. He raised his sword again to hit him over the chest.......

Nuli Ohara
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:46:02 PM
Nuli laughed is that it! You didnt even draw blood. Nuli reached up and punched him in the throat. Tomak started gasping trying to draw in air. Stabbing him in the shoulder Nuli pinned him to he ground. "You are not worthy." Nuli leapt to the top of the building and into the night sky. "Kain you follow him if you will I reject the prince." with that Nuli was gone.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:09:46 PM
Tomak jumped after Nuli gasping for air, "Are you done. Seems to me like you are the one running. Coward." Tomak finally got some air and then came with his sword across Nuli's arm drawing blood. "This isn't over." Tomak looked at Nuli glaring.

Nuli Ohara
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:22:59 PM
"You attack from behind? You, are a coward aren't you?" Nuli's arm bleed terribly. Well what do you want Im done with you? You cannot force me to serve you, now leave me be you disgust me.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 22nd, 2002, 05:56:31 PM
"I will not stop until you stop torturing inncoent souls. I am not afraid to hurt you. Please do not make me." Tomak growled under his breath. He readied his sword just in case.

Nuli Ohara
Oct 26th, 2002, 05:26:33 PM
Swinging around with his sword Nuli cut Tomak's hand that was holding him. Throwing something small on the ground Tomak started coughing. When he looked up again Nuli was gone. Far away he heard Nuli's voice "NEvveeeeerrrrrrrr...."

Oct 27th, 2002, 11:41:00 AM
The knight felt the sword in his body. He pulled it out of him, and looked back at the vampire. "Before I kill you tell me what is your name?" The knight threw his sword toward the vampires neck.