View Full Version : Incoming Transmission...

Ishan Shade
Oct 8th, 2002, 10:48:07 AM
A Lambda Class shuttle emerged from hyperspace a short astronomical distance from a broad asteroid field that was moving on the outskirts of the planet Coreilla. The tri-finned shuttle continued on towards the field swiftly, propelled by its two broad rectangular engines.

By design, the asteroid field appeared as threatening as any other. Huge rounded boulders floated stationary in the black of space ahead of the Lambda shuttle. The smallest rock in the field was the same in size to an average starfighter. What made this asteroid field unique was the fact than not a single floating rock or boulder moved.

The shuttle turned slightly around a gigantic pock- marked boulder that was ten times the size of the ship. The calculated route of the shuttle took it around another large rock and then over another.

"I want a open line of communication. Is that understood?" a steady voice came over the pilot as he poised the ship to land near the infamous Sith Palace.

It had been years since he had seen another planet. But now, finally he was free. These Sith on Coreilla were powerful but lacked a certain something. Ishan hoped to fill that gap. Of course he had bigger and better plans, most do, but now he would join the alliance of the Sith Order. It had been long since he had devulged in the force. Before he was backstabbed. Before the dark times.

"Lord Shade requests a meeting of intent importance. Requesting permission to land on platform 23R."

Salem Ave
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:54:22 PM
There was a good deal of silence from the Sith before the reply was delivered, and even when it came it seemed hesitant – of course this was not the case, as anyone who knew the person on the end of the comm link knew.

“Permission granted.”

Ishan Shade
Oct 13th, 2002, 02:29:29 AM
“Permission granted.”


The shuttle made a soft landing on the platform, avoiding nearby space traffic that lined the sky. Once landed, a large hiss could be heard from the shuttle's loading ramp being lowered. Shade rose from his seat behind the young pilot who had been eager to make a wage for such a long trip. To the enjoyment of only himself, a soft sickening crack could be heard as the pilot's neck broke swiftly, for he was no longer needed. No longer a necessity.

The large clunk of footsteps approached the palace walls and entered on the hangar's main door. Entering into a ballroom of sorts, Shade took a seat at a long crimson stained table. Embracing the darkside which had been his destiny since birth, he spoke out. He knew someone within the walls would soon abide. Softly, in a thought, draining the tension with his words and demeanor, he spoke.

"I request an audience with the Sith of this . . .planet."

Salem Ave
Oct 13th, 2002, 12:01:10 PM
How he had not noticed the boy standing by the door way he had just entered Ishan did not know, but it was apparent that he had been standing there for some time. His hands were together at his waist, forming a heart shaped gap in-between the meeting of his fingertips. Though he appeared to be only post-teen, his eyes were ageless in their darkness.

“… Why?”

Ishan Shade
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:28:12 AM
The words came as quickly as the young man's presence. Ishan made no attempt to move or even look in his general direction. If this is who the Sith sent to greet a visitor. . .then so be it. "Allow me to introduce myself....Ishan Shade." He now turned his gaze upon the young man who had been so sudden. Being in his mid-twenties by apperance, Shade seemed to share at least one common bond.

"I have learned little of your situation here on Coreilla but the Sith here seem to be disiplined. I would like to join your Order here...perhaps see what it has to offer."

Salem Ave
Oct 14th, 2002, 09:57:01 AM
“We arrre not herrre to accommodate your curiousss-ities,” the Knight hissed in his usual rasp, as a reply.

“Unless you have a sss-erious interrrest in the darkside, I suggest you leave.”

Then as an afterthought, almost bitter, “Mr. Shade.”

Ishan Shade
Oct 14th, 2002, 11:59:29 AM
A smile creeped upon Ishan's face as he turned away from the Knight, hiding the long scarlet scar that adorned his eye.

"Of course." Shade stood from the table. "I believe you misunderstood." Shade was hesistant to move, still taking in the surrounding atmosphere.

"I do indeed have a serious interest in the Darkside..." His eyes squinted slightly. Realizing he had yet to catch the name of his interviewer, "And you would be?"

Salem Ave
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:03:51 PM
“Sss-alem Ave, a Sith Knight of this orrrder,” he replied, then adding,

“And if you are indeed serrrious then you must know this: admission here demands total loyalty, and a betrayal of thisss trust is replied to with instant punishment … death.”

Ishan Shade
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:10:27 PM
"Sith Knight..." Ishan let the words run under his breath. Many things had changed since he had been away. Many things indeed.

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

Salem Ave
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:57:37 AM
“Ve-rrry well…”

Salem motioned back to the door he had entered through.

“… Welcome to the Sss-ith Order then. Find resss-idence within the Palace, if you wish. You will be informed when a Massster is assigned to yourrr training.”

Ishan Shade
Oct 16th, 2002, 12:12:59 PM
Shade rose to his feet without sound, and with that, abided.