View Full Version : Or Masters Are Going To Kill Us... (Oriadin, Closed)

Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 04:33:16 AM
<center><img src=http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/nehantish/sej-or-drink.jpg></center>

The move to Coruscant had been hectic, and Sejah was still trying to unpack his meager belongings. His tulwars rested on a shelf next to his kris dagger and a framed photograph of his family when he was very little. A few sets of clothes had been unpacked and hung in the closet or in drawers, and most of the small collection of kitchen tools had been put away in the kitchenette the day before.

But still, a few cardboard boxes with small pictures of contents on them sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, and it didn't feel like home yet. Maybe he just needed to get his mind off things and relax. Coruscant was a big place, and he was certain that there had to be something to do, or somewhere to go nearby. So, after a quick shower, he hung up the three towels it took to dry his fur and then brushed himself out before donning a pair of gray denim pants and a faded oliveish tan shirt. Strapping on hsi sandals, the mongoose dropped his wallet into his back pocket, grabbed up his lightsaber and headed out the door.

Sightseeign and relaxign was all good and well, but, it was no fun alone in a new place. Thinking back, Sejah remembered that he had promised Oriadin that they would go out and knock around sometime. Now seemed as good a time as any, so he tracked down his human friend.

"Hey, how's it going, Or," The brown Nehantite called as he stuck his head into Oriadin's room. "You want to go exploring with me? Maybe get a drink or two while we're at it?"

Oct 8th, 2002, 04:48:04 AM
Oriadin, being the organised type had already gotten his quarters sorted. He didnt have much so really, it didnt take long. Coruscant was a huge place and bustling with people. Oriadin hadnt experienced anything like it as far as he could remember. Very different from the last home of the Jedi.

In order to get an idea of his new surroundings he had gone out exploring, but he never got very far. It was a big place and he didnt want to get lost. If only he had someone to go around with...

He was lying on his bed, just thinking about how his life was going at the order when a familiar face appeared.

--Ah! Sejah my friend. Hows things? Settled in I hope.--

The padawan got up off his bed and went to greet his friend.

--Sure, id love to go out, give us a few seconds to just change into something more casual.--

He disapeared for a few moments before re-emerging wearing a red shirt and a pair of beige looking combats. He scrubed up well. He picked up whatever he thought he might need along the way.

--Ok, im ready. Shall we?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 02:21:11 PM
"Sure thing," Sejah replied cockign his head toward the hallway and leadign them out. The lifts were easier to operate than the ones at Yavin, and soon the par were out on the very busy sidewalk, watchign speeders whiz about above them, and ground traffic clogged before them as well.

Looking at each other, it was apparent that neither of them had any clue where they should go, so, they flipped a coin and decided what direction to go that way. It turned out to be left, and soon they found themselves several blocks away from the Jedi complex, and throughly lost. But, they just called it part of the exploration process, and boarded a shuttle to another part of the nearby area where it was said there were things to do, and quite a few pubs among other things.

After a short bit of sightseeing, the mongoose looked to his friend and jerked a thumb over his shoulder, saying, “Feel like a drink or something? There’s a pub back that way that looked pretty good.”

Oct 8th, 2002, 03:28:33 PM
Oriadin looked over his friends shoulder to see if he could see the place he was on about. There was nothing obvious but there were so many flashing lights and people about it was difficult to see anything at times. As all the buildings in Coruscant seemed so huge a lot of the time it seemed very dark everywhere.

Oriadin looked at Sejah before speaking.

--That way you say? I didnt see anything. I'll let you lead the way.--

The two of them made thier way through the busy crowds before they reached the bar. Funally enough, the bar was called 'The Jedi Temple'. Both Oriadin and Sejah grinned at each other as the name seemed somewhat, appropriate. Oriadin pushed open the doors and walked in, while holding the door open for Sejah to walk through. They both looked over the place. It was nice looking. Many races were drinking, playing and joking. A good place to kick things off Oriadin thought to himself.

--First ones on me, what would you like?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:41:44 PM
Finding a small both type table, the mongoose dropped into a seat and waited for Oriadin to sit as well before replying, "Um, how about an ale? Medium weight with a good head. Can't read the menu well enough, so, would you mind picking something?"

Oct 8th, 2002, 03:53:35 PM
Oriadin smiled, a knowing smile. He picked up the menu and walked over towards the bar. He wasnt really paying attention when the barmaid came over to take his order as he had his head buried in the menu. She didnt wait long before asking what he wanted. He looked up a little startled.

--Oh, sorry. I was a million miles away there. Errr, is there something you can recomend? An ale preferably?--

The barmaid was a human, and an extreamly good looking one at that. Brown hair, tied back behind her head in a simple clip. She was reasonably tall for a female human and had long legs. Always a key factor.

Barmaid: Well... we have a special. Its our own ale you see. We call it the MarkFosters. Its good stuff. Quite strong I belive.

Oriadin put the menu down on the bar.

--I'll take a pitcher please.--

She poured out the large jug and handed him two glasses. One inside the other to make it easier to carry. He paid the barmaid with some of the republic credits he had and gave her a tip, then made his way back over to the table.

--Here you go.--

Oriadin wasnt one for drinking usually but hey, he was here to have fun today and let his hair down a bit.

OOC: The drink is in dedication to Marcus. We all know how much he loves Fosters! :lol

Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 04:57:10 PM
"A little fond of our barmaid, are we?" Sejah asked while pouring himself a glass. "Can't say I blame you," he smirked before taking a drink.

"I'm not usually attracted outside my own species, but, wow, she's a real looker." he said after a draught of the 'MarkFosters'. The pub was a decent one. Not gaudily decoreated or overly noisy, it was a comfortable atmosphere, and he took abother drink.

"I've not been out for a drink in a while. Often couldn't afford it lately. But a few years back a few friends and I used to haunt the local bar every friday night. you ever drink much?"

Oct 9th, 2002, 02:30:15 AM
Oriadin smiled and looked back towards the barmaid hard at work as they talked about her.

"Ive never touched alcohol as har as I can remember. Ive only drank ice water since comming to the order, so this is a new experience for me."

He smiled and picked up his glass. Not taking a sip yet. He took a good look at the goldy colourd liquid and the froth on the top. The tiny bubbles were curious too. Of course, hed seen several drinks like this before but he was never in a postion where he was going to have one himself. He was holding time off before he took a sip. Sejah took a large swig and finished with an "Ahh". A satisfied costomer by the looks of things.

"Well, here goes!!"

He lifted the glass and took a rather big sip. He brought the pint back down to his chest and looked deep in thought for a few moment.

--Slightly bitter, quenches the thirst though. This is great stuff!--

A huge grin appeared across the padawans face as he looked back at his friend.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:39:02 AM
"Hear hear," Sejah replied, then clanked his glass off of Oriadin's before takign another drink. "Haven't had a good beer since home. Think I'm going to like this place."

With that, he leaned back in his seat and took another pull form his glass, leaving it half-empty already. "Ahh, feels good to relax after the move. Wonder if there are any Nehantite females on this planet. You know, you're lucky. All kinds of human girls all over the place."

Oct 9th, 2002, 02:44:58 AM
Oriadin nodded before taking another gulp of his drink. He made sure he had roughly drank that same amount as his friend. Probably be a good idea to finish about the same time he thought to himself.

--Thats true. I havent seen many of your species at all but as you say, they are humas everywhere.--

He paused briefly.

--You do your people credit Sejah--

He smiled and took another sip of his drink.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:50:02 AM
The comment caught him off-guard, and Sejah stopped his glass halfway up to his mouth and asked, "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

After having said so, the mongoose took another drink, but nothign too big. He didn't realize that Oriadin was trying to match him in speed.

Oct 9th, 2002, 02:56:54 AM
--I mean that since ive only ever met a couple of Nehantites I can only guess what the rest of your race is like. All I have to base them on is you. You are a credit to your race. You would make me look forward to meeting another.

Oriadin really was having a hard job trying to explain what he meant, he hoped Sejah would understand.

--Tell me what your home plannet is like?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:13:04 AM
When asked, Sejah proceeded to finish off his glass and poured himself another.

" I'm glad you think that Oriadin, that means a lot to me. But, as far as my world goes..." He paused to take another drink, then wipe the foam form his muzzle with his paw. "It's hot. Nehantish is considered a desert planet. Oh, sure, we have a few jungles and a small ocean, but, still muck of the surface is desolate and infertile. The average temperature in the city I come from is about 108 degrees Faerinheit, and it onlt rains there about eight times a year. Nehantish was only brought into the whole space thing abotu twenty five or thirty years ago, and that was under the exploitation of the empire. But, now they are jsut a mild protectorate.

"We have a monarchy, a Sultan is the supreme power, and it still goes down from father to son in the royal family. But, for most things, it is split between nobility and elected officials from the upper classes. Yeah, we have class systems, too. I'm technically in the second lowest, so, things aren't the greatest for guys like me." He stopped again to take another drink, though that time just to wet his throat for talking. "I grew up in what you'd call the ghetto. Let me tell you, the rooms we stay at here are a paradise compared to my old place. But, you don't want to hear about that.

"The females, er, girls, sorry. Keep forgetting to translate my words, here. Anyways, the girls wouldn't often go out with a guy like me, always being in a higher class than me or not wanting to date in their same class level, onyl above it. So, yeah, not much luck for this fella. Guess that kind of helped, though; learned to control myself. Heh, could also be why I can resist so many girls of other species. No offense, but, if she doesn't have fur and a tail, I'm probably not goign to chase her."

Looking at the barmaid from the back though, Sejah smiled and continued, "Though, I might be willing to make an excption every now and then." Smiling, he took another drink.

Oct 9th, 2002, 03:24:23 AM
Oriadin always loved to hear what peoples home worlds were like. He always put it down to tha fact he didnt know where he was from and so didnt have any memories like that for himself. When he heard stories of other peoples homes he could imagine what it would be like if he lived there. Perhaps one day that would trigger a memory and it would all come flooding back. Whatever it was, he always loved listning to stories of childhoods and old homes.

Sejah's story seemed sad though. The various classes, the extream heat and no rain. Definitely wasnt a place Oriadin fancied living.

--Doesnt sound like a place id like much. Im not much good in very hot conditions. Perhaps I will visit there one day though.--

He smiled while he poured himself another drink and taking a large sip to keep up.

--So, what do you make of our new home plannet then?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:03:08 PM
"Coruscant? It's okay," he replied after another drink, "Bit busy on the streets for my liking, but, our new complex is nicer, I think. That, and there's more than one bar to hang out at."

Looking around again, the mongoose spotted a pool table in the back corner and then looked back to Oriadin. "Say, after we finish these glasses, want to try your luck at a game of billiards?"

Oct 10th, 2002, 02:36:51 AM
Oriadin finished taking a sip before answering. He peered over to the corner of the room to take a look at the table his friend was referring to. Billiards was a game Oriadin had read about but never played. He thought it sounded fun.

--Sure, why not!--

Oriadin didnt tell Sejah he hadnt played before. They finished up thier drinks and made thier way over to the table. The both picked up a cue and Oriadin placed some credits in the Billiards table slot. The balls came out and Sejah set up the balls. A small piece of chalk lay on the side of the table. Oriadin picked it up curiously then remembered what it was for. To add grip to the cue. He put some on.

--You wanna break?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 03:02:06 PM
"Sure thing," Sejah replied, wondering how good Oriadin was at the game after how cooly he tipped his cue and asked if he wanted to break.

Grinding the small cube of chalk over his own cue, the mongoose blew off the excess dust and then paced around to lean over the table and lined up a shot. He wasn't near as good at billiards as he was at ping-pong, but, his lessons on concentration, aim, and kinetics did help. Well, they would help later, the break was prettymuch a free-for-all smash. Having fur lining his paws made the cue slide easily through the triangular hole he had set up with his digits, and the cue ball smacked dead on into the triangle of other, much more colorful spheres. They split apart in all directions, and the 1 and 9 balls both dropped into pockets. Pulling his cheek, Sejah called solids as his color, then went back to the table to pour himself another glass of beer and carried it back, taking a sip as Oriadin lined up his shot.

Oct 11th, 2002, 03:06:17 AM
Oriadin glanced around the table. Looking for the best shot to take. He remembered reading that if at all possible, it was best if you could line up your ball for your next shot. How this was done, Oriadin wasnt sure. He decided on a ball to go for. Not a very difficult shot by any means. He leaned over the table and lined up for the shot like a pro. He glanced down the table a couple of times, getting a feel for what his shot should be. He drew back the cue then pused it forward with an almighty shove...

The white ball went in completly the wrong direction and ended up going straight down the corner pocket.

--Stupid ball! I didnt want it to do that!--

He said, frowning.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:59:01 AM
With a smirk, Sejah pulled the white cue ball from the ball return and tossed it up and then caught it, if slightly haphazardly, due to drink. "I believe that's called a Force Scratch, pallie," he said, then placed the ball behind the second set of diamonds.

"Oh, hum, what should I hit. Oh, I know, thattun! In that pocket, too." He announced, then took another drink before taking a swig from his glass, then lined up his shot. For being slightly innebriated, the mongoose was still able to sink the ball he wanted, and celebrated with another drink of beer. The next shot was pure luck, but after that he couldn't hit his mark, and the turn resumed to Oriadin; which Sejah wasn't too sad about because he needed to refill his glass for the second time.

Oct 14th, 2002, 02:57:48 AM
Oriadin stood in silence. Somewhat embarrased from his last shot. Sejah seemed to be doing ok though. He took a few sips of his Mark Fosters and it was time for him to play again. He walked around the table a few times, looking at various shots he could do. Finally, one stuck in his mind as the best option to take. He lined up his shot and drew back the cue. This time he hit the ball at least but it went no where near where he was aiming for. Basically, the shot was terrible. Simply terrible. Oriadin hung his head. He was disapointed. He returned to his drink and awaited Sejah's shot.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 15th, 2002, 12:57:21 PM
As Oriadin bungled another shot, Sejah swigged down another gulp form his beer. Two glasses he could handle, but, beyond that it was a slip downhill, and it was already beginnign to affect him.

Spinning his cue in his paw as he stepped up to the table, the mongoose nearly dropped it, but was able to catch it at the last moment. Smiling, he set it down, aiming at the cue ball on the table and said, "Okay, that green one in the corner pocket." Lining up his shot, he smacked his cue into the cue ball, and made the worst possible mistake there was in the game of pool.

He sunk the black eight ball.

"Gar, it was supposed to go that way..." he grumbled, then set his cue up against the table and went back to fetch his glass. "So, another set, or, what?"

Oct 16th, 2002, 03:22:18 AM
Oriadin couldnt belive his eyes as Sejah made such a bad mistake. He had already resigned to the fact he was going to get thrashed by his friend but now, he ended as the winner. This game was very strange he thought to himself.

He lifted his glass and finished off what was left. It didnt taste that good now actually. It was warm and begining to go flat.

--Hmmm, I dont know. What do you think? We could move on and see if we can find another place if you like. Could do a bit of a pub crawl. Take a few moments to think, ive gotta go to the toilet!--

He stood up to find the rooms swaying slightly. How strange he thought to himself. He focused on the nearest table and made his way to it. Once he got there he rested his hand on the table to help his balance. He moved from table to table like this until he reached the toilet.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:53:17 AM
"Sure thing pal, I'll be right here," Sejah waved him off as he poured the remaining bit of Mark Fosters into his glass, then took the whole thing in one guzzle. It was starting to go flat, but, it was fine enough. And the thought of anotehr pub was a good one, as this one wasn't quite lively enough.

Though the mongoose was quite sure he had seen a bar with a bit more of a club scene to it just down a block or so. Maybe they could hit that place, as soon as Oriadin got back.

Oct 16th, 2002, 04:14:34 AM
Oriadin was back in no time. He was slowly getting used to walking again now. He felt like he was swaying in his walk but it wasnt noticable to anyone in the bar. The last of the Mark Fosters had been drunk and things were pretty quiet in 'The Jedi Temple'.

--So... what shall we do?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:16:09 PM
Setting his empty glass down, Sejah looked around the pub and then back to Oriadin. "Think I saw a more lively club down the street a bit. Want to check that place out? It at least had some music and some girls, from what I saw."

Oct 16th, 2002, 02:02:04 PM
Oriadin nodded.

--Ok, sounds good.--

Oriadin and Sejah made thier way out of 'The Jedi Temple'. The streets were just as busy as they were when they entered the bar. Oriadin scanned over the surrounding area but couldnt see another place to go.

--You saw this other place, wanna lead the way?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 16th, 2002, 02:19:29 PM
Pushing awkwardly through the crowd, Sejah led the way down the block and then up a flight of stairs to a large, and loud, club called the "Trench Run". It looked like a giant Death-Star from the outside, only much more colorful. There was an enterance fee, but Sejah covered that since Oriadin had sprung for the previous drinks and round of billiards.

Inside it was a bright, colorful mess of people and aliens, many getting their groove on on the dance floor so some loud, yet fast paced music. Off to one wall was the bar, which Sejah led Oriadin over to and ordered a pitcher of hard cider. As he took the glasses, Sejah was momentarily blinded by a flash of light and looked up to see what it was. A Disco ball in the shape of the Death-Star hung from the cieling and spun slowly, shooting off pinpricks of light all around. Blinkign hard, the mongoose carried the pitcher and glasses back to a table and took a seat, pouring himself a glass and then prompty taking a large drink.

"Ahh, good stuff, cider," he said loudly over the volume of the music. "So, a bit more lievely, huh?"

Oct 17th, 2002, 03:37:33 AM
The place was more smokey, more busy and a lot more noisy than the last place but there seemed to be a lot more action here. More of an atmosphere. Flashing lights and loud music. This was a popular place by the look of it. A couple of times Oriadin had to hold his hand up to shield the lights from his eyes. Sejah was good enough to pay for the two of them at the door and for the drinks too. Something called Cider. Oriadin wasnt really clued up on his drinks.

Sejah asked him a question but Oriadin struggled to hear him over the music. Something about lively.


Oriadin moved in closed and turned his head so Sejah could speak directly into his ear.

--Oh, yeah just a bit! Nice place though, very busy!--

He shouted back. He poured himself out a drink and tasted the cider. It was a bit like apple juice but no where near as sweet.

--This drink is very nice!--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:58:24 PM
"Yeah, it's not as bitter as beer, I find. Easier to drink." Sejah said loudly before taking another drink.

As one song ended, another began, and the color of the lights changed to suit the new tune. Out on the dance floor a young woman waved off her dancing partner and looked up at the table Sejah and Oriadin were at. The mongosoe caught it out of the corner of his eye, and grinned to Oriadin as he said, "Don't look now, Or, but I think you've got an admirer down on the dance floor!"

Oct 17th, 2002, 02:29:13 PM
Naturally, failing to listned to his friends instructions of 'dont look now' Oriadin looked down the dance floor and saw the girl Sejah was refering too. Withing a few seconds a friend joined her. Both looked pretty stunning.

--Looks like there is two now. Looks like they are calling us over too.--

The one girl was making a gesture with her head for the two to go and join them.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 17th, 2002, 02:46:02 PM
Sejah just grinned and took another drink from his cider before setting the glass down and a beermat over the top of his glass to signify that he would be comign back to it.

Standing up Sejah shouted to his friend, "Well, she's not my type, but, I guess whe shouldn't dissappoint them!" Tugging Oriadin's arm, the mongoose hauled him down to the dance floor to meet their new ladyfriends.

Oct 18th, 2002, 03:08:07 AM
For a few seconds the four of them just looked at each other. Not really knowing what to do or say. It was one of those situations where everyone is trying to think of something to say. It felt tense.

Finally, Oriadin went to one of the girls and asked thier names. Lisa and Rilena. Both of them were pretty good looking. Oriadin especially liked Lisa. Pointing back towards his friend he replied

--This is my very good friend Sejah and Im Oriadin--

The girls nodded and smiled as we all said our hello's at being introduced.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 18th, 2002, 03:20:05 AM
Not wishing things to fizzle in an awkward pause, Sejah--who was definitely beginnign to get drunk-- took Rilena's hand him his paw and motion with his other toward the dance floor. Sometimes the best words were none at all.

Leavign Oriadin to fend for himself, Sejah and his new ladyfriend crammed into the packed dance arena and joined the others in the groove. Sej wasn't a particularily good dancer, but, he did more than well enough to get by. Rilena obviously had no qualms with those outside her species, as her grabbing of Sejah;s hindquarters a few times as they danced close demonstrated. And, though he wanted to say it was just the alcohol in him, Sejah fould himself becoming attracted to her as well. As the music changed, he wondered how Oriadin was faring for a breif moment before Rilena pinched his rear again.

Oct 18th, 2002, 03:33:48 AM
Oriadin was a little suprised by his friends sudden movement towards the dance floor. It left Oriadin and Lisa to amuse themselves. He smiled shyly to her and she moved in closer to him. Oriadin caught a wiff of the perfume she was wearing and all he wanted to do was roll his eyes in pleasurebut he kept himself in check. She whispered in his ear asking if hed like to join her on the dance floor.

Usually, Oriadin would have said no. His dancing wasnt bad but he always felt silly but since hed had a couple of drinks he was far more relaxed and up for anything. He nodded so she took him by the hand and led him to the dancefloor. They were in visble sight of Sejah and Rilena. Oriadin and Sejah made eye contact so they made gestures to each other as if to say, nice one mate.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 18th, 2002, 03:45:36 AM
It was becoming more and more obvious that Rilena mainly wanted one thing from Sejah, and it wasn't conversation. Without asking, she slid her hands up under the mongoose's shirt and rubbed his furry chest, then wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly.

Though in his semi-innebriated state, Sejah didn't mind, he did feel a bit uncomfortable with it, but played along. Skin was so soft and smooth. And it didn't brush the wrong way like fur tended to. After a while, Rilena let go and they resumed her dance, though Sejah was beginnign to pick up on rather amorous intentions on her part.

Finally, the set ended, and the booth cleared to make way for a new DJ. The crowd on the dance floor began to dissipate, but Rilena hung onto Sejah as if he were her pet; something the mongoose was definitely used to. With the musid died down, she whispered in his ear something that made his eyes go wide. All he could answer back was, "I'm sorry, Rilena, I like you, but, I just met you."

Instantly she let go and slapped him across the face, then stormed off, though taking a moment to squeeze his rump once more. Rubbing his cheek, Sejah shook his head and looked around to find Oriadin again. Durning the dance he had lost sight of him, but when he spotted him again, it appeared he was having better lick with his girl than Sejah had with his own. Strolling over, the mongoose nodded hello to Oriadin again, though stayed at a decent distance as to not interrupt anythign between them,

Oct 18th, 2002, 05:01:43 AM
The music died down completly and all that could be heard was the murmour of people chatting. Oriadin and Lisa were still close to each other though. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and he had his oh her hips. They were still swaying slightly, as if they were dancing.

He noticed Sejah just before he nodded a quick hello. Where was Rilena? He thought to himself. He gave Lisa a quick kiss on the cheek before taking her by the hand and walking over to Sejah.

--You ok mate?--

He looked round for a second.

--Where is Rilena?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 18th, 2002, 12:27:10 PM
Scratching his neck, Sejah looked nervous, but replied, "Well, heh, about Rilena... She decided we should go upstaris if you know what I mean, and I said not yet. Well, she slapped me and took off."

Seeing the look on Oriadin's face, the mongoose jerked his thumb back over at the table they had been occupying before and added, "Well, you two go ahead and have fun, I'm going to head back to the table."

Oct 21st, 2002, 04:05:58 AM
Oriadin really didnt know what to say. He did feel though, that Sejah had done the right thing and that Rilena had flew off the handle for no real reason.

He turned to Lisa and told her he was going back to sit down with his friend. Lisa looked a little upset at the fact that Rilena had decided to simply storm off without telling her. She decided she was going to look for her friend. Oriadin gave her a quick kiss and a hug and said thanks for the dance, before making his way back to the table with Sejah.

--Oh well. Easy come, easy go.--

He said with a smile as he drank up from his glass.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 21st, 2002, 09:52:14 PM
Taking a drink himself after dropping into his seat, Sejah said, "Yeah, and she wasn't really my type. No tail." Chuckling, the mongoose topped off his glass for good measure.

"So, drinking buddy, what else should be on our list of things to do tonight?"

Oct 22nd, 2002, 03:10:51 AM
Oriadin sat and took a few sips of his drink while he ponderd the question. He was begining to feel funny again. It was as if when he moved his head the world took a few seconds to catch up with him. It was very strange.

--I think we should finish up these drinks, then head out and see what we can see. Hows that sound?--

Sejah Haversh
Oct 23rd, 2002, 12:22:39 AM
Tipping the pitcher up, Sejah topped off Oriadin's glass, then started again on his own. Wiping a bit from the fur of his upper lip after a drink, the mongoose replied, "That sounds like a fine idea, pallie," then proceeded to chug down the remainder of his glass.

Soon they had divvied up the remainder of the pitcher of cider between them, and both were drunk, but neither would admit it. A dopey grin on his face, Sejah stood up clumsily and pointed to the door. "So, shall we go get even more lost?"

Oct 23rd, 2002, 03:32:18 AM
--Sure, why not--

Oriadin stood up and waited for the slow moving world to catch up. He was feeling very ligh headed now. He led the two of them out of the club and looked outside. The people bustling about was just starting to look one huge blur. He really had no idea where to go so just decided to follow his nose for a while.

He must have lost count of the people he bumped into as they looked for somewhere else to go. He said sorry to all of them in turn and luckily none of them wanted to kick anything off!

All of a sudden Oriadin stopped. A place called the Casino Scrooge caught his eye. The lights on the outside were flashing brightly and it looked great! Oriadin checked his pokets to see how much money he had and it wasnt looking too bad!

--We could pop in here for a little while if you like? Ive got a bit of money I can afford to play about with--

Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:09:48 AM
"Thought you'd never ask!" Sejah replied, his speech slightly slurred.

The mongoose led his friend into the casino, where it seemed that the losers of the games didn't go away empty-handed. You got a free beer. Of course, it was the nasty, bitter-as-pine-needles swill that came out of a plain aluminum keg, but it was beer nonethelss.

And if you chose to come into the place in any case, odds were it wasn't for fine drinks.

Snagging a pilsner glass from a scantily clad waitress as she passed by, Sejah swigged down the top two inches before turnign to Oriadin, "So, what should we play at first?"

Dec 13th, 2002, 03:19:38 AM
Oriadin too grabbed a glass as the waitress walked passed. Some of the cool liquid fell down onto Oriadins chin and then onto his shirt as he somehow managed to miss his chin. For some reason, all this alcohol was doing something to his reactions and his self control. A new experience, and a funny one at that. He discreatly wiped his chin and brushed down his damp chest as he looked around the room at what they should go and play. There was a free table with a dealer, just sat there messing with the cards. Pontoon was being played there.

--How about that?--

He declared pointing over to where the dealer was. The Casino was a little odd. It was a bit musky from the smoke in the room but there were flashing lights all over the place from the fruit machines and glowing signs. There were no windows and no clocks. Probably a ploy to keep the punters in as long as possible.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:29:53 AM
"Sure thing," the mongoose said as he neary fell onto the stool, barely keeping his drink from spilling over himself.

Their first hand was lousy, but Sejah made up for it by carefull hitting to his own pile and making the dealer think he had a better hand than he did. They still lost.

The second hand was better, and allowed them to finish their drinks as the dealer changed halfway through. The bets were good, and in the end Oriadin won out and got more than his money back, some of which was spent on another round.

"Pal, have I ever told you you're a good friend?" Sejah asked stupidly as he dropped a paw onto Oriadin's shoulder before the next round. Taking a drink of his beer, the Nehantite belched quietly to himself and continued, "Because you are. I ain't been out for a fun night like this since, I uh, since I left home, that is."

Dec 13th, 2002, 03:40:55 AM
Oriadin was begining to sway noticably as his friend put his hand on the padawans shoulder.

--Well, you knnnow. Im not surrrrre. But thankyou anyway.--

He leaned back slightly and looked the Mongoose in the eye and pointed roughly in his direction.

--You are my best fwend here, you know that.--

Oriadin was now guzzling down his beer. Some of the liquid splilling down the sides as his concentration was going. He was up on his money and so decided to call it a day.

--Shall we find something else?--

Sejah nodded and the two made their way through the crowds bumping into many people as they went. A nicely glowing sign caught Oriadins eye but he had trouble making out what it said. Maybe his eyesight was going? He could normally read from that kind of distance. He moved in a little closer but the bright light made it difficult for him to read. Rather than try to work it out he decided perhaps it would be best to just go in and take a look.

The two of them entered the room, not really knowing what to expect. When they entered, Oriadins jaw dropped. He looked back over his shoulder not quite beliving that where he had just come from led to here. He looked forward again before he glanced over at his friend with a rather large smile on his face.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:46:40 AM
"Duuuude!" Sejah clapped him on the back as he pointed, "Girls!"

They had walked into a "Gentleman's Club" of sorts, the kind with scantilly clad ladies of excellent bodily dimensions doing dances that excited more than just the mind.

A dopey grin spread across his muzzle as he found a seat by the dance catwalk, and took another swig of his beer as he cought a most interesting view of the dancer's backside. "Pal, you find all the good places." he mumbled, though not taking his eyes off the dancer.

Dec 13th, 2002, 04:14:07 AM
Oriadin remained silent and just stared in aww. Girls of a multitude of races in order to please everyone were on show. There were shouts and cheers from the men in the croud and the odd woman to Oriadins suprise.

--Thats pure skill you see mate.--

Oriadin finished off the last bit of his beer. He was drinking much quicker now. Not really thinking much of it. He had other things on his mind right now. As he looked over the table he saw a man pull out some credits and for that, one of the ladies gave him a bit of a personal viewing so to speak. He began to look through his wallet at his winnings as he wanted a taste of the action himself.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:12:27 PM
In a flash of morality, Sejah's mind returned to him thoguh the haze of alcohol and he turned to Oriadin, and he guessed as to what he was thinking about looking through his wallet.

"Dood, put it away, man. This ain't right. We're jed, j-hed, jed-eyes. We prob'ly shunn't bein here. C'mon, pallie, less go." He slurred his advice of good conscience to his friend, though he had enjoyed the sight for a little while himself. It just wasn't something he though a Jedi should do.

Finishing his beer though, that was something he felt he could do. And did, too.

Dec 16th, 2002, 04:36:31 AM
Oriadin looked bleery eyed at his friend for a moment before nodding in agreement.

--Your right my fwend.--

His wallet was out now but he turned away from the dances and looked towards the nearest waiter giving out drinks. He paid for a couple of drinks for himself and for Sejah. As he began to drink he felt his stool move slightly below him. Then with a thud he fell to the floor. He had slipped of his chair. Legs were up in the air and Oriadin tried to stop laughing long enough to stand up again.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:01:47 PM
Sejah could only bust up laughing as his friend took a floor dive from his seat. Oriadin tried tp get back up by himself. but only succeeded in slipping again because he was laughing so hard.

"Dood, geddup. You can't drink down there," the mongoose gave his friend advice, then drinking from his own glass although he was already quite drunk.

Finally he reached down and lent a paw so that Oriadin could pull himself upright, though it nearly took Sejah to the floor as well. They were both stupid with drink, but it was so funny that neither of them realized it.

Dec 17th, 2002, 04:53:25 PM
Once on his feet again, Oriadin was still laughing uncontrolably. A few people in the room looked round to see what the disturbance was all about before they just smiled and returned to thier business.

Not long after, a curious looking man, quite old approached the two friends. "You two are Jedi, arent you!?". It was more of a statement than a question really. "Yeah, you look familiar", he said he said, pointing at the two of them one by one. By now the music had died down and people were begining to stare. Jedi? In a place like this!?

Sejah Haversh
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:59:13 PM
Sejah batted the man's hand away with a drunkenly playful paw and shook his head whule slurring, "Naw, we's not Jedi yet. Jus' padawaanans."

Looking back to Oriadin, he commented, "Boy, I sure butchered dat word, didn' I?"

Dec 17th, 2002, 05:24:43 PM
Oriadin gave a rather daised looking smile and nod. Meanwhile the whole of the bar seemed to errupt with laughter. Oriadin took a slow look around the room as he tried to remain on his feet. People were laughing and joking at their expense. Afterall, it wasnt every day you got to see the keepers of the peace in the state they were in. Oriadin didnt mind to much though, he was too drunk to care really. He just felt merry all over.

The head barman came over and handed the two padawans a drink each. "This ones on the house!"

The old man didnt take to kindly to Sejah playfully pushing his pointed hand out the way. He turned to walk off, saying something to himself as he went in the form of, "Dumb fur ball". Well, thats how it sounded anyway.

Before they knew it, the music was put back on, but quieter this time and four beautiful girls came over to stand next to them. The typical kind that would follow any man with money or power.

Then the barman spoke up again. "So, why is it we have two Jedi in my bar tonight!?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 17th, 2002, 05:34:07 PM
"Dat's a shilly question," Sejah smiled at the barman as he took another swig from his glass. "We came here to get a drink and have shum fun. Whad else do y'do in a bar? Oh, hello, ladies."

The mongoose smiled stuipdly at them in his innebriated state, though he couldn't quite focus on any one of them.

Dec 17th, 2002, 05:48:08 PM
Oriadin's glazed eyes glanced over at Sejah. --Loowks like were in here ma ma mate--

He then look over the two girls stood closest to him. They were indeed beatiful creatures. In Oriadins normal state he would have seen straight away that the two of them were only there now because Oriadin and Sejah were Jedi Padawans. Right now though he was too drunk to notice.

Im sure something could be arranged with these two lovely ladies, if thats what you would like? The barman asked.

Gradually, the people around the room began to close in on the two friends. Trying to catch a little bit of thier conversation. It was almost as if they thought they were two celebrities or something.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 29th, 2003, 03:57:18 AM
Sejah was d-r-u-n-k drunk. And, in his state, he wasn't thinking straight at all and wrapped an arm around the girl closest to him and smiled.

But, he didn't get any further than that before a loud voice interrupted them.

"Take your filthy hands off of her, you....animal." A brute of a man barked, his hands clenched in very dangeous looking fists. The girl was evidently 'his', and Sejah had made a very bad move, even if it hadn't been his own fault.

It took a moment, but he let go, then took a drink from his mug of beer that he had ordered before replying, "Shorry, sir, but she came on to me. I diddn' know she were somebody's."

"Sure you didn't, just like you forgot to shave this morning, huh?" the brute replied, getting in his face.

Signals of dangers that should ahve been popping in Sejah's brain were silent, and he went to take another drink, only to have the glass upturned and spilled all over him by one of the brute's hands.

"Listen to me when I'm talkin' to you, punk. I don't like you, and I don't like your friend either. I want you to leave."

Sejah looked down at his wet shirt, and then back up at the brute, then picked up a shot of whiskey that was on the bar and swigged it down, belching in the brute's face. "Too bad, we're not going anywhere."

The brute retaliated by punching Oriadin square in the gut.

Jan 30th, 2003, 03:48:42 AM
Oriadins eyes were all blurry and he was finding it very hard to focus on anything. His eyes were very shifty while he was trying to look at Sejah and the brute.

Next thing he knew, he was on the floor, holding his stomache and gasping for air. Oriadin didnt feel so good all of a sudden. He quickly stood up, knowing exactly what would happen. He stared right in the brutes eyes as everyone fell silent and held their breaths. Everyone expected something to kick off right about now. Oriadin stood and stared for a few seconds before he threw up, all the way down the brute.

A few brought their hands to their mouths and looked the other way, there were a few in fits of laughter and some simply had a disgusted look on their face.

Oriadin looked at the 'tough guy' with a smile.

--Like your shirt!--