View Full Version : Man in a Uniform (Estelle and open)

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:32:18 PM
Prince - Man in a Uniform

Oh, she said…

She said – "Man in a uniform
2night that's what I want U 2 be"
She said – "3rd time this week U wore that old suit
But I don't give a damn, U see?
Because man in a uniform do funny things 2 me"
And I said – "It's the 3rd time, but I don't mind
Cuz that sister just so damn fine, ah"

Man in a uniform (Hut!)
That's what I am
Man in a uniform, uh
That's what I am

She said – "Man in a uniform
Sufferin' every stroke of my hand
From the dusk until the early morn'
U will grant this girl's demands" (Why?)
Cuz she need 2 be drunk with pride
Wait a minute, I'm go'n tell U why
2 make up, 2 make up…
2 make up 4 the emptiness that she feel inside
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Come on

Man in a uniform, mama
That's what I am (Hut!)

Man in a uniform
She said – "2night (2night)
I want your attention" ('tention)
She said – "2night I want your violent tongue
2 swallow my stench and be loyal 2 me
She'll never be free
Until U do me like a man in a uniform" (Hut!)

Man in a uniform (in a uniform)
That's what I am
In a uniform (Baby, baby, yeah)
That's what I am
Dirty little man in a uniform
That's what I am (Hut!)

The evening was young at the Bar and Grill, and already the bustle of the night's business weas creeping in. All save for one table, which was peculiarly empty. A dark red bow rested on one of two chairs, with a matching satin tablecloth replacing the normal appearance of formica surfacing. A blushing pink candle provided a bit of ambiance, set upon all sides by tropical fragrant blooms of a complimenting shade. An arrangement of chocolate cherubs lay across a presentation crepe', with a gold-leaf parchment set opposite. Unopened, the envelope around it had simple writing on it:

Estelle Russard

The entire scene was set up in such a subtle manner that nobody seemed to notice it until the deed was done, and its originator was nowhere to be seen. Only the lingering scent of jasmine and sandalwood hinted as to the mysterious host.

Estelle Russard
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:04:36 PM
The message she had received had been polite as it was brief. In beautiful hand written script on gold-leaf edged paper was an invitation to join Keerrourri tonight at the Bar and Grill.

He had not requested a reply. There was no need - he knew she would come.

Estelle had not had much chance to see him since she had spent the night in his company a month ago, but it wasnt deliberate. Their duties led them both on very different paths and kept them busy. If truth be known, Estelle was glad in a way. She wasnt sure how he would be towards her. If he would want to see her again, or... She just didnt know. And not seeing him made it easy for her not to think about the possibility of him not wanting to see her at all.

And then came the invitation..

She stepped into the Bar, her eyes searching for him, but she could not find him. She feared maybe he wouldn't show.

The waitress moved towards her quickly, and led her to a quiet table in the corner. Lit with a gentle glowing candle, Estelle noticed immediately the care and detail put into the setting. The Chocolate cherubs, the envelope addressed to her set upon the delicate cloth.

Lifting it slowly in her hand, again she glanced around the room, hoping to see him.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:13:06 PM
She read the note, which was written in a crimson ink on the delicate, expensive leaf:

<font size=3>Dearest Estelle,

I hope this message finds you well. In our weeks apart, I have bided my time between my duties with you in thought. I long for your company like a prisoner yearns for fresh air. Unfortunately, the same duties which allow me to be so near you, now demand that I should limit my time. I fear my well-laid plans for you may be somewhat tardy. In that case, treat yourself as my guest while you await me. Whatever you wish, is yours. Spare no lavish touch upon you, else I must redouble my efforts when I finally arrive. Tomorrow at noon, I must once again return to Carshoulis Prime, and I wish every moment of my own to be given to you until that time arrives. Smile for me, beautiful flower. If I close my eyes, I can see, and it will tide me over.

Wanting truly,

Estelle Russard
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:37:02 PM
Sinking gracefully into the seat, Estelle glanced up self-consciously to see if any one was paying her any notice. It seemed not. She was glad - she wasnt used to attention such as Keerrourri was showing her, and she found she easily wore her emotions for all to see.

She was disappointed - it didnt sound like he would be joining her for quite some time, if at all. And then leaving tomorrow. Suddenly she felt very lonely. His invitation here tonight was proving bitter sweet. She sighed softly and tucked a wayward strand of hair back away from her face.

The waitress appeared, and so, almost automatically, Estelle ordered a glass of white wine. The server asked if she wished to order for her companion and she felt awkward and unsure of what the best thing to do would be. Was it presumptious to order a drink for him? Would that offend him, or would it make him more at home as it would be something a Cizerack woman would do? Argh, she didnt know. The waitress saw her hesitation and smiled, promising tactfully to come back if she needed something more.

Again she opened the note and read it over once more. Running her fingers over the fine script, drinking in every word. He was so eloquent and romantic. Estelle couldnt help the smile that crept to her lips as she let her memory roam to the last time she saw Keerrourri..

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Oct 18th, 2002, 11:34:04 PM
Estelle suddenly felt two hands at her shoulders...broad, powerful, and warm, as they gently pressed and kneaded at her trapezius muscles, relieving tension in waves that ran down her body.

"Mjy apologjiesss forrr mjy tarrrdjinessssss, mjy ladjy. Mjy dutjiesss arrre a jealousss mjisssssstrrressssss, jit ssseemsss."

He knelt beside her seat, tilting her head so that she could see him. At the same time, he brought one of her little hands to his mouth, where he kissed at the back of her hand in a most genteel fashion.

"jYou arrre morrre beautjiful than even mjy fondessst memorrrjiesss."

Estelle Russard
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:59:07 AM
Her smile was as genuine as it was broad. She was happy to see him. No, it was more than happy, she was thrilled.

"I wasnt sure if you'd be able to make it, Keerrourri. I was preparing myself for a very empty evening."

He remained holding her hand as he rose up from his knee and took the seat beside her.

The Cizerack Emissary looked larger than life. His stately uniform was impressive and not a little itimidating. Estelle still awed that he was here to be with her, and Keer could easily see it in her eyes. No doubt he was used to such looks, among the Ciz and non-Ciz alike.

"You are so dedicated. It is easy to see that it is a love as well as duty for you."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:40:58 AM
His ears rose slowly, tufted ends flitting back gracefully as he gave Estelle his undivided attention. Still holding her hand, he traced circles slowly on the back of her hand with his thumb.

"jI would not let mjyssself mjissssss out on the rrreassson jI came jin the fjirrrssst place."

He humored her with a warm smile.

"Afterrr all, what would thejy sssajy jif jI came all thjisss djissstance, jussst forrr rrromance? jI mussst rrretajin sssome sssemblance of worrrk, howeverrr mjinorrr."

His blue eyes seemed to draw the candlelight out in them, illuminating in flickers.

"jYou mussst tell me of everrrjything jI have mjisssssed jin jyourrr ljife sssjince mjy lassst vjisssjit. Therrre hasss been ljittle elssse on mjy mjind."

Estelle Russard
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:11:20 PM
"Mostly my life is my duty here at the Order. I have two students that I am instructing in the ways of the Jedi. That alone serves to keep me out of trouble."

She smiled, and Keerrourri smiled too - the thought of Estelle being a trouble-maker was rather absurd, and they both knew it.

"I have missed you alot Keerrourri."

She knew she had, but only now it hit her as to just how much. She loved to look into his intelligent face and see him pleased to see her. He continued to touch her hand lightly.

"Alot" she said again.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:24:36 AM
"Asss have jI, forrr jyou."

Sarrtarroa leaned in, kissing gently.

"jI hope jyourrr dutjy jisssn't too much to bearrr, elssse jI mussst end up rrressscujing jyou back jinto mjy arrrmsss."

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:14:42 AM
"My duty is no hardship. I love everything I am able to do here at the Order."

She smiled, as the feel of his kiss lingered on her lips.

"But any time you feel I need rescuing, please feel free to come get me."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:22:42 AM
"And jif jI am not rrressscujing? Am jI to be jyourrr kjidnapperrr?"

He smiled, the soft skin of her face brushing against his cheek's contour, as he played with her hair idly.

"jI'd expect no lessssss than a Kjing'sss rrransssom."

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:29:29 AM
She laughed a little at his joke.

"There are worse fates, you know."

She reached her hand up to take his from her hair and held it to her lips and then rested her cheek against it.

"How far from here is Carshoulis Prime?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:36:11 AM
"Onljy asss farrr asss jyou want jit to be."

His ears perked up, as he reached down, unwrapping a gold-leaf decorated chocolate. He smiled, pressing the dark chocolate gently against her lips, the supple heat of her body's touch causing it to melt ever-so slightly, staining her lips with its dark touch.

"One dajy frrrom Corrrussscant."

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:56:57 AM
If she smiled, the chocolate would pop right on into her mouth and this thought made her giggle a little. It suddenly dawned on Estelle that the table, the note, the flowers, the chocolates - even the Uniform, were all tailored specifically with one purpose in mind.

And she wondered why they were still sitting there..

It was a game of course, and one she was very new to. She wondered if she was "playing" it right. How did one know?

Again, she felt completely out of her league in the Emissary's presence.

The chocolate was sliding a little on her lips as it melted, and Estelle felt she only had one option.

She bit it in half, and on impulse, kissed Keerrourri with the sweetness still on her lips.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 8th, 2002, 07:47:11 PM
Keerrourri's tail became amorous, running beneath the table as it caressed with a whisper between Estelle's thighs. The Cizerack's rough tongue met Estelle's, then parted, taking a trace of the melted chocolate from her lips, which was but a shadow of her true sweetness.

"Whjy jisss jit that jyou asssk, mjy jewel? Afterrr all, jyou have jyourrr dutjy herrre. At jyourrr whjim, jI brrrjing Carrrssshouljisss to jyou, jif jyou wjisssh."

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2002, 08:00:07 PM
Ok, it was getting hard to continue the conversation.

Keerrourri was looking at her innocently, and talking to her as casually as you please, but under the table was a different story.

Estelle could barely sit still.

"I, um, was just wondering how far away you would be." (very hard to speak calmly) "Or what the chances would be of me coming to see where it is you are from.."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 8th, 2002, 08:35:01 PM
His smile widened as he diverted his attention down her jawline, towards her neck, his breath warm on her skin as he angled up to her ear, a purr shivering in his words.

"The djissstancesss arrre the sssame, but thejy don't matterrr to me. Tell me now, Essstelle...what jisss jit that jyou want. jI can brrrjing jyou to mjy worrrld, and not a ssstep jyou take wjill be taken wjithout trrreadjing on flowerrr petalsss. jI can make all jyou desssjirrrre become rrrreal. All jI asssk jisss that jyou ssspend jyourrr tjime wjith me, and let me jinto jyourrr ljife fulljy. jYou jintoxjicate me fulljy. Allow me to enjojy jyou asss jI know jyou enjojy me."

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2002, 08:52:21 PM
He was definitely making it hard for Estelle to think straight. She wanted to be alone with him, instead of here in the middle of the Bar & Grill where she had to retain a semblance of decorum and tasteful behaviour. If only those around knew the thoughts that were running through her head right now..

She nuzzled up against him, breathed in his scent, savouring every kiss and every touch.

His words were like the best dream or fantasy she had ever had. Was he actually saying these things to her? Did he really mean them? She felt her head swimming with it all.

"You have me, Keerrourri. Im right here."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:39:52 PM
He took her by the hand, raising her up from her seat.

"Do jI have jyou...orrr do jyou have me? What ssshall we do?"

He smiled at her, leading her away from the table.

Estelle Russard
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:10:52 AM
She followed his lead, but stopped to reach back and take the hand-scripted note and one beautiful flower from off the table.

Whatever the future held, she intended to keep these items as reminders of how her life had held such amazing nights as this.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 24th, 2002, 05:31:14 PM
His lithe tail navigated around Estelle's petite curves, drawing her near to his side, and caressing down the small of her back in gentle, lazy loops. They moved toward the exit of the B&G, and the Emissary looked down at her, into her large, dark eyes...sweet like chocolate. Taking her by the hand, he eased her palm onto his chest, causing it to shiver subtlely with his deepening purr. A broad hand brushed back her silky hair, and Sarrtarroa kissed her with silk's touch, gently on her forehead. Around them, Coruscant seemed to bustle in oblivious fashion, the lights around them glittering like a million jewels.

"jYou could have anjyone jyou wjisssh, Essstelle. jI am trrruljy blessssssed, jI thjink. jYou have a powerrr jI can neverrr underrrssstand, and jit makesss jyou a Goddessssss."

His lips turned upward.

"What doesss a Jedji Knjight desssjirrre that ssshe alone cannot possssssessssss. jI have onljy mjyssself to gjive."

He closed his eyes, hands running through her hair, as he whispered.

"Can jyou hearrr mjy thoughtsss?"

Estelle Russard
Nov 24th, 2002, 09:40:16 PM
Estelle melted against Keerrourri as they stood together as if they were the only people on the streets of Coruscant.

Which was how she felt.

She seemed to forget about all things entirely when Keerrourri touched her, or spoke to her. He so filled her mind and heart that all else paled completely into nothingness. There was only him. And he had chosen her with whom to share his affection. She felt herself falling more and more into what seemed an impossible dream.

In the back of her mind, far back and deep like a faint shadow, the Jedi Knight vaguely wondered if this was why attatchments of romantic natures were discouraged and even denied among the Jedi. It was easy to see how priorities could be confused with such strength of emotion involved.

Keerrourri's hands through her hair pushed the faint thought out of her mind completely.

"I cant remember ever being so happy as standing here, right now with you, Keerrourri. Having you, even for just this moment in time, is more that I could ever wish for. I couldnt ask for anything more."

She reached up and kissed him lightly, closing her eyes and drawing in the wonderful sensation of his soft lips against hers.

She framed his face with her hands, and looked into his eyes.

Without words, she spoke to him through the force.

Tell me your thoughts, I will treasure what you say.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:27:19 PM
As they stood, waiting for his entourage and sedan, Keerrourri gently traced circles on the soft skin of Estelle's palm with a finger.

"jI want a canvasss, larrrge enough to fjit mjy hearrrt. jI wjill pajint onljy jin ssshadesss of jyou. The passstelsss of jyourrr happjinessssss, the sssjiennasss of jyourrr passssssjionsss. But what would jI pajint, that could rrreflect the beautjy of jyou? jI thjink arrrt hasss found jitsss ljimjitsss, jin the boundlessssss beautjy of Essstelle. jI can onljy pajint mjyssself jin jyourrr huesss, eterrrnalljy wantjing."

He embraced her completely, lips embracing hers in a kiss, and slowly ambling down her jawline in affectionate puckers. As the burgundy speeder sedan arrived, Keerrourri exhaled warm breath against the nape of her neck, and his arms squeezed at the small of her back.

"Come wjith me, and jI am jyourrrsss."

Estelle Russard
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:39:42 PM
The door to the sedan opened beside them on the street. It was just a short step, from the sidewalk to the dark interior beckoning her.

Keerrourri's hand rested gently on her back and steered her subtley toward the vehicle. He offered her so much, in everything he said, in every look, in every touch - she found him impossible to resist.

Estelle took his hand in her own and stepped into the burgandy transport.

Keerrourri smiled as he followed in behind her.

There had never been any question.