View Full Version : Just how blind is justice?(Open)
Flet Shoudler
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:33:47 PM
Flet walked into the Bar to get some dinner after a long day at work. Listening to other people argue was sometimes stupid. In fact, arguing was probably always stupid, but he got paid well for listening to other people's arguments.
When the bartender asked him what he wanted, he merely replied, "Soup and sandwitch. And a glass of sweet tea."
Flet took off his sunglasses, and looked about him. Sure was nice looking, for a bar.
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:42:06 PM
"Green tea." Pride sat on a stool 3 chairs down. As usual, people were avoiding him. Not the he cared. That was how he liked it. It suited himself.
Flet Shoudler
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:54:08 PM
Flet heard the man order a green tea and wondered what were the advantages green tea had over sweet tea. He sighed. Even now, his mind was debating. He liked debates, he really did, but for now he just wanted to relax.
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:55:39 PM
"Sweet tea. There's one I haven't had in a while."
Flet Shoudler
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:01:18 PM
Flet looked at the man out of the corner of his eye.
"I like it well enough. The missus won't let me drink alchohol. She says it'll impair my judgement. Considering my occupation, it sounds about right, so i take her advice."
The Missus was the nickname of his secretary. She was young, and very beautiful, but had a tendency to harp on Flet as though she were his wife. She was the only one he didn;t ever argue with, simply becaue he could not get a word in edge-wise.
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:02:06 PM
"Water please."
A young woman spoke in a voice that sounded almost like wind in tree branches. She looked from her spot about four stools to the man who ordered sweet tea's right.
"Tea, how awful, drinking the leaves of trees......."
Makoto Neosis
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:05:33 PM
"I prefer Coffee myself," A man garbed in black spoke from his own seat a few away from the others, infront of him sat a mug on a clay plate with a napkin under it. "I suppose it's the same as tea.. since it is made from beans.."
Flet Shoudler
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:08:13 PM
Flet looked at the woman. "Now, then. If I were to leave the plants alone, where would I get food? I could kill animals for meat, but what about the rest of the balanced diet? And what about this man and his coffee? PLenty of people drink coffee as a way to keep temselves warm, or to wake up in the morning. Would you rather that they be cold?"
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:08:20 PM
She stuck out her tongue.
"Even grosser, beans are the 'eggs' of plants......In other words you're drinking unborn children."
her water had arrived and she took a sip of it. She gave the other man a skepitcal look.
"I don't eat anything that has been alive......"
Makoto Neosis
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:11:20 PM
Mako took a glance into his cup with raise brows, "Well... I never thought about it like that," Here he turned to look at Glenn, "If you dont eat anything that has been alive, do tell how you keep healthy?"
Flet Shoudler
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:11:54 PM
"Is that so? I take it by the water you drink you are some sort of plant person?"
Flet could make no other conclusions about where she came from. She never ate anything that was once alive, and nothing could start out dead. She had to be a plant. Unless she ate those disgusting synthesized meals. Yuck.
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:14:44 PM
She just grinned.
"Racial trait my good man, I can't tell you."
she waggled a pale finger near Mako. But what Flet said caught her off guard, she scowled.
"What I am is none of your buisness!"
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:14:51 PM
"You guessed correctly, I suppose." Pride said to Flet. "What is your name?"
Makoto Neosis
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:18:04 PM
Mako raised his hands up in the 'I Give Up' signal and a grin before returning to his Java. "Well, looks like I'll hafta keep my guesses to myselfs, eh?"
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:20:52 PM
"I was referring to our friend in the suit."
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:23:45 PM
She huffed, and payed more attention to her water then to the three silly men.
Flet Shoudler
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:29:41 PM
Flet laughed. "Why are you so mad at my speculations? No need to be mad about something so trivial as what sort of species you are."
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:19:53 PM
She just humph'ed, and drank her water.
"Because, you are just a no good........HUMAN!"
she was mad and slammed her glass on the bar counter, water splashing out of the glass and unto the counter top.
Oct 8th, 2002, 01:28:24 PM
"It seems you've upset her."
Flet Shoudler
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:47:18 PM
Flet frowned at the racist quality of the plant woman.
"I'm sorry to see that you feel that way."
Flet hoped she was not the violent type, other wise, he might see her in court. It was never fun to meet a person and then see them with a defense attorney later on down the road.
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:39:30 AM
"If that is how you feel, we cannot change your mind," Pride said to Glenn. "That belief defines your self."
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:48:17 AM
"humph.......I don't hate all humans....Just some."
she started to clean up the water that had spilled over from her slight outburst with her hand.
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:24:52 PM
"And why do you hate those few?"
Flet Shoudler
Oct 11th, 2002, 08:45:23 AM
"Hate crimes..." Flet muttered to himself. Sure hate crimes had been on the decrease since the fall of the Empire, but that did not mean they still happened.
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