View Full Version : Sibling Rivalry (Diego)

Eleanor de Coinete
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:15:09 PM

Woomp. Crunch!



"Stop! Stop!"

The two boys spilled out onto the grimy street. Well, the smaller one did. The larger of the two, called Richard, was a year older and several feet taller that William, the unfortunatly undersized younger brother. The said William was holding his hands over his nose, blood coursing down his thin face. It was most likely broken and being only six, the lad felt no shame in mixing the blood with salty tears. Richard however, felt differently and proved so by knocking Williams hands away.

"You started it crybaby! You started it!"

"I did not!"

Richard himself hadn't gone untouched, far from it. He was sporting a black eye and his own nose had been bloodied, though it had stopped bleeding minutes ago.

"Get up crybaby!"

William shook his head and wimpered as Richard punched him on the arm. Well that was enough for him. Kicking the older boy in the stomach with his booted feet, Will got up and did the only sensible thing that entered his young mind-- He ran.

Not for long however. Richard was on top of him before he got three steps away and presently they were locked in the throes of battle again. They seemed prepared to fight it out 'till the death... At least, Richard did.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:21:01 PM
"Whoa! Easy boys, easy!"

Richard suddenly found himself hoisted in the air by the belt loop of his pants. Diego held him there for a moment, hefting the smaller boy to his feet as well. For a moment, he just looked at them with a funny expression, thumbing away at William's sniffling, bleeding nose.

"Thats quite a ruckus, you two. Care to do some explainin?"

Eleanor de Coinete
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:41:31 PM
For a moment, the two children could do nothing b ut stare up at this stranger in shocked surprise. After a moment of silence both boys burst into speech, fingers pointing accusingly in two directions.

"It was all him, he--"

"It was not you liar you were the one--"

"I didn't do anything you big sissie!"

"Be quiet you stupid--"

"I'm tellin' momma you said stupid!"

"Go ahead, I'll just punch you again!"

On and on and on... Finally William crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his brother. Richard stuck his tongue out and returned the look with an equally venomous expression before offering a twisted explanation.

"I was just walkin' along with my little brother who I love very, very, very much and out of nowhere William hauls off and slugs me!"

William opened his mouth in surprise, nose momentarily forgotten.

"That's not true you liar! You said I was a son of a--"

"No I didn't! I didn't say anything!"

"Liar! Liar! You did too!"

Both of them looked up at Diego and started speaking rapidly, pausing every few seconds to hurl juvenile insults at each other, which of course only started more protests.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:55:10 PM
"Alright alright....both of you boys are a mess. Between the shiner and the busted nose, I doubt you want your momma seeing you like this at all."

He searched their eyes. There was something about boys. They were tough, rough, and ready...but their mother could always strike fear in them.

Eleanor de Coinete
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:02:58 PM

It seemed that the children were capable of agreeing on things when the matter got serious enough. Will looked reasy to cry again, wipingblood onto his shirt sleeve and arm.

"Please don't tell my momma Sir, we got into awful trouble last time Richard fighted with me!"

This started another round of arguing, louder this time.

"I didn't start it that time either!"

"Did too! Did too!"

The sudden debate was ended by a voice calling down from a window above.

"Richard! William! I see a bed that wasn't made today! It best be done when I check again!"

Richard, who had been trying to act intimidating up until this point, dropped his scowl and shook his head at William. They went silent.

If mother cannot hear you, mother thinks you're gone.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 8th, 2002, 11:58:12 PM
Diego's eyes shifted a bit toward the distant voice. He looked back at the two boys, in a conspiratorial way.

"Alright...you two get cleaned up, before your momma comes and sees this mess. All I did was see you fall, but only if you two promise there'll be no more fighting."

Eleanor de Coinete
Oct 9th, 2002, 06:05:07 PM
"Okay, we promise..."

Both Richard and William crossed their fingers behind their backs, nulling the pledge by the rules of childhood.

They ran quickly to the side of the building, locating the rusted tap and jostled each other to be the first to use it. Having the advantage of height and weight, Richard won and hastily splashed his face with water, rinsing the dried blood and dirt off his face. William, while able to rid the grime from the scuffle was unsuccessful in stopping his nose from bleeding and indeed, it was swelling dreadfully and quite sore.

There was nothing he could do about it now and in horror he spied Eleanor coming through the door of the apartment building. He and Richard raced back to Diego, a new ally in their quest to hide. They took refuge behind him, hearts pounding.

Eleanor squinted as she came outside, dazed for a moment by the light.


Henry and Marguerite stood behind her, each holding one of Joels hands. Marguerite giggled and then tugged on Eleanors skirts.

"Momma, the're there! Right behind that man!"

Eleanor blushed and took a closer look. Winking at Diego she wrinkled her brow.

"No, I don't think so darling... Kind Sir, have you seen my sons? I fear they've gone missing!"

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:42:49 PM
"Oh...I think I've seen two boys around here just a few minutes back. They were running about...they should be back soon."

Eleanor de Coinete
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:30:54 PM
Hmmm... What a pity. I'm nearly finished cooking and had thought they would be hungry. Well, I suppose not. Marguerite, go put your brothers plates away they shan't be supping with us."

With a knowing smile Eleanor waited, brushing hair, limp from standing over steaming pots, away from her face. It took no longer than a few seconds for the 'missing' boys to make themselves visible. The sight of their faces erased Eleanors pleasant mood.

"No don't Momma, we're still here!"

Richard looked as concerned as he had ever been; missing supper was a horrid thing when you had been outside all day.
His mother however was not concerned with that anymore. If she had lived a different life perhaps she would not have been so quick to assume the cause of their condition. But Eleanor was careful around men now, had known too many like Geoffrey.

"Richard, William... Take your brothers and sister inside."

She kept her eyes on Diego, arms lowered to keep the younger of her offspring behind her. William had started to cry again, the sight of his mother reminding him that his nose was in a rather bad way. Eleanor glanced at him quickly and grabbed Richards shoulder as he passed, murmering instructions.

"Turn the stove off and get William some ice... Yourself too or else that eye is going to swell dreadfully."

As soon as the children were out of earshot Eleanor spoke, paternal anger rising.

"I would like to know Sir how it came to occur that my children are in such condition... Is it merely coincidence that they were in your presence or have you something to do with it?"