View Full Version : The Return of Reaperfett

Eluna Thals
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:34:12 AM
It had been nearly an eternity since Ash had come to the Bar and Grill, yet it seemed like only yesterday. He stepped in, hands in the pockets of his flight jacket. It seemed the world had taken off, while he was standing still. Coruscant was now the home of the Jedi, and it was a welcome return, of sorts. He sidled up to the bar, finding an empty seat.

"Bartender, I'll have a clamato, if you don't mind."

He glanced about, curious as to what familiar faces he'd find.

<center><img src=http://jcngl.clanpages.com/FettSig1.jpg></center>

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 8th, 2002, 04:18:27 PM
As was usual for him when at the Bar & Grill, Eldrak sat in a booth, with its larger and sturdier seats, better for bearing his massive weight. As he supped on his all organic dinner he scanned the establishment seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

Some creatures might find it odd to see such a large, ugly, and beastly looking creature as Eldrak eating nothing more than various fruits and vegetables. None of the Kashirian’s dishes were cooked in any fashion, all were as fresh as could be procured and untainted by having the nutrition cooked out and sent airborne in steam or smoke.

Finishing chewing what looked more like grass than food, Eldrak lifted a glass of spring water and sipped from the glass. The container looked small and insignificant in his large daunting hands with claws at the tips of his fingers.

Estelle Russard
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:50:35 PM
"I know I said today, but its not ready."

The young pilot huffed with exasperation, not pleased at all with her answer as he bustled into the Bar & Grill close on her heels. He obvioulsy was waiting for more.

"Listen Jackson, when I get the assignement done, I will personally bring it to you, so you can mark it, or judge it, or whatever it is that piloting instructors do to the labours of their students, alright?"

She was trying not to be exasperated herself. "I promise. I'll have it tomorrow for you."

"Its your butt in the sling, in the end Estelle." he snipped back at her and then went for a drink himself at the bar. He sat next to a dark-haired man. "I'll have what he's having" and the bar tender placed a glass of clamato juice infront of him

Wanting to avoid the pilots company - and his complaining - for a time, the Jedi Knight looked for a friendly face in the opposite direction to where her teacher had stompped off in. Her eyes were drawn to Eldrak and she bee-lined over to his booth.

Half-sitting, she realised her rudeness, and so paused half in, half out of the seat.

"Would it be alright if I join you Eldrak?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:05:48 PM
He pushed the little bit of namana fruit protruding from out his mouth, the rest of the way into it as Estelle began to sit. With his mouth full and occupied by chewing his food, he responded to her with as polite a nod as he could. At the same time gesturing with a hand in welcoming invitation.

Eluna Thals
Oct 11th, 2002, 01:21:24 AM
The barkeep returned with the clamato, and Ash paid in full. He paused before taking a drink, getting a whiff of the vegetarian concoction. Truly acrid...why did he drink this again? It was healthy, at least. He tilted the red drink back, taking down a few gulps. His eyes panned around the bar, and came to rest on a brunette-haired woman. She was awfully familiar.


Estelle Russard
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:10:34 PM
She fell thankfully the rest of the way into the seat, and let out a small sigh.

"Ever feel like there just isnt enough time in the day?"

She shook her head in dismay, and then tried to shake off the irritable feeling of being so harried. Letting her shoulders slump back against the soft padding of the booth, she finally smiled and attempted some conversation with Eldrak.

"How is life treating you at the Order, Eldrak?"

The waitress approached the table as Estelle spoke and looking up and a little past her, the Knight did an immediate double-take. The server moved slightly and blocked Estelle's vision as she asked for her order, and so Estelle couldnt confirm who she just thought she'd seen.

She turned and blinked unbelievingly at Eldrak, still not having ordered her drink.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:20:54 PM
He returned her smile with one of his own. Social skills and Eldrak were not the best of acquaintances, but it wasn’t due to fear only due to lack of opportunity. His life had really been short thus far and his exposure to people to socialize with even shorter.

“Its been pretty uneventful for me actually”

Came his simple, truthful, and naïve reply. Then he witnessed Estelle looking past the waitress and then turning to him with a look on her face that just screamed confusion. He looked up at the waitress.

“Just a moment please?” He asked the server before turning his attention back to Estelle.

“Are you alright? You look as if….as if you had just seen a ghost. At least I believe that is the widely used expression.”

Estelle Russard
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:49:15 PM
Her jaw dropped open slightly at Eldrak's choice of words. Talk about hitting the nail on the head.

"Er, well, you could say that. I - Im not really sure, but I thought I just saw..No it couldnt be."

She tried peeking around again, but the server was still in the way. Waiting.

"Oh..sorry. I'll have orange juice, please."

The girl nodded her head and abruptly moved off - she was busy, and the Bar & Grill was filling up.

Fett was looking directly at her and there was no denying who it was.

Almost a whisper, she said to Eldrak raising a hand to her mouth in unbelief,

"Its him..."

The large, green Jedi turned his head in the direction of Estelles gaze.

"......its ReaperFett."

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:54:27 PM
He followed the direction of her eyes and saw the one whom she was speaking of. It was obvious by her voice that this was not supposed to be happening. There was something else obvious to Eldrak, obvious about the one she was looking at named ReaperFett, but Eldrak didn’t know if it was how this man was supposed to be or not.

He raised a hand and gestured without pointing directly at him.

“You mean that synthetic over there is a being you know by the name of ReaperFett? Should I know who that is?”

His sense of smell had told him that the one to whom she was referring was not human, as he appeared to be, but Eldrak didn’t really know that wasn’t supposed to be the case.

Estelle Russard
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:05:58 PM

She couldnt tear her eyes off her Master.


The words seemed foriegn and completely out of place with what her eyes were seeing. Emotion was sweeping over her completely as she was looking at the impossible..Fett was gone, but there he was, just feet from her. She felt the extreme happiness of seeing him, and terrible sadness at his loss all over again.

She repeated again, momentarily glancing at Eldrak, her eyes beginning to swim with tears.


Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:13:42 PM
“Yes synthetic, a very convincing synthetic at that. The scent it exudes is very close to that of a human being, but has a manufactured quality to it that I am able to discern and determine it as being an artificial representation.”

He saw her distress when she turned to look at him, but was unsure what was happening. He had not studied too deeply in the recent history of the Greater Jedi Order as of yet, too occupied with its history further in the past to know the one named ReaperFett had once been a Jedi Master within its Council chamber.

“I take it you have some kind of connection to this being? Why not speak with him?”

Eldrak started to raise a hand to summon ReaperFett over to the table but thought it best to ask Estelle first.

“Should I call him over here?”

Estelle Russard
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:23:08 AM
Estelle realised her mouth had drooped open slightly, but she still couldnt really find her voice.

What Eldrak was saying sort of made sense as Estelle should have picked up on Fett's force presence the moment he arrived, if not even before that. And she had not felt anything. But still, what the heart wanted to believe, and what the eyes told was true, stood toe-to-toe with what Eldrak declared reality.

She swallowed hard, looking over at ReaperFett..or, what seemed to be ReaperFett. Confusion remained on her features, but she turned again to her quiet spoken companion, and nodded in the affirmative.

Eluna Thals
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:18:25 AM
Ash's eyes once again drifted back...and locked. It was Estelle. How long had it been since he'd been in the company of his padawan? He couldn't remember. He stood a bit awkwardly, clamato in hand.

"Estelle, its been a long time."

He smiled, wistfully.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:42:19 AM
Even before he had made the motion to summon the one with whom Estelle seemed so familiar, here he was speaking to her as if he knew her as well. It was a curious thing that exuded deception considering the ay Estelle had reacted when the Kashirian had said this being was a synthetic.

Eldrak found himself studying the being even more closely now that it was in such nearby proximity, he studied the way it moved, the way it looked, and the scent it exuded. There seemed to be something about the scent that hinted at some kind of deceptive pheromone, but it was one that had no effect on the most rare and unusual species that Eldrak was a member of, one of only two living in all of the Universe.

Estelle Russard
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:52:06 PM
Before Eldrak had moved to invite ReaperFett over, the jedi Master had spoken first.

"Estelle, its been a long time."


The sound of his voice was wonderful after not having heard it in such a long time. A wave of memories and emotions washed over her as they tend to do from being triggered in such a way.

She rose from the table and stepped up to him, embracing him in a tight hug. She had missed Fett so much, and he had been taken so suddenly, she couldnt deny a brief chance to express her joy at seeing him again.

Holding him again at arms length, she looked him over - her face flushed and beaming.

"How....? .... What happened...? ....Where have you been?"

edit: TTT