View Full Version : Preludes to a Black Rose. [Open]

Oct 6th, 2002, 04:57:24 PM
The place was huge, and ungodly elegant. Her soft soled shoes tapped lightly and almost inaudibly against the rough stone and steel of the Palace. Although Murrpau had lost track of the one she met after following Inu-Aku into the first chambers, she had vouched to continue onward.

She stroded with an air of confindence, knowing deep that she would not show anyone else weakness because of fear... or atleast would try not to.

Doors and corridors lined the main walkway which the Wiccan walked, her clothes offering the least bit of protection from the chill in the air, her eyes glinted as her memory stored and caticorised each and every nook and cranny..

What awaited the white rose tainted with red?

Oct 8th, 2002, 08:50:10 PM
Inu was sitting in the shadow a large statue, had not seen her until she passed his location. He had heard her coming, and smelled her as she drew near. He watched her walk by his place on the floor.

"Ho, Murrpau. How did your interview with Sasha go?"