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Makoto Neosis
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:07:55 AM
1600 Hours, May 19th.

On a massive high rise building, within the durasteel jungles of Coruscant, a family sat down at their table to eat the evening meal. A Father, wearing casual white clothes and having a stubble across his chin. A Mother, quite nicely dressed and clean. A Son, a little babe barely into solid food, merrily bouncing in his seat.

Before the trio, a grand display of food loitered apon table, even making the most weathiest groan in desire.

Like they would be able to eat it though.

Within a flash, a heartbeat.. a focus of the eye. Their door exploded inward! Several mobsters flooded into the house and opened fire with blasters. Killing the family is a massive bloodbath..

Or most of them... they thought. The Father lay, still breathing, on his back with a black scar on his left side where his heart should've been....

He Mourned..

May 15, Year After. 0800 hours.

Neosis awoke with a start, throwing a stuffed pillow off the side of the bed while rumping the satin sheets in a frenzy. The Sniper was drenched in sweat, the dream kept reacurring night after blasted night. The Night where his family was slain, Kiznah (his wife) and his little boy Tobias.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and resting his head in open palms, Neosis took a few minutes to calm himself down before standing and taking a quick shower in the refresher. Coming out, he doned a black pair of slacks, white shirt and leather jacket.

On the way out of the simple apartment, Makoto had retreived his boots as well as the caddy for his portible weaponary. The Caddy kept two small pistols tucked neatly under his arms for quick draw or such if the need showed itself.

A dozen or so sets of minutes later, 0934 to be exact, Neosis sat in a diner somewhere away from the pad sipping on a cup of black coffee. The Fateful day kept haunting the Sniper, would they come back to finish the job? If so, Neo was ready to go down blasing...

Shrugging it off, Makoto glanced up at the TV in the corner which continuously brodcasted the GNN. Nothing worth watching anyway... it had been nearly a year ago where his heart was torn apart. Thus begining his career as a freelance Sniper, Neosis used to just take jobs from whoever and signed up with corperations frequently. Now he just took jobs that came with writs. Still... the gangsters which had broken into his house on that fateful day had not turned even one hair up.

"Hey, Neosis, you need a refill on that joe?" The waiter asked politely as possible, giving a small smile.

"Yes, Please," Neosis responded, sliding the cup torwards her casually.

OOC: This, hopefully, will be some major character build of Makoto as well as meeting some new aquaintences. Enjoy his sorrow! :)

Nash Stolar
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:04:17 AM
A tall and well build man walked in through the thick doors at the front of the diner, quietly looking around to get somewhat of an idea of it, as this was his first time here. Mostly because after he had left the Order he never really stayed on one place for very long so he was always in new places. Though too him all the places started to get more and more alike after awhile.

He nodded from under the hood of his heavy black cloak at the few people that turned to look at him. Under his cloak he wore casual black clothes. The armor that was usually over it was left in a apartment room a few blocks away, as he was not going to need it tonight, or so he hoped. But if things did get bad he had a few throwing knifes tucked away.

He took a seat at the counter by another man who seemed to have some things on his mind. He moved his glance to a waiter that asked if he wanted anything. He just asked for a coffee and looked at the TV.

“You think people would get tired of the same thing on that after awhile…”

He said, in a mild tone not really to anyone but just to who was listening.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 8th, 2002, 10:12:04 AM
Mao took a side-glance at the fella who took a seat next to him, smirking slightly at his comment about the TV. "Yeah.. they show the same stuff day after day, nothing new. Shooting here, Force user fight there, senator dead over there... same old.."

Nash Stolar
Oct 8th, 2002, 06:51:44 PM
Nash returned the smirk and nodded hsi head once to the reply he got. he felt somewhat happy that someone was listening to him, but better that thay agreed.

"But then again.. maybe some people like the same thing day after day, nothing to get their simple lives twisted out of the normal routine."

He smirked again and extended his hand in welcome to the man sitting next to him just as a mug was set infront of him and filled with coffee.

"Nash Stolar, Wandering force user.. Though the force has nothing on a good gun fight, In my opinion."

Makoto Neosis
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:13:00 PM
Makoto gave a short chuckle before firmly shaking Nash's hand, "Name's Makoto Neosis, Freelance Target Sniper. The Bigger the gun, the better the chances eh?"

This brought another little laugh, "So, what's your favorite firearm?"

Nash Stolar
Oct 9th, 2002, 07:29:51 PM
A sniper..

Nash thought was he chuckled at the comment about the gun and found himself taking a liking to the man who he just met a few moments ago.

As Nash took a drink of his coffee he was supprised about the question about his favorite firearm, mostly because he was never asked it, but he never thought anyone would ask, but he dident mind though, That should have been a common question among the guns of the universe.

"Ah.." He gave it some thought... "Actualy... I cant really say I have a favorite, I just use what I have and pick up anything that looks good enough to do something..."

He dident think it was much of a answer but it was the truth. "What about you?"

Makoto Neosis
Oct 9th, 2002, 08:07:40 PM
Mako took a moment to sip at his own java, then stared at a ticket on the ordering rack for a moment. "For short range... I'd have to choose a railgun.. any type.. For a Longshot.. Ah.. The old SIG SG 550 Sniper (http://remtek.com/arms/sig/sniper/550snip.htm) , I dont have much care for laser throwers these days.. Slugs seem to get the job done quicker, if not messier."

Here he took a side glance at Nash for a moment, "Wandering force user, eh? Jedi not pay enough for your likings, that is if you dont mind the question?"

Nash Stolar
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:33:33 PM
Nash nodded as Mako spoke about the guns.. He too preferd a good old slug thrower over a laser as well. But if the question was about what his current weapons were it would have been a diffrent story.


Nash was taking another drink of his coffee supprised that he had finished off more then half of it already when Mako asked about him and the Jedi.. He grined over at him not minding the question at all.

"No, not quite.. I had enough money.. It was just after awhile I found it was not my place as one of them... And what about you, any reason for becoming a sniper?"

Makoto Neosis
Oct 10th, 2002, 05:44:12 AM
"I was a cop, matter of fact, a detective. They paid well and had good benefits, but I got tired of the same old thing over and over, research here, drug bust there. Ya know? I just wanted to reach out and touch someone." Mako paused and took another sip of drink, "It's not physical touch, but with a forigne object. A Sniper's Motto, so to speak. My decision was final a year ago when I couldn't protect those dear to me... I am going to reach out and touch murders and cheaters.."

He perked a small smile.

Nash Stolar
Oct 11th, 2002, 05:19:46 PM
Nash nodded in agreement with Makoto. He had people he would like to 'touch' as well but at the moment other things had to be done first..

"So, did you find those who made your decision final?"

Nash took another sip of his coffee getting more intrested as the convo went on.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:41:16 PM
"Nope, no hair has been turned up since," The Sniper replied, toying with his own drink. In the back of his mind, he reflected silently on the fated day, each man's dress, their movements.. and importantly.. their faces.

Outside, Six dozen or so men in black suits and bowl hats strolled from a convoy of black speeder-vans to the diner entrance. The head of the group, one sporting a old style tommy-gun, directed half of the mob to the left and commanded to enter through the back. The rest were to enter from the front.

Mako, sitting oblivious, took a sip from his coffee, "Although, I wouldn't mind meeting the bastards, I would give them a helluva time.."

Nash Stolar
Oct 13th, 2002, 02:09:00 PM
Nash nodded and took a sip of his coffee as he finished it off.. Another man with a vengful soul.. He was just about to raise his hand for a refill when a cold feeling went down his back... The force was telling him that this was going to be a long night afterall.. He sighned looked up and around the diner then back down at the empty cup..

"I dont think you have to wait long..."

Makoto Neosis
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:12:09 PM
Lifting his head, Mako took a questioning glance at Nash, "Huh? What makes you say tha---" His words were cut off as a RPG slammed into the front entrance shattering the duraglass windows and blowing the doors out of their frame as well as blasting both Nash and Makoto over the bartop.

"---Holy Sheet!" Mako finishes, picking himself up from landing upside down and drawing two fire-arms from his jacket. Outside, the front assault group storms in with their weapons trained on those who had survived. The Waiter was mowed down by a bullet to her forehead and fell to a slump over shattered debris.


Nash Stolar
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:45:20 PM

Nash sat up and brushed broken pieces of stuff off of him, He was long used to getting blowen up but it still hurt. He looked over the bar top slighty luckly no one saw him yet, but with the amount of men pouring in it wouldent be long, but as he looked over he saw the woman waiter get shot.. he sighed and suck back down..

"I take it they are friends of yours?"

Makoto Neosis
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:52:11 PM
Makoto let a grin onto his face for a minute, "Old fella's, One of em should be carrying a railgun, try to keep that particular one alive. I need to ask him a few questions," Here he unloaded both clips onto the floor and replaced them with fresh 20 shots.

"You got yourself a gun, or do you need one?" Mak asked, offering a 5-7 with a raised brow.

Nash Stolar
Oct 14th, 2002, 07:00:22 PM
Nash sat rather calm when the bar counter was light up with gun fire after they were noticed, He looked down at the 5 knifes he had taken out then at Makoto..

"Eh... I'll take it."

He took the 5-7 and looked it over this was indeed going to be a long night..

"And this railgun person... does he look diffrent from the rest?"

Makoto Neosis
Oct 14th, 2002, 07:08:56 PM
"Pitch black coat rather than the striped ones, He's muscular as well as packing a equally large Arachnia EMRG-50 Rail Gun. I'm betting he's trying to long range snipe, rather than get into the mess of things," Mako shouted over the roar of gunfire, pulling back the chamber of the 5-7, "Ya know, If I was expecting this, I'd brought more weps.."

Nash Stolar
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:27:19 PM
Nash took out the clip for the gun and counted to make sure all the bullets were loaded then slapped the mag back in the gun and quietly counted to himself.


"If I knew about this I would have dressed up."


Nash stood up and started to straff right shooting at strategic targets to keep himself from being shoot. He was going ot have to pick up a diffrent weapon soon if he was going to keep this up.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 17th, 2002, 06:57:55 PM
Makoto, at the same uncanny time, strafed in the opposite direction which Nash ran, bursting out rounds with a expert hand. Two mobsters fell under before the rest turned and began firing on the bar.

Ducking under the counter, Mako ran in a stiff crouch and slid under the door at the end for waitresses. Turning on his back as he cleared the panel, Mako let loose another volley before picking up one of the mobster's mac10.

Sprinting to cover, Mako reloaded the 5-7 as a rail bolt slashed through the outer windows and struck the area he had been in a split second ago.

"Nash! We got a Counter-sniper!" He roared over the gunfire and pauses before sticking the mac10 over the booth seat to let loose hot death on the attackers...

Nash Stolar
Oct 17th, 2002, 07:10:36 PM
The moment Nash had ducked to avoid some gun fire a rail bolt sailed over his head.. Nash said something under his breath and got ready for another attack...

"I've noticed.."

He yelled back as he put the 5-7 away he was going to keep its few bullets untill he needed them as the enemys had more then enough guns to use.. picking up a stray M9 pistol Nash took a running slide into a group of around four guys trying to get around the counter, Being supprised the mob members were able to level there guns but Nash finished them off with a quick hand before any shots were fired.. He cussed for the moments hesitation and moved back to the cover of the bar as more bolts sailed over him.

"There has to be a quicker way to do this!"

He yelled.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:56:21 PM
"Yeah! It's called throwing a termal Grenade!" Makoto yelled back, letting loose another volley of fire before discarding the spend Mac-10. Yet another rail bolt shattered through the glass, taking out some of their own men as well has half the counter-top.

Cursing, Mako rolled out of the booth and speared one mobster while plugging another in the temple. Carrying the speared fellow, Makoto jumped over a table and dived through one of the busted windows. Using the mobster as a sort of cushion, Mako rolled off the unfortunate fellow and immeadately dashed in a flat out sprint torward a hot rod speeder, his speeder...

Nash Stolar
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:17:15 PM
Nash watched Makoto run out of the diner, slighty supprised at what he was doing, though only one explanation went through his head that he was being left to fight the mounds of people, even if they wernt after him in the first place.

"Ugh.. Damn you.."

Nash stood up just enough to shoot the M9 pistol at more stragetic targets, with the limited ammo he had he couldent afford to blind shots... He cussed when he checked the remaining about of bullets and counter space he had left ti hide behind.. that bolt sniper dident seen to care where he fired.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:27:35 PM
Within a few heartbeats, the sniper reached the crimson hot rod which he could call his own. Popping out his keys, Mako quickly imputted the code to unlock the secret storage area under the back seats.

The seat lifted up and folded backwards, exposing a glass case with a temperature activated keypad on the lid. Tapping in a six digit code, and ducking as a rail bolt slammed into the diner once more, Mako removed A Sig SG 550 from the container as well as PSG-1 equipped with laser sights.

Slinging both around his shoulders, Mako circled the back panel and opened the trunk. Again, he imputted a six digit code and removed several other slug throwing firearms. These were promtly tucked into any spot which they could before Mako slammed both containers shut and scanned the area for a worthy sniping position on the diner.

Their van would work perfectly. Running with the load, Mako crouched down on the blind side of the counter-sniper's vision and unslung the weapons.
Inside, the kitchen door slammed open as the rear entrance gunners entered with fury.

Flipping the safety off the Sig, Mako propped the butt end up to his shoulder and peered through the scope at the diner's entrance. Let's play, he thought, pulling the trigger to release instant death to one mobster coming up from behind Nash...

Nash Stolar
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:37:53 PM
Nash quickly moved to look behind him as he felt a warm liquid splash on the back of his neck.. When he say the dead man he realised it was his blood.. Nash made a quick note to thank Makoto later, but first he had to get out of the bar. The dead bodys were starting to pile up and the safe zones were getting smaller..

Nash fired off the rest of the M9's bullets and picked up two new pistols off the man that was kille dnext to him.. Another bolt crashed above him, he had to work fast to get out before he was cornerd.. He sent a message to Makoto through the force. Hey, buddy, I'm going to need cover fire to get out, this place is getting way to small..

Makoto Neosis
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:33:09 PM
Mako gave a nod, even though Nash could not see it from the firefight within the diner. Pressing the butt of the weapon tighter against his collarbone, Mako flipped the zoom out somewhat (giving him a wider veiwport) and then switched the weapon to Automatic.

Pulling down the trigger, Mako sent slug after slug into the plexiglass windows of the diner with uncanny accuratcy. Mobster after mobster fell as the rest ducked for cover and the Counter-Sniper scanned teh streets outside the building for Mako.

Laughing silently, Mako popped another mob in the base of the neck before moving over to the door with the scope. Four of them sat huddled against the two blockades there. Easy prey.

With Five shots, Mako took all four of them down with ease, and busted the opening mechanism on the front door so that it swung open freely if pushed apon. Move it, Nash... move.... NOW! He thought silently, shooting another round.

Above, two more vans sped to land hundreds of metres away from the diner and disperse their cargo. Two dozen or more mobsters flooded out of the black speeders and began to fire on the diner.

"Unlucky saps.." Mako whispered to himself, scoping out another victim....

Nash Stolar
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:08:54 PM
Nash looked up to see the diner door fling open, it was easy to tell that it was his change and signal to get the hell out, Nash stood up then lowed his head and bloded for the door, two men moved to stand in the way, Nash used the two handguns and quickly cleared the path again. His cape that flew freely behind his was getting filled with bullet holes as he ran. As he crouched and ran Nash poked at his left arm with his right untill a thick cord fell and hung from the arm, Nash held it gently with his right hand..

"Here goes nothing.."

When close enough he tucked and rolled out the door of the diner, when he was out he stopped rolling and faced the way he had left from.. He straighted his left arm to full length and pointed it at the diner, despite the bullets comming within meters of his face and body Nash keeped a straight un-flinching aim.. Then with a dark smiled he pulled the cord with his right hand, within seconds of the cord being pulled the hand on the left arm dropped showing the long tube behind it.. Then with a loud explosion a white hot shell crashed into the diner ripping through the bodys infront of it then exploded when it hit something more solid in thr bar., leaving the diner almost compleatly destroyed. Snapping the hand back into place Nash ran for Mako.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 26th, 2002, 07:27:56 PM
Looking up as Nash unleashed the ballistic from his arm onto the diner, Mako paused in surprise until a rouge bullet reminded him of the task at hand.

The forementioned bullet struck the van over Mako's head and he ducked down instictively, looking through the sight and aiming again.


Four shells whissed by Nash as he made his way torward Mako, each coming within enough distance to let the Wanderer hear the hiss from the trailing wind.

"Let's GO!"

Nash Stolar
Oct 27th, 2002, 10:19:15 PM
Nash ignored the bullets flying past him from both direction, when he was within reach of the van, he droped and slid stopping right next to Makoto, he breathed hard, for a little bit before his breath returned..

"What do we do now, sniper?"

He asked as he sat up taking out the dual pistols again.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 29th, 2002, 10:01:19 AM
"We try not to die," Mako replied, whipping the SIG around his shoulder on it's strap. He retrieved the PSG1 and shot the handle of the Van to knock the latch off the lock.

Dropping the PSG for Nash, Mako grabbed onto the door's latch and tore it open. The keys where still in the ingition!

"Nash! Get around to the other side an' get in!" Mako shouted, ducking down as bolts struck the ferrofiberous frame. Removing a SOCOM from his belt, the Sniper took a few quick shots for cover...

Nash Stolar
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:21:07 PM
Nash nodded as he picked up the PSG-1 rifle and ran around the van, ducking and cursing under his breath as now and again when a bolt or slug came to close for comfort. Before he enterd the van from the other side Nash stoped aimed and showed off his own personal sniper skills firing at a few men as if bragging to makoto for a moment then got into the van.


Makoto Neosis
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:33:25 PM
As soon as Nash put a foot in the van, Mako slammed on the accelerator and sunk back into the seat as the speeder jumped from 0 to 100 kilo's within a heartbeat.

"WOA! SHYT!" Mako roared in exhileration, the one's from behind also lifted into the air and darted after the retreating speeder van.

Bolts struck the back end with a relentless barrage, throwing the SOCOM to Nash, Mako rolled down the window down with the press of a button. "Cover us!"

Nash Stolar
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:50:47 PM
Thunk thack thunk The bolts were hitting the back of the wan with more force then with awhile ago, Nash took the Socom and looked out the open window for a moment..

"Just what did you get into?"

Not waiting for a reply Nash leaved his upper body out the window, They did not seem to notice him yet so he could get a few good shots off before having to duck back into the van, using the chance Nash took the PSG and leveld his aim and fired a few shots into the drives seat of one of the vans, It swirved then crashed going up in a ball of flames, Ducking into the van Nash took the socom seeing how he would not be able to make any good shots with the PSG at the moment.

"So, where are we going?"

This time he waited for a reply.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:57:51 PM
"I've got a warehouse on the east side of sector 32, about five minutes from here. Perfectly set up for this kinda situation," Mako replied, sending the speeder into a tight downward spiral.

"And what kind of crap this is, I stole from them alot of weaponary... alot.. and screwed the boss's sister," A coy smile cross his face here, seeing a look Nash gave him, "Hey, I was drunk and she took advantage of me... not that I mind but hell!"

Leveling out, Mako twisted the wheel to scoot past a stablising beam he continued, "When I pull into a building with a big 65 on the top, jump out and run for the closest stack of seven crates----" His words were cut off as a rail bolt sliced into the rear of the van, blowing half the upper part away..

Nash Stolar
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:26:13 PM
Nash looked at Makoto for a bit then started to laugh out loud. Though it was stopped as the part of the van was blown away. Nash thanked lady luck for the shot not being to bad but wondered how long she was going to stay by there side in this, they had already taken alot of close calls.

"Hurry up!"

Nash yelled as he grabbed the socom and leaned out the window again and started to pop off shots at the couple of fans that were able to follow them.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 6th, 2002, 08:48:34 PM
Mako lurched as the van took a sudden leap forward from the aftershock of the bolt before sending the speeder into a deep dive. Ahead, Hangar 65 stood darkened. But the warehouse door began to slide open.

"Nash, Get your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> in here and duck down!!!" Mako shouted, the speeder slamming it's top half into the door. The metal ripped and screamed under the stress and the van bounced to a stop in the middle of the large warehouse.

Kicking the door open, Mako lept out and dashed straight to the first stack of 7 crates. Busting open the lowest, Mako pulled out a large PARA machine gun and began to feed three inch long shells into the holding box attached to the belly...

Nash Stolar
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:05:28 PM
Nash stopped firing when he heard Mako say something to him, it was hard to hear much when he was leaning out the window so he pulled himself in. "What-" His question was cut off before it even started as the van started to urch in all directions as it crashed into the hanger, Nash breifly looked at the door on his side to see it was pretty much ripped clean off.

"Lady Luck has a crush on us."

He said dryly he he followed Mako out of the van and hid behind a stack of 6 crates, it would not be long before the other vans would catch up, he figured only one thing could be in the boxes.. So he pryed one open, then closed it.. It was a box of C-4. Quickly Nash moved to another stack with around 7 boxes, opend one of them and found ammo and weapons. Pulling out an automatic shotgun Nash knelt down and leaned on the boxes, taking his time to load the shotgun and catch his breath from before, this night was far from over.

"Hey, Mako!"

Nash managed to yell, still catching his breath.

"Whats with the C-4?"

Makoto Neosis
Nov 7th, 2002, 07:59:08 PM
"Insurance policy, if you must," Mako replied, pulling back the bolt on the PARA before ripping out a M4A1 assault rifle with clips. Taking a roll of tape also stored in the boxes, Mako taped two clips together unflushed and slammed one end into the rifle's feed.

Hearing vans in the distance, and coming in fast Mako quickly slung the M4 over his shoulder on it's bandolier and prepared the PARA.

"Let's show them a two man army!" The Sniper shouted, rechecking the bolt for good measure before readying himself..

Nash Stolar
Nov 7th, 2002, 08:15:01 PM
Nash leved the shotgun and waited as the sound of the vans grew louder and louder then suddenly stop when it sounded like they were about to come into view.It wont be long now.


Suddenly a van that looked heavly armored dropped infrot of the hanger, Its rear doors blasted open as it swung around to face them, when it did nash and Makoto were able to see the heavy anti-personal guns in the back as they started to fire apon them as more vans practaly crashed in dumping out large groups of people, Nash wasn't going to take the time to count, he just started to fire at the advancing groups of people and vans.

"Mako!" He yelled over more gunfire, They seemd to be doing it alot today, Nash had gotten used to it. "We need to take out that van covering them if we want to get any closer!"

Makoto Neosis
Nov 7th, 2002, 08:25:54 PM
Leveling up the PARA, Mako shot down the sight with his eyes before popping off a few rounds. Swinging the gun around, he popped another coming out of one of the unarmored vans.

"Yeah, On it!!" Mako responded over the fire, dropping down and crouch running to the closest set of 6 crates. Busting the box open with the barrel of the para, Mako tossed the weapon away and grabbed a plastic wrapped bundle of C4 and detionators.

Unslinging the M4, Mako held it in one hand and the c4 in the other as he crouched ran back to the previous spot.

"Gimme' some Cover, Nash!" Mako shouted, popping a mobster as he came around the corner. Quickly he unwrapped the C4 and molded the cold clay into a ball before attaching a electric charge detionator and setting it for four seconds.

Pressing the activator, Mako gave a count of one before throwing it at the armored van as well as yelling "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" at the top of his lungs.



The armored truck rocked once before the anti-personell guns reactivated. Already Mako was quick at work with another charge...

Nash Stolar
Nov 9th, 2002, 09:22:54 PM
"You get it?"

Nash peeked around just as the van's weapons started up again and the ground under him seemed to rise up as the bullets tore through it, quickly firing a few shots Nash ducked bach behind the crates.

"Good job, now try to aim a little higher!"

Waiting Nash fired at the few mobsters that had the gulls to come around the corners to where they were.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:16:09 PM
Mako took the chance, as the attackers reloaded one of the weapons, to dart out and chunk the activated blob of explosives at the rear end of the vehicle.

The charge stuck true on the barrel of the deactivated weapon and exploded taking both weapons with it. Outside, the drone of another van filled the air...

Nash Stolar
Nov 10th, 2002, 11:50:48 PM
Nash looked around the corner to see the van go up in flames, now was there chance. He finished reloading the shotgun and ran closer to the hanger entrance, Shooting out any modsters he ran across then ducking behind another set of crates. He looked around the boxes with his shotgun, picked off a few more mobsters then ducked back again to reload.

As he quickly reloaded the sound of another van grew louder. Nash, expecting this took out a few large chunks of C-4 that he had pocketed and started to put the charges in the cold lumps. He smiled as he used the force and lifted the chunks and placed them on the roof of the hanger right above the entrance, now all he had to do was wait for the van to come by.

"Mako, You still alive?"

Makoto Neosis
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:09:12 AM
"N/... I'm -live." A speaker annouced in one of the boxes, "You.. re..d me?"

Mako had aquired a short range headphones which connected to the main systems located in the upper teir of the warehouse, he slipped the behind the neck headphones over his ears and adjusted the mic. at the same time firing upon a mobster.

(Will add more, bell rang)

Nash Stolar
Nov 14th, 2002, 10:05:39 PM
Nash dug through the box he found the speaker and held it to his ear, But as a few bullets sailed over him he ducked back and watched the entrance of the hanger, then spoke into the set he got.

"Mako, These guys are coming in to fast, we wont be able to hold them with just our firepower alone, you have anything else intresting in this place?"

He leveld his shotgun and fired apon a new group of mobsters entering the hanger, cussing under his breath.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 17th, 2002, 08:58:21 PM
"Yeah, one second.." He responded, adding a I think... silently. Emptying the clip of the M4 into another mob, Mako jumped to his feet and strafe ran to a extremely large crate. On the backside, a doorlike entrance could be distinquished.

Entering the crate, Mako shut and locked the door behind him and flipped on the lights which ran through the hidden hangar. "Nash, I need about Five minutes... can you handle it?"

Nash Stolar
Nov 19th, 2002, 06:19:20 PM
Something exploded over Nash forcing him to move to avoid falling debree, When he looked at what happend the box above him had a huge hole that looked back at him. Nash pressed his hand to the com. set.

"Oh yeah, Don't worry about it. No rush. Take your time if you have to."

The box collapsed on itself scattering the contents inside it around, most of those weapons though were destroyed. Nash salvaged what he could and came up with some ammo for guns he did not have and a 93R pistol. Grunting he started to give cover as best as he could, They were moving in quick.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 21st, 2002, 06:17:17 AM
Inside the crate, Mako had begun climbing up a rather large bipedal object. The alloy which made it's armor glimmered in the low lights. Soon the sniper reached the 'head' of the suit, punching in a seven digit combination which let the opaque headpeice slide open to reveal a cockpit.

Outside, the shouts and gunfire were constantly becoming louder. Cursing, Mako jumped into the leather seat and began to punch buttons to activate the combat suit. The LED lit up and the automated AI sparked to life.

//Arsenal Gear activated
-Enter PIN.
PIN Confirmed
Manual controls activated
Weapon systems functioning
----- 2x 50 Caliber gun activated

Mako grinned as a sly thought raced through his mind, the mech shuddered once as the movement locks disengaged and the arms rose forward. The crate allowed enough room for the arms to barely rise to shoulder height before the front side cracked and fell apart. Mako swung the left joystick around and smashed part of the upper half away and began to press on the petals to move the mech forward.

Crashing through the rest of the storage container, Mako pivoted the torso left and then right. The AI scanned all the heat emmitting forms in the room before locking onto Nash. Pressing the one way switch for the com, Mako laughed as most of the gangsters began to scutter away as fast as they could.

Abnormally, a jukebox within the mech activated and spilled out the 'Bad to the Bone' tune which gave the whole scene a comically halarious veiw. Gangsters here and there staring up at the mech as the rock poured out, Mako inside the pilot's seat giving a slight WTF look.

"Ok-ay..." He mummbled, looking down at the console as the music program ran. It was then the second heavy artillery van took a pot-shot at the mech and scored one on the left shoulder. The armor there dented slightly and had burn marks from the impact.

"Oh... you jes' fked up!!!"

Nash Stolar
Nov 21st, 2002, 09:34:44 PM
Things started to look pretty bad as the boxes above Nash started to be blown away, and to top it off he ran out of ammo for his shotgun and 93R..

Nash reached behind has back and felt around for the Five-Seven he had put away.. No luck.. He figured it fell out back when they were in the van. And it was to risky to get up and take some weapons from the boxes at the moment. He reached and pulled a throwing knife he had from before the night even started. Moving it to a reverse position he started to count before he was gonna charge into the gun fire..

The moment he was going to turn and run the large crate mako was in broke open and a 'mech' walked out... Along with the mobsters he watched it with an arched eyebrow. Then when the music started to play he started to wonder what mako was doing.. But the brief moment of peace was quickly broken as the armored van took a shot. The wearhouse erupted in gun fire again.

Makoto Neo
Nov 23rd, 2002, 09:30:23 PM
With the enemy firing anything they could at the mech, only the heavy artillery actually fased it enough for Mako to worry. Flipping the plastic guard away from the triggers, the sniper twisted the torso torwards a group of fleeing attackers and held down the red triggers.

With a silent whine of oiled metal on metal, the gatling guns affixed to the arm apparatis's rotated and shot out dozens of slugs. The casings fell to the ground with pings while the men were ripped to shreads under the liquid fire.

More artillery shot from the newest van, scoring hits on the headpeice which shook the cockpit like a tornado. "Shyt, I cant stay up under this..."

Nash Stolar
Nov 24th, 2002, 10:05:51 PM

Nash's reply was static, but it was a reply.

"Do you need any cover? I got some left over C-4 in my back pocket and the guys are pushing back, I can most likely move up with not much effort."

Makoto Neo
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:49:20 AM
"Do it, Nash, I can cover ya. Much more of that Artil and I'm fried turkey!"

Again, alnother bolt struck the mechanized suit and forced Mako to overrun an automatic shutdown sequence. Gripping the sticks again, he roated the mech slightly and locked the legs in place. The gatling guns warmed up again with their methotical wir before rittling the area with lead but leaving enough freedom for the Force User to get close enough to the van..

Nash Stolar
Nov 26th, 2002, 08:57:55 PM
Nash noded and looked around the boxes, Nothing was left to stand in his way for awhile, so he did a full out run to another set of boxes that were closer to the van. Using the force he shot the slab of C-4 at the van and peeked out to make sure it was stuck to it. He then pulled out the detonator and pressed it hard, his body got stiff waiting for the explosion. Nothing happend... He pressed again.. then again. Still nothing.

"Son of a bitch..."

Makoto Neo
Nov 26th, 2002, 09:19:27 PM
The Neon green targeting system homed in as the mech began to stalk forward again on the bipedal legs. The damage to the head of the machine messed with the petals slightly, giving the suit a jerky walking movement.

The van had activated both of the stationary guns, barraging the mech with round after round of fire. Most of the fire struck the chestplate, the most heaviest armored part of the whole mech, and shook it around like a rag doll.

"Shi--- F--ckin' screw--alls!"

Nash Stolar
Nov 28th, 2002, 08:20:31 PM

Nash called over the headphones.

"If you can give me a little more cover so I can reach a box with a new set of weapons, I got an idea, how does it sound?"

Makoto Neo
Nov 30th, 2002, 07:51:44 PM
"D-o it Na-sh!"

The Mech began to step forward once more, it's motor functions hindered by a short caused by the massive barrage. Already the insides of the mech had began to spark..

Nash Stolar
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:14:54 PM
Nash waited for the ground to be turned over again with cover fire again before be bolted to another set of boxes, It was a little close to the entrance of the wearhouse but he was in no position to complain. Breaking open the top to one of the boxes Nash pulled out a .45 handgun.. After making sure it was loaded he pushed off the boxes and around to face the van.. The ground around him upheaved was a barrage of bullets tore through it. Time seemed to slow as he leveld the gun and fired off one shot.. The bullet sank into the c-4 charge he had set. a second passed before the wearhouse shoot from the shockwave of the explosion that send the van to the ground in a burning wreck.


Nash said over the comm.

Makoto Neo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:13:11 PM
Finally the artillery had stopped, running a basic system check quickly, Neosis sent the mech walking forward once more on the last group of mobsters.

Unfortunately, both had failed to see one brown headed mobster rigging a set of C4 to blow...

Nash Stolar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:02:49 PM
Nash laughed as the van went down.. the mobs were all but dead now, but a few well placed shots and bullet dodging would change this. Peering around the corner Nash started to take pop shots, but he couldent get over the cold chill that keeped going down his spine.

"I think this is about it, mako, just these last guys and we are home free!"

Makoto Neo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:11:04 PM
"Heh, Yeah. Too bad for them, eh?" Mako responed, with a chuckle for pointilism. Rotating the torso around, he demolished a weapons crate and opened up on a hiding mobster. It was all too easy... too easy...

The Rigger had finished with the C4 crate, assured the explosives would be enough to bring the place down on the target and his friend. Standing with his weapon in hand, the male took a few breaths before swinging around the corner of the box and letting the blaster run full auto....

Nash Stolar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:18:05 PM
A few blaster bolts sailed over Nash's head as he quickly brought the pistol around, fired off three very quick shots and brought down the mobster.. But now the chill was like an ice cube slowly moving down his back, warning him of something.. but what.. Nash figured all the mobsters were no longer a threat.. then what the hell was this all about.. But the force had never once lety him down..

"Mako, I think its time we move out...."

Makoto Neo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:24:28 PM
Was that nervousness that Mako senced in Nash's voice? Nah, must've been static over the comm.

Swinging the mech around, Mako let the 'head' look down upon Nash before responding. "Mmm.. Alright. Lemme box and park this mech and we'll go, that cool?"

For what Mako did not know, the timer on the explosive clicked 30 seconds...

Nash Stolar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:34:13 PM
The feeling keeped going then stopped as if it had given up.. Nash shrugged it off and crossed his arms looking at the mech, wondering how much free time it would take to make something like that.. Turning he started to walk out of the wear house.

"Hey mako, I'll meet you out side, when you come out I will buy us a round of drinks then we can pick up the bodys.."

But before Nash was even a few feet from the entrance of the wear house time seemed to freeze as the C-4 sucked in the air around it as the timer hit 0.

Makoto Neo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:43:12 PM
"Alright Nash, be there in a minute.." Mako responded, pressing and depressing the petals to propell the mech forward. 20..

The adrininaline had died down somewhat, leaving the sniper in a low energy slump, not wide awake enough to see the flashing idicator next to his left hand. The mech turned slightly, heading to the darkest corner...


A flash of light engulfed the whole warehouse, ejecting Nash out through the folding door entrance as the weapon crates began to explode themselves from the heat. The roof caved in on it'self, buring the contents in a tangled mass of twisted beams and rods. Body parts lay strewn all over the mess, ejected as well.

No sign of Makoto Neosis nor the Mech remained...