View Full Version : The Mirror Image: Stolen!
Eluna Thals
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:06:13 AM
Sanja Orfax waited in her office, surrounded by a small entourage of temp agency clerical lackeys. All business appointments had been cancelled indefinitely today, save for one very ad-hoc liason. She'd sent for a man of debatable repute, because she had some pressing matters to attend to. She stifled a yawn, reclining in her office seat. Suddenly the comm beeped.
A young female voice replied on the other end.
"Mrs. Orfax, your 3:00 appointment has arrived. Shall I send him in?"
Sanja paused, glancing under the the late Sanja Orfax, who could not be attending this meeting, due to an inconvenient vertebrae fracture. She leaned down, sliding her eyelids closed.
"Yes, please show him in."
Sanja's dark brown eyes phased into an emerald green momentarily, then returned to her assumed shade.
Sanis Prent
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:24:26 AM
(I walked into the office, turning up the collar of my shirt a bit as I entered, and breathing nonchalantly into a cupped hand. Fresh breath had its advantages. Orfax's office was bland, in that utilitarian business operation way. There were paintings, but they were less art than soulless reproductions of some geometric farce, created by an artistic dropout. The kind of art expected in an office. In the corner, there was a plant. Probably of the rare vinyl kind. The sense of faux comfort and conformity mingled with the touch of cold durasteel and synthetic fiber, as I sank into an ergonomic chair, strategically lower than the one across from me. Little psychological edges. Mrs. Orfax obviously believed in the power of perception. I didn't mind the attempt. Nobody ever lost money over what poker face the other man wore. The cards are the important part. I reached unconciously for a stim, and paused, laughing nervously. Another downside to corporate conformity. It struck me as odd that Mrs Orfax sat slightly away from her desk...but not odd enough to pay attention to.)
Sanja Orfax? I got your call this morning. You said something about a problem you were having?
Eluna Thals
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:59:33 AM
She canted her head sideways a bit, eyeing him up. He looked better than the dossier. No wonder he was plagued by constant "women problems". She pursed her lips a bit.
"Well, Mr. Prent...I don't know how to say this...its not exactly proper business procedure, but...there is a problem I am having, and I need it fixed."
She smirked.
"A human resources kind of thing..."
She was sure such code-speak was the norm for his profession.
Sanis Prent
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:37:45 PM
(Which meant that Mrs. Orfax had money. Human Resources usually involved creating "unexplained disappearances", or at least tidying them up. Sanis arched an eyebrow. Didn't exactly seem like that kind of business.)
I've got H.R. experience, if that's what you're asking.
(I crossed my arms, glancing at the contents of the desk)
Employment termination, or is this more of a post-op?
Eluna Thals
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:08:08 AM
From a hideaway pocket in her sleeve, Sanja let a small dropper bottle slip into the palm of her hand, unseen by Prent. With the other, she pulled at her handkerchief unconciously from her breast pocket.
"Post-op. We've had an incident here, and honestly don't know how to fix it."
She rose from her seat, body language bidding Sanis to come around to her side of the desk, as if there was something to be seen there.
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