View Full Version : Reporting

Oct 6th, 2002, 08:14:05 AM
All was quiet and nothing had happened in a long time in the sector of space surrounding the Alpha 6 sensor station. Lieutenant Harris was monitoring fleet traffic and planetary traffic listening to whatever interesting conversation he could find. he shoot up when the alarm sounded which indicated unscheduled
incoming traffic. He close all the Com channels he had opened and hailed the incoming vessel.

" Unidentified vessel please identify yourself. "

He look at the transponder signature and it read as a Mon Cal transport vessel. He was opening a channel to planetary traffic control to see if perhaps this was a late addition to the traffic list when the voice came over the Com channel.

" I am Reshmar I wish to speak to Admiral Ackbar."

" Admiral Ackbar is unavailable at this time. But I can forward a message to him if you would like. "

" That would be acceptable. Please forward this message as follows. "

Lieutenant Harris closed the channel to traffic control and began recording the message to forward to Admiral Ackbar.

" You may start your message ."

" Thank you. "

" Admiral Ackbar I am Reshmar. I would like to offer my assistance with the New Republic Fleet. I am a masterful tactician and a diligent officer. I hope you have use for me .Please contact me at your convenience. "

Admiral Ackbar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 12:00:32 PM
** Incomming encrypted message **

"Welcome to the New Republic Navy, Captain Reshmar.. our data records are rich with entries of your name and career. Proceed to Mon Calamari system. A brand new Mon Calamari Cruiser model MC-90 is docked at the shipyards awaiting your command (specs here (http://www.thegjo.com/NR/heavyships.htm#MC90)). Its fighter escort consists of 3 squadrons of X-Wing and 2 squads of B-Wing. Ship is to be named (at your choice of preference) and sent for patrol, scanning for hostile or illegal activity, including, but not limited to; Imperial interventions, pirates, slave trading, bounty hunting, spice smuggling or other kinds of criminal activity. You have authority to inspect and survey for such activity, and if necessary enforce NR legal charters with peaceful means (and when such is not possible, with military might). May the Force be with you, and long live the Republic!"

** End of transmission **

Oct 23rd, 2002, 09:38:14 PM
Reshmar read over the message sent to him by Admiral Ackbar.As he concluded it he, began makeing the changes in the crafts nav computer. he had set up the quardanates for Calimari. He Opened a channel and returned a message to Ackbar.

" Thank you for the interest of my past career, but I am far from the hero you are Admiral. I will depart for Calimari Imediately . May the force be with you ."

Oct 23rd, 2002, 09:38:43 PM
OOC: That is 5 squadrons and the crusier holds 6. may I add an A-wing squadron to fill the empty slot or was it for a reason?