View Full Version : Kitten Herding

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:43:01 AM
"Meow? Meow! MEOW!!"

He got up off his seat on the thrid floor of Dexter's Diner, the secret base the Lost had, walked across to where the large black cat was whingeing by the food bowl.

"Listen mate, didn't I feed you a few hours ago?"

"Meow! Meow!!!"

"Greedy little bugger. Ahh, you dont change do ya?"


The cat began to brush up agains the Jedi's legs as he gave in and reached for the food bin. A few biscuits and water this time, for there would be a much better meal later tonight, after MArcus got back. He hadn't told Xazor or Dexter where he was going, for right now it didnt concern them.


There's something I need to know Stig.... I feel the Cizerack are up to more than they let on.

Big cats dont like little cats asking questions

I know. Little cats aren't criminals.


Marcus seemed to purr, reaching out and patting the cat, who was now switching it's attention from the Numeniorian to food. No, thought Marcus, cats dont normally understand what criminal was. But some bigger felines did.

He had his suspicions. But nothing he could ever take to the rest of the Jedi.

Bad cats, Stig. Food stealers.

But there were other ways to find out for sure.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:35:46 AM
Sasseeri walked barefoot on the carpet in her office, cursing loudly enough to make her secretary outside the room blush and duck her head. In her hand she clutched a holo printed on a flimsy of Sanis...and that woman.

Whatever she had suspected that he had with her own niece was obviously only a smokescreen. Prent had used Saarreeaa to throw her off the scent. But Sasseeri wasn't stupid, no, no, far from it. She yowled, and crumpled the flimsy in her hand and tossed it in the air, only to catch it again, and carefully unfold it.

Herrr. She had died, though, at the hands of one of the Force users. Force users made Sasseeri nervous, but they had their place in the universe, she supposed. In fact, she had a few of the lesser Force beings in the employ of the Sector Rangers. They were especially useful when one wanted to get rid of someone.

She stalked to her desk and sat down firmly, smoothing the flimsy out on the table, staring vibroblades into it. Sanis was still with her. That...chjild! "Frrrell jit! jIf you want somethjing done rrrjight, do jit yourrrself!"

Sasseeri pushed herself to her feet, and left her office. She was starving for some lunch, and the cafeteria wasn't too far. Just a few floors below her office. When she came back, she would be able to deal with the surveilance picture and its connotations more directly, and deliberately.

<img src=http://lilaena.clanpages.com/sanis6.jpg>

Just ljike Sanjis...to betrrray me, afterrr all jI've done forrr hjim. Sasseeri slammed the door to her office shut.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 11:30:56 PM
Coruscant was a place where being a pedestrian was taking your own life into you hands. Not just speeders, but thugs, pick pockets and scum cirulating in the crowds. For a Jedi Master, that wasn't really a problem.

Even if this particular Jedi Master was not dress as normal. For starters, he had washed his hair. And had a shave. And he had a clean set of casual clothes on. Even he was startled by what he saw in the mirror - the clean and presentible 40 odd year old human.... more than presentible. Rather handsome in his own way, with he deep and powerful eyes now properly visible, icy blue. Blonde hair as well, for he had decided to dye the usual dark hair. So different from the brooding and hodded monster that was Marcus Q'Dunn, Jedi Warlord. Now, he was Marcus Telcontar, Smashball player. Famed back from the Kuat Dragons, one of the best near humans ever. That might have been twenty years ago since he had last truly played professionall,y but still.... Dexter's bar was like some sort of Telcontar memorial.

Heh, no longer. telcontar was back. And his beloved Dragons needed sponsorship. Maybe the traders of the Cizerack could help? Good tax writeoff in some sectors. As he neared the building he was walking to, he dropped a can, littering. The can rolled away and went into a guttter, to clank and roll into darkness.

Now, he thought coming up to the front doors, where was reception in this place....?

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 23rd, 2002, 12:33:49 AM
The receptionist was young, blonde, and human. She was not the typical fluff usually seen in huge office buildings such as this, however. The Sector Rangers owned sixty stories of the skyscraper, culminating in a huge penthouse at the top. In the sixty stories there were three day care centers, four restaurants and two delis, three StarCups caf carts, and rows upon rows of offices.

The girl looked up, and unhooked the comm headset from her ear as the blonde man walked inside. "Can I assist you, gentle being?" She smiled sweetly, already recognizing him from the holonetworks, but not letting on. Calm, cool, and collected. All three were attributes her boss did not have at the moment. The comm pinged, and she quietly and efficiently answered and directed the call to one of the higher offices.

Her nameplate read "Tessa Narin" and she looked expectantly at the visitor, security only a button away should something unexpected happen. And, at the Sector Rangers, she had learned to expect the unexpected.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:56:59 PM
"Yeah, hi there. My name's Marcus Telcontar - I play for the Kaut Dragons, Intergalatic Smashball Confernce, I'm looking for compaines who may want to sponsor us or maybe become one of our corporate box holders?"

Lacing his voice with relaxing tones, he used the Force to ally any suspicion, making himself sound and look like a Smashball mug - half brain dead, simple, but honest. After all, having your brains rattled in your head was liable to do reduce you mental capacity, right?

"Is there someone I can speak to? If you wanna give me the blow by, that's okay I understand... " He prattled for a few more lines, ending his speil with a shy smile. Q'Dunn was a grim, angry, deadly person. Telcontar was charming to the nth degree. None too bright, that them were the breaks.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:18:06 PM
Tessa smiled and nodded as Telcontar gave his little speech, and said, "Well, there are some forms to fill out, and then upper management will review your request and get in touch with you. It usually takes a few weeks." She smiled apologetically, and pulled open a drawer full of files, fingers searching for the appropriate paperwork.

"Here you are, Mr. Telcontar." She handed over a sheet of paper, with a simple form on the front. "I can make sure it gets where it's supposed to go. I'll do it personally." Tessa smiled at him.