View Full Version : Finally saw Sliding Doors, plus Monsoon Wedding

Oct 6th, 2002, 12:09:37 AM
Well I agree with Dutchy on Sliding Doors, it's a very good film. I really enjoyed it. I wish I could use a similar idea to make a different type of film, hehe, but it would seem like a rip off I suppose. It's a great concept for a movie because everyone, at some point, or even very often (like me, hehe) thinks about "what would have happened if...?" So this movie takes that to the next level and shows what would have happened, in this case with a seemingly small and insignificant occurrence. It's also a good demonstration of how sometimes even the smallest things can have the biggest impact.

The movie obviously takes the stance that fate and destiny will take people where they should be, regardless of other factors, thus the ending, which I will not spoil.

The point is, though, I'd kind of like to make a movie that I guess might be more "depressing," but in my movie, it wouldn't be romance (because that has been done right here, and done well already), it would be something like the main character not getting a job he wanted or whatever, and then his two paths, if he did get the job, and if he didn't get the job, would continue to diverge throughout the movie so that at the start, there is just this one path, then you get the two lines/paths moving further and further apart, until in one path he is a successful and happy millionaire, but in the other he is broke and jobless and depressed, or something, haha. Then I suppose you could have a happy ending, but the point of my movie would be to demonstrate how one event can change your life. I forget what movie it was, perhaps even something I didn't like (for some reason Riding in Cars with Boys comes to mind, but I don't remember), but some movie had a quote about how life is decided by just several defining moments. I definitely agree with that. Weeks can pass and nothing of real significance happens, but that one second, that one moment where something happens that changes your path, that's what really matters. There are only so many of those...

As for Monsoon Wedding, it was horrible. I am very disappointed! I heard it was like an Indian version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding almost, and instead I just got this horribly structured, very poorly produced film with low production values, poor cinematography, confusing dialogue (half English, half Indian, which makes little sense), and it wasn't funny, charming, or intelligent. It was absolutely useless. I really enjoyed My Big Fat Greek Wedding, so I find this disappointing.

My mom absolutely hated it too, and it's normally the type of film she'd like. She loved My Big Fat Greek Wedding and has already seen it twice.

I don't get what the big deal about Monsoon Wedding is. 93% approval at RottenTomatoes, yet it's easily one of the worst 20 films I've seen all year.

Which reminds me, I have now seen 97 of the top 100 highest grossing movies of the year. :)