View Full Version : Dream of Mirrors (open challenge to any)

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:44:00 PM
The force is an odd thing, a tool for some, a master for others. But what happened to those who no longer embraced it? What about those who could use it, but it wasn't the main aspect of their life anymore? The answer was elusive, and known by few.

Tempist wans't one of those fortunate few who knew, he was left in the dark, alone in his mind. Even though he was a nearly unstopable force when provoked, he was also a reformed Sith. He still used the dark side, and nothing but it, but his works were no longer evil. He had no hate left, only pain and anger. Two out of three ain't bad though.

He went out walking, pondering many quesitons that cycled through his mind like a hamster in a wheel, constant and seeming without end. He walked for hours, and eventually found himself infront of a magnificent waterfall, over a hundred yards tall. On either side of the river that sprang from it was a grassy feild, where one could simply watch, and think. Tempist breathed out a long sigh, and rested his hand on the hilt of his custom long saber, Infinity, and remembered everything he'd ever gone through with it.

He remembered every fight he'd had over his 300 years of life, both wins and losses. He remembered all of the weapons he'd gone through, from his father's legendary sword, to his hand crafted (and cursed) Black Blade, straight up to his axe; Misery, which resided on his back right now.

He smiled thinking of all the people that'd effected his life more recently. His master; MnT, the mother of his child; Demonnight, and his son, Lasarian. He didn't even know where they were anymore, if they even lived. He thought of his apprentice, Klis, and his brother, Daegal. He thought of all his combatants, from Nash Stolar to Vega. From Hob to Akrabbim. He remembred slicing the arm from Dios, and the eye from Satine.

He sat down on an abnormally large stone, and closed his eyes, as he slipped into a false state of nirvana.

Geist Laich
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:24:00 PM
An indigo haired head popped up about a mile from the large stone in the beautiful field, he had fallen asleep again when he should've been working. He muttered a few curses to himself as he crawled towards the rock on all fours. He had made it about half-way when he sensed something, or someone, by the rock. So he stopped and waited.....

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:23:46 AM
Tempist sensed another now, someone else. Another force user, with an odd aura. He fell out of his fabricated euphoria, but physicly didn't move. Eyes closed, he reached out to the mind of this person, and began to speak into it, in a tone of anoyed sarcasm.

How may I help you, little one?

Geist Laich
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:38:51 PM
"Lilttle one?"

He had spoken out loud, more or less knowing not how to do whatever it was this guy did.

"I jes wanderin' sir, no need for you to bother yourself with me....."

it was quite obivious he was scared, considering that it was him and some dude in the middle of nowhere, he wasn't really up for fighting.

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 7th, 2002, 01:53:07 PM
Tempist gave a sigh of anoyance, now having to repeat himself, like he usuially did to new people. He continued to speak through the force, not feeling like moving.

Yes, little one. Chances are, I'm older than you... much older. And, my genetic secquence being like it is, I can be much bigger than you at the drop of a pin. Does this answer your inquiry?

Geist Laich
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:27:44 PM

He crawled right over yto the rock and clmibed up the one side, so he was now above Tempist looking down at him.

"I guess it does...You don't look to old sir...."

He grinned, pointed incisors showing as his tail swished back and forth.

"You have good tastes in thinking spots too."

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:42:30 PM
Tempist gave a small hint of a laugh at the elf's comment about his age.

Looks can be decieving, and more often than not are.

He slowly opened his eyes, and tilted his head up to get his first physical look at this one. Still not feeling like speaking verbally, he continued through the force.

And thank you, I find what peaceful places I can. Only nature can calm the soul of this old storm.