View Full Version : Mind games - Sejah.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:12:27 AM
He knew probing the Padawan'smind was unpleasant.... but that was not the point of the execise. Today was soemthign different. The Master was going to teach the Padawan a new skill..
Mind tricks.
He hoped Sejah would get here soon.
Sejah Haversh
Oct 7th, 2002, 04:56:16 AM
Fluffy pillows. Fluffy pillows, a soft mattress, and high quality sheets.
The very three things tat made it ahrd for Sejah to get out of bed in the morning at the Order. At least at home his bed had not been so tempting, but here it was a small slice of heaven. For the third time he slapped the snooze button on his alarm and rolled over, though reachign down to adjust the waistband of his boxers as he did so, for they had pulled funny as he turned.
It would have been quite useful for him to have been informed that he was going to have a trainign session that morning; but as it stood, he was blissfully unaware, and quite comfortable in his warm coccoon of sheets and blankets, not to mention fur. Rocking his shoulders, he dug in deeper and murred a grunt of satisfaction before cathing another ten minutes of rest.
But, as all things must, it came to an end, and the mongoose finally decided to get up. Tossing back the covers, he swung his legs over the side of the bed, arching his back as he stretched, and then scratching the small of his back on his way to the shower. Finally, after soaking three towels while drying off, he was dressed and had a little breakfast before heading out to go and explore the new facilites. His sandals still thwapped off the polished floor, and he still couldn't read most of the direction signs, but he was getting better at finding his way around. But in his attempt to find an observation deck, he stumbled actoss the trainign rooms.
Marcus had probably been there for nearly a half hour already, but, Sejah had no idea he was to meet him. Upon seeing his master, the mongoose stopped and bowed customarily, then looked up and said, "Good morning, Master Q'Dunn. How are you today?"
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:07:43 AM
OOC : :mneh
"Not bad, feel up to somethign a bit different today?"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 02:16:53 PM
"Good to hear. And, what do you have in mind?" Sejah asked, not realizing his nearly perfect choice of words.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 8th, 2002, 05:57:25 PM
"Mind tricks! Telepathy and other things .... no, I'm not going to try anything on you, I remember the headaches you get if that happens. What we will do is wander down the street and influence minds to see and hear and understand what we want. now, mind tricks are part of a Jedi's skill set, there will be times when you will have to trick someone to get your job done."
Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 06:14:46 PM
"But, isn't that essentially lying?" Sejah replied, uncomfortable with this development.
Not recieving a response, the Padawan followed Marcus otuside, and his ears were bombarded with sounds that had not been so present on Arcan. "Master Q'Dunn, how do you do one of these mind tricks?"
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 9th, 2002, 01:48:55 AM
"Lying? Maybe it is. But tell me, how would you of escaped in the position of the legendary Obi-Wan Kenobi - faced with Stormtroopers and with the very droids the Empire wanted? What would you have said? Admit the truth? Fought to escape? You will learn that sometimes, a lie is your only option, no matter how uncomfortable you feel. If a lie would preserve the lives of many innocent, is it worth it? Unlike what the Jedi code says, being a Jedi can be a harsh and unforgiving existance. If to make someone believe soemthign else in aid of what we do, then it is done. What mind tricks are not for is games. To deliberatly decieve is not somethign to be done lightly nor is it for our own personal gain. Excuse me, but you should give that wallet back you just stole"
A male human turned, eyes open, then bowed.
"I will give this wallet back"
"And you will stop your life of theft"
"I will stop my life of debt"
Marcus shrugged as he pushed past the thief. "Sometimes, deceptions can be worthwhile"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 01:54:08 AM
Sejah was rooted to the spot, dumbfounded by what he had jsut seen. As Marcus walked on, all he could do was point slackly and look stupid as he tried to say something.
Snapping out of it, the mongoose jogged to catch up with his master and said to him, "How, how did you do that? I mean, yeah, how do you do that?" Of all the powers he had seen demonstrated so far, that had made one of the most profound impacs on him, and his curiousity was nearly boiling over.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:33:05 AM
"The Force can be used to influence the weak minded. Some beings, the ones of strength, it takes strength to do this. But for ones like our ex-pickpocket.... it is not hard. Fortunantly, we have plenty of others to try this on.... hello, would you give back that camera?"
"I will give back this camera"
Continuing to walk, Marcus continued. "How does it work? It is like speaking with your mind to someone else, to make a suggestion.... you talk directly to their subconcious, almost like hynotism. You make the suggestion in their mind sound resonable and plesant. Dont actually, speak to someone... imagine speaking instead to their mind, but use The Force to bear on them. It's not really easy to make visulisations or really explain, it like trying to convince The Force to make the other do what you want. Much like moving rocks with your mind, except no risk of explosions. Focus on someone. Then try. It's not tiring and you may well find your own way to do it. "
Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:19:09 PM
It was still confusing to Sejah, but he decided to try it anyhow. His powers of observation were keen in a fencing match, but, not quite as good out on the street. He looked around for some kind of criminal ctivity to stop, but, saw none. Finally, his gaze settled upon a young man and an elederly woman on a street corner. Recalling a situation from an old cartoon, he waled up next to the young man and tried what Marcus had told him; speakign into his mind.
But as the man suddenly reached up and rubbed his skull with a pained expression, Sejah realized that he had probably just given him a headache instead. Feeling dour, he made his way back to Marcus and said, "I don't think I did that right, did I?"
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:22:14 AM
"Okay... try this. Ask passers by for a credit. Make yourself sound as appealing and as genuine as possible, then focus on them and say 'You will give me a credit'. The other thing that helps is to use a hand motion to help focus. Excuse me, you will give me a credit" he said to a passerby.
The coin was flipped and Marcus caught it neatly. "There's an orphanage in need around here"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 02:22:42 AM
Asking for money was something Sejah had always hated doing, but, if it was to help him learn, then so be it. Clearing his throat, he readied himself and then approached a passerby. “Pardon me, but, could you spare me a credit?” he tried to do as Marcus had said, to make himself as genuine as possible, while putting the impression in their head that they should do as he said.
“Not a chance, fuzzy,” the man snapped as he brushed past. Failure.
Looking back to his master to further guidance, Sejah saw he was supposed to keep trying, and did so to the next person, this time waving his paw, “Madam, could you please spare me a credit?”
She looked him over and then passed him the coin. “Thank you, madam,” Sejah replied, tucking the coin into the folds of his belt, unsure if his mind trick had worked, or if she had just been kind to him. In any case, his confidence was boosted, and he tried again with a man in a business suit, “Sir, you will let me borrow your pen.” Sure, it was a variant from what he had been told to do, but, he didn’t want to keep saying the same thing over and over. Fortunately, he felt the Force at work that time, and the man absent-mindedly reached into his pocket and pulled forth an expensive pen. Sejah took it in his paw and uncapped it, then proceeded to test the ink on his thumbpad before giving it back. “You will give your secretary flowers tomorrow,” he added with a smile, unaware that the man was planning on firing her the next day because he felt she didn’t do enough.
“I’ll buy her flowers tomorrow,” he blankly said before heading off. It was a strong power, the mind trick, and Sejah was both in awe, and in fear of what he had just done.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:44:19 PM
Not bad... not bad at all.
"Think you have the idea now. Continue on collecting a few more coins, but listen to the real part of the lesson - morals of doing this. This is one of the most powerful tricks, even if it does not seem impressive to outsiders, because the basis of this was used by Palpatine to con a whole Galaxy. Sejah, do not use this for personal gain or soemthing worthless! Use it only in need or when something is wrong you see needs to be changed.... "
Marcus was jostled by a seedly looking character.
"Hey you buy some death sticks?" the being asked.
"You dont want to sell me death sticks" Marcus replied, waving his hand.
"I dont wanna sell you death sticks"
"You want to go home and rethink your life"
"I wanna go home and rethink my life"
The drug dealer left, a puzzled look on his face, while Marcus shook his head ".... or do it for the true benefit of others. Never, ever, ever for anything less! And not to get your own way either. I might add that the Jedi's powers of influence are not merely mind tricks - against the strong of mind where this will not work, you find weak points and use them. Addictions to gambling. Women, Drugs, other vices. Jedi make brilliant liars if the need arises and the manipulations that can be done, oh is it any wonder some fall into the Dark Side, where such things come natural and hence become decieved themselves? But I would not show you this if you were not capable of knowing when to act as so and when not to, now stretch out with your feelings and tell me what you sense. Where yu feel danger or fear, or anger, or nervousness, or wrongdoing, we will go there. Wont take long in a place like Coruscant"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 10th, 2002, 08:47:18 PM
Stretch out with his feelings? How was he supposed to do that? Sejah had no idea, but, he tried what he thought was right.
It was like reachign out with the Force, he thought, but not quite. Instead of going for the physical, he was looking for the mental, and it was most confusing. Finally, after trying as many approaches as he could, he was still no closer to his goal. He just didn't know how to do it.
Running a paw through his headfur, then back down to rub his neck, he spoke to Marcus without looking at him, "Master Q'Dunn, I'm not sure if I can do this. I can't feel anything from anyone."
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 11th, 2002, 01:03:58 AM
"Okay, here's a cheat. See someone obviously angry. Feel whatt he Force feels like near them. Then sense someone calm"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 15th, 2002, 01:59:02 PM
Repeating his master's words in his mind, Sejah stepped away from him again and looked around. Next to a wall was a man idly smokign a cigarette, apparently without a care in the world. Doing as Marcus said, Sejah tried to feel what he was feeling, and, slowly, he felt a contented calm. It felt good, soft and, well, calming.
Looking back to Marcus, Sejah smiled to signal that he had gotten that one. Next was a more difficult emotion to find; anger.
It took a while, but, eventually Sejah spotted one cab driver arguing with another, and he tried the same approach. The air around them seemed hot, and fit with tension. It was a sensation Sejah wished he didn't have to feel, but, it was a learning experience. And as long as he could tell that they were angry, the mongoose decided that they were as good a pair as any to start with.
"Excuse me, gentlemen, what is the problem?" He asked, getting hard stares from both. After being told to butt out, Sejah tried the mind trick to get them to tell him what the problem was. Apparently they were fighting over who should have gotten a passenger earlier that day. Looking back to Marcus once more, Sejah ckricked his neck and then waved his paw as he spoke, "You don't want to argue. He fairly got the client, you should find one of your own now."
His attempt to diffuse the situation only rewarded him with a glare, and then a solid punch to the face. Stumbling backwards, Sejah wisely decided to get away, not wishing to continue the fight. Walking back to Marcus while rubbing his jaw, "Somethign tells me they weren't the weak of mind, Master Q'dunn..." he mumbled.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2002, 04:29:32 PM
Ouch. That would hurt!
"No, indeed. One monent. I'll show you another Jedi persuasion technique that is useful here"
He went over to the taxi drivers and shifted his cloak so that his lightsabre could be seen.
"I believe you dont want to argue"
Remarkable how they agreed with him and they got the frell out of there so fast that they left vapour trails. Marcus came back to his Padawan.
"That too is a mind trick. Not one with the Force, but an effective one nevertheless. To most beings, just saying your a Jedi is enough to bring dispute to an end. Actually wasn't a bad thing you stepped in there, one of those bozos was about to use this on the other"
In his hand was a small blaster
Sejah Haversh
Oct 15th, 2002, 04:40:18 PM
Still rubbing his jaw, Sejah's pink eyes went wide when he saw the blaster in Marcus' hand. "You mean, I might have just..."
He trailed off, then looked back to where they had just been before looking back to his master. "I hadn't thought to try and intimidate them, Master Q'Dunn, but, I will remember that. And, thank you for doing what I couldn't. I don't think I'd like the idea of one of them dead on my mind."
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2002, 04:49:13 PM
"The Force has a strange way of working sometimes - one of them may well be dead, but instead you were hit. The Force favours life. As I said, there are many ways a Jedi can influence others. A lightsabre is a very powerful weapon of persuasion - as can just being known as a Jedi. I well remember the time of Turbogeek, when just his name was enough to create fear in evil ones. Now tell me, did you feel something in the Force change before you were punched? A tingling in the back of your mind or soemthign liek that? A sense of somethign wrong?"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 15th, 2002, 05:00:41 PM
"I honestly don't know, Master Q'Dunn," he replied, "I was focusing on my mind trick, and I guess I focused too hard, or on the wrong thing. I didn't see it coming at all."
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:58:13 PM
"well, there a new mind trick to learn - the Danger Sense. It is hwere a Jedi can feel something of concern and distern what it is, then react accordingly. It shows itself as a tingle or a feeling soemthing si wrong"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:34:16 AM
"You're not going to hit me, are you?" Sejah asked nervously as Marcus expounded on yet another ability.
Marcus didn't have to hit him, anoteh realization played the role of the flying brick instead. Stepping back, Sejah fell into a fencinf stance and replayed a bout with an imaginary opponent, parrying, then scooting off to the side before blocking what would ahve been an incoming attack, then casting a winnign blow to his assailant's neck. Coming to a calm stand, the mongosoe tugged on his shirt to make it fit smoothly again and looked back to his master, who appeared a bit befuddled.
"Oh, sorry, I just remembered a match, it stood out clearly after I started thinking. It was, um, six years back, I was in Katheb, and was facing a local champ. He came at me, but, even before he moved, I knew where he was going to strike. It was like a small shock to the back of my neck, but, I just knew, and the match was over in a matter of seconds. Garfife, I was using the Force and didn't even know it." His expression was one of blank amazement when he fully realized what had happened.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 16th, 2002, 07:29:16 PM
"yes, that's it exactly. A Jedi's shield and armour if you will - it is a formidible thing to have. Without it, we would not be able to block blaster bolts, or see things coming that might otherwise hurt us. It's the Jedi ability to see the future - all Jedi have it to some degree. The danger sense is limited to what is a danger to us. It isn't precise at times, but when it tingles, be wary and open up to the Force even more. It also can come as a certainty that a course of action is right, or as you said, knowing where an opponent will strike. Now of course Foresight is more powerful - and it is what Helenias has. She can break through the curtains of time like no one I have ever seen. It is why she seems so fast, she knows whats about to happen. "
Sejah Haversh
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:43:13 AM
Sejah had been listenign, but his mind was elsewhere. Though the realization was exciting, it also made his heart heavy. "Master Q'Dunn, if this is true, if I could sense the future, then, I had an unfair advantage in my fencing matches at home. I basically cheated, didn't I? Garfife, I wasn't a prodigy, I was just using the Force that whole time."
The thought disturbed him greatly, and he vented his anger by slamming a fist into a mailbox he was standign by. "Garfife! Why can't I have at least one skill of my own?!" He growled, suddenly very angry at himself. It was not the way he should act, especially in front of his master, but it was nonetheless what he was doing.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2002, 01:43:29 AM
"And knowing how to use the Force, that isn't a skill of your own? I dont see too many of your race here training to be Jedi. Fact is, out of a Galaxy of God knows how many beings, how many Jedi are there? 100? What you have is an exceedingly rare and precious gift, a gift of the Force. You possess powers of the Mind and matched to a body trained and disciple. There are only 10 Jedi Masters Sejah... 10 in a Galaxy. I am the single Jedi Warlord. That makes me probably the single most deadly being alive. There are Jedi here wo will never become Jedi Masters, yet I see that possibility for you. You may even achieve a level comparible to the three Great Masters the Jedi Order has - Figrin D'An, Master Yoghurt and myself. Three.... in an entire Galaxy. The Force is a tremendous gift and skill - there are sword fighters by the thousands, even here on Coruscant where swords are useless against Blasters. But using The Force? Ahhh, now that is a rare gift indeed!
Think about that Sejah. Others might see it as unfair, but I dont.... not unless you dont learn how to use it. Is having good hearing, or exceptional sight and relexs, would that be cheating? No? Then why would be a natural use of the Force, coupled with excellent training be cheating? Your using what came naturally. Aye seeing the future... think about what type of opponent that could make you. But dont think you can rely on it solely.... you must also be skilled physically too"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:13:39 AM
Again, Marcus was right. He was always right. But Sejah wouldn't accept it.
Yes, he could be considered lucky to be able to manipulate the Force, but he no longer thought so. No, he was angry. Everything he thought he had worked so hard for suddenly became cheap. All his titles and awards turned from treasures into paper and cheap trophies. It was as if his life had been for nothing, even what happened at the tournament.
Breathing angrily, the mongoose looked back into Marcus' eyes and said, "You don't get it. My life was a waste, and an insult to what I--until just now--held dearest! Garfife, if it is known that an opponent has an unfair advantage, they are not allowed to fence. I became what I was out of such an advantage, and it is what got me here, and wanted by the law. You call the Force a gift? Then it should have picked somebeast else!" He snarled.
Pacing back a step, he hit the mailbox again and then looked back to Marcus, his normally pink eyes now blazing red with anger. "Do you realize how badly I have shattered my family name by running away as I did? No, you don't! I didn't want to come here, Master Q'Dunn! I came because if I didn't a local gang was going to kill me, okay? You know why? Because I beat their leader in a match, because of the Force, that's why! My own kind will never accept me, they demonstrated that all too well. If not for Loki, I'd probably be dead right now, so, you can talk all you want about how good the force is, and how lucky I might be to have it, but, I can't see any way my life would be worse off if I didn't have it!"
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:27:25 PM
Marcus did not match the angry tone of Sejah. He remained calm and composed.
"So close you are to realising the truth of The Force, really realising it in your heart, yet so far away."
Loki saved him? What IS he talking about? Later I will ask him of that
"Stop thinking of yourself, for that is all I have just heard you speak. Yourself. That is Sith thinking. Now I will tell you simply and clearly the last step you need to make to become a Jedi Knight - put aside yourself and what you think is precious. What you sought before was personal glory. You are now a servant of all. Ever hear the saying to be First, first you must be last? A Jedi is a servant to all, even the lowest scum, even to the ones seeking to kill you. Your gift of The Force is not for you... it is for you to cultivate for the benifit of others. As are all your other skills and knowledge. You are a Jedi now - and if you do not see what it means to be a servant to others..... you have missed the point of being a Jedi. Fame, fortune, greatness, a Jedi seeks not these things."
And yet I have them all. Wonder if he will see that?
"You might not have wanted to come here, but The Force did. You might not believe in destiny, but I do. You were meant to be here and it was The Force that lead you here. Why, I dont know. Maybe Helenias can tell you, she has foresight, I dont. The best lesson however I can give is to teach you to realise how little what the past means... and how much more you can be in the future. It is not glib words and it is not a put down. It is the truth. Maybe one day you will be saving an entire race with Jedi skills. Maybe you will negotiate the freedom of others. Maybe you will help keep the Galaxy free of terror and Darkness like I do. Wait for the day when someone looks you in the eye and thanks you for saving their family in a way only a Jedi could. Maybe being a Jedi is a hard and lonely life as you are finding out... but I know when you see what being a Jedi really can mean.... there's more to life than swords and trophies you know"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:06:43 PM
Marcus' words could not be fought, for they were true to what a Jedi should be. But still, Sejah was not consoled, and the last line his master told him stung like a firebrand.
His eyes still red, the mongoose looked incredulously at his master and balked, "Is that what you think of me?" Scoffing, he continued, "You think I want recognition, I want glory? If I wanted that, I woud have joined the Night Legion."
Shaking his head slowly, he took a step back and looked to his left. "Do you know how much I earned in fencing matches back home, Master Q'Dunn? About enough to eat cheaply and help support my mom on, that's how much. I lived in an old loft, and tought kids for free most of the time. Don't tell me I was selfish, Master Q'Dunn, you have no idea what I've done. I don't want to be first, but I'm sick of being last!" He snarled, snapping his attention back to Marcus. "Look at you, you preach about how good it is to be last, to have nothing and be a servant, but look at your power, what you posess, and your life. When was the last time you had nothing? When were you last kicked out of a public place because you were of too low of a class? Have you ever been beaten within an inch of your life only because you wanted to make things fair? And when was the last time you were exiled from your homeworld, Master Q'Dunn? Don't speak down at me. I know I have problems, and I'm dealing with them as best as I can!"
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:33:02 PM
"If all I thought of you was just swords and trophies, do you think I would bother training you? I dont waste my time. But just think about what you said a moment ago. "
Oh, if you could only walk a mile in my boots Sejah.... if only.
"Now lets see, what do I have? Broken sword, a 4000 year old lightsabre, clothes on my back and a few changes, some armour that has seen better days, a wife I dont see much, an adopted daughter I have not seen in a year, a bank account with credits stolen from the Sith Empire and a few other evil doers, The last time I was kicke dout of a public palce was while ago admittedly... but would you like to see what remains of the skin of my back? Had my backbone blown to junk by a blaster 3 yars ago, and just last year, I was forced to walk in a blizzard at the south pole of Arcan, on a broken leg and god knows what else busted after an ambush, I've been poisioned, beaten and busted in many ways, I have the death sentance on 49 planets and every Sith or Dark Jedi would love to spear a sabre in my gut. All for wanting to do what is right. I know what your going through... I've walked those roads before and much darker ones. Do you really think I would say such things if I was not already prepared to do likewise and even have already done so? The one thing a Teacher should do is lead by example. And sometimes, you would have to agree I make one hell of an example"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:45:49 PM
Sejah began to calm down, though still through more of his own efforts than what Marcus said. Raising a paw to accentuate somethign he was going to say, he let it drop and heaved a sigh.
"I can't even argue with you, Master Q'Dunn. I don't want to. Yes, you have evidently had worse done to you than what has happened to me, but, do not make my damages smaller in that way. I don't want pity, I don't want understanding. I just want, well, I don't know what I want anymore," he admitted.
Thinkign for a moment, he went on, "I guess my motives for coming here were selfish in a way. I wanted to show my race that a low-born beast could make a difference, could rise to the levels of the nobility. But that's gone now. I'm sorry, Master Q'Dunn, it is hard for me to get to my destination when I no longer know what it is." His eyes returned to their pink color once more and he rubbed his right temple in thought.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:16:09 PM
"I dont seek to be-little you, far from it. It is just sometimes you need something to put your paws back on good earth. You know, there are millions in the lower levels of Coruscant that dream of being what you are now. We're not nobilty, we are something else. We are Jedi.
And you dont know what you want? Then here is a mind trick for you... ask The Force what it wants from you. You might be surprised by the answer"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:25:05 PM
"What if I don't want the same thing it does?" Sejah asked, then followed up with, "And how do I ask it? Or should I ask Garfife instead? "
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:36:13 PM
"I dont know if you would ever find a time when the Force speaks to you and it tells you something, if it is ever something you would not need to do. You see, the Force guides you on the proper path and it is always true. It's a whisper... and it's so easily lost if your mind is not calm, at peace. You simply ask by opening your mind and listening. When you feel certainty in an action, or see a vision, you will know. And... can I ask who Garfife is? Is that like God or something like that?"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:42:19 PM
"Yes, Garfife is God, the creator," Sejah replied, unashamed to speak about him. "And I will do my best to listen to him, and what is said throguh the Force, and also to calm my temper. I'm sorry for exploding on you like that, Master Q'Dunn."
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:50:13 PM
"You believe in a Creator as well?"
He tried to keep the surprise out of his voice, but he was unable too.
"Your not the only one. I refuse to believe something liek the Force or the Galaxy could ever come about without a guiding hand, a Creator. Sometimes I wonder if The Force is the very presence of God"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 21st, 2002, 08:31:21 PM
Shaking his head, Sejah replied, "No, it cannot be the presence of Garfife, for he would not let bimself be used for evil. I believe the Force to be a strength he allows some to use, and hopes that they will use it for good and to glorify him. But, just as there is evil in normal deeds, some twist that power out of greed and malice."
"But it is good to know there is another who has a beleif in Him," he added, a slight smile on his face.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 12:45:38 AM
"Theological discussion can be later. But yes, it is indeed good. Now... where were we before we got sidetracked?"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 22nd, 2002, 12:53:47 AM
"The Danger Sense, I belive, Master Q'Dunn," Sejah reminded him, rather glad to be getting back on topic himself.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:10:05 AM
"aaah yes. So you can feel danger. I suppose the nex tthing is to take a wander down to the seedier parts of this place. It should get a good workout there"
Sejah Haversh
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:21:16 AM
If he were told he were going to the ghettos and back alleys of his own world, Sejah would not have been aftaid. After all, that was where he grew up.
But Coruscant was different. It was more dangerous in every way than Nehantish, and the thought of what he might encounter nagged at his mind. Still, it was not his place to question his master's judgement any more than he already had. But he quietly appreciated that he had his lightsaber on him, just in case as he followed where Marcus led him.
Sejah Haversh
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:14:24 AM
For a while the mongoose just followed his master along he crowded streets before they boarded a small transport shuttle and took off for a less reputable neiborhood. Sejah began to wonder in the back of his mind what he would feel when they got there. He always second-guessed himself, unsure of his abilites, and scared to be important, somebody others watched.
So he sat, and tried to be normal. He didn't want power, he didn't desire fame or fortune; he only wanted peace and acceptance. And in so, he damaged himself.
The transport touched down on a concrete slab and he stepped out, looking around. It was dark, dank, and a biting odor nipped at his nose. Realizing Marcus was watching him, he stepped forward again and tried to do as he had been instructed, to feel with the Force. But all he could feel was angst, longing, and jealousy; things ripe in poor or unfortunate neighborhoods.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:29:52 PM
TTT : Posting when I'mmore in the mood
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2002, 04:06:51 AM
"So, what is it you can sense?" Marcus asked.
OOC : OKay sue me. I'm just getting this kick started :p
Sejah Haversh
Nov 18th, 2002, 02:28:12 PM
"Home, in a way," was Sejah's first answer. Marcus wouldn't understand, it had been Loki who was with him on his trip. "I feel want, need, pain and depression. There is love here and there, but the negativity drowns it out. Though danger is near the bottom of the list, somehow."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:35:42 AM
"You sense well... for that is what is in my mind too. "
He leaned against a wall, the look on his ace... odd. Sad somehow.
"If you know these people, there is nearly no safer place to be. They are hungry, they are cold, often homeless. But they are beings of true value. Many of them have an honesty that would astonish you, even if they themselves are accomplished liars. They have honour and bravery, even if they sneak and steal. Sometimes even murder. Would it surprise you I feel more at home in the gutters of this place than the high towers and places of power I could walk through if I so choose? "
He looked about, before speaking again.
"I...hate this place.... this zoo. This prision. It's only purpose is to feed the wealthy with the blood of the poor. It only exists to keep alive the worst vampires of them all - the sycopaths, the politicians, the bearucrats. The Wealthy who dont give a damn for the ones they squash into the mud. And you know something else? The Jedi are used by those up in power to hold the staus quo. Or they try to. Look at these beings Sejah... these are the ones you are to look after. Those that cant defend themselves, the poor, the sick, the widows. Feel them in the Force and get to know them. But somehow, I feel you already understand what I have said already"
Sejah Haversh
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:10:23 PM
"More than you know," Sejah's voice was but a haunting tone as he looked around further. Had it not been for the type of garbage on the ground, the alley could have easily been one of many he knew from home. They were the shortcut alleys he rarely dared to take because bad things happened in them. That he knew from experience.
The mongoose ventured a few feet further into the gloomy avenue, and somethign small on the ground caught his eye. Squatting down, Sejah picked it up in one of his gloved paws and scraped some of the dirt and grime from it, then smiled. It was a toy, a human action figure of some sort with movable arms and legs. Wiping the rest of it clean with the base of one side of his vest, Sejah looked it over again. He didn't recognize who it was supposed to be, but it had been well-loved in its lifetime, as some of the paint was worn off and its right thumb was missing. He lightly held it up to show to Marcus before setting it back on the ground in a standing pose, not knowing if it still belonged to someone.
"This isn't that far removed from me, Master Q'Dunn. I don't want to put myself in the light of pity, but this type of street and neihborhood is where I grew up. I know many of the dangers that lurk here, but I also know their pride. It would be difficult for me to intervene in a bad situation here for fear of damaging someone's pride. Sometimes it is all a person might have."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 20th, 2002, 04:08:53 AM
"Yeah... all they have left" he repeated quietly, looking around. "People like this dont want help because of their pride. I understand that well. But if they want help, I'll give it to them. I'll give what I can"
The action figure drew his attention. Looking at it, he saw it was to him familiar. He reached out, picked it up and gave it a look over.
"Hey, it's a figure of a Jedi - I rememebr seeing one similar to this. Even came with a miniture sabre that was safe for children to play with. I wonder who it is of?" He tumbled the figure in his hads, tryign to work out whom it could be - and in the end placing the figure back in the place he had picked it up from.
"Darth Turbogeek it could be. He was a hero to a lot of these people down here. Never took a backward step against evil, always did what was right and was a true protector of those like that are here. Pity he went nuts in the end. Pity they never knew what they almost worshipped was... well..... "
He paused, thinking and remembering. Days and years gone by and up to that fateful day he had to kill his own clone.
"Better if they didnt know. He gave them hope when otherwise there was none. That's something a Jedi can do like almost no one else. Sure, there are those who hate our name... but think of all the young ones in the gutter, who see us and dare to dream. Hey, there's a bar nto far from here I know well... feel like a drink?"
Sejah Haversh
Nov 20th, 2002, 04:15:05 AM
Glancing back at the action figure, Sejah mulled over what his master said, and a stream of thoughts began to flow together in his head. He knew Marcus had other aliases, and some of his reading that he had done in the Archives was based on finding out who exactly his master truly was. Darth Turbogeek was a name that seemed to pop up in conjunction with his with uncanny frequency.
Looking back to Marcus, the mongoose smirked and asked, "It's not to drown out past memories, is it?" He let a moment pause, then chuckled and shook his head, "Just kidding, and sure, I am a bit thirsty. Lead the way, Master Q'Dunn."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 20th, 2002, 04:32:17 AM
"Nah, I'm not comfortable with some of the past, but alcohol is never the answer. Besides, I've got much to be thankful for a wife, friends like Xazor, and a student I could not wish for better. Come on, you'll like this place. Has a nice rustic flavour and I know the beer is some of the best brewed on Coruscant"
Sejah Haversh
Nov 20th, 2002, 04:42:17 AM
Sejah wasn't big on beer or ale, Cider was more his flavor. But if Marcus said it was good, it probably was. The Jedi Master had made far more travels than he himself had, so Sejah trusted him with little question.
Soon the alley was behind them, and Sejah had to pause to repair a broken sandal strap. He desperately needed a new pair, but knew no place to find any, so he had to continue repairing his own. With it fixed, they were on their way once more, and Marcus led them to the doors of a classic English pub. "Is this it?" The Nehantite asked, even though he prettymuch knew the answer.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 20th, 2002, 05:01:48 AM
"Yes, this is it. Come along"
In he went - and inot the slightly dark pub, with it's old wooden tables, beings of all descriptions, not too crowded, with a spare table or two - and one in a corner, just the place Marcus liked.
In fact, he seemed to fit in here perfectly, his old and worn clothes making him seem totally at home in this place. "Good food here too" he mentioned to his Padawan "Simple fare, but excellent. Get a Ale for me and anything you want for yourself. I'll go over and claim the table in the corner."
Sejah Haversh
Nov 20th, 2002, 05:08:32 AM
"Uh, okay, Master Q'Dunn," came Sejah's reply as the Jedi Master made his way into the corner.
Stepping up to the bar, Sejah smiled politely and waited for the barkeep. "Um, could I get a pint of house ale for my friend, and a pint of hard cider for myself if you've got it, please?" His request was answered with a nod, and the barkeep put a pewter mug under the tap and then hand-pulled the ale from an oak cask. To hand-pull an ale was very rare, and the mongoose smiled at the sight of it. The stuff would ahve to be good if the maker brewed for oak casks instead of aluminum kegs. The cider was next, though it came from a pressurized tap instead, but Sejah didn't mind, it still looked good anyhow.
Nodding thanks to the 'keep, the brown mongoose took a mug in each paw and weaved his way back to the table Marcus waited at, setting the mugs down before seating himself. "Nice place, rather quaint, really. I like it," he remarked, though he was going to wait for his master to take a drink before he did so himself. It was only good manners.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 20th, 2002, 09:54:12 PM
Sittign in the corner, he seemed to merge into the place - he was totally at home. Old boots on the table, pipe out, lighting it with a old type match, leaning back in his seat, hood over his head. Watching. Observing.
"Quaint maybe, but very much a good place......... ahhh, the ale has not become worse. It is a pity the Bar and Grill does nto have such a brew. Now tell me, what can you sense here?"
Sejah Haversh
Nov 21st, 2002, 10:30:53 PM
Sejah eased himself onto one of the wooden seats, careful not to sit on his tail, and was lifting his mug of cider to his mouth when Marcus posed his question. The mongoose thought it best not to drink before makign an observation, recalling his last adventure through the pubs of Coruscant.
Setting the pewter mug down, he looked aroundm then closed his eyes. Waiting a moment, he opened them again and looked curiously to his master. "I feel--nothing. Odd..." Sejah turned his head to look back around the room again and tried once more, "Nothing at all, as if it were vacant. Unless I'm missing something..."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:12:45 PM
He took a sip of the ale, before taking a sense of the Force as well.
"Nothing unsual. There is only the standard milling of The Force, nothing really more. I feel nothing special except for.... peace"
Sejah Haversh
Nov 25th, 2002, 02:23:02 AM
Taking that as a good answer, Sejah took a drink of his cider, finding it to be a little tart, but still quite good. Minutes passed in silence, the both of them just relaxing and looking at their surroundings. Lightly swirling the remainder of his cider in the base of his mug, the Nehantite broke the silence.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly, then looked up to Marcus to explain further. "I'm sorry I blew up at you earlier. I should have kept my temper in check. It shouldn't happen again, Master Q'Dunn."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 02:30:24 AM
"I've already forgotten."
Inhaling deeply, the Master blew out smoke from his pipe, relaxing like he rarely did. And in a moment, he even began to sing quietly
The leaves were long, the grass was green,
The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadow shimmering.
Tinúviel was dancing there
To music of a pipe unseen,
And light of stars was in her hair,
And in her raiment glimmering.
There Beren came from mountains cold,
And lost he wandered under leaves,
And where the Elven-river rolled
He walked alone and sorrowing.
He peered between the hemlock-leaves
And saw in wonder flowers of gold
Upon her mantle and her sleeves,
And her hair like shadow following.
Enchantment healed his weary feet
That over hills were doomed to roam;
And forth he hastened, strong and fleet,
And grasped at moonbeams glistening.
Through woven woods in Elvenhome
She lightly fled on dancing feet,
And left him lonely still to roam
In the silent forest listening.
He heard there oft the flying sound
Of feet as light as linden-leaves,
Or music welling underground,
In hidden hollows quavering.
Now withered lay the hemlock-sheaves,
And one by one with sighing sound
Whispering fell the beachen leaves
In the wintry woodland wavering.
He sought her ever, wandering far
Where leaves of years were thickly strewn,
By light of moon and ray of star
In frosty heavens shivering.
Her mantle glinted in the moon,
As on a hill-top high and far
She danced, and at her feet was strewn
A mist of silver quivering.
When winter passed, she came again,
And her song released the sudden spring,
Like rising lark, and falling rain,
And melting water bubbling.
He saw the elven-flowers spring
About her feet, and healed again
He longed by her to dance and sing
Upon the grass untroubling.
Again she fled, but swift he came.
Tinúviel! Tinúviel!
He called her by her elvish name;
And there she halted listening.
One moment stood she, and a spell
His voice laid on her: Beren came,
And doom fell on Tinúviel
That in his arms lay glistening.
As Beren looked into her eyes
Within the shadows of her hair,
The trembling starlight of the skies
He saw there mirrored shimmering.
Tinúviel the elven-fair,
Immortal maiden elven-wise,
About him cast her shadowy hair
And arms like silver glimmering.
Long was the way that fate them bore,
O'er stony mountains cold and grey,
Through halls of ireon and darkling door,
And woods of nightshade morrowless.
The Sundering Seas between them lay,
And yet at last they met once more,
And long ago they passed away
In the forest singing sorrowless.
He drew silent and even seemingly withdrawn
Sejah Haversh
Nov 25th, 2002, 02:36:02 AM
Sejah let his mind go as he listened to his master's song. It was lengthy, but beautiful. He finished his cider and set the mug down, laying one paw over the other on the tabletop as he listened.
When Marcus finished, Sejah lightly clapped his one paw onto the back of his other and complimented, "That was a very nice song, Master Q'Dunn. I sometimes wish I could sing. But I was made for the blade and not the ballad, it would seem. And it also seems our drinks are empty; shall I scare us up another round?"
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 03:12:14 AM
"Aye, but the mightiest of warriors - they are also the most worthy of scholoars. You would be surprised what the great swordsmen of history knew and did. But., maybe you know already know that. Much like Beren, of whom I sang. "
He indicated for his Padawan to get some more drinks, then returned to his thoughts
Sejah Haversh
Nov 25th, 2002, 03:20:52 AM
With a curt nod the mongoose stood and gathered their mugs for a refill. Many thougts ran through his mind; thoughts of what he had seen that day, thoughts of what Marcus had just told him, and his song as well. His thinking continued as he concentrated on not letting the foamy head on either of the newly-filled mugs spill and hit the floor.
"Here you go, Master Q'Dunn," he politely announced, then seated himself once more. "It's more and more beginning to seem to me that Nehantish does not value the things other cultures do."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:06:04 AM
"Does any culture share the same values as another? Few truly do. That is why I think the Republic exists - to set an example to others"
He sighed however, regret clear on his voice
"So young is the New Republic yet so..... entangled with it's past. Lady Evenstar despairs for the future if nothing changes"
Sejah Haversh
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:14:26 AM
"What if nothing were to change? If the New Republic were to fall apart, would the Jedi fall as well? I apologize for my silly questions sometimes, but you know how naive I am to many of these matters."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:45:41 AM
"The Jedi survived the Empire. Even while there was one, they survived. We can still survive, even now. Worse has befallen the order, even while I have been in it. And worse may well yet come. But still..... still I see what the Lady says. What is the Republic now? Is it strong? Is it full of hope? Does it have leadership? Why is it an honest Senator stands out so much?"
His mood was now rapidly changing. To anger.
"Ah <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> it. read this for yourself"
He pulled out a datapad from his pocket.
"If you cant read it, I had it transcribed into audio - one of your native languages that I know you can speak. No one will understand the words, not here. Listen or read"
The pad said..
To Jedi Warlord Master Elessar, I bring you greetings,
Marcus, I know you told me you had no wish to reprise Tohmahawk, but it is my fear you must. For 8 long years you helped us in that name and for that we are grateful. But, We are in need of you. In desperate need. The Republic's army needs your guidance again and your inspiration. Tohmahawk was a hero to all and we need that hero again. Will you take back up what you cast aside, for needs of the Republic?
The Republic needs it's Warlord once again. WIll you answer our call? This is a desperate hour Marcus.... Help us Marcus Elessar Q'Dunn, your one of our last hopes
Your friend,
Jedi Master Leia Solo, Chancellor of the Senate.
Sejah Haversh
Nov 26th, 2002, 01:56:49 AM
Taking the datapad in his paw, Sejah struggled through the first few lines until it became too difficult, and he switched it to audio. Silently he thanked his master for thinking of his shortcomings.
Once through it, the mongoose pursed his lips and sighed through his nostrils. "It seems you're an important man, Master Q'Dunn," he said, passing the pad back. "I didn't know your middle name was Elessar," he then smirked, trying to lighten thetension Marcus looked to be feeling. "But in seriousness, I would take that as an honor. You are wanted, you have skills, and someone is requesting you for a great purpose. That is nothing to be upset about. Take the role, but take it as yourself. I think you've been hiding from yourself under other names too long."
Not breaking eye contact, Sejah then took a drink from his cider and wiped excess moisture from the fur of his upper lip with the back of his paw.
Marcus Telcontar
Dec 1st, 2002, 05:56:22 AM
"Middle name? No, it is the name of my House, or one of them. The other is Telcontar. I rather like Elessar tho. Now, it may seem to you it would be sensible to take up my commission as Q'Dunn... but Sejah, I dont take up antoher name cause it suits me. It is for protection. It protects my family and my friends that would be endangered if some in the Galaxy knew who I was. No, if I do this, it will be Tohmahawk"
He sat thinking, smoking a bit.
"Not the Supreme Commander. Something different. Much more like the Special Forces I created. "
Sejah Haversh
Dec 5th, 2002, 02:28:06 AM
Sejah finished another drink of his cider before replying, "I'm sorry, MAster Q'Dunn, but, I know precious little of your past. I don't know about your 'special forces', but I trust you on this one."
Leaning back in his seat, the mongoose stifled a yawn that felt out of place, then continued on. "I guess you and I are quite different. You have friends and family to protect, I have none myself. I suppose that's why I would have gone under my own name. I think you'll do what's right, Master Q'Dunn; not jsut for yourself, but for all concerned."
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