View Full Version : Separation: Beginning the Hunt (Completed)

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:12:00 AM

Gods. I knew something would happen; I just didn't know what, nor could I have ever suspected that something like this would be the thing to pull me from you. I don't want to hurt you. That's the last thing I ever want to do. But, seems that I can't even not do that. I can't tell you how much it hurts me to write this, but it's something that needs to be done.

It would have been nice to spend the rest of my life with you.

Just remember I love you; I always will. Nothing will change that. But it's because of that love that I'm leaving you now. I'd never be able to live with myself if I did something like what I just did again; hell, I can't even look you in the eyes anymore. I con't tell you how much that kills me.

I'm sorry.

I love you.


He clutched the note in his hand as he stepped off the ramp of the Rascal King. He'd left the Balmorran Empire military under Tomar's command. While he didn't outrank Sarrin Vorrann, Millard knew the latter would follow orders and Empire would be safe.

Grand Admiral Taylor Millard was on a mission. But more of a personal one. His fiance- he still considered her that- Loklorien s'Ilancy had been bitten almost six months before on the planet he was on now.

The planet was Naboo...formerly of the Old Republic, then the Empire, then it had disappeared into obscurity. Even with the history of the planet- it being the birthplace of Emperor Palpatine- the planet remained fairly quiet.

Millard stood in the spaceport, then looked down at his metallic companion.

"Are you certain this is where the information said she might be?"

Oct 5th, 2002, 02:26:50 AM
MMU stood, uncharicteristically quiet as he looked up at Millard. He'd changed drastically since Lok had left; becoming more silent and keeping to himself. Not even the repeated permission from Millard allowing the small avatar to color on the walls of the castle seemed to shake the little droid from his sorrows.

And so, when he'd gotten word that s'Il might be on Naboo; where she'd first been stung, he had run to the Grand Admiral with the information. But, it was sketchy at best, and not from an entirely reliable source.

But Millard had jumped on it, insisting that they travel to Naboo.

And now, here they were.

I, ummm...... I'm not sure. She could be. If she was, I don't think she'd be in the city though...

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:43:48 AM
Millard nodded, keeping his eyes on the spaceport.

"You're right, but we're not just looking for Lok."

The Imperial Grand Admiral began walking towards the registar's office, nodding at the humans who passed him.

"You would say the closest to smuggling buddy was Arya Ravenwing correct? We're looking for her as well," he entered the office and walked towards the head of it, "She might have info as well."

The elder man turned to the Registrar, staring into the overweight human's grey eyes.

"Yes, I have a ship I would like to park here for atleast a week. What is the fee for parking purposes?"

The human looked at him and snorted, "It'll be 250 creds a night. We'll watch it...*sniff*...but we ain't givin' it any special treatment."

"That will suffice, thank you. Up front?"

The Registrar snorted again, "No, a week from now yestaday."

Millard gave a tight smile then set a data pad in front of the man.

"Bill here please, thank you."

Then he turned and left.

"Come along MMU, apparently there is a bar called 'The Flying J Mule' near here. We can begin our search there."

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 04:42:02 PM
He entered the bar, casting a gaze around the dark place. It was odd having Lok gone. His heart had been wrenched from his chest, leaving himself lost and wanting. Taylor truly realized how much he missed s'Il now that she was gone.

A man who kept himself in shape, Millard had discovered his weight had increased a bit since her departure...and that he'd begun to look his age of almost 60. He'd given her enough of a chance to leave and come back, hoping she'd realize her mistake and return to him.

That hadn't happened.

And now here he was, walking up to a bartender, something he hadn't done since his early days of youth as a fighter pilot in the Imperial Navy.

MMU scuttled about his feet, trying to keep up with the advancing Grand Admiral.

Millard sat at the barstool and motioned over the barkeeper.

"A glass of Alderaanian Wine if you have it."

The bartender looked at him like he'd grown a second head.

Millard pursed his lips, "Omar Prime Ale. The Fall Festival if you have it."

A frosty mug was set before him, and he took a sip.

"Thank you my good man," Millard then hoisted MMU up onto the stool next to him and stared into the crowd.

"Tell me...has a woman named Arya Ravenwing been around here recently?"

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:41:51 AM
Arya heard her name from a few stools down, and didn't like the fact that it was coming from someone who looked like the authority figures she was always shooting off her back. She buried her nose in her ale, and glared at the bartender when he hesitated.

"No, can't say I've heard that name." The bartender went back to wiping out glasses with a white cloth.

Arya refused to move, knowing that to break and run as soon as someone is asked about points fingers and starts nasty rumors. She simply drank, and then waved her hand at the tender. "Another." He looked at her, and then took her glass and refilled it.

Someone was asking about her. He didn't look like the type to want something smuggled, but then, who did these days? She'd wait, and see if she could overhear any more conversation.

Rhisa Meier
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:47:35 AM
Places like this I could just sit and rot in. I loved dives like this. Gods I loved this place. Never set one foot on Naboo until three months ago; back when the Boss began rerouting a part of his Liquid Silver shipments out here. Normally I woulda stayed on Coruscant, but me and the buyer; well hell. We had one of those friendships, you know? Not one of them 'go out shopping at some rich-girl's store', heck no. It was more like an unspoken things. 'You give me what I want and I'll give you yours'.

I shrugged to myself while lifting my glass to my lips, downing the clear liquid in less than two seconds.

"A glass of Alderaanian Wine if you have it."

Now that had to be the stupidist thing I'd heard in a while; who in their right mind walked into a place like this and ordered wine?! I'm not from around here, and even I know you didn't ask for that crap here. One of those unspoken s**thole dive rules. Some people though.

Closing my eyes I shook my head.

A slight shift and I turned to my left to find myself staring at a man who looked, to me, to be way over the hill; in fact, hell, he shoulda been under it by now. But that was just me.

Good thing he changed his order.

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:48:07 AM
"Ah a pity," Millard took a sip of his ale, "I was thinking an establishment such as this would appeal to one such as her."

He glanced around the bar.

"Especially how well she performed on TDK. No matter, I will bring my business elsewhere."

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:10:40 AM
Frell, frell, frell. Either he was an undercover, badly disguised, or the real deal. Only one way to tell, and that wasn't now. She slowly drank her ale, and then paid her tab.

Arya stood up, and pushed away from the bar, squeezing her way through the tightly packed individuals. Business was picking up...should make the owner happy. She coughed as someone's long hair got in her mouth, and then finally got out of the press of people.

Walking outside, she chose a likely spot across the street in the shadows, and waited.

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:15:17 AM
Millard looked over to Meier and nodded, giving a brief smile...but his eyes were cold.

He continued sipping his beer, watching the entire bar.

He felt MMU tug on his shoulder.

"Can we go? Lok isn't here."

"Of course," Millard took one last sip of his beer, finishing it.

He set two credit chips on the bar.

"Thank you, young man. Enjoy your evening."

Then he slowly walked from the bar, beginning to walk down the asphalt streets.

Rhisa Meier
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:28:35 AM

I was late.

I was never late.

I'm losin' my touch. Bein' off Coruscant wasn't good for the reflexes. Naboo was just too.... slow. I needed something that would get my heart in my throat. No way I'd find it here.

Oh well. I was late for my dropoff...

"Can we go? Lok isn't here."

I coulda choked on my refill right about then. Frell. Only one 'Lok' I knew on Naboo... and I knew for a fact she liked her solitude... frell frell frell. Throwing a few chits at the bartender, I slid from my stool, watching the old man and his droid leave the bar.

I had to get to the dropoff; frell. Pushing through the mass of patrons, I finally made it out the door and into the night air. Looking to either side, I took off in the opposite direction the man had gone, cursing a blue streak under my breath.

I was late.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:28:58 AM
Arya saw the man exit the bar and walk up the street. She waited until he had almost turned a corner, and then stepped out of her darkened alcove to follow him and the tiny droid.

She kept a nonchalant distance between them, and there were still enough people out on the streets that she wasn't paticularly noticeable. After a few more blocks of trailing, she quickened her pace, and caught up to the man. He was stopping, looking inside a lighted store front, trying to point something out to the little droid at his feet.

She stood beside him. "I heard you were looking for Ravenwing." Arya studied the window, and then turned slightly to look at the older man.

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:31:12 AM
Millard nodded, then smelled the air.

"Yes I am looking for Arya Ravenwing."

He turned suddenly and cast a piercing gaze at Arya.

"I wish to get some information from her."

Oct 6th, 2002, 01:36:22 AM
MMU nearly jumped at Arya's voice, but his 'fright' turned to joy as he cast his glowing green gaze up to look at the dark haired woman, and with a squeak of joy not heard from him in what seemed like ages, the little avatar scuttled to her. Arms spread wide, he wrapped them around Arya's leg in as massive a bearhug as he could muster from his little body before accidentally blowing her cover.

Aunt Arya!!!

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:38:44 AM
Millard gave an evil smile.

"Thank you MMU, you confirmed my suspicions," He kept his face in a smile.

"I congratulate you on the TDK run. A fine job of smuggling. May I buy you another drink? You seem to have rushed out quickly from the other one."

Sean Troy
Oct 6th, 2002, 02:08:02 AM
And there she was...he thought looking through the scope of a rifle.

Taylor Millard was not the only man that was hunting a certain Arya Ravenwing on this cold night, from the looks of it an old man and a small droid had caught her attention as they left the bar. now it was going to be nearly impossible to get near the woman without some old git interfering with Troys job...however he was expendable and if it came to it...so was the bloody droid.

Troy sat up from his position in a clump of bushes a few hundred yard from the small party of people un clipped the scope from the sniper rifle and bagged both the scope and the rifle untidily in the leather case, ziped it up and slung it around his back emerging from the bush as if it was the most natual thing in the galaxy as a few on lookers laughed.

This was going to turn out to be a interesting night he thought as he stalked lazily in the direction of the 3 targets.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 6th, 2002, 02:14:56 AM
Arya looked askance at the little droid hugging her leg, and sighed. "Thanks, I think." She bent down and picked up the ships avatar, unsure whether to hold it or to hand it to the man. She hadn't recognized the droid until its tinny voice had shouted her name. MMU refused to let go of her, and so she nestled the avatar in the crook of her arm.

Now, of course, it was too late to back down. "Where is Lok?" Arya absently realized he'd offered her a drink, but she ignored it for now.

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2002, 02:19:28 AM
"Interesting..." Millard replied ushering her down the street in the direction of Troy and Rhisa.

"I was going to ask you the same question. She's disappeared, and I was wondering if you knew where she was."

He looked down at her, "And in case you were wondering, we know each other from the incident on Kuat almost a year ago.

"Do you know where she is or who she might be with?"

Eluna Thals
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:45:01 AM
Back at the bar, a comely brunette watched the man, woman, and droid leave, eyes briefly gancing over a newspad.




Janelle Ajax sipped her coffee, and left gratuity on the table.

Sean Troy
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:13:16 AM
They started to return in Troys direction again 'Ohhhhhhhhhh sheet' He cussed quietly darting to a shop window and looked as if he was interested at the stock in the shop for a few moments as the man, woman and droid passed. He hoped with little interest with his activities. He gave a satisfied smile only just then realizing looking at the title of the shop "Madam Marges Quality Sexual Products" that he had in fact been looking into a woman sex shop. He sighed quietly rubbing his eyes with a index figer and thumb. ' I dont belive it...i just dont belive it '

He checked the way and the 3 were walking away hopefully without the slightest hint of suspicion as he once again stalked up behind them both.

Taylor Millard
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:27:58 AM
Millard noted Ravenwing's silence.

"I have a better idea," he said, "Let's get something to eat. There is a fine restaraunt on the other side of town, near the woods."

He stopped, as if smelling something.

Skin creme and spice...

"Yes...come with me, Arya."

He rented a speeder...a Jaguar with an open cockpit. Expensive, but with his tastes it fit. The black vechicle purred silently as he and MMU got in.

"You're welcome to join us Arya. I thought a woman of your profession would enjoy a fine meal...no strings attached."

He smiled pleasently.

Eluna Thals
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:03:16 AM
Janelle shadowed further behind, but was closing the gap. Ahead, another person walked along the sidewalk. She couldn't see his face, and he carried a rather conspicious looking case. Janelle frowned, crossing her arms as she walked.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:19:31 AM
"Well I wouldn't ask where she was if I knew, would I?"

She looked disdainfully at the conspicuously shiny black speeder. "I get my own ride, thanks. And in my business, there is no such thing as 'no strings attatched.' You should know that."

Arya hesitated, and looked up the street. There were still a few people walking around town. "I'll meet you at the restaurant, in half an hour."

Taylor Millard
Oct 7th, 2002, 05:04:34 PM
"Very well," Millard replied taking the speeder out of 'park'.

"Also if you do not mind, I suggest you wear something other than what you were now. The restaurant is quite upscale...I can give you the creds for a new dress if you care to have one."

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:00:31 PM
Arya stared at him, and blinked slowly. "Yeah I mind. I've been dressing myself for years now, but thanks, Pops." She couldn't figure this guy out, and it was annoying her. That, and the fact that he was trying too hard to seduce her into taking whatever job it was he had.

"Half a standard time part. I won't be late, and I suggest you aren't either." Arya turned on her heel and walked up the street, ignoring the man behind her with the black Jaguar. The droid piped up with something disappointed sounding, but she was already focusing ahead of herself, and missed what MMU said.

She passed a man holding a case, and eyed him as she walked by. He made eye contact, but then looked away. Arya paid him no mind, and hailed a taxi once the old guy was out of view.

A brunette woman was walking towards her, about Arya's own height, and slim. She was graceful in the manner in which she moved, and it caught Arya's eye. The woman walked towards her as she got into the cab, and something seemed off.

As if the person on the sidewalk wasn't even alive. Arya shook the feeling as the taxi took off, but it put a damper on her already foul mood.

Sean Troy
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:02:30 PM
"I have a better idea," he said, "Let's get something to eat. There is a fine restaraunt on the other side of town, near the woods."

Troy suddenly became more alert than before stopping in mid step to hear somemore of the convosation.

"I'll meet you at the restaurant, in half an hour." He heard Arya say

"Also if you do not mind, I suggest you wear something other than what you were now. The restaurant is quite upscale...I can give you the creds for a new dress if you care to have one." Millard replied quite rudly in Troys opinion.

Troy looked around for a few moments to catch his own speeder parked a little down the road.With a quick pace Troy made his way towards the speeder trying to keep his profile as low as possible, slung the long bag in the passenger seat and hopped in to the drivers seat, this time he would follow Millard rather than Arya so he could get to the Resturant a little more before the woman as he needed a good position to watch from.

Taylor Millard
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:24:03 PM
Millard pulled from the curb, increasing the speed as he drove down the street.

"Why isn't Aunt Arya coming with us? MMU was finally sounding like himself.

"Because...she prefers to do thing like Lok does."

"You're not gonna give her the ring you gave Lok are you?

That caused Millard to almost laugh, the first time in two weeks.

"No, MMU," He said as he pulled to a stop at a traffic light. The traffic on Naboo was rather light this time of day, most people were still at work or beginning to return home.

"I could never give the ring I gave Lok to anyone else. That's why we're here...to find her. And bring her home."

"Why did she leave? She never said! Did I do something, like when I didn't protect her from the Dragon? Is it my fault again?!?" If MMU could cry, Millard was certain he would.

"No MMU," Millard gave a small smile to the droid, "She left for her own reasons."

Presently, Millard pulled into a spot about 10 blocks from the restaurant. He gave no indication he saw the speeder follow him from his meeting with Arya to the restaraunt.

"Come MMU, it's a nice day. Let's take a short walk."

Rhisa Meier
Oct 8th, 2002, 02:06:19 AM
I'd left the bar quickly, not really caring if I got funny looks. I always got those; you get kinda desensitized after a while. Not that I care.

But regardless, I hightailed my way down the street. I was used to running; did it everyday back home on Coruscant, and a lot of those times I was running for my life.

A speeder passed by; a black Jaguar. Well aren't we just d**n royalty. As the taillights faded into the distance, I made a sharp left, ducking into the underbrush and headed for the dropoff.

The buyer was most likely not going to wait much longer.

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2002, 11:49:11 PM
Millard and MMU exitted the speeder, beginning to walk up the street away from the restaurant. The sights and sounds of Naboo began invading the Imperial's senses, filling his mind with their vast smells and sounds. Were he not here to find Lok, he might spend more time here.

But his mission was set before him. He had to find Lok. She was the only one for him...and he the only one for her.

The droid and human stared out over the streets of Naboo, watching various speeders as they drove by. Millard inhaled again and caught a familiar scent of skin creme and spice.


"MMU, there is a book store around the corner," he noted who it was who had that scent, "There are some documents I'd like to purchase."

Sean Troy
Oct 10th, 2002, 10:09:18 AM
Troy walked casually past Millard sorting his dinner jacket out and then tightened his tie around his neck to look slightly smarter than before. The bald headed hitman turned around as if to view something behind Millard but in actual fact he was just keeping an eye of that man, tapping his chest slightly he checked to see if his twin silver barettas were still holstered, and there were. Troy simply smiled.

Taylor Millard
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:40:36 PM
Millard pulled a cooking book down from the shelf in front of him. It was one he all ready owned, Lok had given it to him as a gift during his last birthday- which seemed as ages ago.

But in reality his eyes were on the bald-headed man a few steps from him. The skin creme and spice smell was no mistake. The man was following him.

The book store itself was relatively quiet, a Gungan watched the cash register. There were a few customers browsing the stores, but the back was rather empty.

"Excuse me?" Millard walked up to the bald man, "I was wondering what you knew about cooking? You seem like a man who would know plenty about it."

Sean Troy
Oct 11th, 2002, 03:43:28 AM
'Hmm?...oh no, im not a great lover of cooking i userly just get a take away or somin'' He forced a laugh and a accent trying to fake being friendly. 'All i know how to cook is Spag Bol..but everyone knows how to cook that...' Troy said putting back a book about Natual History something he just picked up to look intrested.

Taylor Millard
Oct 11th, 2002, 06:13:04 AM
"Is that a fact," Millard replied, "And is that Happenson's Skin Creme I smell? Quite a distinct smell it has."

Sean Troy
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:01:43 AM
He suddenly realized the old coot was right, he had forgotten to take a bath and get rid of the smell from his previous dinner engagement with his "client". ' Yes..yes it is but also very common with the business men around these parts' He defended with another forced smile.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 11th, 2002, 05:04:41 PM
Arya was running right on schedule. Half a standard time part, to the minute. She had tossed off her regular black leathers for a clingy black dress. It was crepe, or something, and had one long sleeve which dripped down her left arm, leaving her right shoulder and arm bare. The bias cut gently swirled around her curves, touching the floor at its longest points. She did not give into wearing stiletto heels, however, as they were a frelling pain to run in. Clear plastic pumps that looked like glass snugged around her feet.

It packed lightly, which is why she had it with her. Never knew when one needed to blend into the big wigs. She entered the restaurant, and asked the matire de about a reservation. He didn't seem to know what she was talking about.

Arya growled at him, and took a seat. She had swept her hair up quickly and pinned it in place, but a few strands were working loose already. In her small clutch bag was a hideout blaster. And strapped to her inner thigh was a vibroblade.

Taylor Millard
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:17:09 PM
"Excuse me madam?" The maitre-de walked up to Arya, trying not to stare at the woman.

"Are you here to have dinner with Dr. Fell? We have a two person reservation, just made two minutes ago, for about this time. Just popped up on our reservation chart. Please come with me."

He led her into a private room, with relative privacy.

"Dr. Fell should be with you soon."

* * *

Millard smiled. This man had been following him, he could tell simply by observing.

"If you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

The Imperial Grand Admiral nodded, then exitted the restaraunt, MMU running behind him.

He'd take care of this shadower later.

Millard entered the restaraunt, then IDed himself as 'Dr. Fell'. Taylor was led instantly to the private room, where he stopped just before the door.

"MMU, did you see our follower place anything on me? The droid shook his head.

"Do a scan"

A little micro-dish protruded from MMU's head.


"Excellent. Thank you MMU. I'm sure the establishment has bacon...you may help yourself."

"BACON!" MMU ran towards the kitchen. Millard shook his head.

"I shall pay for any damage that occurs," then he entered the dining room.

"Good evening Arya...thank you for obeying the dress code."

He sat down and stared at her, "Now, what do you know of Lok's whereabouts?"

Sean Troy
Oct 12th, 2002, 04:55:41 AM
The back way into the restaurant was clear of any smoking kitchen staff, devoid of any high security as there were at the main entrance to the establishment....the old man had style he had to admit. The door to the kitchen was open and the loud shouting of the head cook and steam came bursting from the door. Sean strolled in and there were many kitchen, there had to be at least 30 to 40 just in the main area let alone the staff in the actual restaurant.

' OI YOU!'one of the younger kitchen staff shouted pushing the Hitman back out the door and around out of site of the other kitchen staff who over he noise had not heard what was going on. 'This is a restrict...'it was to late to get away Troy had swung the young boy around and clasped his hand over the boys mouth with some kind of cotton wool pressing hard against his mouth. The boy struggled but slowly the boy faded away into a deep sleep..the anisthetic worked.

The boy thankfully was a little shorter than the Hitman so his clothes were hardly noticeable. He quietly and slowly dragged the sleeping kitchen hand behind a dumpster and started to take off his outer cloths and out on the boys outter cloths, he did the buttonsup to the apron and then put on the paper hat, over the busyness of the kitche and the noice as he walked in...noone took any notice of him...now...all he had to do was find out the old mans table number

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:04:42 PM
She'd sat for a few minutes in the semi private room, fiddling with her salad fork, when the older man arrived. MMU scuttled off to the kitchens, to the alarm of the staff, but the man didn't seem to care. He was single minded in his purposes.

"Good evening Arya...thank you for obeying the dress code." He sat down, "Now, what do you know of Lok's whereabouts?"

Arya heard the subconscious condescension in his tone, and bristled. "I told you I don't know where she is." The way he was looking at her was starting to creep her out, and she rubbed her hand over her bare arm. "And if I did know, I'm not the type to rat on associates. You have her droid, which means you have her ship. I don't know you, and to be frank, you're not my type. So tell me why I shouldn't be cutting your throat and making for the exit?"

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:12:12 PM
"Because things could be very difficult for you if you did," Millard replied, "Plus, if Lok were to find out...she wouldn't be happy."

He set the ring on the table. It was the one he'd given Lok what seemed almost many years ago, though it was only one.

"I gave her that. Plus...I believe your encounter with Lok on Kuat Station led to the both of you running the blockade on TDK. Also, during your visit to Kuat Station you approached an New Republic sergeant by the name of Wargrave, and asked him about your creds."

He paused, "I believe you were wearing the same outfit you wore today when you did made those comments."

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 12th, 2002, 02:12:31 PM
Arya narrowed her eyes. "So, you gave her a ring, and it turns out she left you. I'm guessing she had a good reason. Maybe cutting your throat would make Lok happy."

She tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "Anyway, she never mentioned an obsessive boyfriend to me, so I don't see why I should believe you. In fact I..."


A vornskyr leaped at her, silver fur flashing in the moonlight. Arya couldn't move, but the beast flew past her. She turned her head, and saw the man, standing behind her. The vornskyr stopped in front of the man, and he knelt down, holding his hands out. The creature bellied up to him, and licked his face.


A tiny robot with green eyes was running in a kitchen, covered with bits of food and being approached by a chef with a long fork.

She inhaled deeply mid-sentance, and blinked. A scream came from the kitchen, and she looked over her shoulder as something crashed in the background. "Who are you?"

Sean Troy
Oct 12th, 2002, 02:20:09 PM
Troy exited the kitchens and made for the staff restroom where he reminded himself of the after shave Millard had so helpfully pointed out to him...what a good old man he is, he thought sarcastically. He cupped his hands under the tap a few times and wiped his face roughly, he then picked up a paper towel and rubbed his face even more getting rid of the smell. Just incase however this old man was not what he looked like Troy picked up the bar of soap and scrubbed his hands and face clean.

Feeling satisfied now he exited the staff bathroom and walked out into the main restaurant area where in front of him was a small date-pad for taking orders on, and when sent via e-mail they went directly to the kitchens computer for cooking. At this time of day the custom was just picking up to the restaurant was just getting busy, fortunately he spotted his target and the old man right away sitting a few rows from the window, easily found now tat he knew where they were. Its not like he hadnot done this a few times now in different restaurant around the galaxy. Troy was a high profile hitman and he took out those at high ranks for big bucks, its not like he had never been to a swanky restaurant before.

Slowly he walked towards them data-pad in hand pushing down his paper hat so it clearly hid his bald head. he made it to there table holding the pad high enough so that the old man couldn't see all of his face. ' Hello,my name is Chris Tate' He said checking his ID badge on his breast pocket. 'I will be your waiter for this evening...before ordering can i interest you in our nice beverage selection..perhaps a nice bottle of wine?...or shall i take your food order?' He said,this time without the accent he presented Millard with earlier.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2002, 11:25:39 PM
"Yes please," Millard replied, with a glimmer in his blue eyes "Some fava beans and a nice chianti."

Inhaling the man's scent, Millard smelled fresh soap all over the man's hands. Interesting...interesting indeed.

Why would a man wash the top of his face?

The room was empty and away from any prying eyes.

"Miss Ravenwing what can I get for you?"

Oct 12th, 2002, 11:29:48 PM
MMU ran. He ran as fast aas his little legs could possibly carry him. Glowing green eyeports wide in excitement, the little avatar scurried through the kitchen, through standing waiter's legs and under rolling trays. His antannae bobbed up and down as he ran, and bits of splattered food was caked on to his little body as he clutched a fistfull of bacon in each tiny hand.

WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'M RUNNING!!! I'M RUNNING!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!................ I'M NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Several heads turned then, as a massive bellow sounded from the droid's wake, and one of the line-cooks barreled forward. Servers dodged to the side, avoiding the infuriated cook like the plague; some even ducked for cover behind their coworkers.


And out he ran into the main dining hall, trailing foodstuffs as he went and still clutching his 'catch' of bacon.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 12th, 2002, 11:43:02 PM
Arya blinked, and looked at the menu. "I'll have the calamari fettucine, and a glass of water."

Something is wrong. She couldn't put her finger on what it was, but the tension in the room had just gone up about a million degrees. She let her hands sit in her lap, near both the vibroblade and the clutch. "You have not answered my question, Mr...?"

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2002, 11:45:07 PM
"Doctor," Millard replied, keeping the alias up for now. Whoever the man following him was, he did not want to give away his identity. Not yet atleast.

"Doctor Fell. As it says on my reservation. She is my fiance. She was...bitten or stung by a vornskr and turned into one...I believe the term is lupine.

"Do you follow so far? She accidently attacked and injured me. And because she feared for my life, she left. I am simply pursuing her. You cannot deny me that wish can you?"

Millard looked at the waiter, "Tell me, do you plan on standing there and evesdropping on our conversation or do you plan to see to our orders?"

Sean Troy
Oct 13th, 2002, 08:59:04 AM
'There-we-are' He said tapping on the data-pad rather smoothly. ' I will bring your beverages over in a moment, and i hope you understand that this time of night the kitchens are rather busy so if your fine dinners are later than expected please wave down ether myself or the head waiter over and we shall hurry things along Docter Fell' He nodded to them both and walked off with a fake swagger...'Doctor Fell my butt' He mutterd to himself.

Taylor Millard
Oct 13th, 2002, 11:56:44 PM
Millard stared at the waiter as he walked off. There was something familiar about the man, but he couldn't place it. Not yet atleast.

He turned back to Arya.

"Do you blame me for wanting to find her?"

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:16:45 AM
Arya stared at their waiter, and then jerked away and looked back at Dr. Fell. "I don't blame you, I suppose, but if you must know, the romantic in me died with my lover, eight years ago. So, yes, I sympathize with you, but empathy never filled my stomach, if you know what I mean."

She sipped her water, still trying to figure out where she knew the waiter from. There was a background commotion, and she thought she heard MMU's voice. Arya raised an eyebrow, and awaited the man's response.

Taylor Millard
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:22:37 AM
Millard/Fell smiled, "I told the restaurant if MMU damages anything I will pay for it. Thus, I have a blank check waiting."

He chuckled, "You wouldn't happen to have had any information on her whereabouts?"

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:28:06 AM
She smiled. "I don't think you understand. Information can be brokered for a price, Doctor." His stance was far too overbearing to be a doctor..it screamed military. But she humored him, for now. "Being sympathetic never got me anywhere in life."

Taylor Millard
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:31:26 AM
"Ah but of course. Friendship only goes as far as the credit line," Millard pulled a datapad from his coat and set it on the table in front of her.

"Does that suffice?"

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:33:49 PM
Arya looked at the data pad, and raised an eyebrow, settling back in her chair. "You really want her back, don't you."

She sipped her water again, "I ran across her last on Arcan IV. She's in the company of what you might call an 'alpha male.' I don't know that she'll want to go back to you. Her life is a lot different now... but that's beside the point."

"They were headed towards Coruscant, I believe. But they could have been there, and left, or changed their plans in mid flight." Arya coughed, and reached for her water, the soft light from the lamps playing gently on her creamy skin.

Taylor Millard
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:16:14 AM
Millard nodded, "I appreciate the information."

He took a sip of his own water, still waiting for the chianti to arrive.

"Tell me, do you know about her addiction? Or semi-addiction."

Sean Troy
Oct 16th, 2002, 05:29:51 PM
OOC Sorry thanks for waiting guys..^_^;

Troy returned to the kitchen in a more happier stait than the last time particularly now he had the orders from them both he could concoct a little drink of his own...she wanted water...anesthetic would be totally sent less and tasteless and would knock her out within moments...the problem would be the old man...he would certainly know it was one of the kitchen staff that did the deed...Troy would need to do what he needed and make a sharpish exit even if it meant killing the old man in broad daylight.

What he needed was a item of her identification, wallet, purse, ID badge..anything so he could get on a computer and check her out,his clients wanted infomation on her. In a secluded part of the kitchen the Hitman poured the water, took out the bottle of anesthetic that he knocked the kitchen boy out with and dipped 3 teaspoons of anesthetic into it...it was "a perfect drug", noone would notice.

' Drinks for table nine...Oi you kitchen boy..get your butt out there...' Troy looked at him with a fake smile, replaced quietly the glass of water with his Zemeamin Cocktail and lifted the tray onto the palm of his hand beginning his short trek to there table, a broad grin on his face.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 22nd, 2002, 11:21:01 PM
Arya looked up as their waiter returned again, and she got a prickly sensation in the back of her spine. She looked behind her, thinking there was someone watching her, but there was only a wall, and a ficus.

She reached for her refilled water, and brought it to her lips as the good Doctor asked his question. Arya replaced the water, undrunk, to the table, her hand still around it. "She does Liquid Silver, a highly narcotic stimulant. Its only available on a few planets, and only in small quantities." She shrugged, sipping her water slightly.

Taylor Millard
Oct 23rd, 2002, 11:09:15 AM
It was in that instance...Millard opened his mind to the Force.

It filled his senses, giving him a feeling of youth and of new life. He was able to sense almost everything, hear the conversations around the dinner place.

As well as people's thoughts.

Sam's lying, he doesn't love me!! a woman thought as she heard her companion speak.

Ugh this is boring, I wish I were watching a smashball game.

She's drinking too much again, I wish she'd stop.

All of these thoughts, Millard hear periphally, ignoring most of them. Until one thought...quite near him, screamed.

The drug will set in quickly...I'll kill her afterwards. The same for the old man...but a job's a job.

And it came from the waiter...right next to HIM!

Millard moved quickly, knocking the water from Arya's lips, and sending the glass across the room.

A Force enhanced punch, sent the 'waiter' flying against the wall.

"I believe," Millard said, his blue eyes shining, as he grabbed the hitman's wrists and pinned them from body, "We have a traitor within our sights.

"Now...who is it you work for?"

Sean Troy
Oct 23rd, 2002, 01:06:53 PM
With amazing agility the hitman grabbed the old mans wrist and kicked off the table and fliped backwards,up and over Millard who had to let go or he would have had his arm dislocated or broken.

The next thing to happen was the Hitman had drawn his two custormised silver barattas from his chest holsters one gun fireing at Arya with perfect accuracy and the other sending a hail of bullits in the direction of the crippled man whilst Troy was moving away from them at the same time providing space. 'very good' He growed over the noice.

Eluna Thals
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:09:50 PM
Farther away, Janelle had taken a seat, where she sipped on a mai tai and read the newspaper. However, at the first sign of commotion, she tossed the paper aside, her brunett hair fading into a bright red color. With inhuman speed, she bound across the table, leaping over to Millard and Arya's own table. She placed herself in between Millard and Troy, taking the shots intended for him, and falling backwards onto the Grand Admiral.


Taylor Millard
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:12:57 PM
A reaction from the assassin was not just predicted, but expected, especially from an experienced military man like Taylor Millard. But Eluna's appearance was even more suprsing

As Sean attempted to fire more shots, Millard took hold of the arm with his other hand and hauled downward, the strength of his pull proving that this "old man" was neither weak nor helpless.

Troy's body fell onto the table, breaking the dishes on it and preventing him from drawing his weapons.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 23rd, 2002, 11:35:19 PM
The water had barely touched her lips before all hell broke loose. The man across from her reached out and slapped the glass away from her, spilling the water all over her dress, even while grabbing the waiter and punching him in the face. "Hey-!" Arya sputtered, and grabbed her holdout blaster as the Doctor demanded to know who the waiter worked for.

She didn't recognize the waiter, and had little chance to gain insight into his identity, as he twisted away from her companion and loosed a hail of projectiles towards them both. Arya's instincts warned her moments before, and she dove to the side, rolling and ripping her dress up to her hip and exposing the vibroblade strapped to her upper thigh.

A woman was there, falling backwards into the older man, and Arya couldn't remember her arriving. No matter. She came up from her roll in a kneeling position, and had her blaster leveled at the 'waiter,' bullets spraying up carpet fragments beside her.

Doctor Fell subdued the waiter, causing Arya's well aimed shot to miss, and slammed the bald man onto the table. Arya got to her feet, took two steps, and placed the muzzle of the blaster against the doctor's temple, finger tight on the trigger. At the same time she reached down with her free hand, her vibroblade instinctually flying into it, and hefted it once before placing it at the waiter's throat, a hypersonic whine almost audible.

"Someone has three seconds to tell me what the frell is going on, or I kill you both."

Sean Troy
Oct 24th, 2002, 01:00:36 AM
It was only milli-seconds after the blade had touched his neck that the tip of his gun touched the underside of her chin. Troy knew his own weapons like he knew his mother, the gun pointing at Arya had two bullitsleft in its clip, the gun pointing towards Millard even in the old mans grip had 4 ,enough kill both if needed especially in these close qaurter conditions. The hit had gone wrong and 57 knew it, however in his brain he was sifting through words, explinations and the like perhaps turning he tables would work.

' I was assigned to kill this man...i don't know why so don't ask..with me you pay for what i give...simple..i know and don't want to know anything on him..but i was ordered to kill him....i thought you might scramble for the exit so i fired warning shots at you only...i had no intention of killing you at all...'He lied, but lied well.

'From my intelligence anyway after following this man, whoever he is, certainly not a normal man, he was going to kill you after he was finished with you anyway...rather than letting you go and to talk of his were abouts to others...' Again he lied very well,hiding the truth was his only option in this tence stand off.

Taylor Millard
Oct 24th, 2002, 09:50:13 PM
"Then I have an offer for you, Mister," Millard searched Troy's mind. He hid his real name fairly well...and it took the Imperial Grand Admiral a minute to get Sean Troy's name.

"Mister Troy is it...What are you being paid for this...hit on me?"

Sean Troy
Oct 24th, 2002, 10:13:27 PM
' Some call me that...but i am known as 57 around my line of work....' he sneerd 'And as to your proposal old man!, you can very well shove it up your-' He stopped suddenly just clearly rearlizing what the old man was. The extra stengh from nowere, the mind reading possibly?....a force user!

'I wont accept...im here to kill not be out bought by the very person i am to kill. Job has to be done im affraid...'Old Man' He said sarcasticly then looked back to Arya.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 24th, 2002, 11:37:19 PM
57? Arya's hand tightened on the vibroblade, almost touching it to his skin. The slightest contact, and the supersonic vibrations would part his flesh as though it were butter. The gun pointing at her didn't paticularly seem to faze her. Two rounds in the one pointing at her, four in the one pointing at the Doctor. Or is it four in this one, two in the other?

She'd kept count, but sometimes it was impossible to be sure. And at this range, her head would only be an ugly splotch on the opposite wall should the waiter pull the trigger. "My dress is soaking and ripped. You've shot at me more than you shot at him, and you managed to grab my purse, which I dropped."

I'm the target. She moved her left hand, aiming the blaster at 57, and backing slowly away, her vibroblade slipping back into its sheath on her thigh.

'I'm NAAAAAAAAKEED!!" MMU came running into the room, trailing bacon, an angry cook, and three waiters. The silencers on the assassin's weapons had made it so no one had been alerted to the firefight in the back room. And the restaurant was not full by any means at this late hour, which had lessened the chance of the patrons being disturbed by crashing dishes.

MMU stood still and gaped, still clutching strips of bacon in both small hands. His visual receptors widened, and the waiters swore, backing away from the two men on the table. Arya kept her blaster steady, even as she edged away back towards the second doorway.

The cook was not to be disuaded, however, and he charged into the room, not noticing the standoff until it was too late. His large body could not stop in time, and MMU squealed, ducking under the table as the portly cook skidded and slipped on the water on the floor. The cook slammed into the table, sending the Doctor and the hitman flying, the beretta's both going off haphazardly into the wall and the ceiling.

Arya dove to the side as the projectiles barely missed her, and rolled up to her feet again at a dead run. The datapad with the Doctor's offer on it was securely in her left hand, blaster in her right. She'd lost her shoes somewhere, and she dashed headlong towards the kitchens, not wanting to be around when the police showed up.

She had gotten her money, and that was all she needed.

Sean Troy
Oct 25th, 2002, 08:26:25 AM
Sean fell off the table and scrambled towards his guns in a last stand to save his own life from Taylor. He grabbed them with interference, rolled out of view from Arya and stood up in a flash. he looked back at Arya and gave a light smile before turning back to the closed window, popping off a few slugs to smash it and make an exit. Howevernot before he turned winked at Taylor and made a sharpish run for it.