View Full Version : Check your weapons at the door? I might as well not enter. (open)

Valirion Thorn
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:06:43 AM
:: I entered the bar and set my four daggers off at the door. I was planning on meeting someone here later, but the knight was young and so was I. I found a nice chair in the back and watched the fleshy mortals walk about their simple business. How beautiful the simplicity of all of it was. And I could taste them all from here.
I squirmed as the other voices cried out for their own wants but I shut them down as I felt her near. Then the real fun would start.

Lord Soth
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:47:11 PM
The lifeless body of a female dropped from the Death Knights grasp as it fell to the wet alley at his feet. Crimson stain glistened on Soth's ruby lip's as he tilted his head slightly to one side as if deep contemplation. There was a force signature he recognized, one he knew well,...Another Creature of the Damned was near...Very near!...

"One should not venture alone in the wee hour's of the night...Even here, were the light dwells..." Soth slowly glanced down at the pale woman who's eye's starred blankly up at the night sky, his word's of warning fell on deaf ear's as he stepped over her unmoving form.

Through the inky shadow's, hidden with the aid of the Dark-Side it's self, the Death Knight moved undetected towards the Bar and Grill. Soth had just met up with the jedi master known as Liam Jinn, easily dispatching the brazen master almost literally single handed, leaving the man's tattered and bloody body on the field of battle.

Soth smiled wickedly as he recalled the short lived confrontation. Liam was nothing more then a frail school boy to Soth, in need of great discipline and guidance, if that was even possible at any degree from what the light had to offer in it's hypocritical doctrines of fortitude...

"Even their master's are weak and incompetent,...much as the light they serve." The Master Vampyre thought to himself as he drew near to the tavern.

Upon entering the establishment under disguise; Soth appeared as an old local man that frequented the bar often, then he resumed his normal appearance as he walked slowly towards Valirion's shadowed table.

The place had seemed to change, the inner decor slightly different from what he remembered before the terrible blast that leveled the B&G almost a year prior, Soth noted to himself as he came to stand before the fledgeling Vampyre of the Shrine.

"Ah, Valirion...So good to see you my brother in blood." The Death Knight gestured to an empty chair across from the young man with his talon hand.

"May I?" Soth eye's narrowed as a wicked grin slowly crept across his marble like face.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:54:27 PM
Not a problem, Soth. Join me, tonight, just seems... so... full. As if fire snapped across the very air at every turn. I see you have already fed tonight. I have not obligated myself yet, I figured I'd find someone here.

:: My hand tapped on the table rapidly and my pale marble skin seemed to gleam in the night. I looked to the door for a moment and then back to Soth.::

I smell more than just you...

Geist Laich
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:00:59 PM
They made his hair stand on end as he watched from the rafters of the bar and grill, whoever those two are they were creeping him out. His golden eyes stayed locked on them as he crawled across the beams to position himself above and slightly to the left of them. His tail twitched, and a slight growl passed his lips.

Alana Stormcloud
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:08:49 PM
Alana moved from the shadows of the building. They clung to her almost unwilling to release her form. She made her way to the Jedi bar where she was to meet her apprentice Thorn. She could feel another of her kind near by, one that held the power of ages. The Death Knight Soth's force signature was unmistakable.

A cool grin lit her bloodless lips. She had not fed this night and her senses were heightened by the need. She nodded her head to the NR guards who asked for her weapons, there hands shook there faces blanched white. "I have none other than myself human." She said motioning to her body that was encased in a tight leather suit. "As you can see I have nothing to hide." She passed through the doors of the GJO. Alana had no love for the place but it was good hunting ground.

"My brother Soth, what a pleasure to see you here." Her eyes glinted with laughter. Something always happened when he arrived.

"Thorn my apprentice, a pleasure to join you for a meal." She smiled and leaned down placing a small kiss on his armored cheek. "So who are we having for dinner?"

Lord Soth
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:23:28 PM
The chair in front of Soth moved out on it's own accord, as if it were pulled away from the table by an unseen hand. The Death Knight had just sat down when a tavern wench approached the table. Soth rudely waved his hand at her in disgust, sending her on her way as his gaze fell once more on Valirion...

"Ah, yes...It seems that the family has come out to play again tonight..." Soth word's were smooth and even as his sister in blood approached the two men from behind. An oaken chair moved out as well for Alana, Soth stood as she neared, as it was customary for him to do so as a Knight of the Black Rose.

Soth slowly glanced up at the wooden rafter's then smiled as the force signature of an odd simbiant life form came into his deadly focus.

"It look's as though we have an admiring friend amongst us my brethren..." The Death Knight gestured for the creature to come down, slowly enticing it with the sharp talon index finger of his right armored hand...

Geist Laich
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:31:26 PM
He growled once more when he was noticed, and when the man gestured for him to join them, well he couldn't help himslef as he crawled over to be on the rafter above their table.

"Guten abend, Herrs and Fraulien." he may as well be polite, especailly after hearing the woman talk about eating people.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:18:45 PM
Kaytor licked the last of the blood from her lips as she left the man to bleed the rest of his blood out. There was very little left anyways.

She walked towards the bar and grill where she sensed the others. Her weapons had to be left at the door, something she hated, but did anyways. Once she steped in, it was easy to spot them. She slowly walked over to them and the Living that was near them.

"Greetings, Milord Soth and Milady Alana. Hello Valirion."

She glances at the other that was with them. Her eyes pierced into him as she leaned on the back of Valirion's chair.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:40:48 PM
:: I was glad to have more of my own "kind" about me. And my armor was clearly anxious to see what would happen with so many believers of pain in one room. The sword wanted to see what it could but I hushed its voice and looked about before speaking.::

I am glad that you all could join me for dinner, Soth, Mistress Alana, and Kaytor. And even our blue guest... Geist. I hadn't really designated a meal yet but I would be glad to do so now that I would think it not rude enough to start eating before anyone else. As I can see that at least two of us are a little more pinker than usual.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:46:07 PM
Kaytor pulled a chair up with the force and sat down beside Valirion. She pulled her hood off of her head and leaned back.

"I have no need for any of the items that they have here. I am just here for the compain of the Shrine."

She crossed her arms across her chest and looked again at the blue guy. She didn't trust him all that much but could do nothing about it if Soth and Alana had no problem with him. She turned her attention back to the rest.

Geist Laich
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:46:28 PM
He just watched, it was alot better then joining this...Whatevers down there.......He lounged on the one crossbeam.

"If you want something good try the Jawa juice, it'll put hair on your chest......"

Valirion Thorn
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:53:52 PM
:: I lifted my hand and the blue freak flew to my clawed gauntlet. His neck was in my grasp and I sighed.::

And I can take the hair off your chest and make a rug of it.

:: A chair flew to my other side and I placed our "guest" in it. I gestured friendly with my claw and the armor's demon like face mocked a twisted smile as I spoke.::

Why don't you join us? We were about to have something to eat.

Geist Laich
Oct 7th, 2002, 04:19:55 PM
He shuddered.

"Sorry, I dun eat people, bad for the stomach..."

He grinned, trying to make light of a bad situation. But it probably just made it worst for him.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:22:55 AM
Kaytor shook her head and grinned.

"Honestly, Valirion, didn't your mother ever teach you not to play with your food?"

She said the line mockingly towards the blue creature and her brother of the shrine. She leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table, leaning her head on her hands.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:47:56 PM
:: I looked to Kaytor a moment and my helmet began to warp back, the mouth opening in the helmet as if in a yawn until my face came forth from its depths and upon my face was a sardonic smile. I looked from her to Alana as I spoke.::

My "mother" taught me HOW to play with my food, don't be so silly.

:: MY gauntleted hand reaced over to the blue fellow and it rested on his shoulder.::

And you, I have to say, seem to be misunderstood on the matter of dinner.

:: My fangs sliced into my lower lip and I let the small rivulets of blood sink back into my lip. The small pain was all I could do to hold me back from tearing the thing's furry head off and drinking the blood as it still pumped from his throat.::

Geist Laich
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:38:03 PM
He grinned.

"Really? I doubt it considering the nice lady." he pointed at Alana. "Mentioned eating people, but the wouldn't include me, since I'm techincally not human."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 07:25:12 AM
We're not racist here, trust me. And if I were you, I'd doubt a many things this night, because many are not and will be proven not true.

:: I looked at the other three vamps, the helmets dead gaze lost the effect of my own dark violet eyes but it was understanding nonetheless.::

So what are we gonna do now? I would think that there is enough of us here to throw... I mean have a party?

Alana Stormcloud
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:58:36 PM
Alana grinned at Kaytor and Thorn. "Of course you must play with your diner. How else will you make it's blood rush with adrenaline?" Leaning back Alana scanned the bar, it had been quiet some time since she had been there. Not to much had changed.

"Have a party? Should we invite some of the Jedi to join us then? Perhaps they would share a drink with us." Alana slid a bottle of her blood meed from her bag and set it on the table. "Then again we could start now with this and finish with the Jedi later..."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:03:15 PM
I agree, I would have to say that I think the jedi will be later guests. But why waste anymore time, just go ahead and finish this one off then we can start dancing or something like that... A very, hmmmm, meaningful dance, one of those that could literally bring the house down?

:: I tapped my fingers on the table as I stared at the blue fellow a bit longer. My muscles slowly tensed as I prepared for a little fun.::

Kaytor Surna
Oct 17th, 2002, 09:37:52 PM
"Well if we are going to have a 'Party' one of us have to do the honors of starting it."

Kaytor's gaze fell on Soth.

"Milord would you like the honors of starting us out?"