View Full Version : Of Puppets and Madmen. (open)
The Preacha
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:31:25 PM
"Sho is dark in here."
*I strucks a match sose I could see trew da black.
Everythin' wuz agoin' akcordin' ta my plan. Thanks to my trusty preachin' toolz, which helped me ta get into da Bar and Grill's roof. Now I wuz alookin down one o' dose vents, seein' all da peepal pass by.*
"Dat's right heatherns. I'll shows ya dat thar is deeeeeemons in this place. OOPS!"
*Da top o' da place creaked a bit. Hope nobody heard dat.*
Geist Laich
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:11:16 PM
"Oooooooh a vent!"
He cooed as he looked at the vent with golden eyes and grinned, he had been hanging about the rafters in the main room of the bar, but there where no vents there, so he went exploring. He had found one.
"I wunder if I can open it......." he muttered to himself, his tail twitching as he placed one three fingered hand on the vent grill. Then he heard a squeaking noise, coming from someother vent that must be attatched to this one.
"Hallllo? Anyone in der?" he half-shouted into the vent.
The Preacha
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:26:02 PM
*I looked around ta see wheres dat shoutin' wuz acomin' from.
There 'e sat. Some kinda blue kritter who wuz also trapesin' trew da vents.*
"Quiet, ya little blue kritter. Can't ya see I'm atryin' to sermonize yar."
*I looked back down at da peeples below. Den, reachin' inta my preachin' bag I pulled out my puppet.
It wuz a scary lookin' thang, all red like, with big o' horns out da tops of his head, and a long swishy tail behind 'im.
I lowered dis red guy down into da bar, where 'e plopped inta somebody's plate.
Once 'e got inta full few o' everybody in da place I began makin' 'im dance about and in my best deeeeeeemons voice I said..*
"I'm da DEEEEEMONS in da WAAAAAAALLLS!!!! Be afraid, be veeeeery afraid!"
Geist Laich
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:28:46 PM
Geist could not believe it, whoever this guys was he was trying to scare the people in the bar with...Of all things, a puppet.
"That won't work Herr, ist to.........Phony."
Geist placed a hand over his mouth just to prevent himself from laughing at the guy.
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:36:38 PM
The Jackel glared at the puppet on his plate.
"Stupid MONK!"
He grabbed the puppet's strings and hauled down on them.
The Preacha
Oct 6th, 2002, 09:11:53 PM
*I felt a big o' tug on da puppet strangs.*
"Dis kan't be good."
*It wuzn't good. I got yanked right out o' da seelin'*
*I krashed right trew da funny man's table. It wuz like gettin' runned over by a whole mess o' demons.*
Oct 6th, 2002, 09:25:09 PM
"Fool monk."
He glared unamused at the man on his table.
"Get up!"
He hauled the Preacha up by his collar and set him on the ground.
The Preacha
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:41:48 PM
*I kouldn't ritely talk after dat fall, sose my voice sounded like a bull-frog.*
" munny fan. Fanty mitten you chear."
*Den I flopped backwerd on da floor.*
Geist Laich
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:48:37 PM
He started to laugh, loudly so that the man who The Preacha was probably trying to scared heard him.
"Oh-hahahahaha...Das was gut!"
He poked his head out of the vent to watch what might happen next.
Oct 7th, 2002, 04:44:17 PM
"Tch...stupid monk."
He then glared at Geist.
"You'll be joining him if you don't shut up."
Tomak Ohara
Oct 7th, 2002, 05:18:22 PM
Tomak entered, and his black cape flowed behind him. He came running to the Preachers defense. "Get away from him. He has done nothing to harm you. You can order more food. Leave him alone!" Tomak threw his hand out and Inu-Aku flew off the table. "Leave people that have done nothing to you alone." Tomak picked up the preacher. "How are you today sir?" Tomak looked back at Inu-Aku, "Sorry I hope I did not hurt you. I just like people to respect others you know." Tomak then handed him some money for another plate. "Here take it." Tomak smiled showig his fangs. He turned back to the Preacher," Hello sir, my name is Tomak Ohara the Vampire Prince of the Ohara Clan." Tomak smiled showing his fangs again and stuck out his hand. He waited for the Preacher to return the gesture.
Oct 7th, 2002, 05:52:18 PM
"Bite me vampire!"
He threw the money back in Tomak's face.
"This fool has ruined my meal and caused a scene. I'd hardly call that 'nothing'."
Tomak Ohara
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:09:35 PM
Tomak grabbed the money from the floor, "This man is only doing what he beleives! Now then I beleive you should show some respect to your elders! I am three-hundred years old." Tomak looked at the man and turned, "Life will go on boy." Tomak looked back at the preacher. "So what were we saying?"
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:10:44 PM
Wei laughed. "You know he is right."
Wei had been watching from the bar and went over to where everyone was standing. He saw Geist in the vent and called to him.
"Come down from there! You could get hurt! I'll catch you, no worries!"
Wei held out his arms, ready to catch the little guy when he jumped.
Geist Laich
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:24:26 PM
He leapt alright, but not downwards but up towards a rafter, his fingers just barely grasping it, then he pulled himself up with ease.
"The wonders of being furry."
He stuck his tongue out at Wei, "And you are not my type Sir."
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:33:33 PM
Wei laughed. "No, I suppose not."
Wei scratched his head. "You are pretty agile, aren;t you?"
Geist Laich
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:38:06 PM
he dropped backwards, making it look like he was gonna fall off, but his tail and left foot grabbed the rafter.
"Why yes I am, at least don't call me a demon......" he said crossing his arms across his chest..
"Got anything to eat? I'm starving...."
The Preacha
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:14:17 PM
*I tryed my bests ta get back up and thank da feller what chunked funny man away. But, unfortoonitely, I wuz still a bit out o' it.*
"Icen ta feet ya, Homak O' Terrier. m'I da reacha."
*Shakin' my head, I snapped back ta nermal thinkin'*
"Okay, dats better."
*I gaves da grinning man a good look and I tell ya what! I ain't never seens teef dat BIG or dat pointy in my whole life!*
Abel Kannan
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:25:35 PM
"Wow, that was some accident, eh?"
Abel entered the Bar and Grill and went over to where there was the broken table.
"Is everyone here ok?"
Abel noticed the teenager in the rafters. "Well, look at you! You have been blessed with some kind of wonderful abilities."
Abel smiled at the mention of food. "Hey, you hungry? I'll buy you some food, how about it?"
Abel was a good youth leader, always helping out the kids. They were all like sons and daughters to him.
The Preacha
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:47:56 PM
"Thanks fer helpin' like 'at, feller."
*I kouldn't help but stare at da man's teef.*
"If ya don't mind me askin'....
*I stopped an' scratched my head.*
"Well.....I don't meen ta insults ya....."
*Stoppin' agin, I rubbed da back o' my neck....*
" did ya get such big chompers!!?"
Tomak Ohara
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:01:15 PM
Tomak smiled at the Preacher, "Well they came that way. I am a vampire." Tomak looked at him again. He smiled showing his fangs again.
The Preacha
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:26:02 AM
"Well jumpin' Jehosaphat!"
*I musta gone ten feet strait up when dat feller told me whut 'e wuz.*
"Ya mean da blood suckin' kind?!"
Tomak Ohara
Oct 10th, 2002, 04:08:56 PM
Tomak looked at him, "Yes actually. However I do not suck humans I have pills I put in water." Tomak pulled a pill from his pocket, "See?"
The Preacha
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:39:13 PM
*I wipped da sweat from my forehead.*
"Fhew, thought der fer a minute yuse wuz gonna..."
*I stopped, placin' my hand over my mouth and commenced ta pintin' my two front fingars out like da man's fangs. Den I pinted to my neck.*
"....ya know suck my blood."
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