View Full Version : Bloodlust (open challenge)

Valirion Thorn
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:20:47 PM
:: I sat in the hospital, crouched upon a counter as a female nurse was held within my embrace. I tossed her drained body aside though as I had drained most of the staf within this complex. My armor was not out and the sword had no need to be unsheathed though both screamed to be unleashed on these pitiful mortals. I leaped like a cat from one counter to the hallway through the door. I looked up and observed my surroundings. The thirst of blood drove me on as I smelled more humans within the building. I would not drink from the sickly. They were unclean to me and I would only take those of more fit health.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:30:48 AM
' Well well well ' He sudden voice behind thorn said; a twisted smile erupting from his lips. He had no reason to protect the innocent, he was sure a Jedi would come if he wished but Sieken was here just to have a fight nothing more nothing less. Anyway Vampires discustedhim. ' Vampires....they do so sicken me....sucking blood from ones neck is hardly the most hygienic thing to do is it?' Sieken said with a twisted expression on his face....how he hated Vampires.

'You can kill as many innocents as you wish...i really couldn't give a rats bollox...however....you wish of a fight correct? you were trying to provoke a fight were you not?....well instead of a jedi you got a Dark jedi Knight...what do you say?'

He said folding his arms over his chest and grinned wildly. He stood in a ordinary stance with a expressionless face....this vampire whoever he was to Sieken was hardly scarey...all the armor did was make him look like a pratt.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:28:51 AM
ooc: :lol my armor is not out yet Sieken, not wanting to be a technical prat but you know

ic: :: I turned slowly, my blood stained cloths of velvet were so soft compared to my armor. I listened to the human's voice and smiled. Was this the blood I smelled? It was very rich from here. But this male was a darksider, but not nearly as strong as Soth or Alana in its uses. And what did he say I was expecting? A jedi? And he was a Dark Jedi Knight? Was I supposed to cringe at his title or something?
I stood up from my crouched position and licked the blood off my lips. My tongue ran over my fangs as it went by. This human was merely a bull in the cattle. one that would fall like the rest of my prey. But I guess it wanted to play first... and talk, these humans wanted to always talk.::

Hygenic? Or maybe an aesthetic interpretation O squishy one? I come looking for no fight with an specific type of you, just merely a trap among many.

:: With a pass of my hand, the nurse and few other staff I had killed in the other room seemed to slowly walk and stumble into the hallway. Like zombies my golems slumped over to the human before me. I did not expect these to stop him and if they did I had sorely overestimated this darksider. They dragged they dead bodies across the floor and had a rank smell to them but they opened their mouths and moaned. They hungered for flesh, a simple instinct...::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 5th, 2002, 07:02:50 PM
Sieken sighed quietly to himself for a few moments looking at the 'zombies' make there ever sluggish journey towards the Dark Side. Sieken seeing the Vampire had high hopes of this fight but if this was going to be the bulk of the battle then it was hardly a challenge.

As the walking dead came closer to Sieken it was certain to Thorn what he had in mind. 'Losurus' the ever faithful saber of Siekens ignighted into a dark green blade and pulled himself into a sutible stance. Sieken waisted little time with the formalities and twisted the saber around to that it arced upwards towards the nurse which sliced her body cleanly in half from groin to the top of her head, Sieken allowed himself a small smile as the bloody body fell lazily to the floor quivering.

The two other bodies were taken care of with a series of right to left slashes cutting deeply into the said bodies chest and then finally sweeping the saber in a 360 degree turn cut both bodies in half as blood splattered all over the white decorated corridor, it looked frankly like a massacre had taken place. Sieken switched the button down and the green saber flashed away back into its home and was clipped back on his red trench coat belt with a twisted smile.

'You still hungry?...theres food down there if you are....' he gentured with a nod to the now lifeless bodies 'Now..are we through with the games or are you going to fight me like a good little vampire should...' he said looking at the man with a certain distaste.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:51:33 PM
:: I laughed as the aromor tore from benaeth my skin and the helmet, like a great mouth, devoured my face and covered my head. I drew my blade from my spine and it hissed at the sight of my opponent. It had been wanting something that had a bit more substance, something that took a bit more strength to cleave into but this skinny human would have to do obviously.
I didn't even charge forward, I lifted one clawed hand and and the bloody massacre of bodies lifted in the air and was hurled at Sieken. I ran then with force increased speed and my body at its 7 foot stature like a locomotive. I stopped before him and slammed my foot into the ground. Tiles flew up wards and in the brief moment as the building shook, I slashed and my armor threw forward spikes like arms and my other arm flew forward and grabbed the knight by the neck. I threw him into the wall and continued with my onslaught. This was merely playing with him though, not really trying to stab him, I wanted to see what he could do first. So far I could only see that he could fight mindless zombies with a passion and make a human shape imprint in the wall.::

Now little human, are you going to fight me?

Severen Morkonis
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:40:59 AM
Sieken had somehow dodged the heavy impact of the 3 bodies that were sent sprawling towards him by order of the Vampire. However the grip around the neck and the slam against the wall happened all to quickly for the Dark Knight to counter as well at the bodies. A shrieking pain sent Sieken into a winded wince for a few moments but he quickly gained his senses back after a seconded or two.Siekens eyes snapedopen to view the transformed hulk of a Vampire and his almost living sword.

Sieken smiled slightly and moved away from the vampire to provide space between the two, and raised his arm open fisted, Thorn was lifted from the ground about 3 or 4 feet and with a sudden impact to Thorn breast plate Sieken punches out his other arm hitting nothing but sending the force into the Vampires body and force pushed him down the corridor and hard into a wall where it gave way from the weight and eventually Thorn smashed through the brick and landed in a now open room.

Without hesitation Sieken green saber had been re-ignighted and was now in a defensive stance, that move purely was to let him retrieve his weapon without interruption.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 7th, 2002, 04:04:16 PM
:: I slowly got up, the demon like face on my helmet seemed to smile as I looked a the knight in his defensive stance. This would be a night, I would have to say. Havoc and mayhem were other things I wouldn't mind seeing now, and the blood of this knight was good enough to satisfy that.
I stood up and the armor shifted, all of the dirt flew off and I regripped my sword to silence its wailings of revenge. We hadn't been hurt too bad, it just wanted to fight back now. And lightsabers were such funny weapons too, why bother with such a small blade. Sure they could cut through most substances, but so could my sword. I laughed shortly before speaking with a voice that seemed to come from the void and not from my helmet.::

Not talking now are we? But we are bleeding my opponent. And that just won't do!

:: My hand flew forward and the blood coming from the cut above the knight's eye gushed from the wound as I pulled at the scar with the force. The blood splattered across his face but not a drop touched the ground. The falling life water flew towards the mouth of my helmet and the armor drank the blood and transfered it to me.::

You taste better than those others had, much better.

:: I charged forward, letting my sword tear the wall as I ran like paper and I leaped as I came to the knight and I slashed down but the tongue like blade of my sword curved around and made the slash in the opposite direction. My armor unleashed its spike like arms from my shoulders and chest once more and the fallen bricks were hurled at the dark jedi also. As I attacked, Sieken could hear the screams of my armor and sword, and merely the sighs of my breath as I came onward.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:21:07 PM
As the Vampire lept into the air Sieken stood there a few moments poised into a defencive stance and just as the hulking Thorn came crashing down sword first towards my head, i simply side stepped making the Vampire crash down to the floor, of course the creature landed on his feet very well balanced. Sieken waistedl ittle time in a counter attacked, the Knight turned to face the back of the monster and with a short sharp kick that smashed hard into his helmet the vampire once again was sent sprawling to the floor and landed on his chest. Siekenmoved back a few pacesto give a bit of roombetween the two.

'Now that was a silly mistake wasen't it?' Sieken smirked

Valirion Thorn
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:42:35 PM
:: I pushed myself upwards and snarled. This was not in anger but more in distaste. I was more or less annoyed that I had done that so stupidly and not just bothered with it at all. I of course had just been looking for fun but that did not seem so at this moment.
I stood up and the mouth of the helmet gnashed its fangs together quickly making sparks. The eye on my sword swiveled as it had been slightly dazed from the fall, but it was regaining itself with a vengeful anger and didn't care what happened now as long as that human was brought to his knees, or maybe just to his torso without legs.::

It was, wans't it?

:: My clawed gauntlet lifted and the dark jedi was thrown towards me, he came with a sudden rush and as timed, my foot flew forward into his midsection and I launched him backwards.::

I should've made you come to me in the first place.

:: I slowly walked up to the knight and my sword seemed to absorb in the light about it as it read my intentions and my armor made several hydra looking spikes form from my shoulder blades as it prepared to taste life water. I looked up and the ceiling fell in parts, one on his leg and the other on his arm. He was pinned to a point, I was expecting anything at this point. This knight had been better than any jedi I'd fought so far and I was not to underestimate him.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 10th, 2002, 10:15:11 AM
Of course only one of Siekens arms were pinned by one of the heavy tiles from the ceiling whihc infact hurt a great deal. Sieken howeverpushe the pain away and lookedup at the Vampire looming over him. With speed Siekens rage started to build and with one quick sharp strike in the air with his hand, he force lifted the durasteel tile from his arm and sent it through the air towards the vamp who made a small atempt to avoiditscollision but it was to late, the time smashed the creature in the side of the head and with the weight sent him once aagain falling to the floor,this time with alotmore pain to his head.

Sieken did the same with the one to his foot and set it down beside himself and began to hobble to his feet.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 12th, 2002, 05:06:40 PM
:: I stood up holding my face. I was tired of playoing games now, and so was my armor. Within my helmet, my eyes were knocked back in my head but the eyes of my armor replaced the darkness with its own sight. I saw the knight and that was the end of it. I used the lessons taught to me by Soth and then there would be no more of this Dark Jedi Knight. He would need a friend soon, because after this, many blootransfusions would be needed and not all of the blood will have gone to me. They will be cleaning it out of the planets dirt for years.
The face recomposed itself as my anger built. I stumbled forward, and the sword came to my hand with ease. My other hand came up to my hand and my chest seemed to open. A jewel encrusted dagger seemed to be pushed out and was placed in the palm of my gauntlet. I looked up and whispered.::

Dol-vus Tunis Venus...

:: Inside my helmet my fangs pierced my lower lip with anticipation and the monster face upon the helmet seemed to laugh as I came closer to the knight. With all the force I could maintain, I charged forward with uncanny speed and now the knight was pinned once again. But not by any ceiling debris, no. My sword was through the bare skin of his shoulder, it would not do much unless he tried to push me off and the armor had made hydra like arms now that pinned the knights clothes to the floor and went beneath him in the floor. If he were to push me off or do anything for that matter, he was going to come with me. And my face was only about six inches away from his face.
The knight's own blood was still upon the mouth of the faceplate and a few drops spllattered on the man's face. The face came up in huge grin as I spoke.::

My knife is almost within your soft flesh. I say almost because to die by my knife is instantaneous, no mercy. But I would rather torture you then use it, but try anything, if I even move, I'll sense your notions quick enough to slam this thing through your chest, and then you'll have about 5 seconds before your entire circulatory system becomes one big epidimic of venom. A waste to me, but then I almost think this is worth it.

:: The helmet before his eyes looked down momentarily at the dagger in my other hand and I made sure the blade was already through his clothes and barely touching his skin. I looked back up into the knight's eyes and waited to see what he did, a sign of surrender maybe, but no, not from a jedi of any kind, they would never surrender right? Surrender was his only way out and when someone didn't know when to quit they were dead, unless they were me.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 15th, 2002, 05:31:34 PM
Sieken only laughed when he felt the blade at his skin, he had trouble like this before, but Sieken always got out of it and defeated that person...no different to today he thought. There was no way out...he had to get out of it somehow even if it meant being hurt in the process.

The Dark Jedi once again felt his rage and anger build to such a extreme his face turned demonic and evil. It was just then it happened, Sieken touched the armor of the Vampire Lord and without intending to do so he sent quite a heavy bolt of electricity through the mans armor and body along with the intended force push he originally wanted. The Vampire was sent into the air, hit the roof and came back down with parts of the roof coming down with him, Sieken waited little time and rolled out of the way as the vampire hit the ground, and then heavy brick and breeze blocks came crashing down on top of the poor bugger.

Sieken looked at his hands for a few moments suprised by his actions...that had never happened before. Sieken smiled a triumphant smile and stepped back a few paces ready for the Vampire once again.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 16th, 2002, 05:20:40 PM
:: I got up, slowly with small spasms in my neck. Like a marionette, my body contorted itself until I could supress the wonderful feelings of pain and electrifying surges. That had truly been an experience, I would know, it felt just like previoous lessons of the shrine. Something I had faced before and found as a rare delicacy.
My armor writhed in ecstasy and the sword twisted with a sickening glee. My claws loosened as I strengthened my hold on my dagger. This knight had a lucky ability, I put the dagger away, back in the sheath in my chest and turned. With my side facing the knight I hurled my sword and it screamed through the air, absorbing the light about it as it passed. I followed behind with my claws outstretched and my armor screaming murder.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 16th, 2002, 06:07:54 PM
Sieken reacted quickly to the sword, with speed the Dark Jedi bent his waist sideways so he lent to the right, lifted his saber into a defensive stance and swung at the flying projectile like you would with a baseball bat. Of course the saber did not cut through the sword but it connected with force and sent the giant weapon smashing through a wall and into a sort of operating theater as it came to a stop under a few beds.

Now he had to deal with the speeding hulk trailing behind the once flying weapon. He had little time to think and with instinct rather than skill, the Dark Jedi looked up to see if there was a rafter feit hanging by any chance, and to his luck there was. Without thinking Sieken jumped up and grabbed the rafter tightly lifting his legs up so that the hulking vampire went right under him and again into a wall,this time smashing a plate glass window that could have quite easily knocked him right out.

Sieken let go of the rafter and once again moved a few spaces away...a grin appearing on his face.

' You just cant do it can you?...just give up dude and walk away...surrender...' Sieken sarcastically chuckled knowing full well the creature was dumber than he looked and wouldn't give up.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 16th, 2002, 06:30:39 PM
:: I pulled my claws out of the wall and turned to the knight a few paces away. My claw lifted and I created a tremendous pull with the force. Tiles were pulled up and debris flew past me as the knight was drawn to me. My armor was angrier than I was and it loose a wall of spikes and snapping hydra like heads.::

... And the abyss stared back mortal.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 16th, 2002, 06:40:32 PM
Sieken gave little resistance to the force pull the vampire had erecte to draw the Dark jedi towards him. However what the creature didn't rearlize is Sieken already had a plan.

Closer and closer Sieken out until he was only a few feet from the Vampire, but suddenly without warning Sieken brough his saber up and swiped at the chest of the Vampire hoprfully penatrating the armor and hurting the vampire, and with a last bout of effot Sieken swiped downwards towards the arm of the Vampire that was pulling Sieken towards him...ether way the Vampire would need to release his grip.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 16th, 2002, 09:56:04 PM
:: The two slashes tore my armor enough to make it bleed across the floor. Its own dark blood spurted forth across the floor and I looked down then back up. All I had felt was the heat of the saber and the armor's pain was no concern of mine as long as it did its job. But the last cut had knocked my arm down and the pull had released. As the pull was stopped, Sieken had to readjust to the now stable area, and then I lunged forward, my bleeding claw stretching forward and the armor slowly lagging to the loss of blood.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 18th, 2002, 08:37:08 AM
The Dark Jedi twisted around to that he had barely dodged the on coming attack from the vampire. It paid of however, as he twisted himself around the vampire to end up behind his adversary he quickly raised his saber and jabbed very sharply at the hulking creature to dig his saber deeply into the lower right hand corner of its back narrowly missing the creatures spinal cord and kidneys.

Sieken then quickly pulled Lorsorus out and swiped again this time towards the vampires neck hoping to behead this troublesome enemy.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:39:25 AM
:: The dagger burst out of my chest plate and I caught it in air. The saber was deflected and my other hand came out with vicious speed. This didn't seem to understand that simple stabs and cuts were not going to end this, but the slash to my head... The hand holding the dagger went to the stab wound and I held the hole together stopping some of the bleeding for the moment.
My hand grabbed the knights face and I pivoted on one foot and slammed the knight into the wall. My hand let go and spikes formed across the gauntlet. Using the wound's pain to increase my anger and fuel my power I repetively beat the knight into the wall and with a heavy placed knee and a following round house kick in bleeding armor, I stumbled back and slumped against the wall. My helmet formed back into my skin and coughed up more blood. I smiled as I looked at the damage done to the knight and I slowly pulled myself up again.::

Severen Morkonis
Oct 22nd, 2002, 10:55:23 PM
Sieken was badly hurt from that last attack, blood had already already made its way down his chin and dripping slowly to the ground, another smile, forced this time, came from his lips. He shook his head with a smile. ' You don't give up do you?' He began raising himself to his full height blocking the pain as best he could.

'You see, this is where it gets a little messy...the blood you see...that means we are damaged inside...you..you can enjoy drinking your own blood i should imagine...for me..i get angry and need medical attention.'He puased with a sneer. Sieken raised his green saber Lorsorus for the last time and for what seemed like hours starred directly into the eyes of the hulk of a vampire. ' You wont for get this you scum..and nor-will-i!!

And then as if a button had simply been switched Sieken saw everything slowly but he was moving in the same pace as before.....forced speed. The Jedi Knight bolted at Thorn who was moving (to sieken) as if in slow motion. One swipe to Thorn from sieken dug deeply into the vampires chest one again, another swipe a uppercutting arc with the green saber slashed directly into the shoulder and neck of the giant creature and then sieken left it. Later on in life these two would meet again, he knew he had done enough damage with those two swipes to incapacitate the vampire, and Sieken turned on his heel and sped in a streak of red out of the corridor.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:39:04 PM
:: I fell to the ground laughing. Not even bothering with using my own force speed, I had watched every movement done by the knight. I had accepted the payback, not in an honorable sense, more because I knew it would be an experience not to pass up. Had I been wrong? I held my shoulder with a blood covered arm and howled. I had reached a new plane of existence, a higher level of pain, thanks to this knight. Our paths would cross again, and I would be sure to repay my gratitude.
My armor wqrithed in the air and hissed with fury. I heard my sword screaming in the other room and I slumped to the ground, mentally calling out to anything still alive in the building. The blood loss was too great...
A few moments later I sensed shuffling feet approaching me. My armor stirred and I could barely look up enough to spot two dazed humans. They had fallen to my call and had come to me... finally , blood! My armor in a flurry of movement shot upwards and grabbed one of the bodies. Puliing it into me, I turned over and pulled their neck to my mouth. I tore their throat open, drank the gluttony out of the mortal and stood. Wiping the life water from my mouth, I gouged myself on the other human and then turned. The pain was only a distant memory now and I longed for it even more. My wounds had heald faster with the blood consumption but it still meant nothing to the egree of damage done. I would be sleeping for a long time on the way home...::