View Full Version : Physics of the storm

Lord Gue
Oct 4th, 2002, 05:03:54 PM
Can a force storm be unleashed from a planets surface, on a planet?

Levi Argon
Oct 4th, 2002, 05:20:38 PM
Yes, why wouldn't it? After all, it consumed the Pinnacle Moon. Force Storms are described as the physical dark side in all it's destructive potency. The Force is everywhere so my answer would be: "You could create a Force Storm in a tin of beans if you wanted."

But if you are going to use a Force Storm, then roleplay it very well and you must give yourself the extreme disadvantage of not moving, not doing anything except controling the storm lest it consumes you and the planet.

Lord Gue
Oct 4th, 2002, 05:26:44 PM
yes I know, Im just used to being secluded in the hull of a ship when I do it. I was discussing with someone else about using it on a planet, to the planet, and they said I might wanna get some sorta confrimation on the ability to do such a thing.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:22:56 AM
Teoretically, I would say yes, however, a Force power of such magnitude needs to be spread over many posts, and be roleplayed really, REALLY well. It should be used very rarely, and I'd assume only a Sith Master would be able to launch such of significant proportion. Furthermore, such power such not be used to render planets or cities inhabitable. A very limited area of effect would be advisable. It should IMO, only be used as a plot device, and not against other characters, otherwise you would have the equivalent of a superlaser in your wrist.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:43:15 AM
I would say no. It's to me not fair play and also its just plain going too far. Despite the proclaimed powers in WEG and the EU, the movies clearly show there are limits as to what a Force user can do and such a catalysmic event as a Force Storm goes well and truly above and beyond. Why did the Emperor bother with Death Stars if he could destroy planets with a waggle of a finger with his mind?

No, the Dark Side isnt that destructive. However, that's not to say the Force isn't powerful, because it is. What Palpatine achieved via deceptions is much, much more impressive than any hypothetical storm. You cant just waggle your fingers and a mountain moves. OTOH, patience and a decent pick and shovel, hey the mountain can be moved.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:12:56 AM
I can see your concerns Marcus, Force Storms do indeed seem overly powerful. However, it is described in the EU. Depending on the perspective and how you view the EU, some might argue it is canon, despite there is no indication of its existance in the movies. Rather than allowing it as a God mode device (which I strongly oppose to), its a question if it should be banned alltogether, even for story telling purpose or having strict limitations for its use. For example, max one kilometer range, not allowed to use against other players etc. But yeah, totally disallowing it would probably be the easier thing to do.

Have to admit, I am no fan of Force Storms myself, and would rather it was never mentioned in the EU. I would be interested to hear what the other mods/posters think though :)

Eluna Thals
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:48:28 AM
I think that allowing something of such incredible capacity would be very 2-faced, considering this is the exact kind of thing that caused the whole Saiyajin witch-hunt back in the past. Its above and beyond, too much power for a single person to use.

Slayn Cloak
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:13:38 AM
I think there are only a handfull of writers on this bored who could describe such a thing... and well Gue... yea. Second I think there are even fewer charactors on the boards with that much power... once again Gue... ummm yea. So IMO not a chance.

Sanis Prent
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:16:42 AM
If you were to do such a thing...I'd rationalize giving Vader and Anbira the ability to use Final Flash, and that simply ain't gonna happen...despite the utter rockitude of it.

Slayn Cloak
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:17:49 AM
well you would be one of the said writers that could describe such a thing charly.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:27:14 AM
I think the consensus goes toward not allowing Force Storms. Will wait and see, giving everyone a chance to comment though before a decision is reached. :)

Sanis Prent
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:47:50 AM
The biggest power that I can rationalize any of my characters having is a shockwave of incendiary energy that spans an area of 2500 square meters...and that thing takes like 5 posts to build up to, and when done, leaves its user half-dead.

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:52:02 AM
Back when i started, that was my main goal.. to be able to create a Force storm.. which is why I started out in Elements, and why I've still stuck with it.

But in all honesty, It'll take me more than two more years to be able to *realistically* create one. No matter how much in the elements Snack studies or practices, I just don't see it happening. Maybe a 'weather storm' with rain, high winds, a tornado or two and lightning.. but that's about it.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:08:37 PM
Well, I belive it is possible to make a Force Storm, but, as I belived it was said earlier, not by one single person. I also belive that the life force of a planet might fight against anything so destructive which was created through the force.
I see only "pocket" Storms made by a single Force User. Something 1/100th of the size of a Normal Force Strom. I.E. destroying a building instead of a city.

General Hein
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:21:02 PM
One, Im duelly insulted with the fact that 2-3 individual people say im not a good enough roleplayer to weild a forcestorm with any realism and/or accuracy. It seems to me when I came to some of you for help to be a better RP'r you totally ignored me. Moving on...

Secondly, Ive used one before, having trained in using it under one master, Itala, not a great example I know, but he did have it. Also I trained under Jen Katrina, as she had the power as well. Ill also have you know the one time I've actually used a force storm I created it over a series of 2-3 posts, and not like it actually just spawned outta no where.

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:04:13 PM
It seems to me that the force storm should be allowed, but under very heavy restrictions, simply because of the magnitude of destruction. Perhaps if it's user cannot use anymore force abilities at all after it's done, and physicly they can barely hold a saber, as well as the limits that have already been sugguested here, there shouldn't be a problem with it. Also, logicly, not just any darksider can use it, not even a standard master. It seems that it would have to be someone who has been RPing with <u>that character</u> as a master for a long time, and they have to have been working on that feild of the force exclusivley, or they wouldn't, logicly, know what to do without blowing themselves up.

I appologize for any and all spelling errors in this post, eye kant speil tu sav mi lief.

Lord Gue
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:06:40 PM
this character has been a master for a year, and as stated before, has tried in that area exclusively before

Tempist the Uncaring
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:10:03 PM
In that case, I see no problem with it, as long as he dosn't use any force in the thread after he makes the storm, but I'm not a mod or admin, so that really dosn't count for much.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:18:38 PM
honestly such attacks were allowed when we had the Saiya but do we need an attack like that to be allowed now? it's only going to cause problems later on when someone misuses it....at any rate, it would take training in power and control so I wouldn't think just being of master rank would allow you to do it........

Lord Gue
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:24:24 PM
well, the diff here is that this is actually a power written about in SW books and in books in SW, IE Palpys book of Anger covers this as well.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:36:34 PM
Yeah and they actually wrote about Death Stars and Sun Crushers too...doesn't mean that you're responsible enough to use them though.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:40:28 PM
I want a sun crusher :(

And a death star :(

OOOOOOOOOOO and a mass of Orbital Nightcloaks........:D

and a...........um................droid....a droid that can fart :D

Lord Gue
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:41:43 PM
Gives Sluis the Bills Clintons patened "Droid you can have sex with"

Silus Xilarian
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:42:54 PM
ummmmm...........can it fart?

(I wanna Galaxy gun too. forgot to mention it :D)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:46:02 PM
Originally posted by Diego Van Derveld
Yeah and they actually wrote about Death Stars and Sun Crushers too...doesn't mean that you're responsible enough to use them though.

yep, it was irresponsibilty that killed the fun of being a Saiya since a few of us misused the powers......

Lord Gue
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:51:00 PM
like Lyle and Talas? The sayin brothers that just shot everything in sight?

Levi Argon
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:57:23 PM
It wasn't only the powers of the SSJ though, was it? It was the fact that they weren't even from SW. Nevertheless, the SSJ weren't actually banned were they as long as they were played with credibility.

As for Force Storms, if I want to use one I will do and don't think I can be stopped because I appreciate the sheer magnitude of such a thing and as such would only use it as a plot device. In any case though, I think Force Storms shouldn't be banned as long as the user does it justice. Common sense. Let's not cripple creativity and freedom further on account of the irresponsible folk here. I'm sick of making sacrifices to my roleplaying experience because of them.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 7th, 2002, 04:01:39 PM
it wasn't a matter of certain ones getting banned...it was the fact that ppl didn't want to fight the ppl who kept it in check because of what the others had done.....if this power is used, someone will misuse it and ruin it for the rest of us......

Geist Laich
Oct 7th, 2002, 04:11:02 PM
I think if it can be roleplayed out well, and used as a plot device, not as something for abit of fun for your character, then it should be allowed........

Yeah, and the thing with the Saiya's got me p'o'ed before, but I'm complacent about stuff, but I don't think we should outright ban the Force Storm, maybe restrict it a teeny tiny bit.