View Full Version : A very bad day... (Open)

Rais Fanestel
Oct 4th, 2002, 05:03:30 PM
It was dark in the city as the human girl walked down the street, hands shoved into her pockets and head down. The night felt a little chillier to her than it had before.

Rais sighed, brushing aside a few strands of her startlingly red hair. Before. Before her boyfriend of a year and a half had broken up with her. Her eyes narrowed. He'd given her the old 'It's not you, it's me' speech. Right. She happened to know for a fact it was him and not her. Her friends had been telling her for weeks they'd seen him with another girl, but had she listened?

No sense thinking about him now. He was gone.

The girl's blue eyes looked up from the ground and to the empty sky. She stroked her silver necklace for comfort, the one with the charm of a silver hawk on it that her mother had given her.

She didn't really feel like going home. She didn't feel like going anywhere. But what choice did she have? Mom and dad will be worried about me, she thought vaguely, continuing to walk towards home.

She opened the doors to one of the houses in the slightly less urban part of the city. It was unlocked. That prickled the hairs on the back of her neck. Dad never left the door unlocked.

Rais walked inside. "Hello?" she called. No answer. The house was quiet.

The 16 year old felt fear grasping at her heart. Suddenly her ex-boyfriend didn't seem so important.

"Please, no," she whispered, before taking off at a run for the living room, not bothering to close the door behind her.

She stopped dead in the doorway of the room, and gasped. "Oh my God," She said in a strangled voice. Her parents were on the floor, her little 6 year old sister on the couch. All of them were very obviously dead. Blood was everywhere.

Rais didn't react. She just stood frozen in the doorway, utterly shocked.

Suddenly, she sensed something. It was like the feeling you get when someone is watching you behind your back. Someone was here. The girl reacted now, running across the room to grab the blaster her father kept high on the bookshelf. It felt awkward and cold in her hands. "Who's there?" She said in a trembling voice, herself shaking in fear.

Riley Chambers
Oct 4th, 2002, 05:18:17 PM
OOC Hope you don't mind if I join in. By the way, nice post. :D

The woman in the hallway just behind Rais jumped nearly out of her shoes, plastering herself against the wall.

'ey 'ey 'ey! Watch it there, Missy!

She raised a brow, looking at the blaster in the woman's hands. She held up her hands in the air, hunching slightly and giving Rias the "whats that for" look.

I 'eard somethin', came to check out what the 'ell it was. Sorreh if I'm intrudin'.

Riley's eyes averted behind Rais and her eyes went wide open at the scene. She had heard screams, but she didn't think that someone had died. She stood up straight and looked at the woman with a nervous tone in her voice.

I dunno what they did to ya, but there ain't no reason to kill anyone else here. I'll pretend that I didn't see anything and just go back on my way.

Yeah, no wonder ma always told me to mind my own business.. But then again she also told me to stop pickin' up things that weren't mine and that got me no where. Riley thought.

Riley was going to say something else to save her innocent skin before something interrupted her. Whatever it was, it sounded like a slamming door...

Rais Fanestel
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:37:05 AM
OOC Not at all, and thanks :)

Anyone... else?... Good Lord, she doesn't... she can't think I did this?!

Rais slowly lowered the blaster. "I... I... look, I don't know what you're doing here, but -"

The door slammed. Rais jumped. What the hell was that?

Riley Chambers
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:38:38 PM
Riley nodded slowly as the girl spoke in a slight stutter. There was definate panic in her voice, and thats how she knew the woman didn't do this. The slamming door only caused knew thoughts to raise. Whoever it was that did this probably just slammed that door. But the question was, what door was it? He, or she, could still be inside the house.

Somehow I know I'm going to regret this in the morning. May whatever higher power watch my back for me. She thought.

Stay here. I'll check it out.

I'm such an idiot.

She carefully inched her way down the hallway, her eyes darting from side to side. Her heart was racing more than it would normally be when she got caught taking something for five finger discount. So she was definately the most brave chicken of them all at the moment.


Riley nearly jumped back to make a mad dash for the front exit, yet realized something was rolling at her feet. It was the vase that she took from the front room dropping out of her jacket. It had managed to stay mostly in one peice, but it was chipped around the edges.


She looked over her shoulder, then picked up the vase and held the broken side out, as if to use it as a weapon.

Alright, buddy! Cmon out 'ere and face the music.

Rais Fanestel
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:09:36 PM
Rais, hearing the crash and somehow managing to be worried about the woman along with all the emotional crap she had to deal with already, walked as quietly as she could to the doorway and held the blaster ready in case whoever it was happened to be hostile.

As if they wouldn't be hostile if they did this! Rais thought. She closed her eyes for a second and tried to slow down her breathing, which was coming very hard and loud.

She remembered her sister. Why did they have to kill Lorie? she thought sadly. She was only 6...

She gritted her teeth and opened her eyes. Shadap and focus, she told herself roughly.

Riley Chambers
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:52:45 PM
Riley heard the footsteps behind her as soon as she had taken two steps forward. She whirled around expecting to see some big huge ape of a guy barreling towards her. But instead, it was the woman. And she looked like she was in a total emotional wreck.

Can't blame 'er. She prolly knew those people in that room.. Riley thought.

Maybe you should get the authorities, I'd probably get my butt whooped even if I did find the guy... or girl, depending on who was insane enough to do all that.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:59:40 PM
Suddenly Riley felt a hand come down on her shoulder, and she spun around to face a figure cloaked in pitch-black robes. A hood was drawn up, and their face was concealed by the shadows.

"And what authoritiesss could be contacted?"

The voice was low and husky, drawing out their s's as they took a step forward.

Riley Chambers
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:36:57 PM
The hand made Riley freeze in place. She wanted to run, but even that felt like a task that was impossible. Whoever it was spun her around and she was then face to face with someone in dark robes. Obviously, by the looks of the robes, this was a force user. She'd seen them all wearing robes like that. And the black color just meant that this one was evil... and that Riley was in definate trouble.

Uhh... I dunno. I guess someone that can handle you better than I could.

Great, lovely, I act like the little hero for one day and I come across a darksider. I'm going to get my thieving butt killed. Riley thought.

Even thought she was completely nervous, she motioned with the hand that was at her side for Rais to go, to run for it. Riley wasn't sure about Rias, but Riley was pretty dang sure she could never put up a good fight against a force user. She had no special powers to even stand a chance. The only thing she had was street smarts.

Ah... Nice day, huh? Nice and gloomy and depressing...

Cmon lady, get going!

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:46:33 PM
"I thought it was night, not day," replied the cloaked person.

They reached up and lowered the hood, revealing the face of a woman with dark, blue eyes and silver hair. Her skin was a light purple, obviously marking she wasn't human.

"Were you here to steal something?"

Rais Fanestel
Oct 6th, 2002, 09:03:09 AM
Rais had seen the gesture for her to get out of here, but what was the point? She had nowhere to go. Her boyfriend would likely think she was just trying to get him to take her back, knowing his ego. Her friends wouldn't want to put themselves in danger. And Rais didn't know any adults she could trust. She didn't have any other relatives that she knew of.

This had been her home. And now? It was gone with her family.

Who is this person? She wondered. Obviously she didn't mean anything good. She almost looked like... looked like...

Oh boy...

She'd heard stories about Sith and Dark Jedi (and had nightmares about them, hadn't every little kid?) but she'd never come face to face with one. And she never wanted to.

Too late for that.

Suddenly her eyes narrowed. A darksider was in her house, and her family was dead in the living room. What if...

"I think the better question is what you were doing here." Her voice dripped with ice, even though it was still shaky. She clutched the blaster tightly in one hand and her hawk necklace in the other, for comfort. Rais took a step forward, ready (kind-of) to defend herself with the blaster if she needed to.

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:01:53 PM
From the living room, another figure came into view adorned in the same midnight colored robes. Although this one was slightly taller, and the facial features invisible, it could be certain that the front of it's robe was glistening with something.

"Visitors, Master?" It spoke, the voice deep and hiding a mental instability...

Rais Fanestel
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:33:17 PM
Rais jumped, but worked not to react further. She couldn't show them she was afraid. She couldn't give them the satisfaction.

How many of these people are there?...

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 05:46:06 PM
"Alas, it appears so, Jared. It seems as though I'll have to dispose of them, too."

Cherice looked at the teenage girl who held the blaster, and smirked. It seemed to be a thought that every Non-Force user seemed to have - that they could defend themselves with a weapon such as that.

"It'll take more than that, my dear," she sent out through the Force, so Rais could hear the voice inside of her head. The Succubi took another step forward.

"Isn't it obvious as to why I came? They were pitiful, their souls almost demanding to be wisked away from their earthly shell. I was their savior, you see, granting them the dark cold peace of eternity."

The woman had taken it upon herself to feast tonight - the little one's Life Essence was sweet, like most children - and was about to leave when they came. No doubt the girl holding the blaster was the daughter.

".. Jared," she said suddenly, purring lightly. "Are you hungry?"

Riley Chambers
Oct 6th, 2002, 05:55:29 PM
Was I 'ere to steal something?!

Riley sounded offended but after a moment's thought, she piped down because no matter where she went, her hands were grabbing onto something. Even if she did mean well, she did try to steal that vase..

And even if she were totally innocent of that, she thought it wise not to mouth off against this one... err now two sith. She looked over her shoulder, shaking her head at the teenager. A blaster could do no harm to these two. They'd probably use their mind to knock the thing against her head or something. It was just that easy for them.

Great! Now there's two and the girl is threatening them with a blaster. Might as well poke 'em to death.

When the woman had asked her accomplise if he was hungry, Riley's pupils became severely tiny and her upper lip twitched.

Oh you don't want to eat me, I 'aven't 'ad a shower today so I'm completely filthy and full of germs!

Yeah, lie to yourself. You're a clean freak! But in the end, do liars, cheaters, and thieves taste good?

She nervously stayed still, hoping maybe they'd leave her alone for being the world's most cowardly woman. Sometimes being a snivelling little cretin made people ignore you...

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:05:28 PM
"Those three corpses you left were fullfilling enough, but I have room for two more.." He sneered, removing the hood of the cloak to reveal his head of fiery hair and dragonish tattoo on his face. The girl with the blaster would be easy to rush and over-come, although the one infront of her seemed abit tougher, but still simple.

"Which one ya' want, Master?"

Rais Fanestel
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:08:16 PM
Rais's eyes widened as she heard the Sith's voice inside her head. How did... Of course. The Force.

It made the girl tremble with rage as well as fear to hear the woman talk like that about her family. She glared at the Sith, for the moment forgetting that she was just a scared little girl in the face of something way out of her league. "How dare..."

"... Jared," the woman said before she could finish, "Are you hungry?"

Is he... hungry? Rais paled. No freaking way...

The girl forced herself not to turn around where the man, who must have been Jared, was standing. Don't react... don't let them see you're afraid... can't let them see...

"Which one ya' want, Master?"

She winced.

Rais raised the blaster at Cherice, the weapon shaking in her grasp. How do you even use this thing? "You keep him away from me," she said threateningly. Or maybe not threateningly, but as threatening as she could manage at the moment.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:18:00 PM
"That one."

Lifting her hand into the air, Cherice pointed towards Rais. At the same moment, the blaster twisted out of the girl's grasp and flew into the wall, falling to the floor.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, after I'm through with you ... You won't feel him ripping through your flesh."

The smirk turned into a maniacal grin as her blue eyes began to gleam in the darkness, and she began to walk forward, grabbing the front of Riley's shirt. Lifting her up off of her feet, Cherice brought her within inches of her face and sniffed.

"Funny .. You don't smell dirty."

With that, she tossed her to the floor and began to advance towards Rais. Her Apprentice should have more than enough fun dealing with such a "fiesty" girl, who may even know how to defend herself.

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:26:46 PM
A mechanical grin crossed the Sith Apprentaces face as he stalked forward, the robe he wore flapped back and forth with each step giving him the appearance of demonicness. Riley was his target, but games would come first.

Mind Games..

"Lets see, what shall I go for first..." Jared grinned, reaching into his left sleeve with his right hand and drawing out a curved dagger. The Sith Cannibal's eyes gleamed with a resounding energy, the door out of the house slammed shut and locked itself to prevent any escape. "... The heart maybe? Or, how bout the liver?!"

Riley Chambers
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:04:08 PM
Alright, if I'm going to go, I'm going to actually make something of my life in the last few moments.

Alright! Take me, leave the girl alone. She's scrawny, not much meat on 'er.

I better get a d*mn good seat in whatever great beyond there is for this.

She got to her knees from where the sith woman had thrown her down then stood up, holding her arms out.

Where the 'ell is a jedi when you actually need one for a change?

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:08:41 PM
This wasnt what he expected, nor wanted!

"Holdonaminit! It's no fun unless you run!" He scolded, pointing the dagger like a mother points at finger at the disobediant child. He always like his meal to run, the family at teh couch was a prime example.. he had to drag their corpses from all over the damned house to the couch.

"C'mon now! please?" Jared cooed, looking pathetic..

Riley Chambers
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:17:54 PM
Riley blinked at the display from the man. She didn't expect that either. Heck, she didn't even expect herself to be heroic twice in one day!

What if I don't wanna run, eh? I think you're master over there twisted my ankle when she shoved me. I don't think I can run now.

Riley was not so obviously stalling, she was acting normal, and that always wasted people's time. She was just annoying that way..

And I saw the remains up there, you left some leftovers. Do you know 'ow many cannibals out there that are starving for something like that?

Probably none, but maybe this can buy us some time for someone to hear the ruckus going on in here...

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:19:48 PM
She couldn't help but over hear the last comment made by Jared's "supper", and looked over her shoulder.

"Jedi," she snorted. "Are nothing but mindless puppets that are played with the strings of fame. You'll never see one unless they want to pester you."

Now, she would leave the two alone to 'play'.

"And what about you, pretty?" She said looking towards Rais. She was being very quiet.

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:25:14 PM
"Well then, We'll just make you run!" Jared growled, closing in with uncanny speed. "The Jedi wont see, hear, or come for you!"

Grabbing Riley by her left arm, Jared pulled her and then pushed her past him and torward the corpses, "I care not for the rest of those bastards, I am the only one I need to care about for Corpses like you will soon be."

Riley Chambers
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:35:19 PM
Riley stumbled but made no attempt to run. She simply smiled awkwardly towards her attacker and shrugged.

I figurr it like this. I'm going to die anyways, right? Well you're not going to get any fun out of killing me.. no matter 'ow cute that insane little face is.

She turned around, resting her hands on her hips.

Cmon, back shot. Riiiiiiiiiiiight here.

She pointed up towards her back, all the while thinking she was crazy.

Jared Mriad
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:54:59 AM
"Your no fun," Jared whined, lowering the dagger pitifully. Of course, he would most likely still killer, but he wanted some sort of enjoyment from it. Riley just standing there and wanting him to stab her in the back was no fun at all. So Jared just stood their for a moment, pondering...

Rais Fanestel
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:38:08 PM
"What about me?" Rais shot back, only a slight tremble in her voice. She folded her arms across her chest. She made herself look the woman in the eye. She would not show how scared she was!

Once again her mind fell back to her family. To her mother and father and Lorie. Slowly her fear was being replaced by anger. They never should have died, not that way!

"What kind of a heartless creature are you?" She hissed, glaring, standing her ground.

Riley Chambers
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:21:05 PM
Kid, she's a sith. She's supposed to be'eartless.

Riley turned, ignoring the guy that said he was going to eat her. Maybe it was the adreniline making it seem like this was just some silly nightmare, which made her less afraid.

But my question is.. what business did these two goons 'ave killin' those people.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:28:10 PM
"What kind of heartless creature am I?"

Cherice's eyes flickered to a bright blue with silver specks before turning back to their normal dark blue, and she spread her arms. The air began to turn slightly cold - especially around Rais - and a breeze drafted in through the open windows, out from the torn curtains.

"I am your Goddess!"

The wind picked up speed and began to howl, sounding like the cries of the lost souls wandering the land as they spoke. The Succubi tilted her head back and began to laugh, her black robes flowing behind her.

"Pitiful creature, you, too, cry out to be saved."

Jared Mriad
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:55:50 PM
Jared gave a manical grin as Cherice 'displayed', Seeing that the one before him was not going to flee, Jared laughed along with his Master before striking out in a sweep with the dagger at Riley.

If she wouldnt run, then she would die here and now.

Riley Chambers
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:22:40 PM
Riley looked out of the corner of her eye and tripped backwards, falling flat on her face.


She looked back at Jared as she rubbed her nose and sighed.

Thought I wasn't any fun.

Rais Fanestel
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:37:01 PM
Though Rais was startled to say the least by Cherice, she didn't show it and got over it quickly. Adrenaline and anger were coursing through her veins. She was breathing hard.

"You killed my family," she growled, "And I may not know where they are right now, but you, I swear, if I get through this alive, are going straight to hell!" With that she - yeah, she was desperate - ripped one of the pictures off the wall and threw it at Cherice, then without looking to see if it hit ran towards the kitchen.

Lotsa sharp pointy objects in there, she thought sardonically as she ran. Just the ticket.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 8th, 2002, 04:34:57 PM
The picture flew straight into Cherice's open hand, and she looked down at it. It was a painting of a sunset, and the Succubi let it drop to the floor. Stepping on it, she grinned as she heard the frame's crack, letting her know the picture was ruined, and began to trail after Rais.

"You feel anger, my child - do you not relish in its glory? Can you not feel the power it creates? Sucuumb to your dark feelings, Rais!"

The girl may not known how Cherice had found out her name, but it was another crafty tool of being a Force user. You could always probe into the minds of others and get all the information you needed ...

Xazor Elessar
Oct 8th, 2002, 05:05:38 PM
A bright light suddenly engulfed the area and a woman seemed to appear out of nowhere. Her figure was irridescent and beautiful; she seemed heavenly as she graced the sad scene. Her white robes caught the breeze and gracefully flowed around her. The woman's waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids and hung behind her, silver coins were interwoven into them and clanged together when she shifted her weight. An unnatural glow was radiating from a golden ring upon a silver chain around her neck....something only she and two other people were aware of. Overall she instilled fear into those around, and if not fear.....shock.

Growling, the Garou exposed her elongated canines and set her eyes upon Jared first. Her deep blue eyes flashed silver as the tiny shards within the dark canvass became illuminated. Her right hand rested upon the hilt of her saber which hung from her weapons belt. Its silver hilt with blue engravings shone brightly in the light as did the silver of her other weapons. A long, wide sword was sheethed upon her back, as well as a bow with a quiver of arrows. Upon her left hip was a rail gun, and on various places of her belt hung three daggers and six throwing knives. To compliment it all was the two blasters upon each thigh in their respective holsters. She was a walking arsenal.....as well as blockade. Beneath her robes she wore armour given to her by Helenias Q'Dunn. It was beautiful and would protect her against saber strikes, laser shots, and the bullets of most guns out on the market.

"Greetings Cherice......Jared. It appears to me that we have a bit of a....situation."

The Knight said boldly, her voice echoing off nearby walls and such objects. It was her territory now....being an NR Military Officer....Warrior Jedi Knight....and Council Member. Though she was quite public with her image, the Garou woman led a secluded life as well....as one of The Lost Jedi. She and Marcus Q'Dunn kept things under wraps and no one knew of their operations...and it would always stay that way. They were powerful and would enforce their beliefs and exercise this power when needed. This was one of those moments....and Xazor had stepped up to the plate.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 8th, 2002, 05:13:49 PM
"Oh, God - Not you."

Cherice spun around on her heel and stared back into the defiant eyes of Xazor. The Garou - like always - was dressed beautifully and elegantly, with a good taste in weapons. This only proved it further.

"Just when the party got started."

Riley Chambers
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:55:28 PM
Riley nearly bust out in giggles when she saw a woman in white appear. She was so happy that she could dance, but that could wait... Now she had to hide.

She quietly began to crawl away while the two villians were distracted by the new arrival. She went into the directiont hat Rais went, hoping that she was alright.

Jared Mriad
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:01:29 PM
Jared spun around as Xazor entered, "Oh for pete's sake! Don't you have enough weapons?!" He shouted sarcastically, tempoarily forgetting about Riley and focusing on the new.. threat. He could tell his Master was worked up on the situation, but was he ready to show off his new... stuff...

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:11:34 PM
What Riley forgot was that Cherice was following Rais.

Immediately she was slammed into the wall, excrutiating pain spreading through her shoulders from the nails that were digging into her skin.

"Silly girrrl, you should have never come..."

Letting go of the shoulders, Cherice grabbed a fistful of the woman's hair and yanked her infront of her. "Now," she whispered, "You'll make a very tasty desert - so stay put!"

Riley Chambers
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:19:04 PM
AGH! You...

Riley went into a long line of words that were worthy of a sailor's mouth, such words you wouldn't dare say before kissing your mother. This was out of habit, and was NOT thought about before she opened her big mouth. She shut up once she realized how stupid she was being.

Uhh... I could go get some whipped creame out of the kitchen for ya? Just let me go get it, alright?

She laughed nervously then looked towards the supposed hero, hoping she'd do something soon.

Rais Fanestel
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:43:57 PM
Hearing Riley's impressive vocabulary and realizing she must be in trouble, Rais forgot about running and abruptly turned around and kicked hard at Cherice's back. "Leave her alone!"

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:00:08 AM
Not expecting the kick from behind, she let go of Riley and whirled around, snarling.

"Little WRENCH! I'll cut your heart out and make you feast on it!"

Cherice growled loudly and used the Force to lift Rais up off her feet. As the girl hung suspended in mid-air, she began to circle her, eyeing her as if a hungry wolf would to an injured deer.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 11th, 2002, 04:59:08 PM

The powerful word came from the lips of the Jedi Knight and suddenly Cherice was lifted off the ground and thrown across the landscape several yards.

"I will not tolerate this nonesense any further. You call yourself honorable...yet you fight the weak. If you want to fight....FIGHT ME!"

With those words spoken, the Garou tore her saber from her belt and with the slip of her finger, two blue blades shot forth from each end of her silver saber hilt. She held the double bladed, duel phase saber in front of her and it hummed gently in her hand. Love was a beautiful weapon given to her by a dear friend, Jedi Master Sage Hazzard. She prided herself in the weapon and won many battles with it due to the secret that both she and the weapon held together. With her elongated canines exposed and a deep growl rumbling in her throat, the caninoid made her way toward Cherice....

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 11th, 2002, 06:21:10 PM
As she was hurled into the other side of the wall, Cherice slumped to the ground and looked at Xazor. Then, a mad look came to her face and she began to laugh.

"I do not fight the weak, Xazor .. I cleanse the galaxy of them!"

Suddenly Xazor found herself thrown back a few feet also.

"Two can play at that game," she yelled tauntingly, rising to her feet. Rais still hung in the air, and Cherice reached out with the Force, making the girl fly through the air towards where the Succubi was. Catching the teenager, she set the girl down and grinned, looking back towards the Jedi.

"Your words deceive you, Knight..."

Rais Fanestel
Oct 11th, 2002, 06:31:45 PM
The girl was rather shaken - after all, she hadn't seen the Force used before and to have it suddenly used on her was rather disturbing. Now Rais noticed the Jedi for the first time and allowed herself to feel a small beam of hope.

They're used to dealing with this sort of thing. This'll be over soon, and everything will be fine.

But then she remembered her family, and knew that it could never really be all right again.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:33:59 PM
Xazor growled deeply and got up to her feet. Anger surged through her now...she was tired of seeing other suffer. In one large energized emotion, the Knight lifted Cherice up and smashed her against the wall with the Force. She did this twice until the Sith fell to the ground in a slump.

"My words never decieve me. I'm tired of your actions...I'm tired of EVERYTHING you do! Killing senselessly like this.....I thought you were better than that Cherice! I thought you had a sense of HONOR...."

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:09:01 PM
"Honestly, Xazor, listen to yourself ! Do you think I didn't have my reasons for killing them? Her father was a drunk who had just finished beating his wife, and the daughter was a victim of rape. Already she had begun to grow ugly inside, twisting her young mind into things she would do for the pleasure of others when she grew up."

Standing back up, Cherice laughed and took a step forward, running her fingers through her silver hair. Her bones ached from being slammed with incredible force, and she gathered the negative energy inside of her into the palm of her hand. Holding it towards Xazor, a black energy orb began to form. As the Sith Knight concentrated on all of her anger and hate, it continued to grow until it seemed to pulsate. Then, she released it towards Xazor.

Its speed was faster than an eyeblink and in a moment Xazor found herself slamming through the wall into the next - making it look like a huge crater just went through it.

"I purge this galaxy of those unworthy to live!" She nearly screamed, her blue eyes slowly turning white from anger.

"And you come here and try to rob me of my dignity!"

The dark energy had quickly spread itself through Xazor, making her voluntary muscles begin to contract repeatedly, making her go into what would could be called a 'seizure'. But in reality, it was the Darkside taking over her struggling body. It fueled the Jedi Knight's anger, making her become more infuriated and hateful.

"Can't you feel it, Xazor? The glory of the Darkside? It's power is too strong to destroy! Come, and join my side and together we will bring dark justice!"

Finally, her eyes had become pure white - erasing the pupil. Her twisted emotions finally took over and the Succubi's demon form was threatening to take over. Adrenaline surged through her veins as blue energy cackled at her fingertips.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:22:03 PM
Dalamar walked in through the hole that was made by Xazor. Having watched the whole thing with amusement he now entered clapping his hands. "You succubi are always so efficient." Pausing he looked around "If not a little messy."

The Warlord sat down on the only remaining piece of furniture his stapled finger rested in front of him. "I followed the female Rais her heartache called out to me. Sensing she was sorrowful I thougt maybe to end her pain with the dark sleep. But I see you have added more sorrow that she had ever felt before. Her pain is like a bright red light shining out to me. Now I wonder what to do, to end her life and her pain as I intended or yours for causing it to flame."

"You tell me Rais what would you have me do?"

Xazor Elessar
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:01:18 PM
Xazor did not know what was happening to her, but she let it happen. Once the pain ended, the Knight shut her eyes tightly and could feel her Garou healing powers already beginning their work. Small cuts began to close up all over her body and then the larger wounds....internal bleeding and broken bones, were all beginning to heal. She slowly got up, weilding her saber in one hand and glaring at Cherice. Stepping out into the center of the fallen room, the Knight smiled and shook her head as she looked at Cherice.

"You tell me to taste the Darkness when I already have......now, FEEL THE POWER OF THE LIGHT!!!"

Suddenly Xazor threw open her arms and raised her eyes toward the Heavens'.....and out of what seemed like her chest, or rather, a ring upon a necklace....and out of her hands, came a bright glowing light. It shot out at speeds faster than even her rail gun could produce....and the intensity of the Light was enough to blinde a Darksider for a half an hour. The 'Dawnstrider's Light'...something that ran in her family, had just hit Cherice and the others head on. The Light continued to pour from the pureness of the Knight's soul as no anger, hatred, pain or suffering touched her.....the Darkness could not wrap its fingers around her heart again. She smiled and lowered her arms, then held her saber in fighting position before her. The Knight's muslces ached terribly as did her sore bones.....but she would persist and let her natural healing abilities, coupled with the Force, tend her wounds until this was finished...

Jared Mriad
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:25:25 PM
Xazor's heirloom triggered a hellious cycle within Jared's body. As the instant the light touched his skin, the blood of the Old Tounge jumped to life: Transforming the flesh and bones into perfection.

The process took a few moments, but under the bright light, not one could see the transformation completely. Jared's skin ripped in places as bones reformed and reshaped, grew and shrank, muscle tendons and fibers forming where one should've not formed before, a blood curtling scream eccoing out with the mutation filled with pain and anguish.

Once the light could be seen through, in place of the dark robed figure, a beast stood on two powerful and dragon like legs. Tore ribbons of the black robe fluttered destroyed and hung on it's massive size. A muscle and sinew wrapped pair of deformed wings coming out of it's back, usless for flying, a snaklike tail from it's rear ending in a tuft of gray fur. The head, also covered in a darker shade of gray as was the rest of the beast's body, snarled as it watched with pure emerald eyes of rage.

"Gaahhaarrrouuu..." It hissed, Xazor's scent unmistakeable in the databank of Jared. Crouching down slighly to give some clearance due to the roof, " Yhooo.. wihll ... pehhhrrisssh!"

OOC: For an accurate depiction, check here (http://psychoknight.clanpages.com/Jared1.4.jpg) Height is nearly 8ft, This is the *first outer rp* morph so he's realitvely new to the subject of this form, much like a child.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:35:43 PM
Xazor burst through the room flooding light eveywhere. Dalamar never received his answer as he covered his eyes with his Dark cape. When the light faded the Warlord saw a fell beast before him extremely tall. Apparently the light of Xazor had triggered some transformation. Leaning back the Dark Lord smiled deciding to watch the night events unfold. If Cherice survived she could always answer his questions later.

Rais Fanestel
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:41:08 PM
Rais decided to ignore the newcomer - he seemed inclined to watch the fighting right now - and headed over to Riley while everyone else seemed distracted. She was still trembling, in rage and sorrow. How dare she talk like that about my family!

"You okay?" She asked the woman quietly, then giggled slightly at the irony that she was the one asking the question. She shook her head at herself, knowing full well she was getting hysterical.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 16th, 2002, 05:30:44 PM
Shielding her eyes with her arm, she lowered it only to see Jared's morphed form. A sinister grin creapt on her lips as she looked back towards Xazor, raising her arms above her head.

"You are WEAK, and now I shall dispose of you !!"

But instead of having anything happen to Xazor, Rais flew up into the ceiling with a sickening crack, then fell back down to the ground. She found herself rise to her feet and walk over to Cherice, as if she had no control over her body. The Succubi reached out with a hand and touched the girl's forehead, transmitting the blue energy at her fingertips. It dove into Rais' skull and through her veins, paralyzing her muscles. Cherice's white eyes seemed to glow brighter as she continued to hold her palm on the girl's forehead.

She was beginning to draw out the Life Essence.

In other words, the soul. Rais could feel herself grow weaker as each second passed. But .. she could feel a sort of bliss. Happy images of her family passed through her mind, and then, suddenly found herself in a meadow. Her little sister came running up to her, hugging her legs and asking her to play. Her father stepped up from behind her and put his hand on her shoulder, telling her how proud of her he was.

It seemed that all Rais could experience were past memories filled with happiness while she was beginning to die.

Rais Fanestel
Oct 19th, 2002, 12:10:26 PM
"Come on, Rais, play tag!" Rais looked down at her little sister and smiled. "Lorie, how can I run after you if you're hugging my legs like that?"
The little girl gave her a cute little grin, the two front teeth of her mouth noticeably missing. Her red hair that matched her sister's and father's fluttered in the breeze.
Rais blinked.

Red hair.

Red hair, spilled on the floor. It almost perfectly matched the blood that stained it.

Rais breathed in sharply. "This isn't real," she murmured.
"Of course it is, you silly!" Lorie said, giggling.
"But... you were dead." The girl frowned in confusion.
Her mother took her hand and sqeezed it. "You must have had a bad dream, sweetie. It's all right. We're all here, together."

Together in the living room. Rais' heart pounding in horror.

"No." Rais shook her head. "This isn't right. This isn't how it happened."
Her father hugged her from behind. "Never mind, honey. It was just a dream."
Rais sighed. Her father's arms felt the same as they always had. Strong and reassuring. "Was it though...?"

Was it though?

"Come on Rais!" Lorie chirped, tugging on her pant legs. "Play with me!"
Rais looked at the meadow, at her family. This might not have been real, but it was... nice.

Only a few brief frowns disturbed Rais' calm expression as her life force was slowly being drained away.

Riley Chambers
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:48:39 AM
Riley didn't realize that she was staring off into space. Everything was just hitting her, like a ton of bricks because it was going so fast. It was then she looked at Rais and tilted her head with a confused look on her face.

Hey, kid, you okay?

She ignored the fight going on, putting her hand on Rais' shoulder.

OOC Sorry forgot about this thread. O.o