View Full Version : The dangers of searching for the unknown (Taylor Millard)

Oct 3rd, 2002, 04:04:12 PM
He was more than relieved to leave the Star Destroyer, the Superior. Not that the company hadn’t been…courteous. He had ended up there on a rather odd set of circumstances. Trouble with his ship had landed him on Vjun where he’d encountered several of the Dark Jedi, a Maester Wargrave in particular. He had faced Wargrave once before, when he had been but an apprentice, and it had not been pleasant. This recent encounter would hardly be described as pleasant, but it had been…fortunate. If one could be fortunate to come into contact with Maester Wargrave.

Sasha had recently been promoted to knight of the Sith Order. Of this accomplishment he had been rather proud – until Wargrave had put him in his place. The Dark Jedi had slipped through the lock Sasha kept on his thoughts to probe about something the knight rarely mentioned to anyone. The fact that he didn’t know who his father was. He hated this fact, and it had been a source of shame for him throughout the eighteen, almost nineteen years of his life. And Wargrave had brought it out into the open. The fact that the young knight searched for the man who had given him life in every face that he saw. And oddly enough, Wargrave had offered to help Sasha find his father.

He half doubted this was possible, but it was something he had wanted for so long, and something no one else had ever offered. And so he had accepted this offer, without knowing yet what he would later owe for this favor.

Wargrave had also called in a favor….which was exactly how Sasha had ended up on the Superior. And more than that, how he had ended up on Balmorra.

He had never been to Balmorra before. Hadnt really had much interest. The planet had changed hands many times over the years, and was known to be overrun with Imperials. Something he’d been trying to avoid by leaving his home planet.

He had left his robes in his ship, knowing he was to meet with a Grand Admiral, and changed into the suit and tie that he carried with him in case he was called upon for any mission of diplomacy. He pulled slightly on the tie as he walked down the ramp, loosening it only slightly. He looked to be an intelligent, respectful teenager. His right hand reached out of habit to the inside pocket, verifying that he still carried with him the datapad Wargrave had given to him back on Vjun.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:53:27 PM
"Mister Kovalev, I hope your stay on the Superior was pleasent," I said as I greeted the Sith in the hangar bay. What Taylor wanted with this man I didn't know, nor particularly wanted to.

But even I could see there was a familiarity around Sasha Kovalev. I still couldn't place it myself...but it was like I'd seen Sasha before.

Taylor had been fairly vague in his message to me, asking me to take the Superior to VJun to pick this young Sith up. All he'd said was that it was important and he wanted Kovalev transported to Balmorra.

I was fine with the vagueness, my mentor tended to be vague at times. Whatever Taylor wanted with this Sasha Kovalev...it was important.

"The shuttle will take you down to Balmorra's surface and to Grand Admiral Millard's castle. Good luck with what you look for Mister Kovalev."

I nodded then watched as the shuttle exitted the hangar and headed towards the planet.

Oct 4th, 2002, 07:22:58 AM
Sasha nodded in greeting to Commodore Tomar, who met him at the end of the ramp in the hangar bay.

"Thank you Commodore." He replied in response, as a faint hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

"I have nothing but good things to say of the trip." Which was, for the most part, the truth. The Superior was, in itself impressive, as was the commander and its crew.

As they walked to the shuttle, Tomar explained where the shuttle would be taking him, and wished him luck with his trip. The young sith nodded in understanding, thanked Tomar once again, and then boarded the shuttle that would take him to the surface of Balmorra.

The trip itself wasnt long, but felt like an eternity to Sasha. Idly, he played with the platinum band he wore on his right pinkie finger. He wasnt one for wearing those sorts of things, but this had been the one piece of jewelry that his mother had worn, and when she had passed on, he had slipped it from her finger, so that he might always keep a piece of her with him.

As the shuttle set down, he stood, anxious to finally meet this Grand Admiral Millard. He wondered what this man would be like....and he would soon find out, or so he hoped.

He straightened the tie he wore, and only moments later exited the shuttle.

Stormtrooper TK-632
Oct 4th, 2002, 12:30:40 PM
A column of stormtroopers stood waiting the Sith as he exitted the shuttle. They stood at attention, guarding the castle with their life.

One of the faceless troopers strode up to Kovalev.

"You Kovalev? Come with me."

The stormtroopers marched Sasha, at a not unkindly pace, through the halls of Castle Millard.

As he was led up to a single oak door, the stormtroopers halted.

"He's in there Kovalev. Get in there."

Oct 4th, 2002, 12:51:09 PM
The sight leaving the shuttle was not pretty, rather it was lined with the faceless rows of stormtroopers.

One of them approached him, addressing him by his last name only. This, he hated. His last name meant little to him, for having never known who his father was, he doubted that Kovalev was really what his name should have been. Additionally, he hated being ordered around by a stormtrooper. Being ordered around was was part of the reason he hadnt followed his childhood dream of being a tie pilot - the military was just a bit too rigid for him. And now, having lived a life relatively free of rigidity, he found it difficult to accept the commands of someone he didnt know, and didnt respect.

He clenched his teeth, feeling the energy of the dark side building within him as he was marched, not led, through the impressive halls of the castle. He wasnt stupid enough to act on his anger, not here, but he would have liked to as he was told to get in there. He looked to the heavy oak door, and gave the stormtrooper a last glance.

Perhaps as he did this, he asserted some of his will through the force. Not that the stormtroopers of Grand Admiral Millard were weak in mind, and would bend to his whims, but at the very least, he got a sir added to the end of the command.

A slight smirk appeared on his face, then faded as he pulled open the heavy oak door.

Taylor Millard
Oct 4th, 2002, 04:59:32 PM
"Good morning Sasha," the brown haired man said behind the desk, "Do come in...have a seat."

Grand Admiral Taylor Millard's tall frame fitted nicely behind the oak desk of the office. His cold blue eyes (to a degree, much like the blue ones of Maester Wargrave) stared straight into the Sasha's violet eyes.

"I am told you have come to ask my help...please, sit down...fix yourself a drink if you wish."

He smiled again, "And tell me what you wish to know."

Oct 5th, 2002, 08:58:07 PM
He wasnt sure what he'd imagined Millard to be like. Certainly, he hadnt expected him to be so....friendly.

Millard had been expecting him, and addressed him by his first name. Oddly, meeting this man for the first time felt perhaps a bit familiar, but something the young sith thought little of. He had never met Grand Admiral Millard before. He would have remembered.

Millard eyes were blue and cold, but the way he spoke was not as he invited Sasha in, to sit and talk with him. To make a drink even.

Sasha passed on the drink, for now. This was too important an event to possibly cloud with intoxicants.

As he walked into the heart of the room, he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out the data pad.

"I have come to ask for your help." He admitted, holding the data pad out to Millard as he approached the oak desk.

"I was told to give this to you when I finally met you. And to tell you it was from someone close to you." He half expected the data pad to be the final blow. Expected Millard to laugh and then explain he would be dying now. When this didnt happen, he finally took the seat that had been offered.

Sasha's eyes looked to Millard as he took a seat. The young sith sat with his back straight, almost as if he had been raised with a military background himself.

As Millard smiled and bid Sasha to tell him what he wished to know, the young knight found himself actually...liking the Grand Admiral. He was not at all what the young sith had imagined he would be like. Perhaps he'd expected him to be a bit more like the one who had sent him here. The vast difference was a welcome surprise. And it was part of what made it easier for him to explain what it was he sought.

"Sir, I've come to ask your assitance in possibly finding my father. Or something about him."

"Your...associate...thought you might be able to help me."

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:39:32 AM
Millard stared at the datapad and made a mental check mark.

Excellent Mister Kovalev...excellent indeed.

"Ah I see you have met Maester Wargrave. He's quite the interesting character isn't he?" Millard smiled and took a sip from the ruby colored glass on his desk.

"Your father," he said after tasting the wine, "I did not know anyone named Kovalev, is that his last name?"

Oct 6th, 2002, 09:55:21 AM
He watched as Millard stared at the datapad for a moment.

Ah I see you have met Maester Wargrave. He's quite the interesting character isn't he?

Sasha wasnt sure interesting was the word he would have used to describe Wargrave. Wargrave unnerved him, angered him, and perhaps, to a point, intimidated him. None of which he was willing to admit to anyone, and so instead he nodded in agreement.

"Yes...he is." He replied. And then Millard asked him of his father.

Your father, I did not know anyone named Kovalev, is that his last name?

Sasha's eyes averted momentarily to the floor before they looked back to Millard.

"I'm not sure if that was his last name, Sir. I've never met him that I remember, and my mother would tell me very little about him."

His cheeks burned with the uncomfortable feeling he always had when he thought of this man - the man he had never known, but had come to hate for this very reason.

This was, perhaps, when he could have used a drink. A stiff one.

"Its for that reason that I believe his name may have been something different. The fact that she wouldnt talk to me of him made me feel that she had something to hide."

Like whether or not she actually knew who he was, he thought bitterly. He had tried his whole life not to think these things of his mother, but at times, it was difficult not to.

Out of habit, as he sat there, the fingers of his left hand played with the platinum band he wore on the pinkie finger of his right hand.

He wanted to suggest that it might be more helpful for him to tell Millard what he knew of his mother, of the fact that Sasha was only a nickname his mother had given him, and he had learned this only because she'd been angry with him one day as a child and called him by his given name of Alexander.

But he hadnt spent enough time with Millard to know whether or not this would be an insult, and so he suggested nothing. Millard was the expert that Wargrave had suggested, and Sasha would trust this judgement.

Taylor Millard
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:54:28 AM
Millard stared at Sasha, then spoke.

"It's easier if you tell me a bit about yourself. What you know about your family," he said with an odd look on his face, "You tell me about yourself and I'll help you, as well as, give you quarter here in this castle.

"Is this acceptable?"

Oct 7th, 2002, 09:39:55 AM
It was almost as if Millard had read his mind. He tried to brush off this feeling, and perhaps made a conscious effort to control his thoughts a bit more.

The offer from Millard was unexpected, and the young Sith paused for a moment. He knew this would not come without some sort of price. But if it would give him peace of mind to finally know, then it was worth almost any price. Almost.

He nodded, slowly.

"Yes, that will be acceptable." He answered, his tone serious, as it all too often was. It felt strange to him that he was going to tell a stranger these things. Not only was it personal information, but it was admitting that there was something he could not do on his own - and this he hated.

His violet eyes studied Millard for a moment. He hadnt told anyone much about his family. No one at the order had ever asked, and it was something he hadnt even shared with the woman he was...sort of...dating.

But it seemed that Millard was willing to help, and as he knew of no other options for discovering this information, he began his story.

"There isnt much that I know..." He prefaced.

"I grew up on a small planet, in the outer rim, but I know I wasnt born there. Parents of my friends told me as much when I spoke with them a few years ago. I guess my mother brought me there when I was quite young, because I dont really remember living anywhere but there."

He shifted slightly, leaning back in the seat. He rested one elbow on the arm rest.

"My mother raised me by herself. She never spoke of my father, except to say that I have her eyes and his temperment. I know she was from somewhere other than where she raised me, because her accent was different from everyone else's."

"My mother's name was Katerina Kovalev, and for part of my life I only knew my name to be Sasha. I learned, by her mistake, I think, that my given name is Alexander. In anger one day, she used it, and when I questioned her, she admitted as much. She explained that where she was from, Sasha is the nickname for Alexander, but she wouldnt tell me much more. I've researched a few languages, but havent yet come across this..."

He shrugged, with a small sigh.

"I havent researched this at great length, though."

He sighed softly. This was really all that he knew that he could remember.

Later, perhaps, there would be more that he could recall. Perhaps certain questions or events would draw out certain memories.

"I dont know what else to tell you..." He finally added, his violet eyes clearly carrying the doubt he had that any of this would lead to anything other than dead ends. It seemed that the one person who held all the answers had taken them with her to her grave, leaving behind a son who couldnt seem to let it rest with her.

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2002, 01:43:42 AM
Millard paused a bit, thinking on what Sasha had said. There was a familiarity about the young man, but something he still couldn't place.

"Sasha why don't we go for a walk, and study the grounds for a bit. I normally find that walking in the gardens help clear my mind and help me think."

He rose from his seat, "Care to join me?"

Oct 8th, 2002, 05:27:45 AM
A walk in the gardens sounded more than inviting. He nodded and at Millard's cue, he stood.

"A walk sounds good..." He replied, his hand moving automatically to the tie he was wearing and loosening it slightly.

"You have a very impressive estate..." He commented. He'd seen only parts of it as he'd been brought inside for this meeting, but what he had seen had been grand, and tastefully done.

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2002, 05:31:48 AM
"Thank you," Millard replied as they exitted the study. Behind the two, a lone Imperial Guardsman fell in step between them.

"It's been in my family for years. It belonged to my grandfather actually. My father would have nothing to do with it."

The two walked down a flight of stone steps, then out a door into a large garden filled with shrubs and a few trees. Off in the distance, several statues stood commemorating the dead of the Millard family.

"If you are searching the Outer Rim, perhaps you need to go deeper. I have had some dealings in the Unknown Regions. Could your parents be from there?"

Oct 8th, 2002, 07:26:21 AM
As he listened to Millard tell him a bit of the castle, he was aware of the distinct feeling of being followed. The feeling of the guards being constantly there was something that Sasha was not used to. It felt slightly stifling, and briefly, he wondered if it ever bothered Millard. With footsteps behind them as they walked, Sasha found it difficult not to have his senses on alert. He understood that there really was little he needed to worry about, but after being caught unaware a few times too many, it was second nature to him now to be on a constant watch.

As they came to the gardens, Sasha began to feel a bit more at ease. When he wasnt off flying somewhere, travelling as much as he could, he could be found in the gardens of the Sith Order. There was something about them that he loved, and so seeing the gardens here felt almost as if he were back on Corellia.

He took a deep breath, and for a moment, a smile was allowed to escape his serious expression.

He turned to Millard.

"Its possible that they could be." He answered, nodding slowly in thought. He shrugged, a sigh escaping.

"Theres so much I dont know that anything seems possible." He added, his frustration creeping into his voice.

He was silent for a moment, but his emotions spoke loudly on his features. There was a storm of turmoil in his eyes, and the set of his jaw carried anger and determination.

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:07:46 AM
"Do you have any rememberences of your parents?" Millard asked as the two began walking down a row of high shrubs and roses.

Oct 8th, 2002, 09:46:33 AM
Sadness flickered briefly across his features.

"I have no memory of my father. I dont know if my mother even knew who he was." There. He had finally admitted it. It almost felt good to say this, because in saying it, somehow, he knew it couldnt be the truth. He just knew this.

"I think she did, though. She only passed away last year. She was really sick for a while."

He looked out at the roses and bushes as he spoke.

"I dropped out of my last year of school to work full time so we could pay for medical help for her."

He was quiet, in thought for a moment.

"She used to cry a lot. Whenever I asked her about my father. For a while I stopped asking, but..." He sighed softly. He'd always felt badly when she'd cried.

"Sometimes when I'd come home, I'd find her staring at a ring she used to wear, crying. I figured it had been given to her by father, or something, but she'd never tell me anything about it. She'd only put it back on, and act like nothing had happened."

He looked back towards Millard.

"I dont know. Maybe I should have pressed harder and she would have told me...but I just couldnt stand seeing her crying."

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2002, 11:26:44 AM
Millard nodded. He'd shared his own loss of family.

"It is difficult when one loses a family member. I've lost several in the last few years. Their deaths are difficult to bear."

Especially when one dies in front of you.

The path the two had taken now led out of the garden into a row of statues. Each beared the likeness of each of the dead Millards...from Ghan Soolin-Millard to Ulic Razkal-Millard to Millard's brother, Trent Donovan.

His statue had finally been completed.

"I like to come here and think, Sasha," Taylor replied as he stared up at his brother's statue.

"Sometimes...the ghosts tend to talk to me. But only occasionally."

Oct 8th, 2002, 12:09:47 PM
He nodded in agreement. He hadnt lost anyone close to him until he'd lost his mother. The grieving process had been unfamiliar, and it had taken some time to adjust. Perhaps he was still adjusting.

As they entered the area of the garden with the statues, his eyes flickered to each one. The faces were unfamiliar as he looked to them.

Millard explained that he liked to come here to think. That sometimes the ghosts spoke with him. He wasnt sure how he felt about this - intrigued or creeped out. But he made no comment.

He stared up at the statue closest to him. He could feel only a flicker of emotion from Millard as they stood there in silence. It surprised him not because the man seemed unfeeling, but because he realized that this was the only thing he had sensed about him at all.

"I dont think I ever believed in ghosts..." He commented, the tone of his voice curious. He wondered if perhaps they actually did exist, for Millard did appear to be quite sane, and not one to make these kinds of things up.

Taylor Millard
Oct 9th, 2002, 12:54:16 AM
"Interesting," Millard said staring back up at the statue of his brother.

"A...Force User not believing in ghosts? I'm surprised spirits haven't visitted you...as I have been told they visit most Force Users."

Oct 9th, 2002, 07:12:07 AM
He shrugged, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

"Its not that I dont believe, necessarily." He explained.

"I guess I just never gave much thought to it..." He added as he walked a bit further. When he turned back to Millard, he stood, by coincidence just beyond the statue, facing Millard as the statue of Trent Donovan did. The poses of both, the stone and the flesh were hauntingly similar. Perhaps one would notice, perhaps not.

He smiled slightly.

"And Im sure the ghosts have more important people to visit than me." He added.

"Have you always believed in ghosts?"

Trent Donovan
Oct 9th, 2002, 07:22:31 AM
"I believe the question should be..." a gravely voice came from behind Sasha.

There stood a man wearing the armor of that of the Templis Cult from the Unknown Regions. But even with the armor on there was no mistaking the likeness between both Millard and the ghost's. The red cross spanning across the white of the tunic gave him a bit of a medieval look, which was the purpose. All Templis Cult members wore this garb. Even this one continued to when he betrayed the Cult to the Empire and Millard.

"Why do you not..."

"My son."

Oct 9th, 2002, 07:41:52 AM
I believe the question should be...

The gravely voice behind him made him turn. He hadnt felt this presence there and instantly his anger flared. That he had let down his guard enough to not notice.....

But what he saw, what he felt in front of him was not...was not alive. For a moment he felt as if mind tricks were being played on him as he stared at the warrior in front of him with an undeniable likeness to Millard. For a moment he believed it was an illusion. Wargrave had done this to him back on Coruscant on the roof top. He himself had since learned to do it, always learning from the examples of others.

But....it wasn’t an illusion. The feeling to it was different, and when he willed it to be gone, cleared his mind, it was still there. It was something he had not ever seen or felt before.

Of all the stories he had heard of ghosts and never believed, this presence certainly seemed to fit the bill. And he wasn’t sure whether to believe or not to believe. Except that it was there in front of him. And with this realization, his jaw dropped a bit in surprise. In complete and utter shock.

He could feel the blood pounding in his veins, as it did in combat, as it did with any sort of situation in which the body responded with a rush of adrenaline.

His violet eyes blinked as he stared at the ghost, forgetting, for the moment that Millard stood behind him now. His face, tanned from so many hours in the sun blanched.

In the moments of silence since the ghost had spoken, as he stared at the figure, the words it had spoken began to sink in.

My son.

His mouth opened to speak, but there were no words that came. He wasn’t sure whether to believe the ghost or not, though it seemed a cruel trick for a ghost to play.

All his life, he had sworn to himself that when he found this man who was his father he would hate him. He would demand to know why he hadnt been there for him - for his mother. Instead, he found himself speechless. And wanting to believe that this was truly his father. Dead or alive, that this was his father.

He struggled to recall something, anything in his lifetime that would prove this to him. Prove that this could be the man. He wanted so badly to believe, but after a lifetime of searching, after eighteen years of believing he would probably never know this man, a complete 180 degrees was difficult.

Out of habit, his left hand moved to play with the ring on his right pinkie.

He knew he should have been more respectful, but the surge of confusion conflicting emotions, and disbelief prevented it.

“Why now?” He asked, unable to hide these emotions from his voice as he asked why this man who claimed to be his father had waited so long to come to him. In two words, a lifetime of pain and grief were exposed.

Trent Donovan
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:43:07 AM
"I believe it has something to do with the distance between us, "Trent Donovan spoke, "I was here on Balmorra...or my bones were. Even now...it is still difficult to come to you."

"I was unable to directly speak with you...but I was able to have a slight influence on your actions. Where you were at...certain time...he looked over Sasha towards Millard."

He looked down, sadness coming over his face, "Ophelia, your mother," he said as if Sasha didn't know who his mother was, "Was ostrasized for me leaving the Templis Cult...I'm sorry I was never there for you."

Oct 9th, 2002, 12:47:00 PM
The explanation was simple, and his gaze dropped to the ground. For all these years he had assumed that his father was a terrible, uncaring man. It was what he had wanted to believe because it had been easier to bear anger than grief. When his violet eyes, the eyes of his mother looked back to Trent Donovan, there was a hint of forgiveness in them.

This expression changed to confusion, and disappointment for a moment, as Trent mentioned Sasha's mother, Ophelia.

"But...my mother's name was Katerina..." He stated, the name suddenly sounding almost foreign to him, for as the words came from his mouth, he recalled the times he'd come home to find his mother clutching the ring that she wore. The ring he now wore. The ring engraved with initials that had meant nothing to him until now. Initials that bore the letter O.

As his life began to come together, piece by piece, understanding slowly dawned on his features.

His mother had been ostrasized, which explained so much about the secretive life she had led. It explained, to some degree, why she hadnt told him anything. Perhaps, she had known he would go looking, would seek revenge. Perhaps she hadnt wanted to lose all that she had left of the man she had loved. A son that had been born of his blood.

His eyes stared at the ghost, taking in everything about him, as if he believed this might be the only chance he ever had at seeing his father.

I'm sorry I was never there for you These words nearly killed him. There was so much he wanted to know about his father - why he hadnt been there. About the cult...there was so much he needed to know. But one question that would have to come first. One thing he had wanted forever to know.

"I...I dont even know your name." He stated, his voice oddly quiet. It was an awkward thing to have to ask of his father, for he felt these were the things he should have known.

Trent Donovan
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:23:22 AM
"My name originally...was Trent Millard..." Trent looked at his brother smiling, "But Ophelia knew me as Trent Donovan...which is how I knew myself until just before my death."

He smiled again, "It our family is known for our aliases.

"As for the Templis Cult...they are evil and cannot be trusted. Although I believed in them...my brother, your uncle showed me they were wrong."

Trent cringed as if in pain, "I fear my time for now is growing short...what else do you need to know? Hurry, son, time is short..."

Oct 10th, 2002, 07:51:25 AM
He memorized every word. More importantly, he memorized every feature of Trent Donovan. If there was anything he could keep with him of his father, it would be the memory of this moment. And the moment was fading quickly.

"Will I see you again?" He asked. He could feel the sting of a tear or two that he would not shed, not in front of anyone. He fought the tightness he felt in his throat as he tried not to get choked up.

As the image of his father began to fade, his violet eyes stared at it, watching sadly as disappeared. And just before it was gone, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you, Father."

Taylor Millard
Oct 11th, 2002, 06:18:00 AM
Millard stood in the shadows, watching the events take place. Indeed something had happened...something important. While he'd lost his brother, he'd gained a nephew. Things were indeed interesting.

"I believe you have your answer now. What will you do now?"

Oct 11th, 2002, 07:24:29 AM
For a moment the young knight did not turn around to face Millard. He stared at the spot where the image of his father had been, collecting his emotions. He managed a small smile in the direction of where the ghost had disappeared.

And then he turned to face his uncle.

I believe you have your answer now. What will you do now?

Sasha's violet eyes flickered with something.

"I'll get revenge." He replied, the tone of his voice set. He'd always thought that finding out who his father was would bring him peace. Instead it had ignited something within him. A deeply rooted anger that walked hand in hand with the dark side. If they were still there, if they were still alive - those who had been the cause of his father's death - the reason he had grown up without a father - the reason his mother had spent the rest of her life in sorrow, hiding from who she truly was - he would find them. One day he would find them and he would make them pay.

But there was much to be accomplished before that day. He had a debt to repay to Maester Wargrave. He had an Uncle that he wanted to know more about. And he had years of training left to be as powerful as he would need to be.

His eyes flickered to the statue, as if wishing it could speak. He sighed softly and then he turned back to Millard.

"What was he like?" He asked. He felt that he knew, to some degree, but he wanted to know more.

It hadnt quite hit him yet that he actually had living family members. In time, it would, and he would perhaps have to make choices between blood and others who had become a family to him. But this, only destiny would know.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2002, 09:29:20 AM
"The people who killed your brother are all ready dead. Alas, I was unable to save him myself. Try as I might...," his voice showed the pain of failure, "Trent was not strong enough to survive the injuries he sustained."

He bit his inner lip, "Most of what I remember was Trent was from our youths together. I only got to know him briefly in our short reunion...he was smart, he loved his family. I remember the last thing he reminded me was to honor our family. I only hope I have been able to do that."

Millard continued, "Trent also fought well. His swordsmanship was masterful.

"I know you have obligations to the Sith Order," Millard kept his distate for the Sith out of his mouth, "But you are welcome to stay at Castle Millard for the unforseeable future. If not...you will always be welcome here."

Oct 15th, 2002, 07:41:03 AM
It didnt matter to Sasha that those who had killed his father were already dead. He would have his revenge - in one form or another. The anger of so many years, and the sudden realization of all he had missed because of the cult would not be kept contained. Unless someone taught him to do this. And it would not be with the Sith, for they would only encourage him to use this anger.

As Millard spoke of his brother, Sasha's father, the young Sith liststened and took in every word. He wanted to know all that there was to know about Trent Millard, and he wanted to know the brother that had survived him.

The offer of staying for some time on Balmorra in the castle caught him off guard. He had lived for so many years believing that his only family left was his mother - and she had passed away some time ago.

It was a kindness that he was not quite used to, and for a moment he hesitated. He had an apprentice he had still to train, and he knew that the last transmission he'd been able to send back to the Order had been rather cryptic in terms of his whereabouts. But he wanted to stay. He needed, at least for a few days. And he would be back. Without a doubt, he would return.

His violet eyes stared for a moment at his uncle, and finally, a smile crossed his features.

"I'd love to stay." He replied. There was no way he could leave now. Not when he had just found someone who had known his father. Not when he'd found....his uncle.

He sighed softly.

"I cant stay for long this time,though. I have to get back within a few days..." For a moment, his expression looked somewhat dismayed by this, and then it faded.

"But if its ok with you, after I've settled a few things with the Order, I'd like to return for.....for a while."

"Were you there when my father died?" He asked. Taylor's words had sounded as if he had been, and Sasha wanted to know what had happened.

He wanted to know how they had become separated. Why his father had taken a different last name. Had Millard known he had a nephew out in the galaxy?

There were so many questions, and his impatience urged him to ask. But he resisted, for now. He was sure that his uncle would tell him these things in time.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2002, 12:49:22 PM
Millard nodded, "I held your father as he died..."

And then he remembered...

Millard attacked Jirroc, his sword clashing with the silver of the Grand Master's blade. Taylor moved his saber along the edge of Jirroc's, pushing him back. They clashed again, the Dark Jedi throwing a punch at the older man. It was countered, with a blow to the younger man's head.

"You will never survive, Known Creature!" Jirroc snarled, throwing Millard back. It was then his brother attacked.

Trent fought well, using all of what the Templis Cult had taught him to counter each and every sword stroke the Grand Master sent towards him. Jirroc sent an upper cut to Donovan's chin, knocking him to the stone floor. He swung his sword down, only to have it blocked again by the younger warrior.

"You have betrayed your people, Donovan!" Mayfar yelled, his grey eyes flashing, "I took you in personally!"

"If I were to allow you to beat my brother," Trent's blue eye's flashed like Millard, "I will be betraying my family. And I will not allow that!"

With a yell, Trent pressed forward from the ground a mailed fist smashing into Jirroc's jaw. As the Templis Cult member flew back, he still had the fortitude to block Millard's bladed attack. The three fighters' swords all clashed together in a brilliant flash of light.

Millard grabbed Jirro, throwing him back towards the golden throne in the Templis Cult's stronghold. Jirroc collided with the throne, toppleing it, his body unseen.

"You all right?" The Black Hand member turned towards his brother.

"Yeah, I'm fine," The Former Templis Cult member looked anything but fine. His normally creme-colored skin was turning more of a white color. A large gash bled down on his face, giving his face an odd hue.

"TRAITORS!!" a voice echoed through the Grand Hall. Jirroc stood there, energy floating around his glowing body. Jirroc's eyes flashed white, lightning crackling from it. The two brothers charged the dying man, both swinging their swords.

Mayfar blocked two blows from Millard, one from Donovan; then took a swing at the both. The brothers ducked, then plunged their swords forward. Taylor struck high, Trent low. And Jirroc exploded.

The Force sent Millard and Donovan back away from the diasis, their bodies crashing into the floor. Using the Force, Taylor absorbed most of the impact. Trent...was unlucky, to say the least.

His body torn to shreds, Taylor's brother lay dying on the floor. Millard moved quickly to his brother's side, encompassing his hand in Trent's mailed one.

"Trent, stay with me man! Stay with me!" Taylor had seen death before, but never someone he loved.

"Bro-ther..." Trent's lips were cracked, his eyes almost closed, "We..were reunited for...only...a short...time."

"No, don't talk like that. You'll be fine. We just got to get you back to the Superior, the medical droids will help you there."

"It's too late for me...my brother," Trent's voice got fainter, "Honor our family...Remember...who you are. The last of the Millards...honor us...please!"

"That was the last thing he ever said to me," Millard said after he finished his tale.

"I thought I'd lost him a long time ago...back when I was just a teenager...we were attacked, my entire family, out on the Outer Rim...I remember we had to leave Trent behind...he was only 10 at the time...

"But," He said, smiling ruefully, "I suppose I did get to see him, one last time.

"Come...it is time for dinner. And then I must be off as well. I have matters to attend to, also."

Oct 16th, 2002, 01:37:52 PM
I held your father as he died...

With this, Sasha's eyes averted to the ground, coming back only to study the ring he so often played with. At least his father had not died alone. And at least he had died in the presence of his brother. In this, Sasha felt some relief.

As the tale was recounted, his eyes lifted to watch the expressions on his uncle's face. Oddly, he could almost see every detail of all that had occurred. Could see how his father had fought, could see him as he took the last breaths of life.

When the tale finished, Millard explained a bit of how they had come to be separated. So his father had lived his life without his father as well. His rueful expression matched that of his uncle.

As dinner was suggested, he gave a last glance to the spot where his father had stood. His violet eyes cast a longing glance before they turned away. He would come back. Time and time again, he would come. If only to be able to be in the spot where once he had seen his father.

As they began to walk off, the young Sith sighed softly.

"I dont know how to thank you." He stated, his gaze moving to look to the man he had met only a few hours ago. The man that now had so much more significance to him than just being the man who might be able to help him find his father.

"I never thought I'd know...." His words trailed off.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2002, 02:09:41 PM
"Neither did I," Millard replied as the two made it back to the castle, "But discovering something new can be a wonderful thing.

"I never knew my brother had a son. And now I have a nephew."

It was then Tomar ran up to Millard, a letter in hand.

"Sir this was left for you...it's from Lok."

Taylor looked at Tomar, then nodded.

"If you will excuse me for a moment, I have something to read," he took a few steps away as his eyes glanced over the letter.

Then he closed his eyes as if he'd had his heart wrenched out.

Oct 16th, 2002, 02:31:59 PM
His questions, one by one were being answered. He looked to this man, seeing in him the blue eyes he had seen of his father.

It was then that they were interrupted by Tomar, who handed what seemed to be a rather urgent letter to Millard.

Sasha stood back, sending a quick glance in Tomar's direction before he looked back to his uncle. In a quick flash, only a brief moment, Sasha felt the anguish of the man before him.

His violet eyes shifted momentarily to the ground, then back to Millard's back. He didnt know the man well enough to say anything just yet. But his concern was there on the surface, and he waited in a respectful silence for his Uncle to process whatever horrible information the letter contained.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:04:27 PM
"Find MMU," Millard ordered Tomar, "Have him prep The Rascal King."

"You're going after her?" his second in command asked.

"She's my fiance, Tomar. Lupine or not...she's the one I love. She wouldn't do this if she wasn't afraid of herself. This affects my love for her, as much as, her being a LS addict and a smuggler. Not at all.

"I'll have a briefing for you in an hour. Dismissed."

Tomar turned and left.

"I apologize Sasha," Millard said, still clutching the letter, "I've...had something happen."

Oct 16th, 2002, 07:04:23 PM
He learned more about his uncle in the few seconds that had passed than he ever would have learned otherwise.

"Thats ok." Sasha replied, his eyes carrying his concern for his uncle.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked, the tone of his voice earnest. Though he did not know Taylor Millard well, this was his uncle, his father's brother. A man who sought to follow the last words of his dying brother. The young sith would do this as well.

He would honor his family.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:08:00 PM
"Right now, no, there isn't. However, do do this," he said after a moments thought.

"If you ever hear any information about vornskr attacks on anyone, not just Force Users, on planets where vornskrs are not indiginous...then call me."

He handed Sasha a card with a frequency on it.

"It goes straight to me. I would appreciate that greatly. Keep your ears open for anything. Even if it's only a rumor...I would like to know."

Oct 16th, 2002, 08:25:44 PM
Sasha accepted the card, tucking it into the inner pockets of the coat he wore. The pocket where once he had kept the data pad given to him by Wargrave.

"Yes, Sir, I'll do that." He replied, nodding as he took in the information about vornskyr attacks.

His glanced back to the gardens for a moment, then back to his uncle.

"If something comes up and you need...anything..." He pulled a pen from his pocket, and scribbled down a voicemail where he could at least check messages at almost any time.

The order, he knew, would most always know where to find him, but he wasnt ready to tell them about Millard just yet. He wasnt ready to tell anyone.

May the force be with you... He thought as he watched his uncle. There was pain in his expresison, it seemed to Sasha, though it was clear his uncle sought to remain calm and as clearheaded as possible.