View Full Version : The Hunt Begins...(Open)

Attalia Antioch
Oct 3rd, 2002, 03:49:03 PM
Recently coming out of cryogenic freezing, Attalia breaths slowly....how it felt so delightful to be free once again into the world he wondered if he would ever see again.

Years ago he had been put away in cryogenic freezing as a punishment for his evil deeds. He was sent there by a Jedi...a no good Jedi. Now, alive, well...and free again, feeling unlike he has never felt before, Attalia begins his hunt...to seek revenge on the one that he knows better than any man in the universe could ever imagine...

Moving towards a town he came across, Attalia found a bar.

Always a good source of information he thought to himself

Opening the door and slowly walking inside, he watched everyone around carefully. Surely no one knew who he was...but that would change in due time. Grabbing a seat at the bar, he sat down for a moment. It was time for his hunt to begin soon...but first he must learn about these changed times.

It's only a matter of time... he told himself ....only a matter of time until I find that Jedi....and enjoy every moment of ripping him apart. Soon...Obiwan2 Kenobi WILL be mine....

Krystal Stargazer
Oct 4th, 2002, 09:49:08 AM
::Chugging her Corellian whiskey in a huge gulp, Krystal wiped her lips with the sleeve of her cloak. Not very ladylike but nevertheless, she did not care. When suddenly, a huge dark figure entered the bar catching Krystal's attention. Grabbing a credit chit, she threw it down on the bar. Once again, going for her glass of whiskey for one more swig. ::

::The female sith rose from her stool and slammed the whiskey glass on the barcounter, her eyes narrowed as her mind schemed on her first move. Slowly making her way to the dark figure, her blood red cloak gracefully glided across the floor. At first her eyes met the unknown man for a mere moment. Her lips pursed with a mischievous smirk as she took her right hand and glided it along his muscular back. Krystal now stopped to the other side of him and gently whispered in his ear::

What's a strong man like you doing in a place like this? Looks like you are looking for someone. Maybe I can help you or be that person.

Attalia Antioch
Oct 5th, 2002, 07:57:33 AM
Attalia grabbed a beer and began to drink as he looked around from side to side for someone who had actually been outside this God-forsaken city. It looked like he had picked a rather poor location for his info. Finishing up his beer, slammed the glass down on the bar counter and snurled slightly.

He had about decided to leave when suddenly he noticed the lady in red in the bar. It'd been a while sine he had been with a female. Or even seen one for that matter. Attalia watched her briefly until she made eye contact with him. He then turned away, grabbing another beer.

Making her way towards him, he noticed she was running her hand across his back. As she whispered in his ear, Attalia snarled and slowly turned his head to her.

And what makes you think you have what I'm looking for, Woman? he asked

Krystal Stargazer
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:57:34 AM
::Krystal responded with a mischievous grin then in a sultry tone::

Why aren't I a woman? Isn't that something a fella always is looking for.

::She noticed Attalia did not appreciate her response. But did she really care?! Placing her hand on his strong muscular chest::

In all seriousness fella, the name is Krystal Stargazer. It just seems to me you are new to these parts. So excuse me for trying to be friendly.

::Blunt and to the point was Krystal's comments. But, you can say curiousity got this cat, as she wanted to know more about this mysterious man::

Attalia Antioch
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:11:58 AM
Using his arm to wipe his mouth, Attalia turned to her, his head tilted down slightly, and smirked. He couldn't quite put a finger on it but there was something about her he liked. Looking down at her hand briefly, he turned back to her. Sitting down his beer to call for yet another, he explained Well, Woman, it just so happens that you're right in your assumption. I am looking for someone. Or more specifically, something

Taking a swig of his beer, he paused for a moment

I'm looking for a Jedi by the name of Obiwan2 Kenobi. So, Sugar, if you happen to know where I might find him, I might keep you around. Otherwise, I've got no need for you He said uncaringly as he went back to his beer, staring straight ahead at the wall.

Krystal Stargazer
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:37:16 AM
Something??? I didn't know a Jedi is a THING!!

::Krystal laughed sarcastically::


::Rubbing her hand underneath her chin, in a fake contemplating look. Krystal was actually scheming once again::

Let's say I MAY know of this here Jedi you mentioned and where you can find him, Fella. What's it worth to ya?

::Her eyes narrowed with a very knowingly look on her face. One that showed she knew where one could find the Jedis, but most certainly wasn't going to just tell him for free.::

Attalia Antioch
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:46:22 AM
Attalia immediately slammed his beer down onto the bar and turned to her at her words. He clinched his teeth tight and stood up, towering above her. He was very well built and very strong. Placing his nose right into her face, he suddenly became very impatient. Not appreciating the look she was giving him at all nor this playful attitude, he turned to his left, raising his arm up and using the force to lift two tables and smash them together in the bar. It was clear his rage was filling him. Almost growling, he slowly turned back as his piercing gaze met her eyes.

What do you want...Woman? I have no time for your games