View Full Version : Meeting a new friend (Makoto)

Dellir Optum
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:33:14 PM
In The Red Eye, in Curscant's steamy underworld, a new figure lurked. Now he leaned againt a wall within the club, his hands buried deep into his long black duster's pockets. His face was concealed by a black plastisteel mask, in the shape of an old shield. The mask was completely smooth, giving the visage of facelessness. Dellir brushed his hiar out of the front of the faceplate and shifted slightly. He seemed to be waiting on something, or someone...

Makoto Neosis
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:40:46 PM
Outside the club, several dozens of partrons lined up trying to get into the building for the annual dance night. One figure amongst them, a tall masculine fellow, stood calmly as the guards patted him down for weapons.

He had one on him, several actually, but his skills kept them descrete from their pats. Nodding as the bouncer waved Mako forward, the Sniper entered the bar with nothing more than a slight smile.

Retreating to teh back, away from the crowds and the brunt of the moshing. Makoto continuously glanced around at the patrons' faces, he had a writ from a customer to seek out a certain individual and 'dispose' of him or her properly. Before sitting, Mako stopped at the bar and grabbed a quick Vodka before shoving a pimpsqueak out of a chair and sitting in it himself.

"Tall, Blonde hair, blue eyes and a sword tattoo on his left arm," Makoto slowly and quietly spoke to himself, scanning the crouds for his target and unwelcomed visitors...

Dellir Optum
Oct 3rd, 2002, 04:54:54 AM
Dell watched the figure come in. His eyes tracked every movement of Makoto's sinewy flesh. Once he sat down, Dell went into action. He reached down, into his duster, and pulled out a small cylinder. He unscrewed the lid from it, and removed 4 or 5 metal pieces. These he slipped otgether to from a small but effective pistol. Into the small revolving chamber, he pressed 4 Galler 3.5s, long, skinny, old-style bullets with a tip coated in acid and nerve poison. Primitive, but much more effectvie than the blasters of today, though there was something to be said for them. He flipped the gun around, so that the barrel was up his sleeve and the handle was concealed by his fist. His other hand reached up and gently rubbed a small place in the mask. There was a slight flash on the interior, and a multitude of verious display and view options came up, lighting the interior of the faceplate. On the front, a face was painted using carefully mapped holo-projectors. The face was generic, but mirrored Dellir's expressions. He subvocalized what he wanted into the 'plate, switching the view to heat-sensitive, so he could see weapons on anyone who approached him. The view switched, and his world was suddenly a blue abyss filled with pulsing red and orange beings. He walked slowly backwards, around the crowd, and came up on Makoto, flipping the gun silently in his palm. He pressed it gently against Makoto's spine, about halfway down. The other hand he laid on his shoulder, pressing hard into the small cavity behind the tip of Mako's collarbone with his thumb. He leaned down and whispered into Makoto's ear. "Well, well. If it isn't Neosis. Fancy meeting you here, old buddy. Who sent you?" With each word his increased the pressure from his thumb.

Makoto Neosis
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:04:36 AM
Makoto stiffened slightly when the barrel pressed against his back and relaxed when the hand came in. "I'm not here to spray your brain matter across the nine-hells," He replied, moving one hand down to his right pocket.

"Actually, I'm after someone else. Tall, Blonde, Blue eyes with a tattoo on his arm, seen em?" Calm and collective, tis' was Makoto. The pressure from Dellir's thumb was causing no effect, why? because Makoto wore a special unit suit under his own clothing which provided a 'sheild' against phsyical attempts and at the same time kept bullet wounds to the minimum.

"It's none of your concern who sent me, though. So why dont you put that gun back in wherever it came from before I have to do something.. drastic."

Dellir Optum
Oct 3rd, 2002, 09:20:35 AM
Dellir grinned slightly under the mask. He let out a low hiss. "Ahh, drastic. If I remember correctly, the last time you did something drastic we ended up in a cell. I'll leave it here for the moment. As for your target, leave him be. You won't find him...well...maybe you will, but not the way you want him..." Dellir pulled his hand off of his accomplice's shoulder and put it into his own pocket, pulling from it a small black roll of cloth. He unrolled it, and layed its contents before Makoto. It was a piece of human flesh, etched with black and red ink in the shape of a long sword, with two mechanical snakes intertwining around it. The edge of the skin was black. It waso bvious it had been burned away from the shoulder of it's former owner. "See what I mean? It's for a Twi'lek. He collects...odd things, to say the least."

Makoto Neosis
Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:26:24 PM
"Optum, You a$$. How much did he offer you for the kill?" Makoto chuckled, removing his hand from the pocket and placing both on the table near the souvineer and eyeing it with interest. It was unknown to the two Experts that another watched from across the club with uncanny interest, sometimes moving to talk to another but keeping his eyes well on the Assassin and Marksman.

"Frell that, You still got them nanocommunications in you?"